예제 #1
  def discriminator(self, image, y=None, reuse=False):
    with tf.variable_scope("discriminator") as scope:
      if reuse:

      if not self.y_dim:
        h0 = lrelu(conv2d(image, self.df_dim, name='d_h0_conv'))
        h1 = lrelu(self.d_bn1(conv2d(h0, self.df_dim*2, name='d_h1_conv')))
        h2 = lrelu(self.d_bn2(conv2d(h1, self.df_dim*4, name='d_h2_conv')))
        h3 = lrelu(self.d_bn3(conv2d(h2, self.df_dim*8, name='d_h3_conv')))
        h4 = linear(tf.reshape(h3, [self.batch_size, -1]), 1, 'd_h3_lin')

        return tf.nn.sigmoid(h4), h4
        yb = tf.reshape(y, [self.batch_size, 1, 1, self.y_dim])
        x = conv_cond_concat(image, yb)

        h0 = lrelu(conv2d(x, self.c_dim + self.y_dim, name='d_h0_conv'))
        h0 = conv_cond_concat(h0, yb)

        h1 = lrelu(self.d_bn1(conv2d(h0, self.df_dim + self.y_dim, name='d_h1_conv')))
        h1 = tf.reshape(h1, [self.batch_size, -1])
        h1 = tf.concat_v2([h1, y], 1)

        h2 = lrelu(self.d_bn2(linear(h1, self.dfc_dim, 'd_h2_lin')))
        h2 = tf.concat_v2([h2, y], 1)

        h3 = linear(h2, 1, 'd_h3_lin')

        return tf.nn.sigmoid(h3), h3
예제 #2
  def _testConfMatrixOnTensors(self, tf_dtype, np_dtype):
    with self.test_session() as sess:
      m_neg = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32)
      m_pos = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32)
      s = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32)

      neg = tf.random_normal([20], mean=m_neg, stddev=s, dtype=tf.float32)
      pos = tf.random_normal([20], mean=m_pos, stddev=s, dtype=tf.float32)

      data = tf.concat_v2([neg, pos], 0)
      data = tf.cast(tf.round(data), tf_dtype)
      data = tf.minimum(tf.maximum(data, 0), 1)
      lab = tf.concat_v2(
              [20], dtype=tf_dtype), tf.ones(
                  [20], dtype=tf_dtype)], 0)

      cm = tf.confusion_matrix(
          lab, data, dtype=tf_dtype, num_classes=2)

      d, l, cm_out = sess.run([data, lab, cm], {m_neg: 0.0,
                                                m_pos: 1.0,
                                                s: 1.0})

      truth = np.zeros([2, 2], dtype=np_dtype)
        range_builder = xrange
      except NameError:  # In Python 3.
        range_builder = range
      for i in range_builder(len(d)):
        truth[d[i], l[i]] += 1

      self.assertEqual(cm_out.dtype, np_dtype)
      self.assertAllClose(cm_out, truth, atol=1e-10)
예제 #3
    def __call__(self, input_tuple, state, scope=None):
        with vs.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__):

            _input, target, dInput_dF = input_tuple
            u, s, r, inner_spikes, dW, dF, reward, reward_mean = state
            s = (1.0 - tau_syn) * s + tf.concat_v2([_input, inner_spikes], 1)
            u = (1.0 - tau_mem) * u + mo.matmul(s, self.W)
            r = (1.0 - tau_refr) * r

            act_raw = self._activation(u)
            act = act_raw * tf.exp(-r)
            spikes = tf.where(
                act > tf.random_uniform([batch_size, self._num_units]),
                tf.ones([batch_size, self._num_units]),
                tf.zeros([batch_size, self._num_units])
            hidden_spikes, _ = self.slice(spikes)
            _, act_visible = self.slice(act)
            reward_mean = (1.0 - tau_long) * reward_mean + tau_long * reward
            reward = (1.0 - tau_learn) * reward + tau_learn * tf.reduce_sum(
                target * safe_log(act_visible*dt) + (1.0 - target) * safe_log(1.0 - act_visible*dt)
            , 1)
            r += spikes * amp_refr

            act_grad = tf.gradients([act], [u])[0]
            learn_target = tf.concat_v2([hidden_spikes, target], 1)

            factor = tf.concat_v2([
                (reward - reward_mean) * tf.ones((batch_size, hidden_size,)), 
                tf.ones((batch_size, visible_size,))
            ], 1)
            neuron_derivative = tf.reduce_sum( (act_grad/act_raw) * (learn_target - act) * factor, 0)

