예제 #1
def _varconvolve_2d_parametrized(image, parameters, kernel_name, sampler=None, queue=None,
                                 out=None, block=False):
    """Variable convolution of *image* with *parameters*, use OpoenCL kernel *kernel_name*,
    *sampler*, *queue*, *out* and wait if *block* is True. Return *out*.
    if queue is None:
        queue = cfg.OPENCL.queue
    if out is None:
        out = cl.array.Array(queue, image.shape, dtype=cfg.PRECISION.np_float)
    if sampler is None:
        sampler = cl.Sampler(queue.context, False, cl.addressing_mode.CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
    if not isinstance(parameters, cl_array.Array):
        params_host = np.empty(parameters[0].shape, dtype=cfg.PRECISION.vfloat2)
        params_host['y'] = g_util.get_host(parameters[0])
        params_host['x'] = g_util.get_host(parameters[1])
        parameters = cl_array.to_device(queue, params_host)
    if parameters.shape != image.shape:
        raise ValueError("Parameters shape '{}' differs from image shape '{}'".
                         format(parameters.shape, image.shape))
    image = g_util.get_image(image, queue=queue)
    args = (image, out.data, sampler, cl_array.vec.make_int2(0, 0), parameters.data)

    varconvolve(kernel_name, image.shape[::-1], args, queue=queue, block=block)

    return out
예제 #2
def _varconvolve_2d_parametrized(
    image, parameters, kernel_name, sampler=None, queue=None, out=None, block=False
    """Variable convolution of *image* with *parameters*, use OpoenCL kernel *kernel_name*,
    *sampler*, *queue*, *out* and wait if *block* is True. Return *out*.
    if queue is None:
        queue = cfg.OPENCL.queue
    if out is None:
        out = cl.array.Array(queue, image.shape, dtype=cfg.PRECISION.np_float)
    if sampler is None:
        sampler = cl.Sampler(
            queue.context, False, cl.addressing_mode.CLAMP_TO_EDGE, cl.filter_mode.NEAREST
    if not isinstance(parameters, cl_array.Array):
        params_host = np.empty(parameters[0].shape, dtype=cfg.PRECISION.vfloat2)
        params_host["y"] = g_util.get_host(parameters[0])
        params_host["x"] = g_util.get_host(parameters[1])
        parameters = cl_array.to_device(queue, params_host)
    if parameters.shape != image.shape:
        raise ValueError(
            "Parameters shape '{}' differs from image shape '{}'".format(
                parameters.shape, image.shape
    image = g_util.get_image(image, queue=queue)
    args = (image, out.data, sampler, cl_array.vec.make_int2(0, 0), parameters.data)

    varconvolve(kernel_name, image.shape[::-1], args, queue=queue, block=block)

    return out
예제 #3
    def get_image(self,
        """Get digital counts image from incoming *photons*. The resulting image is based on the
        incoming photons and dark current. We apply noise based on EMVA 1288 standard according to
        which the variance :math:`\sigma_y^2 = K^2 ( \sigma_e^2 + \sigma_d^2 ) + \sigma_q^2`, where
        :math:`K` is the system gain, :math:`\sigma_e^2` is the poisson- distributed shot noise
        variance, :math:`\sigma_d^2` is the normal distributed electronics noise variance and
        :math:`\sigma_q^2` is the quantization noise variance. If *shot_noise* is False don't apply
        it. If *amplifier_noise* is False don't apply it as well. If *psf* is False don't apply the
        point spread function.
        if self._last_input_shape != photons.shape:
            self._last_input_shape = photons.shape
            self._bin_factor = (photons.shape[0] / self.shape[0],
                                photons.shape[1] / self.shape[1])

        if queue is None:
            queue = cfg.OPENCL.queue

        # Shot noise
        # Adjust dark current for later binning and gain
        dark = float(
            self.dark_current) / self._bin_factor[0] / self._bin_factor[1]
        electrons = dark + gutil.get_host(photons)

