def __init__(self, bigy, bigX, iter=False, maxiter=5, epsilon=0.00001, verbose=False): # setting up the cross-products self.bigy = bigy self.bigX = bigX self.n_eq = len(bigy.keys()) self.n = bigy[0].shape[0] self.bigK = np.zeros((self.n_eq, 1), dtype=np.int_) for r in range(self.n_eq): self.bigK[r] = self.bigX[r].shape[1] self.bigXX, self.bigXy = sur_crossprod(self.bigX, self.bigy) # OLS regression by equation, sets up initial residuals self.sur_ols() # creates self.bOLS and self.olsE # SUR estimation using OLS residuals - two step estimation self.bSUR, self.varb, self.sig = sur_est(self.bigXX, self.bigXy, self.olsE, self.bigK) resids = sur_resids(self.bigy, self.bigX, self.bSUR) # matrix of residuals # Sigma and log det(Sigma) for null model self.sig_ols = self.sig sols = np.diag(np.diag(self.sig)) self.ldetS0 = np.log(np.diag(sols)).sum() det0 = self.ldetS0 # setup for iteration det1 = la.slogdet(self.sig)[1] self.ldetS1 = det1 #self.niter = 0 if iter: # iterated FGLS aka ML n_iter = 0 while np.abs(det1 - det0) > epsilon and n_iter <= maxiter: n_iter += 1 det0 = det1 self.bSUR,self.varb,self.sig = sur_est(self.bigXX,self.bigXy,\ resids,self.bigK) resids = sur_resids(self.bigy, self.bigX, self.bSUR) det1 = la.slogdet(self.sig)[1] if verbose: print(n_iter, det0, det1) self.bigE = sur_resids(self.bigy, self.bigX, self.bSUR) self.ldetS1 = det1 self.niter = n_iter else: self.niter = 1 self.bigE = resids self.corr = sur_corr(self.sig) lik = self.n_eq * (1.0 + np.log(2.0 * np.pi)) + self.ldetS1 self.llik = -(self.n / 2.0) * lik
def __init__(self,bigy,bigX,iter=False,maxiter=5,epsilon=0.00001,verbose=False): # setting up the cross-products self.bigy = bigy self.bigX = bigX self.n_eq = len(bigy.keys()) self.n = bigy[0].shape[0] self.bigK = np.zeros((self.n_eq,1),dtype=np.int_) for r in range(self.n_eq): self.bigK[r] = self.bigX[r].shape[1] self.bigXX,self.bigXy = sur_crossprod(self.bigX,self.bigy) # OLS regression by equation, sets up initial residuals self.sur_ols() # creates self.bOLS and self.olsE # SUR estimation using OLS residuals - two step estimation self.bSUR,self.varb,self.sig = sur_est(self.bigXX,self.bigXy,self.olsE,self.bigK) resids = sur_resids(self.bigy,self.bigX,self.bSUR) # matrix of residuals # Sigma and log det(Sigma) for null model self.sig_ols = self.sig sols = np.diag(np.diag(self.sig)) self.ldetS0 = np.log(np.diag(sols)).sum() det0 = self.ldetS0 # setup for iteration det1 = la.slogdet(self.sig)[1] self.ldetS1 = det1 #self.niter = 0 if iter: # iterated FGLS aka ML n_iter = 0 while np.abs(det1-det0) > epsilon and n_iter <= maxiter: n_iter += 1 det0 = det1 self.bSUR,self.varb,self.sig = sur_est(self.bigXX,self.bigXy,\ resids,self.bigK) resids = sur_resids(self.bigy,self.bigX,self.bSUR) det1 = la.slogdet(self.sig)[1] if verbose: print (n_iter,det0,det1) self.bigE = sur_resids(self.bigy,self.bigX,self.bSUR) self.ldetS1 = det1 self.niter = n_iter else: self.niter = 1 self.bigE = resids self.corr = sur_corr(self.sig) lik = self.n_eq * (1.0 + np.log(2.0*np.pi)) + self.ldetS1 self.llik = - (self.n / 2.0) * lik
def __init__(self, bigy, bigX, bigyend, bigq): # setting up the cross-products self.bigy = bigy self.n_eq = len(bigy.keys()) self.n = bigy[0].shape[0] # dictionary with exog and endog, Z self.bigZ = {} for r in range(self.n_eq): self.bigZ[r] = np.hstack((bigX[r], bigyend[r])) # number of explanatory variables by equation self.bigK = np.zeros((self.n_eq, 1), dtype=np.int_) for r in range(self.n_eq): self.bigK[r] = self.bigZ[r].shape[1] # dictionary with instruments, H bigH = {} for r in range(self.n_eq): bigH[r] = np.hstack((bigX[r], bigq[r])) # dictionary with instrumental variables, X and yend_predicted, Z-hat bigZhat = {} for r in range(self.n_eq): try: HHi = la.inv([r].T, bigH[r])) except: raise Exception, "ERROR: singular cross product matrix, check instruments" Hye =[r].T, bigyend[r]) yp =[r],, Hye)) bigZhat[r] = np.hstack((bigX[r], yp)) self.bigZHZH, self.bigZHy = sur_crossprod(bigZhat, self.bigy) # 2SLS regression by equation, sets up initial residuals self.sur_2sls() # creates self.b2SLS and self.tslsE self.b3SLS, self.varb, self.sig = sur_est(self.bigZHZH, self.bigZHy, self.tslsE, self.bigK) self.bigE = sur_resids(self.bigy, self.bigZ, self.b3SLS) # matrix of residuals # inter-equation correlation matrix self.corr = sur_corr(self.sig)
def __init__(self,bigy,bigX,bigyend,bigq): # setting up the cross-products self.bigy = bigy self.n_eq = len(bigy.keys()) self.n = bigy[0].shape[0] # dictionary with exog and endog, Z self.bigZ = {} for r in range(self.n_eq): self.bigZ[r] = np.hstack((bigX[r],bigyend[r])) # number of explanatory variables by equation self.bigK = np.zeros((self.n_eq,1),dtype=np.int_) for r in range(self.n_eq): self.bigK[r] = self.bigZ[r].shape[1] # dictionary with instruments, H bigH = {} for r in range(self.n_eq): bigH[r] = np.hstack((bigX[r],bigq[r])) # dictionary with instrumental variables, X and yend_predicted, Z-hat bigZhat = {} for r in range(self.n_eq): try: HHi = la.inv([r].T,bigH[r])) except: raise Exception, "ERROR: singular cross product matrix, check instruments" Hye =[r].T,bigyend[r]) yp =[r],,Hye)) bigZhat[r] = np.hstack((bigX[r],yp)) self.bigZHZH,self.bigZHy = sur_crossprod(bigZhat,self.bigy) # 2SLS regression by equation, sets up initial residuals self.sur_2sls() # creates self.b2SLS and self.tslsE self.b3SLS,self.varb,self.sig = sur_est(self.bigZHZH,self.bigZHy,self.tslsE,self.bigK) self.bigE = sur_resids(self.bigy,self.bigZ,self.b3SLS) # matrix of residuals # inter-equation correlation matrix self.corr = sur_corr(self.sig)
def __init__(self,bigy,bigX,w,epsilon=0.0000001): # setting up constants self.n = w.n self.n2 = self.n / 2.0 self.n_eq = len(bigy.keys()) WS = w.sparse I = sp.identity(self.n) # variables self.bigy = bigy self.bigX = bigX # number of variables by equation self.bigK = np.zeros((self.n_eq,1),dtype=np.int_) for r in range(self.n_eq): self.bigK[r] = self.bigX[r].shape[1] # spatially lagged variables self.bigylag = {} for r in range(self.n_eq): self.bigylag[r] = WS*self.bigy[r] # note: unlike WX as instruments, this includes the constant self.bigXlag = {} for r in range(self.n_eq): self.bigXlag[r] = WS*self.bigX[r] # spatial parameter starting values lam = np.zeros((self.n_eq,1)) # initialize as an array fun0 = 0.0 fun1 = 0.0 for r in range(self.n_eq): res = minimize_scalar(err_c_loglik_sp, 0.0, bounds=(-1.0,1.0), args=(self.n, self.bigy[r], self.bigylag[r], self.bigX[r], self.bigXlag[r], I, WS), method='bounded', options={'xatol':epsilon}) lam[r]= res.x fun1 += self.lamols = lam self.clikerr = -fun1 #negative because use in min # SUR starting values reg0 = BaseSUR(self.bigy,self.bigX,iter=True) bigE = reg0.bigE self.bSUR0 = reg0.bSUR self.llik = reg0.llik # as is, includes constant # iteration lambdabounds = [ (-1.0,+1.0) for i in range(self.n_eq)] while abs(fun0 - fun1) > epsilon: fun0 = fun1 sply = filter_dict(lam,self.bigy,self.bigylag) splX = filter_dict(lam,self.bigX,self.bigXlag) WbigE = WS * bigE splbigE = bigE - WbigE * lam.T splXX,splXy = sur_crossprod(splX,sply) b1,varb1,sig1 = sur_est(splXX,splXy,splbigE,self.bigK) bigE = sur_resids(self.bigy,self.bigX,b1) res = minimize(clik,lam,args=(self.n,self.n2,self.n_eq,\ bigE,I,WS),method='L-BFGS-B',\ bounds=lambdabounds) lam = res.x lam.resize((self.n_eq,1)) fun1 = self.lamsur = lam self.bSUR = b1 self.varb = varb1 self.sig = sig1 self.corr = sur_corr(self.sig) self.bigE = bigE self.cliksurerr = -fun1 #negative because use in min, no constant