            Wsliced = tf.slice(self.W, [0, 0], [self._filters_num, self._num_units])
            dF_deriv_part = tf.squeeze(mo.matmul(Wsliced, tf.expand_dims(neuron_derivative, 1)))
            dW += lrate * outer(
                tf.reduce_sum(s, 0),
            dInput_dF = tf.reduce_mean(dInput_dF, 0)
            dF += lrate * dF_deriv_part * dInput_dF
            return GLMOutputTuple(spikes, act, factor, reward, reward_mean), GLMStateTuple(u, s, r, spikes, dW, dF, reward, reward_mean)
예제 #4
 def testAttentionCellWrapperCorrectResult(self):
   num_units = 4
   attn_length = 6
   batch_size = 2
   expected_output = np.array(
       [[0.955392, 0.408507, -0.60122, 0.270718],
        [0.903681, 0.331165, -0.500238, 0.224052]],
   expected_state = np.array(
           0.81331915, 0.32036272, 0.28079176, 1.08888793, 0.41264394,
           0.1062041, 0.10444493, 0.32050529, 0.64655536, 0.70794445,
           0.51896095, 0.31809306, 0.58086717, 0.49446869, 0.7641536,
           0.12814975, 0.92231739, 0.89857256, 0.21889746, 0.38442063,
           0.53481543, 0.8876909, 0.45823169, 0.5905602, 0.78038228,
           0.56501579, 0.03971386, 0.09870267, 0.8074435, 0.66821432,
           0.99211812, 0.12295902, 1.01412082, 0.33123279, -0.71114945,
       ], [
           0.59962207, 0.42597458, -0.22491696, 0.98063421, 0.32548007,
           0.11623692, -0.10100613, 0.27708149, 0.76956916, 0.6360054,
           0.51719815, 0.50458527, 0.73000264, 0.66986895, 0.73576689,
           0.86301267, 0.87887371, 0.35185754, 0.93417215, 0.64732957,
           0.63173044, 0.66627824, 0.53644657, 0.20477486, 0.98458421,
           0.38277245, 0.03746676, 0.92510188, 0.57714164, 0.84932971,
           0.36127412, 0.12125921, 0.99780077, 0.31886846, -0.67595094,
   seed = 12345
   for state_is_tuple in [False, True]:
     with tf.Session() as sess:
       with tf.variable_scope("state_is_tuple", reuse=state_is_tuple):
         lstm_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(
             num_units, state_is_tuple=state_is_tuple)
         cell = tf.contrib.rnn.AttentionCellWrapper(
             lstm_cell, attn_length, state_is_tuple=state_is_tuple)
         zeros1 = tf.random_uniform(
             (batch_size, num_units), 0.0, 1.0, seed=seed + 1)
         zeros2 = tf.random_uniform(
             (batch_size, num_units), 0.0, 1.0, seed=seed + 2)
         zeros3 = tf.random_uniform(
             (batch_size, num_units), 0.0, 1.0, seed=seed + 3)
         attn_state_zeros = tf.random_uniform(
             (batch_size, attn_length * num_units), 0.0, 1.0, seed=seed + 4)
         zero_state = ((zeros1, zeros2), zeros3, attn_state_zeros)
         if not state_is_tuple:
           zero_state = tf.concat_v2([
               zero_state[0][0], zero_state[0][1], zero_state[1], zero_state[2]
           ], 1)
         inputs = tf.random_uniform(
             (batch_size, num_units), 0.0, 1.0, seed=seed + 5)
         output, state = cell(inputs, zero_state)
         if state_is_tuple:
           state = tf.concat_v2([state[0][0], state[0][1], state[1], state[2]],
         self.assertAllClose(sess.run(output), expected_output)
         self.assertAllClose(sess.run(state), expected_state)
예제 #5
    def _define_partial_maximization_operation(self, shard_id, shard):
        """Computes the partial statistics of the means and covariances.

      shard_id: current shard id.
      shard: current data shard, 1 X num_examples X dimensions.
        # Soft assignment of each data point to each of the two clusters.
        self._points_in_k[shard_id] = tf.reduce_sum(self._w[shard_id],
        # Partial means.
        w_mul_x = tf.expand_dims(
                      tf.squeeze(shard, [0]),
                      transpose_a=True), 1)
        # Partial covariances.
        x = tf.concat_v2([shard for _ in range(self._num_classes)], 0)
        x_trans = tf.transpose(x, perm=[0, 2, 1])
        x_mul_w = tf.concat_v2([
            tf.expand_dims(x_trans[k, :, :] * self._w[shard_id][:, k], 0)
            for k in range(self._num_classes)
        ], 0)
        self._w_mul_x2.append(tf.matmul(x_mul_w, x))
 def predict_mean_and_var(self, Fmu, Fvar):
     mu_list, var_list = zip(*[
         lik.predict_mean_and_var(Fmu, Fvar) for lik in self.likelihood_list
     mu = tf.concat_v2(mu_list, 1)
     var = tf.concat_v2(var_list, 1)
     return mu, var
예제 #7
  def _define_distance_to_clusters(self, data):
    """Defines the Mahalanobis distance to the assigned Gaussian."""
    # TODO(xavigonzalvo): reuse (input - mean) * cov^-1 * (input -
    # mean) from log probability function.
    self._all_scores = []
    for shard in data:
      all_scores = []
      shard = tf.expand_dims(shard, 0)
      for c in xrange(self._num_classes):
        if self._covariance_type == FULL_COVARIANCE:
          cov = self._covs[c, :, :]
        elif self._covariance_type == DIAG_COVARIANCE:
          cov = tf.diag(self._covs[c, :])
        inverse = tf.matrix_inverse(cov + self._min_var)
        inv_cov = tf.tile(
            tf.expand_dims(inverse, 0), tf.stack([self._num_examples, 1, 1]))
        diff = tf.transpose(shard - self._means[c, :, :], perm=[1, 0, 2])
        m_left = tf.matmul(diff, inv_cov)
                m_left, tf.transpose(
                    diff, perm=[0, 2, 1]))))
              tf.concat_v2(all_scores, 1),
              tf.stack([self._num_examples, self._num_classes])))

    # Distance to the associated class.
    self._all_scores = tf.concat_v2(self._all_scores, 0)
    assignments = tf.concat_v2(self.assignments(), 0)
    rows = tf.to_int64(tf.range(0, self._num_examples))
    indices = tf.concat_v2(
        [tf.expand_dims(rows, 1), tf.expand_dims(assignments, 1)], 1)
    self._scores = tf.gather_nd(self._all_scores, indices)
예제 #8
        def partRotator(self, images, name, batch_size=10, reuse=False):
        #HW 40x40, 32x40, 32x48
        with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope:
            if reuse:
            c0 = lrelu(conv2d(images, self.gf_dim, d_h=1, d_w=1, name="p_conv0"))
            c0r = resblock(c0, name="p_conv0_res")
            c1 = lrelu(batch_norm(conv2d(c0r, self.gf_dim*2, name="p_conv1"),name="p_bnc1"))
            c1r = resblock(c1, name="p_conv1_res")
            c2 = lrelu(batch_norm(conv2d(c1r, self.gf_dim*4, name='p_conv2'),name="p_bnc2"))
            c2r = resblock(c2, name="p_conv2_res")
            c3 = lrelu(batch_norm(conv2d(c2r, self.gf_dim*8, name='p_conv3'),name="p_bnc3"))
            #down3 5x5, 4x5, 4x6
            c3r = resblock(c3, name="p_conv3_res")
            c3r2 = resblock(c3r, name="p_conv3_res2")