        if self._bin_factor != (1, 1):
            if psf:
                sigma = (fwnm_to_sigma(self._bin_factor[0]),
                small = decimate(electrons,
                small = bin_image(electrons, self.shape, queue=queue)
            electrons = gutil.get_host(small)

        if shot_noise:
            electrons = np.random.poisson(electrons)

        if amplifier_noise and self.amplifier_sigma > 0:
            # Add electronics noise
            electrons = np.random.normal(electrons, self.amplifier_sigma)

        counts = self.gain * electrons

        # Cut the values beyond the maximum represented grey value given by
        # bytes per pixel.
        counts[counts > self.max_grey_value] = self.max_grey_value

        # Apply quantization noise
        return counts.astype(self.dtype)
예제 #4
def main():
    args = parse_args()
    m = 20

    if args.input == 'grid':
        image = make_grid(args.n, m * q.m).thickness.get()
    elif args.input == 'lena':
        from scipy.misc import lena
        image = lena().astype(cfg.PRECISION.np_float)
        if args.n != image.shape[0]:
            image = gutil.get_host(ip.rescale(image, (args.n, args.n)))

    n = image.shape[0]
    crop_n = n - 2 * m - 2
    y, x = np.mgrid[-n / 2:n / 2, -n / 2:n / 2]
    # Compute a such that the disk diameter is exactly the period when distance from the middle is n
    # / 2
    a = m / (2 * (crop_n / 2.)**2)
    radii = (a * np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)**2 + 1e-3).astype(cfg.PRECISION.np_float)
    x_param = radii
    y_param = radii

    result = ip.varconvolve_disk(image, (y_param, x_param)).get()
    result = ip.crop(result, (m - 1, m - 1, crop_n, crop_n)).get()
    radii = ip.crop(radii, (m - 1, m - 1, crop_n, crop_n)).get()
    image = ip.crop(image, (m - 1, m - 1, crop_n, crop_n)).get()

    if args.output:
        save_image(args.output, result)

    show(image, title='Original Image')
    show(2 * radii, title='Blurring Disk Diameters')
    show(result, title='Blurred Image')
    def test_fft(self):
        data = gpu_util.get_array(np.random.normal(100, 100,
                                                   size=(4, 4)).astype(cfg.PRECISION.np_float))
        orig = gpu_util.get_host(data)
        data = ip.fft_2(data)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(orig, data.get().real, decimal=4)

        # With a plan
        from pyfft.cl import Plan
        plan = Plan((4, 4), queue=cfg.OPENCL.queue)
        data = ip.fft_2(np.copy(orig), plan=plan)
        ip.ifft_2(data, plan=plan)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(orig, data.get().real, decimal=4)

        # Test double precision
        syris.init(double_precision=True, device_index=0)
        data = gpu_util.get_array(np.random.normal(100, 100,
                                                   size=(4, 4)).astype(cfg.PRECISION.np_float))
        gt = np.fft.fft2(data.get())
        data = ip.fft_2(data)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(gt, data.get(), decimal=4)

        gt = np.fft.ifft2(data.get())
        data = ip.ifft_2(data)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(gt, data.get(), decimal=4)
예제 #6
def main():
    args = parse_args()
    m = 20

    if args.input == 'grid':
        image = make_grid(args.n, m * q.m).thickness.get()
    elif args.input == 'lena':
        from scipy.misc import lena
        image = lena().astype(cfg.PRECISION.np_float)
        if args.n != image.shape[0]:
            image = gutil.get_host(ip.rescale(image, (args.n, args.n)))

    n = image.shape[0]
    crop_n = n - 2 * m - 2
    y, x = np.mgrid[-n / 2:n / 2, -n / 2:n / 2]
    # Compute a such that the disk diameter is exactly the period when distance from the middle is n
    # / 2
    a = m / (2 * (crop_n / 2.) ** 2)
    radii = (a * np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) ** 2 + 1e-3).astype(cfg.PRECISION.np_float)
    x_param = radii
    y_param = radii

