예제 #1
 def analyze(self, ptr_from: ReferencePointer, ptr_to: ReferencePointer,  # noqa: D
             data_service: DataService, changes: Iterable[Change]) -> [Comment]:
     self._log.info("analyze %s %s", ptr_from.commit, ptr_to.commit)
     comments = []
     parser = TokenParser(stem_threshold=100, single_shot=True)
     words = autocorrect.word.KNOWN_WORDS.copy()
         for name in self.model.names:
             if len(name) >= 3:
         for change in changes:
             suggestions = defaultdict(list)
             new_lines = set(find_new_lines(change.base, change.head))
             for node in bblfsh.filter(change.head.uast, "//*[@roleIdentifier]"):
                 if node.start_position is not None and node.start_position.line in new_lines:
                     for part in parser.split(node.token):
                         if part not in self.model.names:
                             fixed = autocorrect.spell(part)
                             if fixed != part:
                                     (node.token, part, fixed))
             for line, s in suggestions.items():
                 comment = Comment()
                 comment.file = change.head.path
                 comment.text = "\n".join("`%s`: %s > %s" % fix for fix in s)
                 comment.line = line
                 comment.confidence = 100
         autocorrect.word.KNOWN_WORDS = words
     return comments
예제 #2
def remove_non_typos(dataset: str, filtered_dataset: str) -> None:
    Remove non-typo-ed identifiers from the dataset.

    1. Remove examples, where token splits of the wrong and the correct identifiers are equal \
       (they differ in non-alpha chars or casing).
    2. Remove examples, where wrong and correct identifiers are equal on lemmas level.

    :param dataset: Path to the dataset.
    :param filtered_dataset: Path to save the filtered dataset to.
    data = pandas.read_csv(dataset, header=0, usecols=[0, 1], names=["wrong", "correct"],

    # Filter examples with equal splits
    tp = TokenParser(min_split_length=1, stem_threshold=400, single_shot=True,
                     max_token_length=400, attach_upper=True)
    data["wrong_split"] = data["wrong"].apply(lambda x: " ".join(tp.split(x)))
    data["correct_split"] = data["correct"].apply(lambda x: " ".join(tp.split(x)))
    data = data[data["wrong_split"] != data["correct_split"]]

    os.system("python3 -m spacy download en")
    nlp = spacy.load("en", disable=["parser", "ner"])

    # Filter examples with equal lemmas
    def _lemmatize(token):
        lemm = nlp(token)
        if len(lemm) > 1 or lemm[0].lemma_ == "-PRON-" or (
                token[-2:] == "ss" and lemm[0].lemma_ == token[:-1]):
            return token
        return lemm[0].lemma_
    data["wrong_lem"] = data["wrong_split"].apply(
        lambda x: " ".join(_lemmatize(token) for token in x.split()))
    data["correct_lem"] = data["correct_split"].apply(
        lambda x: " ".join(_lemmatize(token) for token in x.split()))
    data = data[(data["wrong_lem"] != data["correct_lem"]) &
                (data["wrong_lem"] != data["correct_split"]) &
                (data["correct_lem"] != data["wrong_split"])]

    # Save new dataset
    whole_data = pandas.read_csv(dataset, header=0, keep_default_na=False)
    whole_data = whole_data.loc[data.index]
    whole_data.to_csv(filtered_dataset, compression="xz", index=False)
예제 #3
    def reconstruct_identifier(tokenizer: TokenParser, pred_tokens: List[str], identifier: str) \
            -> str:
        Reconstruct identifier given predicted tokens and initial identifier.

        :param tokenizer: tokenizer - instance of TokenParser.
        :param pred_tokens: list of predicted tokens.
        :param identifier: identifier.
        :return: reconstructed identifier based on predicted tokens.
        identifier_l = identifier.lower()
        # check required parameters
        assert tokenizer._single_shot, "TokenParser should be initialized with " \
                                       "`single_shot=True` for IdTyposAnalyzer"
        # sanity checking
        initial_tokens = list(tokenizer.split(identifier))
        err = "Number of predicted tokens (%s) not equal to the number of tokens in the " \
              "identifier (%s) for identifier '%s', predicted_tokens '%s', tokens in identifier " \
        assert len(initial_tokens) == len(pred_tokens), \
            err % (len(initial_tokens), len(pred_tokens), identifier, pred_tokens, initial_tokens)
        # reconstruction
        res = []
        prev_end = 0
        for token, pred_token in zip(initial_tokens, pred_tokens):
            curr = identifier_l.find(token, prev_end)
            assert curr != -1, "TokenParser is broken, the subtoken `%s` was not found in the " \
                               "identifier `%s`" % (token, identifier)
            if curr != prev_end:
                # delimiter found
            if identifier[curr:curr + len(token)].isupper():
                # upper case
            elif identifier[curr:curr + len(token)][0].isupper():
                # capitalized
                res.append(pred_token[0].upper() + pred_token[1:])
            prev_end = curr + len(token)
        if prev_end != len(identifier):
            # suffix
        return "".join(res)
예제 #4
class TokenParserTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.tp = TokenParser(stem_threshold=4, max_token_length=20)
        self.tp._single_shot = False

