예제 #1
def save_best_2comp_fit(reg):
    # should be renamed to determine_best_2comp_fit or something along that line
    # currently use np.nan for pixels with no models

    ncomp = [1, 2]

    # ideally, a copy function should be in place of reloading

    # a new Region object is created start fresh on some of the functions (e.g., aic comparison)
    reg_final = Region(reg.cubePath, reg.paraNameRoot, reg.paraDir)

    # start out clean, especially since the deepcopy function doesn't work well for pyspeckit cubes
    # load the file based on the passed in reg, rather than the default
    for nc in ncomp:
        if not str(nc) in reg.ucube.pcubes:
            # load files using paths from reg if they exist
            print("loading model from: {}".format(reg.ucube.paraPaths[str(nc)]))
            reg_final.ucube.load_model_fit(filename=reg.ucube.paraPaths[str(nc)], ncomp=nc)

    pcube_final = reg_final.ucube.pcubes['2'].copy('deep')

    # make the 2-comp para maps with the best fit model
    lnk21 = reg_final.ucube.get_AICc_likelihood(2, 1)
    mask = lnk21 > 5
    print("2comp pix: {}".format(np.sum(mask)))
    pcube_final.parcube[:4, ~mask] = reg_final.ucube.pcubes['1'].parcube[:4, ~mask].copy()
    pcube_final.errcube[:4, ~mask] = reg_final.ucube.pcubes['1'].errcube[:4, ~mask].copy()
    pcube_final.parcube[4:8, ~mask] = np.nan
    pcube_final.errcube[4:8, ~mask] = np.nan

    lnk10 = reg_final.ucube.get_AICc_likelihood(1, 0)
    mask = lnk10 > 5
    pcube_final.parcube[:, ~mask] = np.nan
    pcube_final.errcube[:, ~mask] = np.nan

    # use the default file formate to save the finals
    nc = 2
    if not str(nc) in reg_final.ucube.paraPaths:
        reg_final.ucube.paraPaths[str(nc)] = '{}/{}_{}vcomp.fits'.format(reg_final.ucube.paraDir, reg_final.ucube.paraNameRoot, nc)

    savename = "{}_final.fits".format(os.path.splitext(reg_final.ucube.paraPaths['2'])[0])
    UCube.save_fit(pcube_final, savename=savename, ncomp=2)

    hdr2D =reg.ucube.cube.wcs.celestial.to_header()

    # save the lnk21 map
    savename = "{}/{}.fits".format(reg_final.ucube.paraDir, reg_final.ucube.paraNameRoot.replace("para","lnk21"))
    save_map(lnk21, hdr2D, savename)

    # save the lnk10 map
    savename = "{}/{}.fits".format(reg_final.ucube.paraDir, reg_final.ucube.paraNameRoot.replace("para","lnk10"))
    save_map(lnk10, hdr2D, savename)

    # create and save the lnk20 map for reference:
    lnk20 = reg_final.ucube.get_AICc_likelihood(2, 0)
    savename = "{}/{}.fits".format(reg_final.ucube.paraDir, reg_final.ucube.paraNameRoot.replace("para","lnk20"))
    save_map(lnk20, hdr2D, savename)

    # save the SNR map
    snr_map = get_best_2comp_snr_mod(reg_final)
    savename = "{}/{}.fits".format(reg_final.ucube.paraDir, reg_final.ucube.paraNameRoot.replace("para","SNR"))
    save_map(snr_map, hdr2D, savename)

    # create moment0 map
    modbest = get_best_2comp_model(reg_final)
    cube_mod = SpectralCube(data=modbest, wcs=reg_final.ucube.pcubes['2'].wcs.copy(),
    # make sure the spectral unit is in km/s before making moment maps
    cube_mod = cube_mod.with_spectral_unit('km/s', velocity_convention='radio')
    mom0_mod = cube_mod.moment0()
    savename = "{}/{}.fits".format(reg_final.ucube.paraDir, reg_final.ucube.paraNameRoot.replace("para", "model_mom0"))
    mom0_mod.write(savename, overwrite=True)

    # created masked mom0 map with model as the mask
    mom0 = UCube.get_masked_moment(cube=reg_final.ucube.cube, model=modbest, order=0, expand=20, mask=None)
    savename = "{}/{}.fits".format(reg_final.ucube.paraDir, reg_final.ucube.paraNameRoot.replace("para", "mom0"))
    mom0.write(savename, overwrite=True)

