예제 #1
def test_edit_array_contraction():
    cg = _array_contraction(_array_tensor_product(A, B, C, D), (1, 2, 5))
    ecg = _EditArrayContraction(cg)
    assert ecg.to_array_contraction() == cg

    ecg.args_with_ind[1], ecg.args_with_ind[2] = ecg.args_with_ind[2], ecg.args_with_ind[1]
    assert ecg.to_array_contraction() == _array_contraction(_array_tensor_product(A, C, B, D), (1, 3, 4))

    ci = ecg.get_new_contraction_index()
    new_arg = _ArgE(X)
    new_arg.indices = [ci, ci]
    ecg.args_with_ind.insert(2, new_arg)
    assert ecg.to_array_contraction() == _array_contraction(_array_tensor_product(A, C, X, B, D), (1, 3, 6), (4, 5))

    assert ecg.get_contraction_indices() == [[1, 3, 6], [4, 5]]
    assert [[tuple(j) for j in i] for i in ecg.get_contraction_indices_to_ind_rel_pos()] == [[(0, 1), (1, 1), (3, 0)], [(2, 0), (2, 1)]]
    assert [list(i) for i in ecg.get_mapping_for_index(0)] == [[0, 1], [1, 1], [3, 0]]
    assert [list(i) for i in ecg.get_mapping_for_index(1)] == [[2, 0], [2, 1]]
    raises(ValueError, lambda: ecg.get_mapping_for_index(2))

    assert ecg.to_array_contraction() == _array_contraction(_array_tensor_product(A, X, B, D), (1, 4), (2, 3))

    ecg.args_with_ind[0].indices[1] = ecg.args_with_ind[1].indices[0]
    ecg.args_with_ind[1].indices[1] = ecg.args_with_ind[2].indices[0]
    assert ecg.to_array_contraction() == _array_contraction(_array_tensor_product(A, X, B, D), (1, 2), (3, 4))

    ecg.insert_after(ecg.args_with_ind[1], _ArgE(C))
    assert ecg.to_array_contraction() == _array_contraction(_array_tensor_product(A, X, C, B, D), (1, 2), (3, 6))
예제 #2
def _insert_candidate_into_editor(editor: _EditArrayContraction,
                                  arg_with_ind: _ArgE, candidate: _ArgE,
                                  transpose1: bool, transpose2: bool):
    other = candidate.element
    other_index: int
    if transpose2:
        other = Transpose(other)
        other_index = candidate.indices[0]
        other_index = candidate.indices[1]
    new_element = (Transpose(arg_with_ind.element)
                   if transpose1 else arg_with_ind.element) * other
    new_arge = _ArgE(new_element)
    return new_arge, other_index
예제 #3
def identify_hadamard_products(expr: Union[ArrayContraction, ArrayDiagonal]):
    mapping = _get_mapping_from_subranks(expr.subranks)

    editor: _EditArrayContraction
    if isinstance(expr, ArrayContraction):
        editor = _EditArrayContraction(expr)
    elif isinstance(expr, ArrayDiagonal):
        if isinstance(expr.expr, ArrayContraction):
            editor = _EditArrayContraction(expr.expr)
            diagonalized = ArrayContraction._push_indices_down(
                expr.expr.contraction_indices, expr.diagonal_indices)
        elif isinstance(expr.expr, ArrayTensorProduct):
            editor = _EditArrayContraction(None)
            editor.args_with_ind = [
                _ArgE(arg) for i, arg in enumerate(expr.expr.args)
            diagonalized = expr.diagonal_indices
            raise NotImplementedError("not implemented")

        # Trick: add diagonalized indices as negative indices into the editor object:
        for i, e in enumerate(diagonalized):
            for j in e:
                arg_pos, rel_pos = mapping[j]
                editor.args_with_ind[arg_pos].indices[rel_pos] = -1 - i

    map_contr_to_args: Dict[FrozenSet, List[_ArgE]] = defaultdict(list)
    map_ind_to_inds = defaultdict(int)
    for arg_with_ind in editor.args_with_ind:
        for ind in arg_with_ind.indices:
            map_ind_to_inds[ind] += 1
        if None in arg_with_ind.indices:

    k: FrozenSet[int]
    v: List[_ArgE]
    for k, v in map_contr_to_args.items():
        if len(k) != 2:
            # Hadamard product only defined for matrices:
        if len(v) == 1:
            # Hadamard product with a single argument makes no sense:
        for ind in k:
            if map_ind_to_inds[ind] <= 2:
                # There is no other contraction, skip:

        # Check if expression is a trace:
        if all([map_ind_to_inds[j] == len(v) and j >= 0 for j in k]):
            # This is a trace

