def _compute_upper_bound_tight(self, tree, n_parts, n_examples,
        Optimized implementation of Algorithm 1 of Appendix D of the paper.
        c, m, l = n_parts, n_examples, n_features

        if c > m or c > tree.n_leaves:
            return 0
        elif c == m or c == 1 or m == 1:
            return 1
        elif m <= tree.n_leaves:
            return stirling(m, c)
        # Modification 1: Check first in the table if value is already computed.
        if tree not in self.pfub_table:
            self.pfub_table[tree] = {}
        if (c, m, l) not in self.pfub_table[tree]:
            N = 0
            min_k = tree.left_subtree.n_leaves
            max_k = m - tree.right_subtree.n_leaves
            for k in range(min_k, max_k + 1):
                # Modification 2: Since c = 2 is the most common use case, we give an optimized version, writing explicitely the sum over a and b.
                if c == 2:
                    N += min(2 * l, binom(
                        m, k)) * (1 + 2 * self._compute_upper_bound_tight(
                            tree.left_subtree, 2, k, l) +
                                  2 * self._compute_upper_bound_tight(
                                      tree.right_subtree, 2, m - k, l) +
                                  2 * self._compute_upper_bound_tight(
                                      tree.left_subtree, 2, k, l) *
                                      tree.right_subtree, 2, m - k, l))
                    N += min(2 * l, binom(m, k)) * sum(
                            binom(a, c - b) * binom(b, c - a) *
                            factorial(a + b - c) *
                                tree.left_subtree, a, k, l) *
                                tree.right_subtree, b, m - k, l)
                            for b in range(max(1, c - a), c + 1))
                        for a in range(1, c + 1))

            if tree.left_subtree == tree.right_subtree:
                N /= 2

            # Modification 3: Add value to look up table.
            self.pfub_table[tree][n_parts, n_examples, n_features] = min(
                N, stirling(n_examples, n_parts))

        return self.pfub_table[tree][n_parts, n_examples, n_features]
    def _compute_upper_bound_loose(self, tree, n_parts, n_examples,
        Looser but faster implementation of Algorithm 1 of Appendix D of the paper. The corresponding equation can be found at the end of section 6.2.
        c, m, l = n_parts, n_examples, n_features

        if c > m or c > tree.n_leaves:
            return 0
        elif c == m or c == 1 or m == 1:
            return 1
        elif m <= tree.n_leaves:
            return stirling(m, c)
        if tree not in self.pfub_table:
            self.pfub_table[tree] = {}
        if (c, m, l) not in self.pfub_table[tree]:
            N = 0
            k_left = m - tree.right_subtree.n_leaves
            k_right = m - tree.left_subtree.n_leaves
            N = 0
            if c == 2:
                N += 2 * l * (1 + 2 * self._compute_upper_bound_loose(
                    tree.left_subtree, 2, k_left, l) +
                              2 * self._compute_upper_bound_loose(
                                  tree.right_subtree, 2, k_right, l) +
                              2 * self._compute_upper_bound_loose(
                                  tree.left_subtree, 2, k_left, l) *
                                  tree.right_subtree, 2, k_right, l))
                N += 2 * l * sum(
                        binom(a, c - b) * binom(b, c - a) *
                        factorial(a + b - c) * self._compute_upper_bound_loose(
                            tree.left_subtree, a, k_left, l) *
                            tree.right_subtree, b, k_right, l)
                        for b in range(max(1, c - a), c + 1))
                    for a in range(1, c + 1))
            N *= m - tree.n_leaves

            if tree.left_subtree == tree.right_subtree:
                N /= 2

            self.pfub_table[tree][c, m, l] = min(N,
                                                 stirling(n_examples, n_parts))
        return self.pfub_table[tree][c, m, l]
예제 #3
    def _resample_auxiliary_transition_atom_mh(alpha,
        Use a Metropolos Hastings resampling approach that often rejects the proposed
        value. This can cause the convergence to slow down (as the values are less
        dynamic) but speeds up the computation.
        :param alpha:
        :param beta:
        :param n:
        :param m_curr:
        :param use_approximation:
        # propose new m
        n = max(n, 1)
        m_proposed = random.choice(range(1, n + 1))
        if m_curr > n:
            return m_proposed

