예제 #1
def test_move(state, movestring):
    """ Test placing a simple tile move """
    coord, word = movestring.split(u' ')
    rowid = Board.ROWIDS
    row, col = 0, 0
    xd, yd = 0, 0
    horiz = True
    if coord[0] in rowid:
        row = rowid.index(coord[0])
        col = int(coord[1:]) - 1
        yd = 1
        row = rowid.index(coord[-1])
        col = int(coord[0:-1]) - 1
        xd = 1
        horiz = False
    move = Move(word, row, col, horiz)
    next_is_blank = False
    for c in word:
        if c == u'?':
            next_is_blank = True
        if not state.board().is_covered(row, col):
            move.add_cover(row, col, u'?' if next_is_blank else c, c)
            next_is_blank = False
        row += xd
        col += yd
    legal = state.check_legality(move)
    if legal != Error.LEGAL:
        print(u"Play is not legal, code {0}".format(Error.errortext(legal)))
        return False
    print(u"Play {0} is legal and scores {1} points".format(move, state.score(move)))
    return True
예제 #2
    def accept(self, matched, final):
        """ Called to inform the navigator of a match and whether it is a final word """
        if final and len(matched) > 1 and (self._index >= Board.SIZE or

            # Solution found - make a Move object for it and add it to the AutoPlayer's list
            ix = self._index - len(matched) # The word's starting index within the axis
            row, col = self._axis.coordinate_of(ix)
            xd, yd = self._axis.coordinate_step()
            move = Move(matched, row, col, self._axis.is_horizontal())
            # Fetch the rack as it was at the beginning of move generation
            autoplayer = self._axis._autoplayer
            rack = autoplayer.rack()
            tiles = u''
            for c in matched:
                if self._axis.is_empty(ix):
                    # Empty square that is being covered by this move
                    # Find out whether it is a blank or normal letter tile
                    if c in rack:
                        rack = rack.replace(c, u'', 1)
                        tile = c
                        tiles += c
                        # Must be a wildcard match
                        rack = rack.replace(u'?', u'', 1)
                        tile = u'?'
                        tiles += tile + c
                    # assert row in range(Board.SIZE)
                    # assert col in range(Board.SIZE)
                    # Add this cover to the Move object
                    move.add_validated_cover(Cover(row, col, tile, c))
                    tiles += c
                ix += 1
                row += xd
                col += yd
            # Note the tiles played in the move
            # Check that we've picked off the correct number of tiles
            # assert len(rack) == len(self._rack)
예제 #3
def test_move(state, movestring):
    """ Test placing a simple tile move """
    coord, word = movestring.split(u' ')
    rowid = Board.ROWIDS
    xd, yd = 0, 0
    horiz = True
    if coord[0] in rowid:
        row = rowid.index(coord[0])
        col = int(coord[1:]) - 1
        yd = 1
        row = rowid.index(coord[-1])
        col = int(coord[0:-1]) - 1
        xd = 1
        horiz = False
    move = Move(word, row, col, horiz)
    next_is_blank = False
    for c in word:
        if c == u'?':
            next_is_blank = True
        if not state.board().is_covered(row, col):
            move.add_cover(row, col, u'?' if next_is_blank else c, c)
            next_is_blank = False
        row += xd
        col += yd
    legal = state.check_legality(move)
    msg = ""
    if isinstance(legal, tuple):
        legal, msg = legal
    if legal != Error.LEGAL:
        print(u"Play is not legal, code {0} {1}".format(
            Error.errortext(legal), msg))
        return False
    print(u"Play {0} is legal and scores {1} points".format(
        move, state.score(move)))
    return True
예제 #4
    def accept(self, matched, final):
        """ Called to inform the navigator of a match and whether it is a final word """
        # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
        if (final and len(matched) > 1 and
            (self._index >= Board.SIZE or self._axis.is_empty(self._index))):

