예제 #1
def delete_team(teamId):  # noqa: E501
    """Deletes an team. Role write:teams must be granteds

     # noqa: E501

    :param teamId: Team id to delete
    :type teamId: int

    :rtype: ApiResponse
    role = auth.WRITE_TEAMS
    hasRole = auth.has_role(connexion.request.headers, role)
    if hasRole == auth.TokenStatus.ROLE_GRANTED:
        return impl.delete_team(teamId)
    return AUTH_ERRORS[hasRole](role), hasRole.http_status
예제 #2
def delete_leave_days(id):  # noqa: E501
    """Deletes a LeaveDays. Role write:leave_days must be granteds

     # noqa: E501

    :param id: LeaveDays id to delete
    :type id: int

    :rtype: ApiResponse
    role = auth.WRITE_LEAVE_DAYS
    hasRole = auth.has_role(connexion.request.headers, role)
    if hasRole == auth.TokenStatus.ROLE_GRANTED:
        return impl.delete_leave_days(id)
    return AUTH_ERRORS[hasRole](role), hasRole.http_status
예제 #3
def add_team(body):  # noqa: E501
    """Add a new team to the system. Role write:teams must be granted

     # noqa: E501

    :param body: Team object that needs to be added to the system
    :type body: dict | bytes

    :rtype: Team
    role = auth.WRITE_TEAMS
    hasRole = auth.has_role(connexion.request.headers, role)
    if hasRole == auth.TokenStatus.ROLE_GRANTED:
        return impl.add_team(body)
    return AUTH_ERRORS[hasRole](role), hasRole.http_status
예제 #4
def add_employee(body):  # noqa: E501
    """Add a new employee to the system. Role write:employees must be granted

     # noqa: E501

    :param body: Employee object that needs to be added to the system
    :type body: dict | bytes

    :rtype: Employee
    role = auth.WRITE_EMPLOYEES
    hasRole = auth.has_role(connexion.request.headers, role)
    if hasRole == auth.TokenStatus.ROLE_GRANTED:
        return impl.add_employee(body)
    return AUTH_ERRORS[hasRole](role), hasRole.http_status
예제 #5
def add_leave_days(body):  # noqa: E501
    """Add a employee LeaveDays to the system. Role write:leave_days must be granted

     # noqa: E501

    :param body: LeaveDays object that needs to be added to the system
    :type body: dict | bytes

    :rtype: LeaveDays
    role = auth.WRITE_LEAVE_DAYS
    hasRole = auth.has_role(connexion.request.headers, role)
    if hasRole == auth.TokenStatus.ROLE_GRANTED:
        return impl.add_leave_days(body)
    return AUTH_ERRORS[hasRole](role), hasRole.http_status
예제 #6
def delete_employee(employeeId):  # noqa: E501
    """Deletes an employee. Role write:employees must be granteds

     # noqa: E501

    :param employeeId: Employee id to delete
    :type employeeId: int

    :rtype: ApiResponse
    role = auth.WRITE_EMPLOYEES
    hasRole = auth.has_role(connexion.request.headers, role)
    if hasRole == auth.TokenStatus.ROLE_GRANTED:
        return impl.delete_employee(employeeId)
    return AUTH_ERRORS[hasRole](role), hasRole.http_status
예제 #7
def get_user_by_id(id):  # noqa: E501
    """Gets user by id. Role read:users role must be granted

     # noqa: E501

    :param id: The id of user that needs to be fetched
    :type id: int

    :rtype: UserSafe
    role = auth.READ_USERS
    hasRole = auth.has_role(connexion.request.headers, role)
    if hasRole == auth.TokenStatus.ROLE_GRANTED:
        return impl.get_user_by_id(id)
    return AUTH_ERRORS[hasRole](role), hasRole.http_status
예제 #8
def delete_user(id):  # noqa: E501
    """Delete user

    This can only be done with write:users role. # noqa: E501

    :param id: The id of user that needs to be deleted
    :type id: int

    :rtype: ApiResponse
    role = auth.WRITE_USERS
    hasRole = auth.has_role(connexion.request.headers, role)
    if hasRole == auth.TokenStatus.ROLE_GRANTED:
        return impl.delete_user(id)
    return AUTH_ERRORS[hasRole](role), hasRole.http_status
예제 #9
def create_user(body):  # noqa: E501
    """Create user