        # find relative probabilities
        if use_approximation and n > 10:
            logp_diff = (
                (m_proposed - 0.5) * np.log(m_proposed) -
                (m_curr - 0.5) * np.log(m_curr) +
                (m_proposed - m_curr) * np.log(alpha * beta * np.exp(1)) +
                (m_proposed - m_curr) * np.log(0.57721 + np.log(n - 1)))
            p_curr = float(stirling(n, m_curr, kind=1)) * (
                (alpha * beta)**m_curr)
            p_proposed = float(stirling(n, m_proposed, kind=1)) * (
                (alpha * beta)**m_proposed)
            logp_diff = np.log(p_proposed) - np.log(p_curr)

        # use MH variable to decide whether to accept m_proposed
        with catch_warnings(record=True) as caught_warnings:
            p_accept = min(1, np.exp(logp_diff))
            p_accept = bool(np.random.binomial(
                n=1, p=p_accept))  # convert to boolean
            if caught_warnings:
                p_accept = True

        return m_proposed if p_accept else m_curr
예제 #4
    def _resample_auxiliary_transition_atom_complete(alpha,
        Use a resampling approach that estimates probabilities for all auxiliary
        transition parameters. This avoids the slowdown in convergence caused by
        Metropolis Hastings rejections, but is more computationally costly.
        :param alpha:
        :param beta:
        :param n:
        :param use_approximation:
        # initialise values required to resample
        p_required = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
        m = 0
        p_cumulative = 0
        scale = alpha * beta

        if not use_approximation:
            # use precise probabilities
                logp_constant = np.log(special.gamma(scale)) - np.log(
                    special.gamma(scale + n))
                while p_cumulative == 0 or p_cumulative < p_required and m < n:
                    # accumulate probability
                    m += 1
                    logp_accept = (m * np.log(scale) +
                                   np.log(stirling(n, m, kind=1)) +
                    p_cumulative += np.exp(logp_accept)
            # after one failure use only the approximation
            except (RecursionError, OverflowError):
                # correct for failed case before
                m -= 1
        while p_cumulative < p_required and m < n:
            # problems with stirling recursion (large n & m), use approximation instead
            # magic number is the Euler constant
            # approximation derived in documentation
            m += 1
            logp_accept = (m + (m + scale - 0.5) * np.log(scale) +
                           (m - 1) * np.log(0.57721 + np.log(n - 1)) -
                           (m - 0.5) * np.log(m) - scale * np.log(scale + n) -
            p_cumulative += np.exp(logp_accept)
        # breaks out of loop after m is sufficiently large
        return max(m, 1)
예제 #5
def test_nC_nP_nT():
    from sympy.utilities.iterables import (multiset_permutations,
                                           multiset_partitions, partitions,
                                           subsets, permutations)
    from sympy.functions.combinatorial.numbers import (nP, nC, nT, stirling,
    from sympy.combinatorics.permutations import Permutation
    from sympy.core.numbers import oo
    from random import choice

    c = string.ascii_lowercase
    for i in range(100):
        s = ''.join(choice(c) for i in range(7))
        u = len(s) == len(set(s))
            tot = 0
            for i in range(8):
                check = nP(s, i)
                tot += check
                assert len(list(multiset_permutations(s, i))) == check
                if u:
                    assert nP(len(s), i) == check
            assert nP(s) == tot
        except AssertionError:
            print(s, i, 'failed perm test')
            raise ValueError()

    for i in range(100):
        s = ''.join(choice(c) for i in range(7))
        u = len(s) == len(set(s))
            tot = 0
            for i in range(8):
                check = nC(s, i)
                tot += check
                assert len(list(multiset_combinations(s, i))) == check
                if u:
                    assert nC(len(s), i) == check
            assert nC(s) == tot
            if u:
                assert nC(len(s)) == tot
        except AssertionError:
            print(s, i, 'failed combo test')
            raise ValueError()