            # Solution found - make a Move object for it and add it to the AutoPlayer's list
            ix = self._index - len(
                matched)  # The word's starting index within the axis
            row, col = self._axis.coordinate_of(ix)
            xd, yd = self._axis.coordinate_step()
            move = Move(matched, row, col, self._axis.is_horizontal())
            # Fetch the rack as it was at the beginning of move generation
            autoplayer = self._axis.autoplayer
            rack = autoplayer.rack()
            tiles = u""
            for c in matched:
                if self._axis.is_empty(ix):
                    # Empty square that is being covered by this move
                    # Find out whether it is a blank or normal letter tile
                    if c in rack:
                        rack = rack.replace(c, u"", 1)
                        tile = c
                        tiles += c
                        # Must be a wildcard match
                        rack = rack.replace(u"?", u"", 1)
                        tile = u"?"
                        tiles += tile + c
                    # assert row in range(Board.SIZE)
                    # assert col in range(Board.SIZE)
                    # Add this cover to the Move object
                    move.add_validated_cover(Cover(row, col, tile, c))
                    tiles += c
                ix += 1
                row += xd
                col += yd
            # Note the tiles played in the move
            # Check that we've picked off the correct number of tiles
            # assert len(rack) == len(self._rack)
예제 #5
    def _load_locked(cls, uuid, use_cache = True):
        """ Load an existing game from cache or persistent storage under lock """

        gm = GameModel.fetch(uuid, use_cache)
        if gm is None:
            # A game with this uuid is not found in the database: give up
            return None

        # Initialize a new Game instance with a pre-existing uuid
        game = cls(uuid)

        # Set the timestamps
        game.timestamp = gm.timestamp
        game.ts_last_move = gm.ts_last_move
        if game.ts_last_move is None:
            # If no last move timestamp, default to the start of the game
            game.ts_last_move = game.timestamp

        # Initialize the preferences
        game._preferences = gm.prefs

        # Initialize a fresh, empty state with no tiles drawn into the racks
        game.state = State(drawtiles = False)

        # A player_id of None means that the player is an autoplayer (robot)
        game.player_ids[0] = None if gm.player0 is None else gm.player0.id()
        game.player_ids[1] = None if gm.player1 is None else gm.player1.id()

        game.robot_level = gm.robot_level

        # Load the initial racks
        game.initial_racks[0] = gm.irack0
        game.initial_racks[1] = gm.irack1

        # Load the current racks
        game.state.set_rack(0, gm.rack0)
        game.state.set_rack(1, gm.rack1)

        # Process the moves
        player = 0
        # mx = 0 # Move counter for debugging/logging
        for mm in gm.moves:

            # mx += 1
            # logging.info(u"Game move {0} tiles '{3}' score is {1}:{2}".format(mx, game.state._scores[0], game.state._scores[1], mm.tiles).encode("latin-1"))

            m = None
            if mm.coord:

                # Normal tile move
                # Decode the coordinate: A15 = horizontal, 15A = vertical
                if mm.coord[0] in Board.ROWIDS:
                    row = Board.ROWIDS.index(mm.coord[0])
                    col = int(mm.coord[1:]) - 1
                    horiz = True
                    row = Board.ROWIDS.index(mm.coord[-1])
                    col = int(mm.coord[0:-1]) - 1
                    horiz = False
                # The tiles string may contain wildcards followed by their meaning
                # Remove the ? marks to get the "plain" word formed
                if mm.tiles is not None:
                    m = Move(mm.tiles.replace(u'?', u''), row, col, horiz)
                    m.make_covers(game.state.board(), mm.tiles)

            elif mm.tiles[0:4] == u"EXCH":

                # Exchange move
                m = ExchangeMove(mm.tiles[5:])

            elif mm.tiles == u"PASS":

                # Pass move
                m = PassMove()

            elif mm.tiles == u"RSGN":

                # Game resigned
                m = ResignMove(- mm.score)

            assert m is not None
            if m:
                # Do a "shallow apply" of the move, which updates
                # the board and internal state variables but does
                # not modify the bag or the racks
                game.state.apply_move(m, True)
                # Append to the move history
                game.moves.append(MoveTuple(player, m, mm.rack, mm.timestamp))
                player = 1 - player