    def test_process_token(self):
        self.tp.max_token_length = 100

        tokens = [
            ("UpperCamelCase", ["upper", "camel", "case"]),
            ("camelCase", ["camel", "case"]),
            ("FRAPScase", ["frap", "case"]),
            ("SQLThing", ["sqlt", "hing"]),
            ("_Astra", ["astra"]),
            ("CAPS_CONST", ["caps", "const"]),
            ("_something_SILLY_", ["someth", "silli"]),
            ("blink182", ["blink"]),
            ("FooBar100500Bingo", ["foo", "bar", "bingo"]),
            ("Man45var", ["man", "var"]),
            ("method_name", ["method", "name"]),
            ("Method_Name", ["method", "name"]),
            ("101dalms", ["dalm"]),
            ("101_dalms", ["dalm"]),
            ("101_DalmsBug", ["dalm", "bug"]),
            ("101_Dalms45Bug7", ["dalm", "bug"]),
            ("wdSize", ["wd", "size", "wdsize"]),
            ("Glint", ["glint"]),
            ("foo_BAR", ["foo", "bar"]),
            ("sourced.ml.algorithms.uast_ids_to_bag", [
                "sourc", "sourcedml", "algorithm", "mlalgorithm", "uast",
                "ids", "idsto", "bag", "tobag"
             ["worst", "name", "you", "can", "imagin"]),
            # Another bad example. Parser failed to parse it correctly
            ("SmallIdsToFoOo", ["small", "ids", "idsto", "fo", "oo"]),
            ("SmallIdFooo", ["small", "smallid", "fooo", "idfooo"]),
            ("ONE_M0re_.__badId.example", [
                "one", "onem", "re", "bad", "rebad", "badid", "exampl",
             ["never", "use", "such", "varsabl", "name"]),
            ("a.b.c.d", ["a", "b", "c", "d"]),
            ("A.b.Cd.E", ["a", "b", "cd", "e"]),
             ["looong", "looongsh", "loooong", "shloooong", "loooongsh"]),
            ("sh_sh_sh_sh", ["sh", "sh", "sh", "sh"]),
            ("loooong_loooong_loooong", ["loooong", "loooong", "loooong"])

        for token, correct in tokens:
            res = list(self.tp.process_token(token))
            self.assertEqual(res, correct)

    def test_process_token_single_shot(self):
        self.tp.max_token_length = 100
        self.tp._single_shot = True
        self.tp.min_split_length = 1
        tokens = [
            ("UpperCamelCase", ["upper", "camel", "case"]),
            ("camelCase", ["camel", "case"]),
            ("FRAPScase", ["frap", "case"]),
            ("SQLThing", ["sqlt", "hing"]),
            ("_Astra", ["astra"]),
            ("CAPS_CONST", ["caps", "const"]),
            ("_something_SILLY_", ["someth", "silli"]),
            ("blink182", ["blink"]),
            ("FooBar100500Bingo", ["foo", "bar", "bingo"]),
            ("Man45var", ["man", "var"]),
            ("method_name", ["method", "name"]),
            ("Method_Name", ["method", "name"]),
            ("101dalms", ["dalm"]),
            ("101_dalms", ["dalm"]),
            ("101_DalmsBug", ["dalm", "bug"]),
            ("101_Dalms45Bug7", ["dalm", "bug"]),
            ("wdSize", ["wd", "size"]),
            ("Glint", ["glint"]),
            ("foo_BAR", ["foo", "bar"]),
             ["sourc", "ml", "algorithm", "uast", "ids", "to", "bag"]),
             ["worst", "name", "you", "can", "imagin"]),
            # Another bad example. Parser failed to parse it correctly
            ("SmallIdsToFoOo", ["small", "ids", "to", "fo", "oo"]),
            ("SmallIdFooo", ["small", "id", "fooo"]),
             ["one", "m", "re", "bad", "id", "exampl"]),
             ["never", "use", "such", "varsabl", "name"]),
            ("a.b.c.d", ["a", "b", "c", "d"]),
            ("A.b.Cd.E", ["a", "b", "cd", "e"]),
            ("looong_sh_loooong_sh", ["looong", "sh", "loooong", "sh"]),
            ("sh_sh_sh_sh", ["sh", "sh", "sh", "sh"]),
            ("loooong_loooong_loooong", ["loooong", "loooong", "loooong"])