    result = ip.varconvolve_disk(image, (y_param, x_param)).get()
    result = ip.crop(result, (m - 1, m - 1, crop_n, crop_n)).get()
    radii = ip.crop(radii, (m - 1, m - 1, crop_n, crop_n)).get()
    image = ip.crop(image, (m - 1, m - 1, crop_n, crop_n)).get()

    if args.output:
        save_image(args.output, result)

    show(image, title='Original Image')
    show(2 * radii, title='Blurring Disk Diameters')
    show(result, title='Blurred Image')
예제 #7
파일: experiment.py 프로젝트: ufo-kit/syris
def make_motion(args):
    n = 256
    shape = (n, n)
    energies = np.arange(5, 30, 1) * q.keV
    bm, detector = make_devices(n, energies)
    mb = create_sample(n, detector.pixel_size, velocity=20 * q.mm / q.s)
    mb_2 = create_sample(n, detector.pixel_size, velocity=10 * q.mm / q.s)
    mb.material = get_material('pmma_5_30_kev.mat')
    mb_2.material = mb.material

    cube = make_cube() / q.m * 30 * detector.pixel_size + 0.1 * detector.pixel_size
    fov = detector.pixel_size * n
    circle = make_circle().magnitude * fov / 30000 + fov / 2
    tr = Trajectory(circle, velocity=10 * q.um / q.s)
    glass = get_material('glass.mat')
    mesh = Mesh(cube, tr, material=glass)
    ex = Experiment([bm, mb, mb_2, mesh], bm, detector, 0 * q.m, energies)

    for sample in ex.samples:
        if sample != bm:

    if args.show_flat:
        show(get_flat(shape, energies, detector, bm), title='Counts')

    if args.conduct:
        if args.output is not None and not os.path.exists(args.output):
            os.makedirs(args.output, mode=0o755)

        t_0 = 0 * q.s
        if args.num_images:
            t_1 = args.num_images / detector.camera.fps
            t_1 = ex.time

        st = time.time()
        mpl_im = None
        for i, proj in enumerate(ex.make_sequence(t_0, t_1)):
            image = get_host(proj)

            if args.show:
                if mpl_im is None:
                    mpl_im = plt.imshow(image)

            if args.output:
                path = os.path.join(args.output, 'projection_{:>05}.png').format(i)
                scipy.misc.imsave(path, image)

        print 'Maximum intensity:', image.max()
        print 'Duration: {} s'.format(time.time() - st)

예제 #8
파일: cameras.py 프로젝트: ufo-kit/syris
    def get_image(self, photons, shot_noise=True, amplifier_noise=True, psf=True, queue=None):
        """Get digital counts image from incoming *photons*. The resulting image is based on the
        incoming photons and dark current. We apply noise based on EMVA 1288 standard according to
        which the variance :math:`\sigma_y^2 = K^2 ( \sigma_e^2 + \sigma_d^2 ) + \sigma_q^2`, where
        :math:`K` is the system gain, :math:`\sigma_e^2` is the poisson- distributed shot noise
        variance, :math:`\sigma_d^2` is the normal distributed electronics noise variance and
        :math:`\sigma_q^2` is the quantization noise variance. If *shot_noise* is False don't apply
        it. If *amplifier_noise* is False don't apply it as well. If *psf* is False don't apply the
        point spread function.
        if self._last_input_shape != photons.shape:
            self._last_input_shape = photons.shape
            self._bin_factor = (photons.shape[0] / self.shape[0], photons.shape[1] / self.shape[1])

        if queue is None:
            queue = cfg.OPENCL.queue

        # Shot noise
        # Adjust dark current for later binning and gain
        dark = float(self.dark_current) / self._bin_factor[0] / self._bin_factor[1]
        electrons = dark + gutil.get_host(photons)