            shape = c3r2.get_shape().as_list()
            d1 = lrelu(batch_norm(deconv2d(c3r2, [shape[0], shape[1] * 2, shape[2] * 2, self.gf_dim*4], name="p_deconv1"), name="p_bnd1"))
            after_select_d1 = lrelu(batch_norm(conv2d(tf.concat_v2([d1, c2r], axis=3), self.gf_dim*4, d_h=1, d_w=1, name="p_deconv1_s"),name="p_bnd1_s"))
            d1_r = resblock(after_select_d1, name="p_deconv1_res")
            d2 = lrelu(batch_norm(deconv2d(d1_r, [shape[0], shape[1] * 4, shape[2] * 4, self.gf_dim*2], name="p_deconv2"), name="p_bnd2"))
            after_select_d2 = lrelu(batch_norm(conv2d(tf.concat_v2([d2, c1r], axis=3), self.gf_dim*2, d_h=1, d_w=1, name="p_deconv2_s"),name="p_bnd2_s"))
            d2_r = resblock(after_select_d2, name="p_deconv2_res")
            d3 = lrelu(batch_norm(deconv2d(d2_r, [shape[0], shape[1] * 8, shape[2] * 8, self.gf_dim], name="p_deconv3"), name="p_bnd3"))
            after_select_d3 = lrelu(batch_norm(conv2d(tf.concat_v2([d3, c0r], axis=3), self.gf_dim, d_h=1, d_w=1, name="p_deconv3_s"),name="p_bnd3_s"))
            d3_r = resblock(after_select_d3, name="p_deconv3_res")

            check_part = tf.nn.tanh(conv2d(d3_r, 3, d_h=1, d_w=1, name="p_check"))

        return d3_r, check_part
예제 #9
    def _define_distance_to_clusters(self, data):
        """Defines the Mahalanobis distance to the assigned Gaussian."""
        # TODO(xavigonzalvo): reuse (input - mean) * cov^-1 * (input -
        # mean) from log probability function.
        self._all_scores = []
        for shard in data:
            all_scores = []
            shard = tf.expand_dims(shard, 0)
            for c in xrange(self._num_classes):
                if self._covariance_type == FULL_COVARIANCE:
                    cov = self._covs[c, :, :]
                elif self._covariance_type == DIAG_COVARIANCE:
                    cov = tf.diag(self._covs[c, :])
                inverse = tf.matrix_inverse(cov + self._min_var)
                inv_cov = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(inverse, 0),
                                  tf.stack([self._num_examples, 1, 1]))
                diff = tf.transpose(shard - self._means[c, :, :],
                                    perm=[1, 0, 2])
                m_left = tf.matmul(diff, inv_cov)
                        tf.matmul(m_left, tf.transpose(diff, perm=[0, 2, 1]))))
                tf.reshape(tf.concat_v2(all_scores, 1),
                           tf.stack([self._num_examples, self._num_classes])))

        # Distance to the associated class.
        self._all_scores = tf.concat_v2(self._all_scores, 0)
        assignments = tf.concat_v2(self.assignments(), 0)
        rows = tf.to_int64(tf.range(0, self._num_examples))
        indices = tf.concat_v2(
            [tf.expand_dims(rows, 1),
             tf.expand_dims(assignments, 1)], 1)
        self._scores = tf.gather_nd(self._all_scores, indices)
예제 #10
def symmetric_feedforward_weights(weights):
	sizes = [weights[0].get_shape()[0].value]
	sizes += [ w.get_shape()[0].value for w in weights[1:] ]
	sizes += [weights[-1].get_shape()[1].value]

	res = []
	for pre_id, pre_size in enumerate(sizes):
		stack = []
		for post_id, post_size in enumerate(sizes):
			if pre_id == post_id - 1 and pre_id < len(weights):
			elif post_id == pre_id -1 and post_id < len(weights):
				pre_zeros = tf.zeros((pre_size, post_size))
		res.append(tf.concat_v2(stack, 1))

	res = tf.concat_v2(res, 0)

	# for i in xrange(res_v.shape[0]):
	# 	for j in xrange(res_v.shape[1]):
	# 		assert res_v[i, j] == res_v[j, i]

	return res
예제 #11
def symmetric_feedforward_weights(weights):
    sizes = [weights[0].get_shape()[0].value]
    sizes += [w.get_shape()[0].value for w in weights[1:]]
    sizes += [weights[-1].get_shape()[1].value]

    res = []
    for pre_id, pre_size in enumerate(sizes):
        stack = []
        for post_id, post_size in enumerate(sizes):
            if pre_id == post_id - 1 and pre_id < len(weights):
            elif post_id == pre_id - 1 and post_id < len(weights):
                pre_zeros = tf.zeros((pre_size, post_size))

        res.append(tf.concat_v2(stack, 1))

    res = tf.concat_v2(res, 0)