        # This is a Hadamard product:

        def check_transpose(x):
            x = [i if i >= 0 else -1 - i for i in x]
            return x == sorted(x)

        hp = hadamard_product(*[
            i.element if check_transpose(i.indices) else Transpose(i.element)
            for i in v
        hp_indices = v[0].indices
        if not check_transpose(v[0].indices):
            hp_indices = list(reversed(hp_indices))
        editor.insert_after(v[0], _ArgE(hp, hp_indices))
        for i in v:

    # Count the ranks of the arguments:
    counter = 0
    # Create a collector for the new diagonal indices:
    diag_indices = defaultdict(list)

    count_index_freq = Counter()
    for arg_with_ind in editor.args_with_ind:

    free_index_count = count_index_freq[None]

    # Construct the inverse permutation:
    inv_perm1 = []
    inv_perm2 = []
    # Keep track of which diagonal indices have already been processed:
    done = set([])

    # Counter for the diagonal indices:
    counter4 = 0

    for arg_with_ind in editor.args_with_ind:
        # If some diagonalization axes have been removed, they should be
        # permuted in order to keep the permutation.
        # Add permutation here
        counter2 = 0  # counter for the indices
        for i in arg_with_ind.indices:
            if i is None:
                counter2 += 1
                counter4 += 1
            if i >= 0:
            # Reconstruct the diagonal indices:
            diag_indices[-1 - i].append(counter + counter2)
            if count_index_freq[i] == 1 and i not in done:
                inv_perm1.append(free_index_count - 1 - i)
            elif i not in done:
                inv_perm2.append(free_index_count - 1 - i)
            counter2 += 1
        # Remove negative indices to restore a proper editor object:
        arg_with_ind.indices = [
            i if i is not None and i >= 0 else None
            for i in arg_with_ind.indices
        counter += len([i for i in arg_with_ind.indices if i is None or i < 0])

    inverse_permutation = inv_perm1 + inv_perm2
    permutation = _af_invert(inverse_permutation)

    if isinstance(expr, ArrayContraction):
        return editor.to_array_contraction()
        # Get the diagonal indices after the detection of HadamardProduct in the expression:
        diag_indices_filtered = [
            tuple(v) for v in diag_indices.values() if len(v) > 1

        expr1 = editor.to_array_contraction()
        expr2 = ArrayDiagonal(expr1, *diag_indices_filtered)
        expr3 = PermuteDims(expr2, permutation)
        return expr3
예제 #4
def identify_hadamard_products(expr: tUnion[ArrayContraction, ArrayDiagonal]):

    editor: _EditArrayContraction = _EditArrayContraction(expr)

    map_contr_to_args: tDict[FrozenSet, List[_ArgE]] = defaultdict(list)
    map_ind_to_inds: tDict[Optional[int], int] = defaultdict(int)
    for arg_with_ind in editor.args_with_ind:
        for ind in arg_with_ind.indices:
            map_ind_to_inds[ind] += 1
        if None in arg_with_ind.indices:

    k: FrozenSet[int]
    v: List[_ArgE]
    for k, v in map_contr_to_args.items():
        make_trace: bool = False
        if len(k) == 1 and next(iter(k)) >= 0 and sum(
            [next(iter(k)) in i for i in map_contr_to_args]) == 1:
            # This is a trace: the arguments are fully contracted with only one
            # index, and the index isn't used anywhere else:
            make_trace = True
            first_element = S.One
        elif len(k) != 2:
            # Hadamard product only defined for matrices:
        if len(v) == 1:
            # Hadamard product with a single argument makes no sense:
        for ind in k:
            if map_ind_to_inds[ind] <= 2:
                # There is no other contraction, skip:

        def check_transpose(x):
            x = [i if i >= 0 else -1 - i for i in x]
            return x == sorted(x)

        # Check if expression is a trace:
        if all([map_ind_to_inds[j] == len(v) and j >= 0
                for j in k]) and all([j >= 0 for j in k]):
            # This is a trace
            make_trace = True
            first_element = v[0].element
            if not check_transpose(v[0].indices):
                first_element = first_element.T
            hadamard_factors = v[1:]
            hadamard_factors = v

        # This is a Hadamard product:

        hp = hadamard_product(*[
            i.element if check_transpose(i.indices) else Transpose(i.element)
            for i in hadamard_factors
        hp_indices = v[0].indices
        if not check_transpose(hadamard_factors[0].indices):
            hp_indices = list(reversed(hp_indices))
        if make_trace:
            hp = Trace(first_element * hp.T)._normalize()
            hp_indices = []
        editor.insert_after(v[0], _ArgE(hp, hp_indices))
        for i in v:

    return editor.to_array_contraction()