        if self._bin_factor != (1, 1):
            if psf:
                sigma = (fwnm_to_sigma(self._bin_factor[0]), fwnm_to_sigma(self._bin_factor[1]))
                small = decimate(electrons, self.shape, sigma=sigma, queue=queue)
                small = bin_image(electrons, self.shape, queue=queue)
            electrons = gutil.get_host(small)

        if shot_noise:
            electrons = np.random.poisson(electrons)

        if amplifier_noise and self.amplifier_sigma > 0:
            # Add electronics noise
            electrons = np.random.normal(electrons, self.amplifier_sigma)

        counts = self.gain * electrons

        # Cut the values beyond the maximum represented grey value given by
        # bytes per pixel.
        counts[counts > self.max_grey_value] = self.max_grey_value

        # Apply quantization noise
        return counts.astype(self.dtype)
예제 #9
 def _test():
     shape = 8, 4
     dtypes = ['i', 'u', 'f']
     lengths = [2, 4, 8]
     types = [
         np.dtype('{}{}'.format(dt, length))
         for dt, length in itertools.product(dtypes, lengths)
     types += [np.dtype('c8'), np.dtype('c16')]
     for dtype in types:
         np_data = np.arange(shape[0] *
         # host -> Array
         cl_data = gu.get_array(np_data)
         np.testing.assert_equal(np_data, cl_data.get())
         # Array -> Array
         res = gu.get_array(cl_data)
         np.testing.assert_equal(res.get(), cl_data.get())
         # Array -> host
         host_data = gu.get_host(cl_data)
         np.testing.assert_equal(np_data, host_data)
         # host -> host
         host_data = gu.get_host(np_data)
         np.testing.assert_equal(np_data, host_data)
         if dtype.kind != 'c':
             # numpy -> Image and Image -> Array
             image = gu.get_image(np_data)
             back = gu.get_array(image).get()
             np.testing.assert_equal(back, np_data)
             # Image -> host
             host_data = gu.get_host(image)
             np.testing.assert_equal(host_data, np_data)
             # Array -> Image
             image = gu.get_image(cl_data)
             back = gu.get_array(image).get()
             np.testing.assert_equal(back, np_data)
             # Image -> Image
             image_2 = gu.get_image(image)
             back = gu.get_array(image_2).get()
             np.testing.assert_equal(back, np_data)
예제 #10
 def _test():
     shape = 8, 4
     dtypes = ["i", "u", "f"]
     lengths = [2, 4, 8]
     types = [
         np.dtype("{}{}".format(dt, length))
         for dt, length in itertools.product(dtypes, lengths)
     types += [np.dtype("c8"), np.dtype("c16")]
     for dtype in types:
         np_data = np.arange(shape[0] *
         # host -> Array
         cl_data = gu.get_array(np_data)
         np.testing.assert_equal(np_data, cl_data.get())
         # Array -> Array
         res = gu.get_array(cl_data)
         np.testing.assert_equal(res.get(), cl_data.get())
         # Array -> host
         host_data = gu.get_host(cl_data)
         np.testing.assert_equal(np_data, host_data)
         # host -> host
         host_data = gu.get_host(np_data)
         np.testing.assert_equal(np_data, host_data)
         if gu.are_images_supported() and dtype.kind != "c":
             # numpy -> Image and Image -> Array
             image = gu.get_image(np_data)
             back = gu.get_array(image).get()
             np.testing.assert_equal(back, np_data)
             # Image -> host
             host_data = gu.get_host(image)
             np.testing.assert_equal(host_data, np_data)
             # Array -> Image
             image = gu.get_image(cl_data)
             back = gu.get_array(image).get()
             np.testing.assert_equal(back, np_data)
             # Image -> Image
             image_2 = gu.get_image(image)
             back = gu.get_array(image_2).get()
             np.testing.assert_equal(back, np_data)
예제 #11
def merge_tiles(tiles, num_tiles=None, outlier=(0, 0)):
    """Merge *tiles* which is a list to one large image. *num_tiles* is a tuple specifying the
    number of tiles as (y, x) or None, meaning there is equal number of tiles in both dimensions.
    The tiles must be stored in the row-major order.
    n, m = get_num_tiles(tiles, num_tiles=num_tiles)
    tile_shape = tiles[0].shape
    crop_shape = (tile_shape[0] - outlier[0], tile_shape[1] - outlier[1])
    result = np.zeros((n * crop_shape[0], m * crop_shape[1]), dtype=tiles[0].dtype)