    # save reduced chi-squred maps
    # would be useful to check if 3rd component is needed
    savename = "{}/{}.fits".format(reg_final.ucube.paraDir,
                                   reg_final.ucube.paraNameRoot.replace("para", "chi2red_final"))
    chi_map = UCube.get_chisq(cube=reg_final.ucube.cube, model=modbest, expand=20, reduced=True, usemask=True,
    save_map(chi_map, hdr2D, savename)

    # save reduced chi-squred maps for 1 comp and 2 comp individually
    chiRed_1c = reg_final.ucube.get_reduced_chisq(1)
    chiRed_2c = reg_final.ucube.get_reduced_chisq(2)

    savename = "{}/{}.fits".format(reg_final.ucube.paraDir,
                                   reg_final.ucube.paraNameRoot.replace("para", "chi2red_1c"))
    save_map(chiRed_1c, hdr2D, savename)
    savename = "{}/{}.fits".format(reg_final.ucube.paraDir,
                                   reg_final.ucube.paraNameRoot.replace("para", "chi2red_2c"))
    save_map(chiRed_2c, hdr2D, savename)

    return reg
예제 #2
p.imshow(pv.data, cmap="binary", origin="lower")



# Now examine a subsection of the region that overlaps with the edge of
# NGC-1333. I'm not sure the instrument that took the data, but it maps
# 13CO(1-0) too.

sc = SpectralCube.read("/srv/astro/surveys/classy/N1333.13co.fits")
sc = sc[150:300, :, :]

ends = [(57, 72), (73, 83), (105, 85)]

xy = Path(ends, width=10)

pv = extract_pv_slice(sc, xy)

p.imshow(sc.moment0().value, cmap="binary", origin="lower")
p.plot([i for i, j in ends], [j for i, j in ends], 'b-')

p.imshow(pv.data, cmap="binary", origin="lower")

예제 #3
    class ObsCube(object):
        A wrapping class of SpectralCube which prepares observational data
        cubes to be compared to any other data cube.


        cube : str
            Path to file.
        mask : numpy.ndarray, any mask class from spectral_cube, optional
            Mask to be applied to the cube.
        algorithm : {NAME HERE}, optional
            Name of the cleaning algorithm to use.

        from turbustat.cube_tools import ObsCube

        cube = ObsCube("data.fits")

        def __init__(self, cube, mask=None, algorithm=None, beam=None):

            raise NotImplementedError("ObsCube is not yet implemented for "
                                      "general use.")

            super(ObsCube, self).__init__()
            self.cube = SpectralCube.read(cube)

            self.algorithm = algorithm

            # Make sure mask is an accepted type
            if mask is not None:
            self.mask = mask

            if beam is not None:
            self.noise = Noise(self.cube, beam=beam)

        def clean_cube(self, algorithm=None):
            raise NotImplementedError("")

        def apply_mask(self, mask=None):
            Check if the given mask is acceptable abd apply to

            # Update mask
            if mask is not None:
                self.mask = mask

            # Create the mask, auto masking nan values
            default_mask = np.isfinite(self.cube.filled_data[:])
            if self.mask is not None:
                self.mask = CompositeMask(default_mask, self.mask)
                self.mask = default_mask

            # Apply mask to spectral cube object
            self.cube = self.cube.with_mask(mask)

            return self

        def _update(self, data=None, wcs=None, beam=None, method="MAD"):
            Helper function to update classes.

            # Check if we need a new SpectralCube
            if data is None and wcs is None:
                if data is None:
                    data = self.cube.unmasked_data[:]
                if wcs is None:
                    wcs = self.cube.wcs
                # Make new SpectralCube object
                self.cube = SpectralCube(data=data, wcs=wcs)

            if beam is not None:
                self.noise = Noise(self.cube, beam=beam, method=method)

        def compute_properties(self):
            Use SpectralCube to compute the moments. Also compute the integrated
            intensity based on the noise properties from Noise.

            self._moment0 = self.cube.moment0().value

            self._moment1 = self.cube.moment1().value

            self._moment2 = self.cube.moment2().value


            return self

        def moment0(self):
            return self._moment0

        def moment1(self):
            return self._moment1

        def moment2(self):
            return self._moment2

        def intint(self):
            return self._intint

        def prep(self, mask=None, algorithm=None):
            Prepares the cube to be compared to another cube.

