예제 #1
    def flatten_template(cls, tree, text):
        Flattens a string template into concatenation
        # the previously seen character (n-1)
        preceding_slash = False
        # indicates whether we're inside of a string template
        inside_interpolation = False
        inside_unicode = UnicodeNameDecodeState.No
        buf = ''
        for c in text:
            if preceding_slash:
                if c == '{' or c == '}' or c == "\'" or c == '"':
                    # custom escapes
                    buf = f'{buf[:-1]}{c}'
                    # avoid deprecation messages for invalid escape sequences
                    if c == ' ':
                        buf += '\\'
                    if c == 'N':
                        # start unicode escaped name sequence
                        inside_unicode = UnicodeNameDecodeState.Start
                    buf += c
                preceding_slash = False
                if inside_unicode != UnicodeNameDecodeState.No:
                    if c == '{':
                        inside_unicode = UnicodeNameDecodeState.Running
                        inside_unicode == UnicodeNameDecodeState.Running,
                    if c == '}':
                        inside_unicode = UnicodeNameDecodeState.No
                    buf += c
                elif inside_interpolation:
                    if c == '}':
                        # end string interpolation
                        inside_interpolation = False
                        tree.expect(len(buf) > 0, 'string_templates_empty')
                        yield {
                            '$OBJECT': 'code',
                            'code': unicode_escape(tree, buf)
                        buf = ''
                        tree.expect(c != '{', 'string_templates_nested')
                        buf += c
                elif c == '{':
                    # string interpolation might be the start of the string.
                    # example: "{..}"
                    if len(buf) > 0:
                        yield {'$OBJECT': 'string', 'string': buf}
                        buf = ''
                    inside_interpolation = True
                elif c == '}':
                    tree.expect(0, 'string_templates_unopened')
                    buf += c
                preceding_slash = c == '\\'

        # emit remaining string in the buffer
        tree.expect(not inside_interpolation, 'string_templates_unclosed')
        if len(buf) > 0:
            yield {'$OBJECT': 'string', 'string': buf}
예제 #2
 def string(self, tree):
     Compiles a string tree.
     value = unicode_escape(tree, tree.child(0).value)
     return {'$OBJECT': 'string', 'string': value}
예제 #3
    def flatten_template(cls, tree, text):
        Flattens a string template into concatenation
        # the previously seen character (n-1)
        preceding_slash = False
        # indicates whether we're inside of a string template
        inside_interpolation = False
        inside_unicode = UnicodeNameDecodeState.No
        buf = ""
        for c in text:
            if preceding_slash:
                if c == "{" or c == "}" or c == "'" or c == '"':
                    # custom escapes
                    buf = f"{buf[:-1]}{c}"
                    # avoid deprecation messages for invalid escape sequences
                    if c == " ":
                        buf += "\\"
                    if c == "N":
                        # start unicode escaped name sequence
                        inside_unicode = UnicodeNameDecodeState.Start
                    buf += c
                preceding_slash = False
                if inside_unicode != UnicodeNameDecodeState.No:
                    if c == "{":
                        inside_unicode = UnicodeNameDecodeState.Running
                        inside_unicode == UnicodeNameDecodeState.Running,
                    if c == "}":
                        inside_unicode = UnicodeNameDecodeState.No
                    buf += c
                elif inside_interpolation:
                    if c == "}":
                        # end string interpolation
                        inside_interpolation = False
                        tree.expect(len(buf) > 0, "string_templates_empty")
                        yield {
                            "$OBJECT": "code",
                            "code": unicode_escape(tree, buf),
                        buf = ""
                        tree.expect(c != "{", "string_templates_nested")
                        buf += c
                elif c == "{":
                    # string interpolation might be the start of the string.
                    # example: "{..}"
                    if len(buf) > 0:
                        yield {"$OBJECT": "string", "string": buf}
                        buf = ""
                    inside_interpolation = True
                elif c == "}":
                    tree.expect(0, "string_templates_unopened")
                    buf += c
                preceding_slash = c == "\\"

        # emit remaining string in the buffer
        tree.expect(not inside_interpolation, "string_templates_unclosed")
        if len(buf) > 0:
            yield {"$OBJECT": "string", "string": buf}
예제 #4
 def string(self, tree):
     Compiles a string tree.
     value = unicode_escape(tree, tree.child(0).value)
     return f'"{value}"'
예제 #5
 def string(self, tree):
     Compiles a string tree.
     value = unicode_escape(tree, tree.child(0).value)
     return {"$OBJECT": "string", "string": value}