        # Find out what tiles are now in the bag

        # Account for the final tiles in the rack and overtime, if any
        if game.is_over():
            if not gm.over:
                # The game was not marked as over when we loaded it from
                # the datastore, but it is over now. One of the players must
                # have lost on overtime. We need to update the persistent state.

        return game
예제 #6
파일: netskrafl.py 프로젝트: borgar/Skrafl
def _process_move(movecount, movelist):
    """ Process a move from the client (the human player)
        Returns True if OK or False if the move was illegal

    game = Game.current()

    if game is None:
        # !!! TODO: more informative error message about relogging in
        return jsonify(result=Error.NULL_MOVE)

    # Make sure the client is in sync with the server:
    # check the move count
    if movecount != game.num_moves():
        return jsonify(result=Error.OUT_OF_SYNC)

    # Parse the move from the movestring we got back
    m = Move(u'', 0, 0)
        for mstr in movelist:
            if mstr == u"pass":
                # Pass move
                m = PassMove()
            if mstr[0:5] == u"exch=":
                # Exchange move
                m = ExchangeMove(mstr[5:])
            if mstr == u"rsgn":
                # Resign from game, forfeiting all points
                m = ResignMove(game.state.scores()[game.player_index])
            sq, tile = mstr.split(u'=')
            row = u"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO".index(sq[0])
            col = int(sq[1:]) - 1
            if tile[0] == u'?':
                # If the blank tile is played, the next character contains
                # its meaning, i.e. the letter it stands for
                letter = tile[1]
                tile = tile[0]
                letter = tile
            # print(u"Cover: row {0} col {1}".format(row, col))
            m.add_cover(row, col, tile, letter)
    except Exception as e:
        logging.info(u"Exception in _process_move(): {0}".format(e).encode("latin-1"))
        m = None

    # Process the move string here
    err = game.state.check_legality(m)

    if err != Error.LEGAL:
        # Something was wrong with the move:
        # show the user a corresponding error message
        return jsonify(result=err)

    # Move is OK: register it and update the state

    # Respond immediately with an autoplayer move
    # (can be a bit time consuming if rack has one or two blank tiles)
    if not game.state.is_game_over():

    if game.state.is_game_over():
        # If the game is now over, tally the final score

    # Make sure the new game state is persistently recorded

    # Return a state update to the client (board, rack, score, movelist, etc.)
    return jsonify(game.client_state())
예제 #7
파일: netskrafl.py 프로젝트: borgar/Skrafl
    def load(cls, uuid, username):

        """ Load an already existing game from persistent storage """

        gm = GameModel.fetch(uuid)
        if gm is None:
            # A game with this uuid is not found in the database: give up
            return None

        # Initialize a new Game instance with a pre-existing uuid
        game = cls(uuid)

        game.username = username
        game.state = State(drawtiles = False)

        if gm.player0 is None:
            # Player 0 is an Autoplayer
            game.player_index = 1 # Human (local) player is 1
            assert gm.player1 is None
            game.player_index = 0 # Human (local) player is 0

        game.state.set_player_name(game.player_index, username)
        game.state.set_player_name(1 - game.player_index, u"Netskrafl")

        # Load the current racks

        # Process the moves
        player = 0
        for mm in gm.moves:

            m = None
            if mm.coord:

                # Normal tile move
                # Decode the coordinate: A15 = horizontal, 15A = vertical
                if mm.coord[0] in Board.ROWIDS:
                    row = Board.ROWIDS.index(mm.coord[0])
                    col = int(mm.coord[1:]) - 1
                    horiz = True
                    row = Board.ROWIDS.index(mm.coord[-1])
                    col = int(mm.coord[0:-1]) - 1
                    horiz = False
                # The tiles string may contain wildcards followed by their meaning
                # Remove the ? marks to get the "plain" word formed
                m = Move(mm.tiles.replace(u'?', u''), row, col, horiz)
                m.make_covers(game.state.board(), mm.tiles)

            elif mm.tiles[0:4] == u"EXCH":

                # Exchange move
                m = ExchangeMove(mm.tiles[5:])

            elif mm.tiles == u"PASS":