            if not mask is None:


            return self
예제 #4
class SimCube(object):
    A wrapping class to prepare a simulated spectral data cube for
    comparison with another cube.

    def __init__(self, cube, beam=None, mask=None, method="MAD", compute=True):

        # Initialize cube object
        self.cube = SpectralCube.read(cube)

        if mask is not None:
        self.mask = mask

        if beam is not None:

        # Initialize noise object
        self.noise = Noise(self.cube, beam=beam, method=method)

    def add_noise(self):
        Use Noise to add synthetic noise to the data. Then update

        # Create the noisy cube
        noise_data = self.noise.noise_cube +\

        # Update SpectralCube object

        return self

    def clean_cube(self, algorithm=None):
        raise NotImplementedError("")

    def apply_mask(self, mask=None):
        Check if the given mask is acceptable abd apply to

        # Update mask
        if mask is not None:
            self.mask = mask

        # Create the mask, auto masking nan values
        default_mask = np.isfinite(self.cube.filled_data[:])
        if self.mask is not None:
            self.mask = CompositeMask(default_mask, self.mask)
            self.mask = default_mask

        # Apply mask to spectral cube object
        self.cube = self.cube.with_mask(mask)

        return self

    def _update(self, data=None, wcs=None, beam=None, method="MAD"):
        Helper function to update classes.

        # Check if we need a new SpectralCube
        if data is None and wcs is None:
            if data is None:
                data = self.cube.unmasked_data[:]
            if wcs is None:
                wcs = self.cube.wcs
            # Make new SpectralCube object
            self.cube = SpectralCube(data=data, wcs=wcs)

        if beam is not None:
            self.noise = Noise(self.cube, beam=beam, method=method)

    def compute_properties(self):
        Use SpectralCube to compute the moments. Also compute the integrated
        intensity based on the noise properties from Noise.

        self._moment0 = self.cube.moment0().value

        self._moment1 = self.cube.moment1().value

        self._moment2 = self.cube.moment2().value


        return self

    def moment0(self):
        return self._moment0

    def moment1(self):
        return self._moment1

    def moment2(self):
        return self._moment2

    def intint(self):
        return self._intint

    def sim_prep(self, mask=None):
        Prepares the cube when being compared to another simulation.
        This entails:
            * Optionally applying a mask to the data.
            * Computing the cube's property arrays

        if not mask is None:


        return self

    def obs_prep(self, mask=None):
        Prepares the cube when being compared to observational data.
        This entails:
            * Optionally applying a mask to the data.
            * Add synthetic noise based on the cube's properties.
            * Computing the cube's property arrays

        if not mask is None:


        return self
예제 #5
class SimCube(object):
    A wrapping class to prepare a simulated spectral data cube for
    comparison with another cube.
    def __init__(self, cube, beam=None, mask=None, method="MAD", compute=True):

        # Initialize cube object
        self.cube = SpectralCube.read(cube)

        if mask is not None:
        self.mask = mask

        if beam is not None:

        # Initialize noise object
        self.noise = Noise(self.cube, beam=beam, method=method)

    def add_noise(self):
        Use Noise to add synthetic noise to the data. Then update

        # Create the noisy cube
        noise_data = self.noise.noise_cube +\

        # Update SpectralCube object

        return self

    def clean_cube(self, algorithm=None):
        raise NotImplementedError("")

    def apply_mask(self, mask=None):
        Check if the given mask is acceptable abd apply to

        # Update mask
        if mask is not None:
            self.mask = mask

        # Create the mask, auto masking nan values
        default_mask = np.isfinite(self.cube.filled_data[:])
        if self.mask is not None:
            self.mask = CompositeMask(default_mask, self.mask)
            self.mask = default_mask

        # Apply mask to spectral cube object
        self.cube = self.cube.with_mask(mask)

        return self

    def _update(self, data=None, wcs=None, beam=None, method="MAD"):
        Helper function to update classes.

