예제 #1
    def display_status(self):
        Display current status

        delta = self.state['end_time'] - self.state['start_time']
        self.state['cumulated'] += delta

        # Every estimate-every chunk, we revise our progress indicator
        cur = int(self.state['done'] / self.options['step'])
        last = int(
            (self.state['done'] - self.state['nb']) / self.options['step'])
        cur /= self.options['estimate-every']
        last /= self.options['estimate-every']
        self.state['remaining'] -= self.state['nb']
        if cur != last:
            old = self.state['remaining']
            self.state['remaining'] = self.count(self.state['since'])
            self.state['drift'] = self.state['remaining'] - old
            self.state['cumulated_drift'] += self.state['drift']

        remaining = self.state['remaining']
        drift = self.state['cumulated_drift']
        if not drift:
            total = self.state['initial']
            drift_rate = float(drift) / self.state['done']
            if drift_rate > 1.0:
                print "!!WARNING!! Drift rate is >1.0. Operation will never finish."
            # We need to compute a sum of a serie, since everytime
            # we'll index n items, we'll get drift_rate * n additional
            # items
            # So we need : sum_n=0^+oo (drift_rate^k) * remaining
            # Which is ... 1/(1-drift_rate) * remaining, as we all know
            cumulated_drift_rate = 1 / (1 - drift_rate)
            total = self.state['initial'] * cumulated_drift_rate
            drift_estimated = remaining * cumulated_drift_rate

        done = self.state['done']
        percent = total and (done * 100.0 / total) or 100.0
        cumulated = self.state['cumulated']

        utils.print_eta(percent, cumulated)

        if drift:
            print " -> %d done, drift rate : %.2f, estimated total: %d, actual remaining: %d, estimated remaining: %d" % (
                done, drift_rate, total, remaining, drift_estimated)
예제 #2
    def display_status(self):
        Display current status

        delta = self.state['end_time'] - self.state['start_time']
        self.state['cumulated'] += delta

        # Every estimate-every chunk, we revise our progress indicator
        cur = int(self.state['done'] / self.options['step'])
        last = int((self.state['done'] - self.state['nb']) / self.options['step'])
        cur /= self.options['estimate-every']
        last /= self.options['estimate-every']
        self.state['remaining'] -= self.state['nb']
        if cur != last:
            old = self.state['remaining']
            self.state['remaining'] = self.count(self.state['since'])
            self.state['drift'] = self.state['remaining'] - old
            self.state['cumulated_drift'] += self.state['drift']

        remaining = self.state['remaining']
        drift = self.state['cumulated_drift']
        if not drift:
            total = self.state['initial']
            drift_rate = float(drift) / self.state['done']
            if drift_rate > 1.0:
                print "!!WARNING!! Drift rate is >1.0. Operation will never finish."
            # We need to compute a sum of a serie, since everytime
            # we'll index n items, we'll get drift_rate * n additional
            # items
            # So we need : sum_n=0^+oo (drift_rate^k) * remaining
            # Which is ... 1/(1-drift_rate) * remaining, as we all know
            cumulated_drift_rate = 1/(1-drift_rate)
            total = self.state['initial'] * cumulated_drift_rate
            drift_estimated = remaining * cumulated_drift_rate

        done = self.state['done']
        percent = total and (done * 100.0 / total) or 100.0
        cumulated = self.state['cumulated']

        utils.print_eta(percent, cumulated)

        if drift:
            print " -> %d done, drift rate : %.2f, estimated total: %d, actual remaining: %d, estimated remaining: %d" % (done, drift_rate, total, remaining, drift_estimated)
예제 #3
    def process_table(self, table):
        Process on given table

        cursor = config.orm.cursor()
        query = 'SELECT min(id), max(id) FROM %s WHERE %s IS NULL' % (table,
        start_time = time.time()
        idmin, idmax = cursor.fetchone()
        if idmin and idmax:
            print "Processing table %s from id %d to %d" % (table, idmin, idmax)
            start = idmin
            while start <= idmax:
                end = min(start + self.options['step'], idmax) + 1
                self.iteration(table, start, end)
                start = end
                timedelta = time.time() - start_time
                percent = float(start - idmin - 1) / float(idmax - idmin) * 100.0
                print_eta(percent, timedelta)
            print "Table %s is good, nothing to do" % table