예제 #1
class TemporalTests(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.kb = TemporalDoctrine()

    def test_commitments(self):
        obl = obligation()
        alice, bob = obl.alfa, obl.beta
        alice_commitments = self.kb.commitments[alice]
        self.assertTrue(bob in alice_commitments.keys())
        self.assertTrue(obl in alice_commitments[bob])
예제 #2
파일: temporal.py 프로젝트: samble/spock
class TemporalTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.kb = TemporalDoctrine()

    def test_obligation_basic(self):
        alice, bob, action = 'alice', 'bob', 'dinner'
        obl = Obligation(alice, bob, t, action)
        self.assertTrue(obl.expression.alfa == alice == obl._from)
        self.assertTrue(obl.expression.beta == bob == obl._to)
        return obl

    def test_commitments(self):
        obl = self.test_obligation_basic()
        alice, bob = obl.alfa, obl.beta
        alice_commitments = self.kb.commitments[alice]
        self.assertTrue(bob in alice_commitments.keys())
        self.assertTrue(obl in alice_commitments[bob])
예제 #3
import _ctypes
def di(_id):
    """ invert id() muahaha """
    return _ctypes.PyObj_FromPtr(_id)

from spock import Obligation, Now
from spock.doctrine import TemporalDoctrine

alice = object()
bob   = object()
obl   = Obligation(alice, bob, Now, lambda:42)
t = TemporalDoctrine()
commitment = t.commitments[alice].items()[0]
_to, obligations = commitment
assert _to==bob,'obligation is to someone else?'
assert all([obligations,obligations[0]==obl]),'obligation is not the obligation?'

from IPython import Shell; Shell.IPShellEmbed(argv=['-noconfirm_exit'])()