        for token, correct in tokens:
            res = list(self.tp.process_token(token))
            self.assertEqual(res, correct)

        min_split_length = 3
        self.tp.min_split_length = min_split_length
        for token, correct in tokens:
            res = list(self.tp.process_token(token))
                res, [c for c in correct if len(c) >= min_split_length])

    def test_split(self):
        self.assertEqual(list(self.tp.split("set for")), ["set", "for"])
        self.assertEqual(list(self.tp.split("set /for.")), ["set", "for"])
        self.assertEqual(list(self.tp.split("NeverHav")), ["never", "hav"])
        self.assertEqual(list(self.tp.split("PrintAll")), ["print", "all"])
                         ["print", "all", "except"])
            list(self.tp.split("print really long line")),
            # 'longli' is expected artifact due to edge effects
            ["print", "really", "long", "longli"])
        self.assertEqual(list(self.tp.split("set /for. *&PrintAll")),
                         ["set", "for", "print", "all"])
        self.assertEqual(list(self.tp.split("JumpDown not Here")),
                         ["jump", "down", "not", "here"])

        self.assertEqual(list(self.tp.split("a b c d")), ["a", "b", "c", "d"])
        self.assertEqual(list(self.tp.split("a b long c d")),
                         ["a", "b", "long", "blong", "longc", "d"])
        self.assertEqual(list(self.tp.split("AbCd")), ["ab", "cd"])

    def test_split_single_shot(self):
        self.tp._single_shot = True
        self.tp.min_split_length = 1
            list(self.tp.split("print really long line")),
            # 'longli' is expected artifact due to edge effects
            ["print", "really", "long", "li"])
        self.assertEqual(list(self.tp.split("a b c d")), ["a", "b", "c", "d"])
        self.assertEqual(list(self.tp.split("a b long c d")),
                         ["a", "b", "long", "c", "d"])
        self.assertEqual(list(self.tp.split("AbCd")), ["ab", "cd"])

    def test_stem(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.tp.stem("lol"), "lol")
        self.assertEqual(self.tp.stem("apple"), "appl")
        self.assertEqual(self.tp.stem("orange"), "orang")
        self.assertEqual(self.tp.stem("embedding"), "embed")
        self.assertEqual(self.tp.stem("Alfred"), "Alfred")
        self.assertEqual(self.tp.stem("Pluto"), "Pluto")

    def test_pickle(self):
        tp = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(self.tp))
        self.assertEqual(tp.stem("embedding"), "embed")
예제 #5
class IdTyposAnalyzer(Analyzer):
    Identifier typos analyzer.

    log = logging.getLogger("IdTyposAnalyzer")
    model_type = None
    version = 1
    description = "Corrector of typos in source code identifiers."
    corrector_manager = TyposCorrectorManager()

    INDEX_COLUMN = "index"

    def __init__(self, model: AnalyzerModel, url: str, config: Mapping[str,
        Initialize a new instance of IdTyposAnalyzer.

        :param model: The instance of the model loaded from the repository or freshly trained.
        :param url: The analyzed project's Git remote.
        :param config: Configuration of the analyzer of unspecified structure.
        super().__init__(model, url, config)
        self.model = self.corrector_manager.get(config.get("model"))
        self.n_candidates = config.get("n_candidates",
        self.confidence_threshold = config.get(
            "confidence_threshold", self.DEFAULT_CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD)
        self.parser = TokenParser(stem_threshold=40, single_shot=True)

    def analyze(self, ptr_from: ReferencePointer, ptr_to: ReferencePointer,
                data_service: DataService, **data) -> [Comment]:
        Return the list of `Comment`-s - found typo corrections.

