예제 #1
def pubkeyhash_to_pubkey(pubkeyhash, provided_pubkeys=None):
    # Search provided pubkeys.
    if provided_pubkeys:
        if type(provided_pubkeys) != list:
            provided_pubkeys = [provided_pubkeys]
        for pubkey in provided_pubkeys:
            if pubkeyhash == script.pubkey_to_pubkeyhash(util.unhexlify(pubkey)):
                return pubkey

    # Search blockchain.
    raw_transactions = searchrawtransactions(pubkeyhash, unconfirmed=True)
    for tx in raw_transactions:
        for vin in tx["vin"]:
            scriptsig = vin["scriptSig"]
            asm = scriptsig["asm"].split(" ")
            if len(asm) >= 2:
                pubkey = asm[1]
                if pubkeyhash == script.pubkey_to_pubkeyhash(util.unhexlify(pubkey)):
                    return pubkey

    raise UnknownPubKeyError("Public key was neither provided nor published in blockchain.")
예제 #2
def get_pubkey_monosig(pubkeyhash, pubkey_resolver=input_pubkey):
    if wallet.is_valid(pubkeyhash):

        # If in wallet, get from wallet.
        logging.debug('Looking for public key for `{}` in wallet.'.format(pubkeyhash))
        if wallet.is_mine(pubkeyhash):
            pubkey = wallet.get_pubkey(pubkeyhash)
            if pubkey:
                return pubkey
        logging.debug('Public key for `{}` not found in wallet.'.format(pubkeyhash))

        # If in blockchain (and not in wallet), get from blockchain.
        logging.debug('Looking for public key for `{}` in blockchain.'.format(pubkeyhash))
            pubkey = util.api('search_pubkey', {'pubkeyhash': pubkeyhash, 'provided_pubkeys': None})
        except util.RPCError as e:
            pubkey = None
        if pubkey:
            return pubkey
        logging.debug('Public key for `{}` not found in blockchain.'.format(pubkeyhash))

        # If not in wallet and not in blockchain, get from user.
        answer = pubkey_resolver(pubkeyhash)
        if not answer:
            return None

        # Public Key or Private Key?
        is_fully_valid_pubkey = True
            is_fully_valid_pubkey = script.is_fully_valid(binascii.unhexlify(answer))
        except binascii.Error:
            is_fully_valid_pubkey = False
        if is_fully_valid_pubkey:
            logging.debug('Answer was a fully valid public key.')
            pubkey = answer
            logging.debug('Answer was not a fully valid public key. Assuming answer was a private key.')
            private_key = answer
                pubkey = script.private_key_to_public_key(private_key)
            except script.AltcoinSupportError:
                raise InputError('invalid private key')
        if pubkeyhash != script.pubkey_to_pubkeyhash(binascii.unhexlify(bytes(pubkey, 'utf-8'))):
            raise InputError('provided public or private key does not match the source address')

        return pubkey

    return None
예제 #3
    def decode_checkmultisig(asm):
        pubkeys, signatures_required = script.get_checkmultisig(asm)
        chunk = b''
        for pubkey in pubkeys[:-1]:     # (No data in last pubkey.)
            chunk += pubkey[1:-1]       # Skip sign byte and nonce byte.
        chunk = arc4_decrypt(chunk)
        if chunk[1:len(config.PREFIX) + 1] == config.PREFIX:        # Data
            # Padding byte in each output (instead of just in the last one) so that encoding methods may be mixed. Also, it’s just not very much data.
            chunk_length = chunk[0]
            chunk = chunk[1:chunk_length + 1]
            destination, data = None, chunk[len(config.PREFIX):]
        else:                                                       # Destination
            pubkeyhashes = [script.pubkey_to_pubkeyhash(pubkey) for pubkey in pubkeys]
            destination, data = script.construct_array(signatures_required, pubkeyhashes, len(pubkeyhashes)), None

        return destination, data