예제 #1
class Receiver:
    def __init__(self, *args):
        if len(args) != 1:  # Receiver actor expects 1 argument: its ID
            raise AssertionError(
                "Actor receiver requires 1 parameter, but got {:d}".format(len(args)))
        self.mbox = Mailbox.by_name("receiver-{:s}".format(args[0]))

    def __call__(self):
        this_actor.info("Wait for my first message")
        while True:
            received = self.mbox.get()
            this_actor.info("I got a '{:s}'.".format(received))
            if received == "finalize":
                break  # If it's a finalize message, we're done.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    e = Engine(sys.argv)

    # Load the platform description

    # Register the classes representing the actors
    e.register_actor("sender", Sender)
    e.register_actor("receiver", Receiver)


예제 #2
    # This simple example does not do anything beyond that

def privileged():
    # You can also specify the priority of your execution as follows.
    # An execution of priority 2 computes twice as fast as a regular one.
    # So instead of a half/half sharing between the two executions,
    # we get a 1/3 vs 2/3 sharing.
    this_actor.execute(98095, priority=2)

    # Note that the timings printed when executing this example are a bit misleading,
    # because the uneven sharing only last until the privileged actor ends.
    # After this point, the unprivileged one gets 100% of the CPU and finishes
    # quite quickly.

i = 0
if "--" in sys.argv:
    i = sys.argv.index("--")
e = Engine(sys.argv[0:i])
e.load_platform(sys.argv[i + 1])

Actor.create("executor", Host.by_name("Tremblay"), executor)
Actor.create("privileged", Host.by_name("Tremblay"), privileged)