        :param ptr_from: The Git revision of the fork point. Exists in both the original and \
                         the forked repositories.
        :param ptr_to: The Git revision to analyze. Exists only in the forked repository.
        :param data_service: The channel to the data service in Lookout server to query for \
                             UASTs, file contents, etc.
        :param data: Extra data passed into the method. Used by the decorators to simplify \
                     the data retrieval.
        :return: List of found review suggestions. Refer to \
        log = self.log
        comments = []
        changes = list(data["changes"])
        base_files_by_lang = files_by_language(c.base for c in changes)
        head_files_by_lang = files_by_language(c.head for c in changes)
        line_length = self.config.get("line_length_limit",
        for lang, head_files in head_files_by_lang.items():
            for file in filter_files(head_files, line_length, log):
                    prev_file = base_files_by_lang[lang][file.path]
                except KeyError:
                    lines = []
                    old_identifiers = set()
                    lines = find_new_lines(prev_file, file)
                    old_identifiers = {
                        for node in uast2sequence(prev_file.uast)
                        if bblfsh.role_id("IDENTIFIER") in node.roles
                        and bblfsh.role_id("IMPORT") not in node.roles
                        and node.token
                changed_nodes = extract_changed_nodes(file.uast, lines)
                new_identifiers = [
                    node for node in changed_nodes
                    if bblfsh.role_id("IDENTIFIER") in node.roles
                    and bblfsh.role_id("IMPORT") not in node.roles
                    and node.token and node.token not in old_identifiers
                if not new_identifiers:
                suggestions = self.check_identifiers(
                    [n.token for n in new_identifiers])
                for index in suggestions.keys():
                    corrections = suggestions[index]
                    for token in corrections.keys():
                        comment = Comment()
                        comment.file = file.path
                        corrections_line = " " + ", ".join(
                            "%s (%d%%)" %
                            (candidate[0], int(candidate[1] * 100))
                            for candidate in corrections[token])
                        comment.text = """
                            Possible typo in \"%s\". Suggestions:
                        ) % new_identifiers[index].token + corrections_line
                        comment.line = new_identifiers[
                        comment.confidence = int(corrections[token][0][1] *
        return comments

    def train(cls, ptr: ReferencePointer, config: dict,
              data_service: DataService, **data) -> AnalyzerModel:
        Generate a new model on top of the specified source code.

        :param ptr: Git repository state pointer.
        :param config: Configuration of the training of unspecified structure.
        :param data_service: The channel to the data service in Lookout server to query for \
                             UASTs, file contents, etc.
        :param data: Extra data passed into the method. Used by the decorators to simplify \
                     the data retrieval.
        :return: Instance of `AnalyzerModel` (`model_type`, to be precise).
        return DummyAnalyzerModel()

    def check_identifiers(
        identifiers: List[str],
    ) -> Dict[int, Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, float]]]]:
        Check tokens from identifiers for typos.

        :param identifiers: List of identifiers to check.
        :return: Dictionary of corrections grouped by ids of corresponding identifier \
                 in 'identifiers' and typoed tokens which have correction suggestions.
        df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=[self.INDEX_COLUMN, SPLIT_COLUMN])
        df[self.INDEX_COLUMN] = range(len(identifiers))
        df[SPLIT_COLUMN] = [
            " ".join(self.parser.split(i)) for i in identifiers
        df = flatten_data(df, new_column_name=TYPO_COLUMN)
        suggestions = self.model.suggest(df,
        suggestions = self.filter_suggestions(df, suggestions)
        grouped_suggestions = defaultdict(dict)
        for index, row in df.iterrows():
            if index in suggestions.keys():
                    row[TYPO_COLUMN]] = suggestions[index]
        return grouped_suggestions

    def filter_suggestions(
        test_df: pandas.DataFrame,
        suggestions: Dict[int, List[Tuple[str, float]]],
    ) -> Dict[int, List[Tuple[str, float]]]:
        Filter suggestions based on the repo specifics and confidence threshold.

        :param test_df: DataFrame with info about tested tokens.
        :param suggestions: Dictionary of correction suggestions grouped by \
                            typoed token index in test_df.
        :return: Dictionary of filtered suggestions grouped by typoed token index in test_df.
        filtered_suggestions = {}
        tokens = test_df.typo
        for index, candidates in suggestions.items():
            filtered_candidates = []
            for candidate in candidates:
                if candidate[0] == tokens[
                        index] or candidate[1] < self.confidence_threshold:
            if filtered_candidates:
                filtered_suggestions[index] = filtered_candidates
        return filtered_suggestions
예제 #6
class TokenParserTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.tp = TokenParser(stem_threshold=4, max_token_length=20)

    def test_process_token(self):