    # for i in xrange(res_v.shape[0]):
    # 	for j in xrange(res_v.shape[1]):
    # 		assert res_v[i, j] == res_v[j, i]

    return res
예제 #12
        def calcLoss(targetss, logitss, batch_sizee, num_sampless, num_stepss,
            indices2 = tf.zeros([num_sampless], tf.int32)

            heightt = logitss.get_shape().as_list()[0]
            for i in range(1, heightt):
                #print("Loop Beginsssss");
                tempp = tf.fill([num_sampless], i)
                indices2 = tf.concat_v2([indices2, tempp], 0)

            indices = indices2 + tf.reshape(indices, [-1])
            negative_logitss = tf.gather(tf.reshape(logitss, [-1]), indices)
            negative_logitss = tf.reshape(negative_logitss,
                                          [heightt, num_sampless])

            targetss_flattened = tf.range(
                tf.shape(logitss)[0]) * tf.shape(logitss)[1] + targetss
            true_logitss = tf.gather(tf.reshape(logitss, [-1]),
            new_targetss = tf.zeros([logitss.get_shape().as_list()[0]],
            true_logitss_2d = tf.reshape(true_logitss,
                                         [tf.shape(true_logitss)[0], 1])

            new_logitss = tf.concat_v2([true_logitss_2d, negative_logitss], 1)

            loss = tf.nn.seq2seq.sequence_loss_by_example(
                [new_logitss], [new_targetss],
                [tf.ones([batch_sizee * num_stepss], dtype=data_type())])

            return loss
예제 #13
def boston_eval_fn():
  boston = tf.contrib.learn.datasets.load_boston()
  n_examples = len(boston.target)
  features = tf.reshape(
      tf.constant(boston.data), [n_examples, _BOSTON_INPUT_DIM])
  labels = tf.reshape(tf.constant(boston.target), [n_examples, 1])
  return tf.concat_v2([features, features], 0), tf.concat_v2([labels, labels],
예제 #14
def boston_eval_fn():
    boston = tf.contrib.learn.datasets.load_boston()
    n_examples = len(boston.target)
    features = tf.reshape(tf.constant(boston.data),
                          [n_examples, _BOSTON_INPUT_DIM])
    labels = tf.reshape(tf.constant(boston.target), [n_examples, 1])
    return tf.concat_v2([features, features],
                        0), tf.concat_v2([labels, labels], 0)
예제 #15
  def sampler(self, z, y=None):
    with tf.variable_scope("generator") as scope:

      if not self.y_dim:
        s_h, s_w = self.output_height, self.output_width
        s_h2, s_w2 = conv_out_size_same(s_h, 2), conv_out_size_same(s_w, 2)
        s_h4, s_w4 = conv_out_size_same(s_h2, 2), conv_out_size_same(s_w2, 2)
        s_h8, s_w8 = conv_out_size_same(s_h4, 2), conv_out_size_same(s_w4, 2)
        s_h16, s_w16 = conv_out_size_same(s_h8, 2), conv_out_size_same(s_w8, 2)

        # project `z` and reshape
        h0 = tf.reshape(
            linear(z, self.gf_dim*8*s_h16*s_w16, 'g_h0_lin'),
            [-1, s_h16, s_w16, self.gf_dim * 8])
        h0 = tf.nn.relu(self.g_bn0(h0, train=False))

        h1 = deconv2d(h0, [self.batch_size, s_h8, s_w8, self.gf_dim*4], name='g_h1')
        h1 = tf.nn.relu(self.g_bn1(h1, train=False))

        h2 = deconv2d(h1, [self.batch_size, s_h4, s_w4, self.gf_dim*2], name='g_h2')
        h2 = tf.nn.relu(self.g_bn2(h2, train=False))

        h3 = deconv2d(h2, [self.batch_size, s_h2, s_w2, self.gf_dim*1], name='g_h3')
        h3 = tf.nn.relu(self.g_bn3(h3, train=False))

        h4 = deconv2d(h3, [self.batch_size, s_h, s_w, self.c_dim], name='g_h4')

        return tf.nn.tanh(h4)
        s_h, s_w = self.output_height, self.output_width
        s_h2, s_h4 = int(s_h/2), int(s_h/4)
        s_w2, s_w4 = int(s_w/2), int(s_w/4)

        # yb = tf.reshape(y, [-1, 1, 1, self.y_dim])
        yb = tf.reshape(y, [self.batch_size, 1, 1, self.y_dim])
          z = tf.concat_v2([z, y], 1)
          z = tf.concat([z, y], 1)

        h0 = tf.nn.relu(self.g_bn0(linear(z, self.gfc_dim, 'g_h0_lin')))
          h0 = tf.concat_v2([h0, y], 1)
          h0 = tf.concat([h0, y], 1)

        h1 = tf.nn.relu(self.g_bn1(
            linear(h0, self.gf_dim*2*s_h4*s_w4, 'g_h1_lin'), train=False))
        h1 = tf.reshape(h1, [self.batch_size, s_h4, s_w4, self.gf_dim * 2])
        h1 = conv_cond_concat(h1, yb)

        h2 = tf.nn.relu(self.g_bn2(
            deconv2d(h1, [self.batch_size, s_h2, s_w2, self.gf_dim * 2], name='g_h2'), train=False))
        h2 = conv_cond_concat(h2, yb)

        return tf.nn.sigmoid(deconv2d(h2, [self.batch_size, s_h, s_w, self.c_dim], name='g_h3'))
def VI_Block(X, S1, S2, config):
    k = config.k  # Number of value iterations performed
    ch_i = config.ch_i  # Channels in input layer
    ch_h = config.ch_h  # Channels in initial hidden layer
    ch_q = config.ch_q  # Channels in q layer (~actions)
    state_batch_size = config.statebatchsize  # k+1 state inputs for each channel

    bias = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(1, 1, 1, ch_h) * 0.01, dtype=tf.float32)
    # weights from inputs to q layer (~reward in Bellman equation)
    w0 = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(3, 3, ch_i, ch_h) * 0.01,
    w1 = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(1, 1, ch_h, 1) * 0.01, dtype=tf.float32)
    w = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(3, 3, 1, ch_q) * 0.01, dtype=tf.float32)
    # feedback weights from v layer into q layer (~transition probabilities in Bellman equation)
    w_fb = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(3, 3, 1, ch_q) * 0.01, dtype=tf.float32)
    w_o = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(ch_q, 8) * 0.01, dtype=tf.float32)