    for i in range(1, 10):
        tot = 0
        for j in range(1, i + 2):
            check = nT(i, j)
            tot += check
            assert sum(1 for p in partitions(i, j, size=True)
                       if p[0] == j) == check
        assert nT(i) == tot

    for i in range(1, 10):
        tot = 0
        for j in range(1, i + 2):
            check = nT(range(i), j)
            tot += check
            assert len(list(multiset_partitions(list(range(i)), j))) == check
        assert nT(range(i)) == tot

    for i in range(100):
        s = ''.join(choice(c) for i in range(7))
        u = len(s) == len(set(s))
            tot = 0
            for i in range(1, 8):
                check = nT(s, i)
                tot += check
                assert len(list(multiset_partitions(s, i))) == check
                if u:
                    assert nT(range(len(s)), i) == check
            if u:
                assert nT(range(len(s))) == tot
            assert nT(s) == tot
        except AssertionError:
            print(s, i, 'failed partition test')
            raise ValueError()

    # tests for Stirling numbers of the first kind that are not tested in the
    # above
    assert [stirling(9, i, kind=1) for i in range(11)
            ] == [0, 40320, 109584, 118124, 67284, 22449, 4536, 546, 36, 1, 0]
    perms = list(permutations(range(4)))
    assert [
        sum(1 for p in perms if Permutation(p).cycles == i) for i in range(5)
    ] == [0, 6, 11, 6, 1] == [stirling(4, i, kind=1) for i in range(5)]
    assert [
        stirling(n, k, signed=1) for n in range(10) for k in range(1, n + 1)
    ] == [
        1, -1, 1, 2, -3, 1, -6, 11, -6, 1, 24, -50, 35, -10, 1, -120, 274,
        -225, 85, -15, 1, 720, -1764, 1624, -735, 175, -21, 1, -5040, 13068,
        -13132, 6769, -1960, 322, -28, 1, 40320, -109584, 118124, -67284,
        22449, -4536, 546, -36, 1
    assert [stirling(n, k, kind=1) for n in range(10)
            for k in range(n + 1)] == [
                1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 0, 6, 11, 6, 1, 0, 24, 50, 35,
                10, 1, 0, 120, 274, 225, 85, 15, 1, 0, 720, 1764, 1624, 735,
                175, 21, 1, 0, 5040, 13068, 13132, 6769, 1960, 322, 28, 1, 0,
                40320, 109584, 118124, 67284, 22449, 4536, 546, 36, 1
    assert [stirling(n, k, kind=2) for n in range(10)
            for k in range(n + 1)] == [
                1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 1, 7, 6, 1, 0, 1, 15, 25, 10,
                1, 0, 1, 31, 90, 65, 15, 1, 0, 1, 63, 301, 350, 140, 21, 1, 0,
                1, 127, 966, 1701, 1050, 266, 28, 1, 0, 1, 255, 3025, 7770,
                6951, 2646, 462, 36, 1
    assert stirling(3, 4, kind=1) == stirling(3, 4, kind=1) == 0
    raises(ValueError, lambda: stirling(-2, 2))

    def delta(p):
        if len(p) == 1:
            return oo
        return min(abs(i[0] - i[1]) for i in subsets(p, 2))

    parts = multiset_partitions(range(5), 3)
    d = 2
    assert (sum(1
                for p in parts if all(delta(i) >= d
                                      for i in p)) == stirling(5, 3, d=d) == 7)

