예제 #1
파일: pcg.py 프로젝트: SpuqTeam/spuq
"""Preconditioned conjugate gradient method for the EGSZ application"""

from spuq.utils.type_check import takes, optional, returns, tuple_of

from spuq.linalg.operator import Operator
from spuq.linalg.vector import Vector, inner
from spuq.utils.forgetful_vector import ForgetfulVector

__all__ = ["pcg"]

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

@takes(Operator, Vector, Operator, Vector, optional(float), optional(int))
def pcg(A, f, P, w0, eps=1e-4, maxiter=100):
    # for most quantities in PCG (except zeta) only the most recent 
    # values needs to be kept in memory
    w = ForgetfulVector(1)
    rho = ForgetfulVector(1)
    s = ForgetfulVector(1)
    v = ForgetfulVector(1)
    z = ForgetfulVector(1)
    alpha = ForgetfulVector(1)
    zeta = ForgetfulVector(2)

    w[0] = w0
    rho[0] = f - A * w[0]
    s[0] = P * rho[0]
    v[0] = s[0]
    zeta[0] = inner(rho[0], s[0])
    for i in xrange(1, maxiter):
예제 #2

DEFAULT_BC = object()

@takes((Expression, Function), FunctionSpace)
def poisson_bilinear_form(coeff_func, V):
    """Assemble the discrete problem (i.e. the stiffness matrix)."""
    # setup problem, assemble and apply boundary conditions
    u = TrialFunction(V)
    v = TestFunction(V)
    a = inner(coeff_func * nabla_grad(u), nabla_grad(v)) * dx
    return a

@takes(anything, (DirichletBC, NoneType, object), optional(FunctionSpace))
def apply_bc(fenics_obj, bc=DEFAULT_BC, V=None):
    if bc is not None:
        if bc is DEFAULT_BC:
            if V is None:
                V = fenics_obj.function_space()
            bc = homogeneous_dirichlet_bc(V)
    return fenics_obj

@takes(GenericMatrix, (DirichletBC, sequence_of(DirichletBC)))
def _remove_boundary_entries(A, bcs):
    if not isinstance(bcs, DirichletBC):
        for bc in bcs:
            remove_boundary_entries(A, bc)
예제 #3
import collections
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

default_Dirichlet_boundary = lambda x, on_boundary: on_boundary

CoefficientFunction = (dolfin.Expression, dolfin.GenericFunction, ufl.expr.Expr, tuple_of((dolfin.Expression, dolfin.GenericFunction, ufl.expr.Expr, float, int)))
FormFunction = (dolfin.Argument, dolfin.Function)
LoadingFunction = (dolfin.Coefficient)
BoundaryType = (anything)
BoundaryFunction = (dolfin.Coefficient)

# Helper functions

@takes(anything, optional(int))
def make_list(x, length=None):
    """Make a sequence type out of some item if it not already is one"""
    if not isinstance(x, collections.Sequence):
        x = [x]
    if length is not None:
        if len(x) == 1:
            x = x * length
        assert len(x) == length
    return x

def zero_function(V):
    if V.num_sub_spaces():
        d = V.mesh().geometry().dim()