        # Check if we need a new SpectralCube
        if data is None and wcs is None:
            if data is None:
                data = self.cube.unmasked_data[:]
            if wcs is None:
                wcs = self.cube.wcs
            # Make new SpectralCube object
            self.cube = SpectralCube(data=data, wcs=wcs)

        if beam is not None:
            self.noise = Noise(self.cube, beam=beam, method=method)

    def compute_properties(self):
        Use SpectralCube to compute the moments. Also compute the integrated
        intensity based on the noise properties from Noise.

        self._moment0 = self.cube.moment0().value

        self._moment1 = self.cube.moment1().value

        self._moment2 = self.cube.moment2().value


        return self

    def moment0(self):
        return self._moment0

    def moment1(self):
        return self._moment1

    def moment2(self):
        return self._moment2

    def intint(self):
        return self._intint

    def sim_prep(self, mask=None):
        Prepares the cube when being compared to another simulation.
        This entails:
            * Optionally applying a mask to the data.
            * Computing the cube's property arrays

        if not mask is None:


        return self

    def obs_prep(self, mask=None):
        Prepares the cube when being compared to observational data.
        This entails:
            * Optionally applying a mask to the data.
            * Add synthetic noise based on the cube's properties.
            * Computing the cube's property arrays

        if not mask is None:


        return self
예제 #6
class ObsCube(object):
    A wrapping class of SpectralCube which prepares observational data cubes
    to be compared to any other data cube.


    cube : str
        Path to file.
    mask : numpy.ndarray, any mask class from spectral_cube, optional
        Mask to be applied to the cube.
    algorithm : {NAME HERE}, optional
        Name of the cleaning algorithm to use.

    from turbustat.cube_tools import ObsCube

    cube = ObsCube("data.fits")

    def __init__(self, cube, mask=None, algorithm=None, beam=None):
        super(ObsCube, self).__init__()
        self.cube = sc.SpectralCube.read(cube)

        self.algorithm = algorithm

        # Make sure mask is an accepted type
        if mask is not None:
        self.mask = mask

        if beam is not None:
        self.noise = Noise(self.cube, beam=beam)

    def clean_cube(self, algorithm=None):
        raise NotImplementedError("")

    def apply_mask(self, mask=None):
        Check if the given mask is acceptable abd apply to

        # Update mask
        if mask is not None:
            self.mask = mask

        # Create the mask, auto masking nan values
        default_mask = np.isfinite(self.cube.filled_data[:])
        if self.mask is not None:
            self.mask = CompositeMask(default_mask, self.mask)
            self.mask = default_mask

        # Apply mask to spectral cube object
        self.cube = self.cube.with_mask(mask)

        return self

    def _update(self, data=None, wcs=None, beam=None, method="MAD"):
        Helper function to update classes.

        # Check if we need a new SpectralCube
        if data is None and wcs is None:
            if data is None:
                data = self.cube.unmasked_data[:]
            if wcs is None:
                wcs = self.cube.wcs
            # Make new SpectralCube object
            self.cube = SpectralCube(data=data, wcs=wcs)

        if beam is not None:
            self.noise = Noise(self.cube, beam=beam, method=method)

    def compute_properties(self):
        Use SpectralCube to compute the moments. Also compute the integrated
        intensity based on the noise properties from Noise.

        self._moment0 = self.cube.moment0().value

        self._moment1 = self.cube.moment1().value

        self._moment2 = self.cube.moment2().value


        return self

    def moment0(self):
        return self._moment0

    def moment1(self):
        return self._moment1

    def moment2(self):
        return self._moment2

    def intint(self):
        return self._intint

    def prep(self, mask=None, algorithm=None):
        Prepares the cube to be compared to another cube.

        if not mask is None:


        return self
예제 #7
p.imshow(pv.data, cmap="binary", origin="lower")



# Now examine a subsection of the region that overlaps with the edge of
# NGC-1333. I'm not sure the instrument that took the data, but it maps
# 13CO(1-0) too.

sc = SpectralCube.read("/srv/astro/surveys/classy/N1333.13co.fits")
sc = sc[150:300, :, :]

ends = [(57, 72), (73, 83), (105, 85)]

xy = Path(ends, width=10)

pv = extract_pv_slice(sc, xy)

p.imshow(sc.moment0().value, cmap="binary", origin="lower")
p.plot([i for i, j in ends], [j for i, j in ends], 'b-')

p.imshow(pv.data, cmap="binary", origin="lower")