    # other coverage tests
    assert nC('abb', 2) == nC('aab', 2) == 2
    assert nP(3, 3, replacement=True) == nP('aabc', 3, replacement=True) == 27
    assert nP(3, 4) == 0
    assert nP('aabc', 5) == 0
    assert nC(4, 2, replacement=True) == nC('abcdd', 2, replacement=True) == \
        len(list(multiset_combinations('aabbccdd', 2))) == 10
    assert nC('abcdd') == sum(nC('abcdd', i) for i in range(6)) == 24
    assert nC(list('abcdd'), 4) == 4
    assert nT('aaaa') == nT(4) == len(list(partitions(4))) == 5
    assert nT('aaab') == len(list(multiset_partitions('aaab'))) == 7
    assert nC('aabb' * 3, 3) == 4  # aaa, bbb, abb, baa
    assert dict(_AOP_product((4, 1, 1, 1))) == {
        0: 1,
        1: 4,
        2: 7,
        3: 8,
        4: 8,
        5: 7,
        6: 4,
        7: 1
    # the following was the first t that showed a problem in a previous form of
    # the function, so it's not as random as it may appear
    t = (3, 9, 4, 6, 6, 5, 5, 2, 10, 4)
    assert sum(_AOP_product(t)[i] for i in range(55)) == 58212000
    raises(ValueError, lambda: _multiset_histogram({1: 'a'}))
예제 #6
def test_nC_nP_nT():
    from sympy.utilities.iterables import (
        multiset_permutations, multiset_combinations, multiset_partitions,
        partitions, subsets, permutations)
    from sympy.functions.combinatorial.numbers import (
        nP, nC, nT, stirling, _multiset_histogram, _AOP_product)
    from sympy.combinatorics.permutations import Permutation
    from sympy.core.numbers import oo
    from random import choice

    c = string.ascii_lowercase
    for i in range(100):
        s = ''.join(choice(c) for i in range(7))
        u = len(s) == len(set(s))
            tot = 0
            for i in range(8):
                check = nP(s, i)
                tot += check
                assert len(list(multiset_permutations(s, i))) == check
                if u:
                    assert nP(len(s), i) == check
            assert nP(s) == tot
        except AssertionError:
            print(s, i, 'failed perm test')
            raise ValueError()

    for i in range(100):
        s = ''.join(choice(c) for i in range(7))
        u = len(s) == len(set(s))
            tot = 0
            for i in range(8):
                check = nC(s, i)
                tot += check
                assert len(list(multiset_combinations(s, i))) == check
                if u:
                    assert nC(len(s), i) == check
            assert nC(s) == tot
            if u:
                assert nC(len(s)) == tot
        except AssertionError:
            print(s, i, 'failed combo test')
            raise ValueError()

    for i in range(1, 10):
        tot = 0
        for j in range(1, i + 2):
            check = nT(i, j)
            tot += check
            assert sum(1 for p in partitions(i, j, size=True) if p[0] == j) == check
        assert nT(i) == tot

    for i in range(1, 10):
        tot = 0
        for j in range(1, i + 2):
            check = nT(range(i), j)
            tot += check
            assert len(list(multiset_partitions(range(i), j))) == check
        assert nT(range(i)) == tot

    for i in range(100):
        s = ''.join(choice(c) for i in range(7))
        u = len(s) == len(set(s))
            tot = 0
            for i in range(1, 8):
                check = nT(s, i)
                tot += check
                assert len(list(multiset_partitions(s, i))) == check
                if u:
                    assert nT(range(len(s)), i) == check
            if u:
                assert nT(range(len(s))) == tot
            assert nT(s) == tot
        except AssertionError:
            print(s, i, 'failed partition test')
            raise ValueError()