        _max_token_length = self.tp.max_token_length
        self.tp.max_token_length = 100

        tokens = [
            ("sourced.ml.algorithms.uast_ids_to_bag", [
                "sourc", "sourcedml", "algorithm", "mlalgorithm", "uast",
                "ids", "idsto", "bag", "tobag"
             ['worst', 'name', 'you', 'can', 'imagin']),
            # Another bad example. Parser failed to parse it correctly
            ("SmallIdsToFoOo", ["small", "ids", 'idsto', 'fo', 'oo']),
            ("SmallIdFooo", ["small", "smallid", 'fooo', 'idfooo']),
            ("ONE_M0re_.__badId.example", [
                'one', 'onem', 're', 'bad', 'rebad', 'badid', 'exampl',
             ['never', 'use', 'such', 'varsabl', 'name']),
            ("a.b.c.d", ["a", "b", "c", "d"]),
            ("A.b.Cd.E", ['a', 'b', 'cd', 'e']),
             ['looong', 'looongsh', 'loooong', 'shloooong', 'loooongsh']),
            ("sh_sh_sh_sh", ['sh', 'sh', 'sh', 'sh']),
            ("loooong_loooong_loooong", ['loooong', 'loooong', 'loooong'])

        for token, correct in tokens:
            res = list(self.tp.process_token(token))
            self.assertEqual(res, correct)
        self.tp.max_token_length = _max_token_length

    def test_split(self):
        self.assertEqual(list(self.tp.split("set for")), ["set", "for"])
        self.assertEqual(list(self.tp.split("set /for.")), ["set", "for"])
        self.assertEqual(list(self.tp.split("NeverHav")), ["never", "hav"])
        self.assertEqual(list(self.tp.split("PrintAll")), ["print", "all"])
                         ["print", "all", "except"])
            list(self.tp.split("print really long line")),
            # 'longli' is expected artifact due to edge effects
            ["print", "really", "long", "longli"])
        self.assertEqual(list(self.tp.split("set /for. *&PrintAll")),
                         ["set", "for", "print", "all"])
        self.assertEqual(list(self.tp.split("JumpDown not Here")),
                         ["jump", "down", "not", "here"])

    def test_stem(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.tp.stem("lol"), "lol")
        self.assertEqual(self.tp.stem("apple"), "appl")
        self.assertEqual(self.tp.stem("orange"), "orang")
        self.assertEqual(self.tp.stem("embedding"), "embed")
        self.assertEqual(self.tp.stem("Alfred"), "Alfred")
        self.assertEqual(self.tp.stem("Pluto"), "Pluto")

    def test_pickle(self):
        tp = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(self.tp))
        self.assertEqual(tp.stem("embedding"), "embed")
예제 #7
class FunctionNameAnalyzer(Analyzer):
    log = logging.getLogger("FunctionNameAnalyzer")
    model_type = FunctionNameModel
    version = "1"
    description = "Analyzer that suggests function names."

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.token_parser = TokenParser(min_split_length=1, single_shot=True)

    def analyze(self, ptr_from: ReferencePointer, ptr_to: ReferencePointer,
                data_request_stub: DataStub, **data) -> [Comment]:
        comments = []
        changes = list(data["changes"])
        base_files = files_by_language(c.base for c in changes)
        head_files = files_by_language(c.head for c in changes)
        for lang, lang_head_files in head_files.items():
            if lang.lower() != "java":
            self.log.info("Working on %d java files", len(lang_head_files))
            for i, (path, file) in enumerate(lang_head_files.items(), start=1):
                    prev_file = base_files[lang][path]
                except KeyError:
                    lines = None
                    lines = find_new_lines(prev_file, file)
                names_file, tokens_file, line_numbers = self._extract_features(
                    file, lines)
                for prediction, target, score, line_number, type_hint in self.translate(
                        tokens_file, names_file, line_numbers):
                    comment = Comment()
                    comment.line = line_number
                    comment.file = path
                    comment.confidence = int(round(score * 100))
                    if type_hint == FunctionNameAnalyzer.TranslationTypes.LESS_DETAILED:
                        comment.text = "Consider a more generic name: %s instead of %s" % (
                            prediction, target)
                        comment.text = "Consider a more specific name: %s instead of %s" % (
                            prediction, target)
                self.log.info("Processed %d files", i)
        return comments

    def train(cls, ptr: ReferencePointer, config: Dict[str, Any],
              data_request_stub: DataStub, **data) -> FunctionNameModel:
        Dummy train.