                # Pass move
                m = PassMove()

            elif mm.tiles == u"RSGN":

                # Game resigned
                m = ResignMove(- mm.score)

            assert m is not None
            if m:
                # Do a "shallow apply" of the move, which updates
                # the board and internal state variables but does
                # not modify the bag or the racks
                game.state.apply_move(m, True)
                # Append to the move history
                game.moves.append((player, m))
                player = 1 - player

        # If the moves were correctly applied, the scores should match
        assert game.state._scores[0] == gm.score0
        assert game.state._scores[1] == gm.score1

        # Find out what tiles are now in the bag

        # Cache the game so it can be looked up by user id
        user = User.current()
        if user is not None:
            Game._cache[user.id()] = game
        return game
예제 #8
    def _load_locked(cls, uuid, use_cache=True):
        """ Load an existing game from cache or persistent storage under lock """

        gm = GameModel.fetch(uuid, use_cache)
        if gm is None:
            # A game with this uuid is not found in the database: give up
            return None

        # Initialize a new Game instance with a pre-existing uuid
        game = cls(uuid)

        # Set the timestamps
        game.timestamp = gm.timestamp
        game.ts_last_move = gm.ts_last_move
        if game.ts_last_move is None:
            # If no last move timestamp, default to the start of the game
            game.ts_last_move = game.timestamp

        # Initialize the preferences
        game._preferences = gm.prefs

        # Initialize a fresh, empty state with no tiles drawn into the racks
        game.state = State(drawtiles=False, tileset=game.tileset)

        # A player_id of None means that the player is an autoplayer (robot)
        game.player_ids[0] = None if gm.player0 is None else gm.player0.id()
        game.player_ids[1] = None if gm.player1 is None else gm.player1.id()

        game.robot_level = gm.robot_level

        # Load the initial racks
        game.initial_racks[0] = gm.irack0
        game.initial_racks[1] = gm.irack1

        # Load the current racks
        game.state.set_rack(0, gm.rack0)
        game.state.set_rack(1, gm.rack1)

        # Process the moves
        player = 0
        # mx = 0 # Move counter for debugging/logging
        for mm in gm.moves:

            # mx += 1
            # logging.info(u"Game move {0} tiles '{3}' score is {1}:{2}".format(mx, game.state._scores[0], game.state._scores[1], mm.tiles).encode("latin-1"))

            m = None
            if mm.coord:

                # Normal tile move
                # Decode the coordinate: A15 = horizontal, 15A = vertical
                if mm.coord[0] in Board.ROWIDS:
                    row = Board.ROWIDS.index(mm.coord[0])
                    col = int(mm.coord[1:]) - 1
                    horiz = True
                    row = Board.ROWIDS.index(mm.coord[-1])
                    col = int(mm.coord[0:-1]) - 1
                    horiz = False
                # The tiles string may contain wildcards followed by their meaning
                # Remove the ? marks to get the "plain" word formed
                if mm.tiles is not None:
                    m = Move(mm.tiles.replace(u'?', u''), row, col, horiz)
                    m.make_covers(game.state.board(), mm.tiles)

            elif mm.tiles[0:4] == u"EXCH":

                # Exchange move
                m = ExchangeMove(mm.tiles[5:])

            elif mm.tiles == u"PASS":

                # Pass move
                m = PassMove()

            elif mm.tiles == u"RSGN":

                # Game resigned
                m = ResignMove(-mm.score)

            assert m is not None
            if m:
                # Do a "shallow apply" of the move, which updates
                # the board and internal state variables but does
                # not modify the bag or the racks
                game.state.apply_move(m, True)
                # Append to the move history
                game.moves.append(MoveTuple(player, m, mm.rack, mm.timestamp))
                player = 1 - player

        # Find out what tiles are now in the bag

        # Account for the final tiles in the rack and overtime, if any
        if game.is_over():
            if not gm.over:
                # The game was not marked as over when we loaded it from
                # the datastore, but it is over now. One of the players must
                # have lost on overtime. We need to update the persistent state.

        return game