예제 #1
파일: output.py 프로젝트: raylee/CDT
def save_many_microscopically_optimal(
    metropolis_state, final_sweep, order_5_damping, order_6_damping, initial_sweep=0, save_every_n_sweeps=10
    Runs a monte carlo simulation using the metropolis state (a class
    instance of a descendent class of metropolis).

    Performs final_sweep - initial_sweep sweeps. Every
    save_every_n_sweeps, checks to see if the microscopically optimal
    conditions are met. If they are, saves a sphere. Otherwise
    continues sweeping.

    Might be susceptible to crashes.

    Progress file is unnecessary.
    # Reset the current sweep

    # Calculate the current time
    start_time = make_time_string()

    # Start the sweeps
    while metropolis_state.get_current_sweep() < final_sweep:
        v_count = st.vertex_count_selection_optimal(order_5_damping, order_6_damping, sd.vertex.instances.values())
        if v_count.is_close_enough():
            fname = metropolis_state.make_file_name_v4(final_sweep, start_time, order_5_damping, order_6_damping)
            write_sphere_to_file(fname + output_suffix)
            write_statistics_file(metropolis_state, v_count, fname + STATISTICS_SUFFIX)

    # Print a happy message
    print "All done! :)"
예제 #2
파일: output.py 프로젝트: raylee/CDT
def stop_at_microscopically_optimal(
    metropolis_state, final_sweep, order_5_damping, order_6_damping, initial_sweep=0, save_every_n_sweeps=10
    Runs a monte carlo simulation using the metropolis state (a class
    instance of a descendent class of metropolis).

    Saves to a single file, and stops when the sphere is close
    microscopically ideal, as defined by the functions in the
    vertex_count class and subclasses.

    We write a progress file anyway, despite there being no final sweep.

    initial_sweep and final sweep do nothing. They're in the
    parameters list for consistency.
    # Pretend final sweep. For the progress file.
    final_sweep = 0

    # Reset the current sweep so that we start from 0.

    # Calculate the file name
    fname = metropolis_state.make_file_name_v3(order_5_damping, order_6_damping)

    # Keep track of the number of vertexes of each order
    v_count = st.vertex_count_selection_optimal(order_5_damping, order_6_damping, sd.vertex.instances.values())

    # Immediately save a file.
    write_sphere_to_file(fname + output_suffix)
    write_progress_file(metropolis_state, final_sweep, save_every_n_sweeps, fname + tracking_suffix)
    write_statistics_file(metropolis_state, v_count, fname + STATISTICS_SUFFIX)
    while not v_count.is_close_enough():
        v_count = st.vertex_count_selection_optimal(order_5_damping, order_6_damping, sd.vertex.instances.values())
        write_sphere_to_file(fname + output_suffix)
        write_statistics_file(metropolis_state, v_count, fname + STATISTICS_SUFFIX)
        write_progress_file(metropolis_state, final_sweep, save_every_n_sweeps, fname + tracking_suffix)

    # Print a happy message
    print "All done! :)"