    # tests for Stirling numbers of the first kind that are not tested in the
    # above
    assert [stirling(9, i, kind=1) for i in range(11)] == [
        0, 40320, 109584, 118124, 67284, 22449, 4536, 546, 36, 1, 0]
    perms = list(permutations(range(4)))
    assert [sum(1 for p in perms if Permutation(p).cycles == i)
            for i in range(5)] == [0, 6, 11, 6, 1] == [
            stirling(4, i, kind=1) for i in range(5)]
    assert [stirling(n, k, signed=1)
        for n in range(10) for k in range(1, n + 1)] == [
            1, -1,
            1, 2, -3,
            1, -6, 11, -6,
            1, 24, -50, 35, -10,
            1, -120, 274, -225, 85, -15,
            1, 720, -1764, 1624, -735, 175, -21,
            1, -5040, 13068, -13132, 6769, -1960, 322, -28,
            1, 40320, -109584, 118124, -67284, 22449, -4536, 546, -36, 1]
    assert  [stirling(n, k, kind=1)
        for n in range(10) for k in range(n+1)] == [
            0, 1,
            0, 1, 1,
            0, 2, 3, 1,
            0, 6, 11, 6, 1,
            0, 24, 50, 35, 10, 1,
            0, 120, 274, 225, 85, 15, 1,
            0, 720, 1764, 1624, 735, 175, 21, 1,
            0, 5040, 13068, 13132, 6769, 1960, 322, 28, 1,
            0, 40320, 109584, 118124, 67284, 22449, 4536, 546, 36, 1]
    assert [stirling(n, k, kind=2)
        for n in range(10) for k in range(n+1)] == [
            0, 1,
            0, 1, 1,
            0, 1, 3, 1,
            0, 1, 7, 6, 1,
            0, 1, 15, 25, 10, 1,
            0, 1, 31, 90, 65, 15, 1,
            0, 1, 63, 301, 350, 140, 21, 1,
            0, 1, 127, 966, 1701, 1050, 266, 28, 1,
            0, 1, 255, 3025, 7770, 6951, 2646, 462, 36, 1]
    assert stirling(3, 4, kind=1) == stirling(3, 4, kind=1) == 0
    raises(ValueError, lambda: stirling(-2, 2))

    def delta(p):
        if len(p) == 1:
            return oo
        return min(abs(i[0] - i[1]) for i in subsets(p, 2))
    parts = multiset_partitions(range(5), 3)
    d = 2
    assert (sum(1 for p in parts if all(delta(i) >= d for i in p)) ==
            stirling(5, 3, d=d) == 7)

    # other coverage tests
    assert nC('abb', 2) == nC('aab', 2) == 2
    assert nP(3, 3, replacement=True) == nP('aabc', 3, replacement=True) == 27
    assert nP(3, 4) == 0
    assert nP('aabc', 5) == 0
    assert nC(4, 2, replacement=True) == nC('abcdd', 2, replacement=True) == \
        len(list(multiset_combinations('aabbccdd', 2))) == 10
    assert nC('abcdd') == sum(nC('abcdd', i) for i in range(6)) == 24
    assert nC(list('abcdd'), 4) == 4
    assert nT('aaaa') == nT(4) == len(list(partitions(4))) == 5
    assert nT('aaab') == len(list(multiset_partitions('aaab'))) == 7
    assert nC('aabb'*3, 3) == 4  # aaa, bbb, abb, baa
    assert dict(_AOP_product((4,1,1,1))) == {
        0: 1, 1: 4, 2: 7, 3: 8, 4: 8, 5: 7, 6: 4, 7: 1}
    # the following was the first t that showed a problem in a previous form of
    # the function, so it's not as random as it may appear
    t = (3, 9, 4, 6, 6, 5, 5, 2, 10, 4)
    assert sum(_AOP_product(t)[i] for i in range(55)) == 58212000
    raises(ValueError, lambda: _multiset_histogram({1:'a'}))
예제 #7
def test_F8():
    assert stirling(5, 2, signed=True) == -50  # if signed, then kind=1
예제 #8
def test_F8():
    assert stirling(5, 2, signed=True) == -50  # if signed, then kind=1
예제 #9
class MSampler(object):

        stirling_mat = lambda _, x, y: _stirling_mat[x, y]
            'stirling.npy file not found, using sympy instead (MMSB_CGS model will be 100 time slower !)'
        stirling_mat = lambda _, x, y: np.asarray(
            [float(sympy.log(stirling(x, i, kind=1)).evalf()) for i in y])

    def __init__(self, zsampler):

        self.zsampler = zsampler
        self.get_log_alpha_beta = zsampler.get_log_alpha_beta
        self.count_k_by_j = zsampler.doc_topic_counts