    # initial conv layer over image+reward prior
    h = conv2d_flipkernel(X, w0, name="h0") + bias

    r = conv2d_flipkernel(h, w1, name="r")
    q = conv2d_flipkernel(r, w, name="q")
    v = tf.reduce_max(q, axis=3, keep_dims=True, name="v")

    for i in range(0, k - 1):
        rv = tf.concat_v2([r, v], 3)
        wwfb = tf.concat_v2([w, w_fb], 2)

        q = conv2d_flipkernel(rv, wwfb, name="q")
        v = tf.reduce_max(q, axis=3, keep_dims=True, name="v")

    # do one last convolution
    q = conv2d_flipkernel(tf.concat_v2([r, v], 3),
                          tf.concat_v2([w, w_fb], 2),

    # Since we are selecting over channels, it becomes easier to work with
    # the tensor when it is in NCHW format vs NHWC
    q = tf.transpose(q, perm=[0, 3, 1, 2])

    # Select the conv-net channels at the state position (S1,S2).
    # This intuitively corresponds to each channel representing an action, and the convnet the Q function.
    # The tricky thing is we want to select the same (S1,S2) position *for each* channel and for each sample
    # TODO: performance can be improved here by substituting expensive
    #       transpose calls with better indexing for gather_nd
    bs = tf.shape(q)[0]
    rprn = tf.reshape(
        tf.tile(tf.reshape(tf.range(bs), [-1, 1]), [1, state_batch_size]),
    ins1 = tf.cast(tf.reshape(S1, [-1]), tf.int32)
    ins2 = tf.cast(tf.reshape(S2, [-1]), tf.int32)
    idx_in = tf.transpose(tf.stack([ins1, ins2, rprn]), [1, 0])
    q_out = tf.gather_nd(tf.transpose(q, [2, 3, 0, 1]), idx_in, name="q_out")

    # softmax output weights
    output = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(q_out, w_o), name="output")
    return output
예제 #17
 def refresh_shortlist():
     """Update the shortlist with the highest scores in id_to_score."""
     new_scores, new_ids = tf.nn.top_k(self.id_to_score, self.shortlist_size)
     smallest_new_score = tf.reduce_min(new_scores)
     new_length = tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_int32(tf.greater(new_scores, tf.float32.min)))
     u1 = self.sl_ids.assign(tf.to_int64(tf.concat_v2([[new_length], new_ids], 0)))
     u2 = self.sl_scores.assign(tf.concat_v2([[smallest_new_score], new_scores], 0))
     self.last_ops = [u1, u2]
     return tf.group(u1, u2)
def tf_format_mnist_images(X, Y, Y_, n=100, lines=10):
    correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(Y, 1), tf.argmax(Y_, 1))
    correctly_recognised_indices = tf.squeeze(
        [1])  # indices of correctly recognised images
    incorrectly_recognised_indices = tf.squeeze(
        [1])  # indices of incorrectly recognised images
    everything_incorrect_first = tf.concat_v2(
        [incorrectly_recognised_indices, correctly_recognised_indices],
        0)  # images reordered with indeces of unrecognised images first
    everything_incorrect_first = tf.slice(
        everything_incorrect_first, [0],
        [n])  # compute first 100 only - no space to display more anyway
    # compute n=100 digits to display only
    Xs = tf.gather(X, everything_incorrect_first)
    Ys = tf.gather(Y, everything_incorrect_first)
    Ys_ = tf.gather(Y_, everything_incorrect_first)
    correct_prediction_s = tf.gather(correct_prediction,

    digits_left = tf.image.grayscale_to_rgb(
    correct_tags = tf.gather(digits_left, tf.argmax(
        Ys_, 1))  # correct digits to be printed on the images
    digits_right = tf.image.grayscale_to_rgb(
    computed_tags = tf.gather(digits_right, tf.argmax(
        Ys, 1))  # computed digits to be printed on the images
    #superimposed_digits = correct_tags+computed_tags
    superimposed_digits = tf.where(
        correct_prediction_s, tf.zeros_like(correct_tags),
        correct_tags + computed_tags
    )  # only pring the correct and computed digits on unrecognised images
    correct_bkg = tf.reshape(tf.tile([1.3, 1.3, 1.3], [28 * 28]),
                             [1, 28, 28, 3])  # white background
    incorrect_bkg = tf.reshape(tf.tile([1.3, 1.0, 1.0], [28 * 28]),
                               [1, 28, 28, 3])  # red background
    recognised_bkg = tf.gather(
        tf.concat_v2([incorrect_bkg, correct_bkg], 0),
        tf.cast(correct_prediction_s, tf.int32)
    )  # pick either the red or the white background depending on recognised status

    I = tf.image.grayscale_to_rgb(Xs)
    I = (
        (1 - (I + superimposed_digits)) * recognised_bkg
    ) / 1.3  # stencil extra data on top of images and reorder them unrecognised first
    I = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(I, tf.uint8, saturate=True)
    Islices = []  # 100 images => 10x10 image block
    for imslice in range(lines):
                    tf.slice(I, [imslice * n // lines, 0, 0, 0],
                             [n // lines, 28, 28, 3])), 1))
    I = tf.concat_v2(Islices, 0)
    return I
예제 #19
  def build_model(self):
    sc = predictron_arg_scope()
    with tf.variable_scope('state'):
      with slim.arg_scope(sc):
        state = slim.conv2d(self.inputs, 32, [3, 3], scope='conv1')
        state = layers.batch_norm(state, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, scope='conv1/preact')
        state = slim.conv2d(state, 32, [3, 3], scope='conv2')
        state = layers.batch_norm(state, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, scope='conv2/preact')

    iter_template = tf.make_template('iter', self.iter_func, unique_name_='iter')

    rewards_arr = []
    gammas_arr = []
    lambdas_arr = []
    values_arr = []

    for k in range(self.max_depth):
      state, reward, gamma, lambda_, value = iter_template(state)