        :param ptr: Git repository state pointer.
        :param config: configuration dict.
        :param data: contains "files" - the list of files in the pointed state.
        :param data_request_stub: connection to the Lookout data retrieval service, not used.
        :return: FunctionNameModel dummy model.
        return FunctionNameModel().construct(cls, ptr)

    def process_node(self, node, last_position):
        if IDENTIFIER in node.roles and node.token and FUNCTION not in node.roles:
            for x in self.token_parser(node.token):
                yield x, last_position

    def process_uast(self, uast):
        stack = [(uast, [0, 0])]
        while stack:
            node, last_position = stack.pop()
            if node.start_position.line != 0:
                # A lot of Nodes do not have position
                # It is good heuristic to take the last Node in tree with a position.
                last_position[0] = node.start_position.line
                last_position[1] = 0
            if node.start_position.col != 0:
                last_position[1] = node.start_position.col
            yield from self.process_node(node, last_position)
            stack.extend([(child, list(last_position))
                          for child in node.children])

    def extract_functions_from_uast(self, uast: bblfsh.Node):
        for node in uast2sequence(uast):
            if node.internal_type != "MethodDeclaration":
            for subnode in node.children:
                if FUNCTION not in subnode.roles and NAME not in subnode.roles:
                name = subnode.token
            tokens = list(self.process_uast(node))
            if len(tokens) < 5:
            yield (name, node.start_position.line, node.end_position.line, [
                token for token, pos in sorted(tokens, key=lambda x: x[1])

    def get_affected_functions(self, uast, lines: Optional[Sequence[int]]):
        functions_info = list(self.extract_functions_from_uast(uast))
        i = 0
        res = []
        for line in sorted(lines):
            while i < len(functions_info):
                if functions_info[i][1] <= line <= functions_info[i][2]:
                    i += 1
                elif line < functions_info[i][1]:
                elif line > functions_info[i][2]:
                    i += 1

        return res

    def to_nmt_files(functions_info):
        func_start = []
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, mode="w") as func_names:
            with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False,
                                             mode="w") as func_tokens:
                for name, start_line, end_line, tokens in functions_info:
                    func_names.write(" ".join(list(name)) + "\n")
                    func_tokens.write(" ".join(tokens) + "\n")
        return func_names.name, func_tokens.name, func_start

    def _extract_features(self, file, lines: Optional[Sequence[int]]):
        if file.language.lower() != "java":
            raise ValueError("Only java language is supported now")
        if lines:
            affected_functions = self.get_affected_functions(file.uast, lines)
            # all function are affected because the file is new
            affected_functions = self.extract_functions_from_uast(file.uast)

        return self.to_nmt_files(affected_functions)

    class TranslationTypes(Enum):
        NOOP = 0
        MORE_DETAILED = 1
        LESS_DETAILED = 2
        CLASS_TO_CLASS = 5
        OTHER = 6

    def classify_translation(self, prediction, target):
        split_prediction = set(self.token_parser.split(prediction))
        split_target = set(self.token_parser.split(target))
        if prediction[0].isupper():
            if target[0].isupper():
                return FunctionNameAnalyzer.TranslationTypes.CLASS_TO_CLASS
            return FunctionNameAnalyzer.TranslationTypes.FUNCTION_TO_CLASS
        elif target[0].isupper():
            return FunctionNameAnalyzer.TranslationTypes.CLASS_TO_FUNCTION
        if split_prediction == split_target:
            return FunctionNameAnalyzer.TranslationTypes.NOOP
        elif split_prediction > split_target:
            return FunctionNameAnalyzer.TranslationTypes.MORE_DETAILED
        elif split_prediction < split_target:
            return FunctionNameAnalyzer.TranslationTypes.LESS_DETAILED
        return FunctionNameAnalyzer.TranslationTypes.OTHER

    def translate(self, source_file, target_file, line_numbers):
        model = str(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "models" / "model.pt")

        with open(target_file) as fh:
            targets = [
                "".join(line.strip().split(" ")) for line in fh.readlines()

        command = "translate.py -model %s -src %s -tgt %s" % (
            model, source_file, target_file)
        with patch("sys.argv", command.split(" ")):
            scores, gold_scores, translations = onmt.infer.main()
            for [score], gold_score, [translation], target, line_number \
                    in zip(scores, gold_scores, translations, targets, line_numbers):
                prediction = "".join(translation.split(" "))
                gold_score = gold_score / len(target)
                pred_score = score / len(prediction)
                score = 1 / (1 + math.exp(-pred_score - gold_score))
                hint_type = self.classify_translation(prediction, target)
                if hint_type in [
                    yield prediction, target, score, line_number, hint_type