    for j in range(n):
        for i in range(m):
            tile = g_util.get_host(tiles[j * m + i])[outlier[0] / 2:tile_shape[0] - outlier[0] / 2,
                                                     outlier[1] / 2:tile_shape[1] - outlier[1] / 2]
            result[j * crop_shape[0]:(j + 1) * crop_shape[0],
                   i * crop_shape[1]:(i + 1) * crop_shape[1]] = tile

    return result
예제 #12
    def test_fft(self):
        data = gpu_util.get_array(
            np.random.normal(100, 100, size=(4, 4)).astype(cfg.PRECISION.np_float)
        orig = gpu_util.get_host(data)
        data = ip.fft_2(data)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(orig, data.get().real, decimal=4)

        # Test double precision
        data = gpu_util.get_array(
            np.random.normal(100, 100, size=(4, 4)).astype(cfg.PRECISION.np_float)
        gt = np.fft.fft2(data.get())
        data = ip.fft_2(data)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(gt, data.get(), decimal=4)

        gt = np.fft.ifft2(data.get())
        data = ip.ifft_2(data)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(gt, data.get(), decimal=4)
예제 #13
def make_motion(args):
    n = 256
    shape = (n, n)
    energies = np.arange(5, 30, 1) * q.keV
    bm, detector = make_devices(n, energies)
    mb = create_sample(n, detector.pixel_size, velocity=20 * q.mm / q.s)
    mb_2 = create_sample(n, detector.pixel_size, velocity=10 * q.mm / q.s)
    mb.material = get_material('pmma_5_30_kev.mat')
    mb_2.material = mb.material

    cube = make_cube(
    ) / q.m * 30 * detector.pixel_size + 0.1 * detector.pixel_size
    fov = detector.pixel_size * n
    circle = make_circle().magnitude * fov / 30000 + fov / 2
    tr = Trajectory(circle, velocity=10 * q.um / q.s)
    glass = get_material('glass.mat')
    mesh = Mesh(cube, tr, material=glass)
    ex = Experiment([bm, mb, mb_2, mesh], bm, detector, 0 * q.m, energies)

    for sample in ex.samples:
        if sample != bm:

    if args.show_flat:
        show(get_flat(shape, energies, detector, bm), title='Counts')

    if args.conduct:
        if args.output is not None and not os.path.exists(args.output):
            os.makedirs(args.output, mode=0o755)

        t_0 = 0 * q.s
        if args.num_images:
            t_1 = args.num_images / detector.camera.fps
            t_1 = ex.time

        st = time.time()
        mpl_im = None
        for i, proj in enumerate(ex.make_sequence(t_0, t_1)):
            image = get_host(proj)

            if args.show:
                if mpl_im is None:
                    mpl_im = plt.imshow(image)

            if args.output:
                path = os.path.join(args.output,
                scipy.misc.imsave(path, image)

        print 'Maximum intensity:', image.max()
        print 'Duration: {} s'.format(time.time() - st)

예제 #14
st = time.time()
mpl_im = None

# make projections
for i, [data, filename] in enumerate(

    if START_I <= i:
        image = get_host(data)
        msg = '===== COMPUTED {}'

        if PLOT_AND_PAUSE:

        if OUTPUT:
            path_img = os.path.join(OUTPUT, filename)
            tf.imsave(path_img, image.astype(np.uint16))

path_log = os.path.join(OUTPUT, 'scan.log')
ex.write_scan_log(path_log, NO_OF_IMAGES, NUM_REF_PER_BLOCK,