    _, _, _, _, value = iter_template(state)
    # K + 1 elements

    bs = tf.shape(self.inputs)[0]
    # [batch_size, K * maze_size]
    self.rewards = tf.pack(rewards_arr, axis=1)
    # [batch_size, K, maze_size]
    self.rewards = tf.reshape(self.rewards, [bs, self.max_depth, self.maze_size])
    # [batch_size, K + 1, maze_size]
    self.rewards = tf.concat_v2(values=[tf.zeros(shape=[bs, 1, self.maze_size], dtype=tf.float32), self.rewards],
                                axis=1, name='rewards')

    # [batch_size, K * maze_size]
    self.gammas = tf.pack(gammas_arr, axis=1)
    # [batch_size, K, maze_size]
    self.gammas = tf.reshape(self.gammas, [bs, self.max_depth, self.maze_size])
    # [batch_size, K + 1, maze_size]
    self.gammas = tf.concat_v2(values=[tf.ones(shape=[bs, 1, self.maze_size], dtype=tf.float32), self.gammas],
                               axis=1, name='gammas')

    # [batch_size, K * maze_size]
    self.lambdas = tf.pack(lambdas_arr, axis=1)
    # [batch_size, K, maze_size]
    self.lambdas = tf.reshape(self.lambdas, [-1, self.max_depth, self.maze_size])

    # [batch_size, (K + 1) * maze_size]
    self.values = tf.pack(values_arr, axis=1)
    # [batch_size, K + 1, maze_size]
    self.values = tf.reshape(self.values, [-1, (self.max_depth + 1), self.maze_size])

예제 #20
def _phase_shift(I, r):
    bsize, a, b, c = I.get_shape().as_list()
    bsize = tf.shape(I)[0] # Handling Dimension(None) type for undefined batch dim
    X = tf.reshape(I, (bsize, a, b, r, r))
    X = tf.transpose(X, (0, 1, 2, 4, 3))  # bsize, a, b, 1, 1
    X = tf.split(X, a, 1)  # a, [bsize, b, r, r]
    X = tf.concat_v2([tf.squeeze(x, axis=1) for x in X], 2)  # bsize, b, a*r, r
    X = tf.split(X, b, 1)  # b, [bsize, a*r, r]
    X = tf.concat_v2([tf.squeeze(x, axis=1) for x in X], 2)  # bsize, a*r, b*r
    return tf.reshape(X, (bsize, a*r, b*r, 1))
예제 #21
  def testConcat(self):
    tf_val = tf.concat_v2([[16, 37], tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(2,))], 0)
    c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
    self.assertEqual([16, 37, None, None], c_val.as_list())

    tf_val = tf.concat_v2(
        [[16, 37], tf.placeholder(
            tf.int32, shape=(1,)), [48]], 0)
    c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
    self.assertEqual([16, 37, None, 48], c_val.as_list())
예제 #22
    def testConcat(self):
        tf_val = tf.concat_v2(
            [[16, 37], tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(2, ))], 0)
        c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
        self.assertEqual([16, 37, None, None], c_val.as_list())

        tf_val = tf.concat_v2(
            [[16, 37], tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(1, )), [48]], 0)
        c_val = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(tf_val)
        self.assertEqual([16, 37, None, 48], c_val.as_list())
예제 #23
 def forward(self, x, z):  #, h_tm1, pz_tm1):
     xz = tf.concat_v2([x, tf.expand_dims(z, -1)], 2)
     h0 = tf.zeros((1, tf.shape(x)[1], self.h_size))
     h = self.rcnn.forward(xz)
     h_prev = tf.concat_v2([h0, h[:-1]], 0)
     pz = tf.nn.sigmoid(
         tf.matmul(tf.reshape(x, [-1, self.in_size]), self.w1) +
         tf.matmul(tf.reshape(h_prev, [-1, self.h_size]), self.w2) +
     return tf.reshape(pz, [tf.shape(x)[0], tf.shape(x)[1]])
def unpool(x, size):
    out = tf.concat_v2([x, tf.zeros_like(x)], 3)
    out = tf.concat_v2([out, tf.zeros_like(out)], 2)

    sh = x.get_shape().as_list()
    if None not in sh[1:]:
        out_size = [-1, sh[1] * size, sh[2] * size, sh[3]]
        return tf.reshape(out, out_size)

    shv = tf.shape(x)
    ret = tf.reshape(out, tf.stack([-1, shv[1] * size, shv[2] * size, sh[3]]))
    ret.set_shape([None, None, None, sh[3]])
    return ret
예제 #25
 def refresh_shortlist():
     """Update the shortlist with the highest scores in id_to_score."""
     new_scores, new_ids = tf.nn.top_k(self.id_to_score,
     smallest_new_score = tf.reduce_min(new_scores)
     new_length = tf.reduce_sum(
         tf.to_int32(tf.greater(new_scores, tf.float32.min)))
     u1 = self.sl_ids.assign(
         tf.to_int64(tf.concat_v2([[new_length], new_ids], 0)))
     u2 = self.sl_scores.assign(
         tf.concat_v2([[smallest_new_score], new_scores], 0))
     self.last_ops = [u1, u2]
     return tf.group(u1, u2)
    def logp(self, F, Y):
        Y = tf.cast(Y, tf.int32)
        scaled_bins_left = tf.concat_v2(
            [self.bin_edges / self.sigma,
             np.array([np.inf])], 0)
        scaled_bins_right = tf.concat_v2(
            [np.array([-np.inf]), self.bin_edges / self.sigma], 0)
        selected_bins_left = tf.gather(scaled_bins_left, Y)
        selected_bins_right = tf.gather(scaled_bins_right, Y)