        # We don't know the preconfiguration of tables !
        self.m = np.ones(self.count_k_by_j.shape, dtype=int)
        self.m_dotk = self.m.sum(axis=0)

    def sample(self):

        indices = np.ndenumerate(self.count_k_by_j)

        lgg.debug('Sample m...')
        for ind in indices:
            j, k = ind[0]
            count = ind[1]

            if count > 0:
                # Sample number of tables in j serving dishe k
                params = self.prob_jk(j, k)
                sample = categorical(params) + 1
                sample = 0

            self.m[j, k] = sample

        self.m_dotk = self.m.sum(0)

        return self.m

    def _update_m(self):
        # Remove tables associated with purged topics
        for k in sorted(self.zsampler.last_purged_topics, reverse=True):
            self.m = np.delete(self.m, k, axis=1)

        # Passed by reference, but why not...
        self.count_k_by_j = self.zsampler.doc_topic_counts
        K = self.count_k_by_j.shape[1]
        # Add empty table for new fancy topics
        new_k = K - self.m.shape[1]
        if new_k > 0:
            lgg.debug('msampler: %d new topics' % (new_k))
            J = self.m.shape[0]
            self.m = np.hstack((self.m, np.zeros((J, new_k), dtype=int)))

    # Removes empty table.
    def purge_empty_tables(self):
        # cant be.

    def prob_jk(self, j, k):
        # -1 because table of current sample topic jk, is not conditioned on
        njdotk = self.count_k_by_j[j, k]
        if njdotk == 1:
            return np.ones(1)

        possible_ms = np.arange(1, njdotk)  # +1-1
        log_alpha_beta_k = self.get_log_alpha_beta(k)
        alpha_beta_k = np.exp(log_alpha_beta_k)

        normalizer = gammaln(alpha_beta_k) - gammaln(alpha_beta_k + njdotk)
        log_stir = self.stirling_mat(njdotk, possible_ms)

        params = normalizer + log_stir + possible_ms * log_alpha_beta_k

        return lognormalize(params)
예제 #10
    def test_stirling_matrices(self):
        Test the calculation of Stirling numbers of first kind. 


        # Test the unnormalized Stirling numbers
        for K in xrange(3, 21):

            pyStirling = []

            for k0 in xrange(K + 1):
                        [int(stirling(k0, k, kind=1)) for k in xrange(K + 1)]))

            pyStirling = array(pyStirling)

            S = get_stirling_numbers(K)

            self.assertTrue(allclose(pyStirling, S))

        # Test the normalized Stirling numbers using sympy
        for K in xrange(3, 21):
            pyStirling = []

            for k0 in xrange(K + 1):
                s = array(
                    [int(stirling(k0, k, kind=1)) for k in xrange(K + 1)])
                pyStirling.append(s / float(s.max()))

            pyStirling = array(pyStirling)

            S = get_normalized_stirling_numbers(K)

            self.assertTrue(allclose(pyStirling, S))

        # Test the normalized Stirling numbers using hand-made numpy function
        for K in (5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200, 1000):

            pyStirling = stirlingnumbers(K)

            S = get_normalized_stirling_numbers(K)

            self.assertTrue(allclose(pyStirling, S))

        # Test the lite versions of the Python stirling matrix calculators.
        n = 100  # number of columns in the matrix (less one)
        k = 10  # number of elements in the I index array
        for _ in xrange(100):
            I = sorted(permutation(n)[:k])
                allclose(stirlingnumbers(max(I))[I], stirlingnumbers2(I)))
                allclose(stirlingnumbers(max(I))[I], stirlingnumbers3(I)))

            S = get_normalized_stirling_numbers2(I, max(I), len(I))

            self.assertTrue(allclose(S, stirlingnumbers3(I)))
            self.assertTrue(allclose(S, stirlingnumbers2(I)))
            self.assertTrue(allclose(S, stirlingnumbers(max(I))[I]))
예제 #11
 def apply(self, m, n, evaluation):
     "%(name)s[n_Integer, m_Integer]"
     n_value = n.get_int_value()
     m_value = m.get_int_value()
     return Integer(stirling(n_value, m_value, kind=2))
예제 #12
 def _stirling_table_dishe(self, n, m):
     if m > n:
         return np.inf
         return sym.log(stirling(n, m, kind=self.kind)).evalf()