    Role write:users role must be granted # noqa: E501

    :param body: Created user object
    :type body: dict | bytes

    :rtype: UserSafe
    role = auth.WRITE_USERS
    hasRole = auth.has_role(connexion.request.headers, role)
    if hasRole == auth.TokenStatus.ROLE_GRANTED:
        return impl.create_user(body)
    return AUTH_ERRORS[hasRole](role), hasRole.http_status
예제 #10
def get_user_by_name(username):  # noqa: E501
    """Gets user by user name. Role read:users role must be granted

     # noqa: E501

    :param username: The name of user that needs to be fetched.
    :type username: str

    :rtype: UserSafe
    role = auth.READ_USERS
    hasRole = auth.has_role(connexion.request.headers, role)
    if hasRole == auth.TokenStatus.ROLE_GRANTED:
        return impl.get_user_by_name(username)
    return AUTH_ERRORS[hasRole](role), hasRole.http_status
예제 #11
def update_team_by_id(teamId, body):  # noqa: E501
    """Updates a team in the system with form data. Role write:teams must be granted

     # noqa: E501

    :param teamId: ID of team to return
    :type teamId: int
    :param body: Team object that needs to be updated in the system
    :type body: dict | bytes

    :rtype: Team
    role = auth.WRITE_TEAMS
    hasRole = auth.has_role(connexion.request.headers, role)
    if hasRole == auth.TokenStatus.ROLE_GRANTED:
        return impl.update_team_by_id(teamId, body)
    return AUTH_ERRORS[hasRole](role), hasRole.http_status
예제 #12
def update_leave_days_by_id(id, body):  # noqa: E501
    """Updates a LeaveDays in the system with form data. Role write:leave_days must be granted

     # noqa: E501

    :param id: ID of LeaveDays to return
    :type id: int
    :param body: LeaveDays object that needs to be updated in the system
    :type body: dict | bytes

    :rtype: LeaveDays
    role = auth.WRITE_LEAVE_DAYS
    hasRole = auth.has_role(connexion.request.headers, role)
    if hasRole == auth.TokenStatus.ROLE_GRANTED:
        return impl.update_leave_days_by_id(id, body)
    return AUTH_ERRORS[hasRole](role), hasRole.http_status
예제 #13
def update_user(id, body):  # noqa: E501
    """Updated user

    This can only be done by with write:users role. # noqa: E501

    :param id: The id of user that needs to be updated
    :type id: int
    :param body: Updated user object
    :type body: dict | bytes

    :rtype: UserSafe
    role = auth.WRITE_USERS
    hasRole = auth.has_role(connexion.request.headers, role)
    if hasRole == auth.TokenStatus.ROLE_GRANTED:
        return impl.update_user(id, body)
    return AUTH_ERRORS[hasRole](role), hasRole.http_status
예제 #14
def update_employee_by_id(employeeId, body):  # noqa: E501
    """Updates an employee in the system with form data. Role write:employees must be granted

     # noqa: E501

    :param employeeId: ID of empoyee to return
    :type employeeId: int
    :param body: Employee object that needs to be updated in the system

    :type body: dict | bytes

    :rtype: Employee
    role = auth.WRITE_EMPLOYEES
    hasRole = auth.has_role(connexion.request.headers, role)
    if hasRole == auth.TokenStatus.ROLE_GRANTED:
        return impl.update_employee_by_id(employeeId, body)
    return AUTH_ERRORS[hasRole](role), hasRole.http_status
예제 #15
def find_by(username=None, email=None, roles=None):  # noqa: E501
    """Finds users by given parameters. Role read:users role must be granted

     # noqa: E501

    :param username: The username to filter by. 
    :type username: str
    :param email: The email to filter by. 
    :type email: str
    :param roles: Roles to filter by. 
    :type roles: str

    :rtype: List[UserSafe]
    role = auth.READ_USERS
    hasRole = auth.has_role(connexion.request.headers, role)
    if hasRole == auth.TokenStatus.ROLE_GRANTED:
        return impl.find_by(username, email, roles)
    return AUTH_ERRORS[hasRole](role), hasRole.http_status