예제 #1
def save_files(folder: Filepath, file_data: Dict[Filepath, str]) -> bool:
    """Save all `file_data` under `folder`.

    All paths in `file_data` are relative to `folder`.

        folder: Filepath
        file_data: Dict[Filepath, str]
            The file name (relative to `folder`) and its content.


    # Python's `pathlib.Path` objects are simply nicer to work with...
    folder = pathlib.Path(folder)

    # Delete all YAML files under `folder`. This avoids stale manifests.
        for fp in folder.rglob("*.yaml"):
            logit.info(f"Removing stale <{fp}>")
    except (IOError, PermissionError) as err:
        return True

    # Iterate over the dict and write each file. Abort on error.
    for fname, yaml_str in file_data.items():
        # Skip the file if its content would be empty.
        if yaml_str == '':

        # Construct absolute file path.
        fname_abs = folder / fname
        logit.debug(f"Creating path for <{fname}>")

        # Create the parent directories and write the file. Abort on error.
        logit.info(f"Saving YAML file <{fname_abs}>")
            fname_abs.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        except (IOError, PermissionError) as err:
            return True

    # Tell caller that all files were successfully written.
    return False
예제 #2
def load(
        folder: Filepath, selectors: Selectors
) -> Tuple[ServerManifests, LocalManifestLists, bool]:
    """Recursively load all "*.yaml" files under `folder`.

    Ignores all files not ending in ".yaml". Also removes all manifests that do
    not match the `selectors`.

    Returns no data in the case of an error.

    NOTE: this is merely a wrapper around the various low-level functions to
    load and parse the YAML files.

        folder: Filepath
            Source folder.
        selectors: Selectors

        (local manifest without file info, local manifests with file info)

    # Python's `pathlib.Path` objects are simply nicer to work with...
    folder = pathlib.Path(folder)

    # Compile the list of all YAML files in `folder` but only store their path
    # relative to `folder`.
    fnames = [(_.relative_to(folder), _.name) for _ in folder.rglob("*.yaml")]
    fnames = [path for path, name in fnames if not name.startswith(".")]

        # Load the files and abort on error.
        fdata_raw, err = load_files(folder, fnames)
        assert not err and fdata_raw is not None

        # Return the YAML parsed manifests.
        man_files, err = parse(fdata_raw, selectors)
        assert not err and man_files is not None

        # Remove the Filepath dimension.
        man_meta, err = unpack(man_files)
        assert not err and man_meta is not None
    except AssertionError:
        return ({}, {}, True)

    # Return the file based manifests and unpacked manifests.
    return (man_meta, man_files, False)