        return tf.log(
            probit(selected_bins_left - F / self.sigma) -
            probit(selected_bins_right - F / self.sigma) + 1e-6)
def update_tensor(V, dim2, val):  # Update tensor V, with index(:,dim2[:]) by val[:]
    print 'Shapes Recieved in Update: V, dim, val are ==> ',V.get_shape().as_list(), dim2.get_shape().as_list(), val.get_shape().as_list()
    val = tf.cast(val, V.dtype)

    def body(_, (v, d2, chg)):
        print 'Shapes Recieved in Body of Update: v, d2, chg are ==> ', v.get_shape().as_list(), d2.get_shape().as_list(), chg.get_shape().as_list()
        d2_int = tf.cast(d2, tf.int32)
        if len(chg.get_shape().as_list()) == 0:
            chg = [chg]
            chg = tf.reshape(chg, shape=[1]+chg.get_shape().as_list())
        oob = lambda : tf.slice(tf.concat_v2([v[:d2_int], chg], axis=0), tf.range(0,len(v.get_shape().as_list())), v.get_shape().as_list())
        inb = lambda : tf.slice(tf.concat_v2([v[:d2_int], chg, v[d2_int + 1:]], axis=0), tf.constant(0,shape=[len(v.get_shape().as_list())]), v.get_shape().as_list())
        return tf.cond(tf.less(d2_int + 1, v.get_shape().as_list()[0]), inb, oob)
예제 #28
파일: rnn_cell.py 프로젝트: liuwang1/tefla
    def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope='attention_cell'):
        """Long short-term memory cell with attention (LSTMA)."""
        with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=self.reuse):
            state, attns, attn_states = state
            attn_states = tf.reshape(attn_states,
                                     [-1, self._attn_length, self._attn_size])
            input_size = self._input_size
            if input_size is None:
                input_size = inputs.get_shape().as_list()[1]
            inputs = _linear([inputs, attns],
            lstm_output, new_state = self._cell(inputs, state)
            new_state_cat = tf.concat_v2(helper.flatten_sq(new_state), 1)
            new_attns, new_attn_states = _attention(new_state_cat,
            with tf.variable_scope("attn_output_projection"):
                output = _linear([lstm_output, new_attns],
            new_attn_states = tf.concat_v2(
                [new_attn_states, tf.expand_dims(output, 1)], 1)
            new_attn_states = tf.reshape(
                new_attn_states, [-1, self._attn_length * self._attn_size])
            new_state = (new_state, new_attns, new_attn_states)
            if self.layer_norm is not None:
                output = self.layer_norm(output,
                new_state = self.layer_norm(new_state,

            output = _collect_named_outputs(self.outputs_collections,
                                            scope + '_output', output)
            new_state = _collect_named_outputs(self.outputs_collections,
                                               scope + '_state', new_state)
            return output, new_state
예제 #29
def UnPooling2x2ZeroFilled(x):
    # https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/2169
    out = tf.concat_v2([x, tf.zeros_like(x)], 3)
    out = tf.concat_v2([out, tf.zeros_like(out)], 2)

    sh = x.get_shape().as_list()
    if None not in sh[1:]:
        out_size = [-1, sh[1] * 2, sh[2] * 2, sh[3]]
        return tf.reshape(out, out_size)
        shv = tf.shape(x)
        ret = tf.reshape(out, tf.stack([-1, shv[1] * 2, shv[2] * 2, sh[3]]))
        ret.set_shape([None, None, None, sh[3]])
        return ret
def update_tensor(V, dim2, val):  # Update tensor V, with index(:,dim2[:]) by val[:]
    print 'Shapes Recieved in Update: V, dim, val are ==> ',V.get_shape().as_list(), dim2.get_shape().as_list(), val.get_shape().as_list()
    val = tf.cast(val, V.dtype)

    def body(_, (v, d2, chg)):
        print 'Shapes Recieved in Body of Update: v, d2, chg are ==> ', v.get_shape().as_list(), d2.get_shape().as_list(), chg.get_shape().as_list()
        d2_int = tf.cast(d2, tf.int32)
        if len(chg.get_shape().as_list()) == 0:
            chg = [chg]
            chg = tf.reshape(chg, shape=[1]+chg.get_shape().as_list())
        oob = lambda : tf.slice(tf.concat_v2([v[:d2_int], chg], axis=0), tf.range(0,len(v.get_shape().as_list())), v.get_shape().as_list())
        inb = lambda : tf.slice(tf.concat_v2([v[:d2_int], chg, v[d2_int + 1:]], axis=0), tf.constant(0,shape=[len(v.get_shape().as_list())]), v.get_shape().as_list())
        return tf.cond(tf.less(d2_int + 1, v.get_shape().as_list()[0]), inb, oob)
    def _make_phi(self, F):
        A helper function for making predictions. Constructs a probability
        matrix where each row output the probability of the corresponding
        label, and the rows match the entries of F.

        Note that a matrix of F values is flattened.
        scaled_bins_left = tf.concat_v2(
            [self.bin_edges / self.sigma,
             np.array([np.inf])], 0)
        scaled_bins_right = tf.concat_v2(
            [np.array([-np.inf]), self.bin_edges / self.sigma], 0)
        return probit(scaled_bins_left - tf.reshape(F, (-1, 1)) / self.sigma)\
            - probit(scaled_bins_right - tf.reshape(F, (-1, 1)) / self.sigma)
 def testRandomInitUnevenPartitions(self):
     with self.test_session():
         rnd = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([20, 43], dtype=tf.float64))
         var_lists = [
             tf.create_partitioned_variables(rnd.get_shape(), [1, i], rnd.initialized_value()) for i in xrange(1, 10)
         rnd_val = rnd.eval()
         # Only check the slice save specs for the first 5 tf.
         save_specs = [
             # One slice
             ["20 43 0,20:0,43"],
             # Two slices
             ["20 43 0,20:0,22", "20 43 0,20:22,21"],
             # Three slices
             ["20 43 0,20:0,15", "20 43 0,20:15,14", "20 43 0,20:29,14"],
             # Four slices
             ["20 43 0,20:0,11", "20 43 0,20:11,11", "20 43 0,20:22,11", "20 43 0,20:33,10"],
             # Five slices
             ["20 43 0,20:0,9", "20 43 0,20:9,9", "20 43 0,20:18,9", "20 43 0,20:27,8", "20 43 0,20:35,8"],
         for i, vs in enumerate(var_lists):
             var_val = tf.concat_v2(vs, 1).eval()
             self.assertAllClose(rnd_val, var_val)
             self.assertEqual([tf.float64] * len(vs), [v.dtype.base_dtype for v in vs])
             if i < len(save_specs):
                 self._TestSaveSpec(vs, save_specs[i])
예제 #33
def unzip(x, split_dim, current_length, num_splits=2, name=None):
    """Splits a tensor by unzipping along the split_dim.

  For example the following array split into 2 would be:
      [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] -> [1, 3, 5], [2, 4, 6]
  and by 3:
      [1, 2, 3, 4] -> [1, 4], [2], [3]

    x: The tensor to split.
    split_dim: The dimension to split along.
    current_length: Current length along the split_dim.
    num_splits: The number of splits.
    name: Optional name for this op.
    A length num_splits sequence.
    with tf.name_scope(name, "unzip", [x]) as scope:
        x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
        # There is probably a more efficient way to do this.
        all_splits = tf.split(value=x, num_or_size_splits=current_length, axis=split_dim, name=scope)
        splits = [[] for _ in xrange(num_splits)]
        for i in xrange(current_length):
            splits[i % num_splits].append(all_splits[i])
        return [tf.concat_v2(s, split_dim) for s in splits]
예제 #34
    def create_discriminator(discrim_inputs, discrim_targets):
        n_layers = 3
        layers = []

        # 2x [batch, height, width, in_channels] => [batch, height, width, in_channels * 2]
        input = tf.concat_v2([discrim_inputs, discrim_targets], axis=3)

        # layer_1: [batch, 256, 256, in_channels * 2] => [batch, 128, 128, ndf]
        with tf.variable_scope("layer_1"):
            convolved = conv(input, a.ndf, stride=2)
            rectified = lrelu(convolved, 0.2)

        # layer_2: [batch, 128, 128, ndf] => [batch, 64, 64, ndf * 2]
        # layer_3: [batch, 64, 64, ndf * 2] => [batch, 32, 32, ndf * 4]
        # layer_4: [batch, 32, 32, ndf * 4] => [batch, 31, 31, ndf * 8]
        for i in range(n_layers):
            with tf.variable_scope("layer_%d" % (len(layers) + 1)):
                out_channels = a.ndf * min(2**(i + 1), 8)
                stride = 1 if i == n_layers - 1 else 2  # last layer here has stride 1
                convolved = conv(layers[-1], out_channels, stride=stride)
                normalized = batchnorm(convolved)
                rectified = lrelu(normalized, 0.2)

        # layer_5: [batch, 31, 31, ndf * 8] => [batch, 30, 30, 1]
        with tf.variable_scope("layer_%d" % (len(layers) + 1)):
            convolved = conv(rectified, out_channels=1, stride=1)
            output = tf.sigmoid(convolved)

        return layers[-1]
예제 #35
def merge_outputs(tensor_list, name="MergeOutputs"):
    """ Merge Outputs.

    A layer that concatenate all outputs of a network into a single tensor.

        List of Tensors [_shape_].

        Concatenated Tensors [nb_tensors, _shape_].

        tensor_list: list of `Tensor`. The network outputs.
        name: `str`. A name for this layer (optional).

        A `Tensor`.

    with tf.name_scope(name) as scope:
        x = tf.concat_v2(tensor_list, 1)

    # Track output tensor.
    tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LAYER_TENSOR + '/' + name, x)

    return x
예제 #36
def conv_cond_concat(x, y):
    """Concatenate conditioning vector on feature map axis."""
    x_shapes = x.get_shape()
    y_shapes = y.get_shape()
    return tf.concat_v2(
        [x, y * tf.ones([x_shapes[0], x_shapes[1], x_shapes[2], y_shapes[3]])],
예제 #37
  def testConcat(self):
    np_val = np.random.rand(3, 4, 7).astype(np.float32)
    tf_val = tf.concat_v2(
        [np_val[0:1, :, :], np_val[1:2, :, :], np_val[2:3, :, :]], 0)
    c_val = tf.contrib.util.constant_value(tf_val)
    self.assertAllClose(np_val, c_val)

    tf_val = tf.concat_v2([np_val[0, :, :], np_val[1, :, :], np_val[2, :, :]],
    c_val = tf.contrib.util.constant_value(tf_val)
    self.assertIs(None, c_val)

    tf_val = tf.concat_v2(
        [np_val[0, :, :], tf.placeholder(tf.float32), np_val[2, :, :]], 1)
    c_val = tf.contrib.util.constant_value(tf_val)
    self.assertIs(None, c_val)
예제 #38
def concat(input_layer, concat_dim, other_tensors=None):
    """Concatenates input PrettyTensor with other_tensors along the specified dim.

  This adds the Pretty Tensor passed via input_layer to the front of the list of
  tensors to concat.

    input_layer: The input layer.
    concat_dim: The dimension along which to concat.
    other_tensors: The tensors to concatenate with as an iterable or None if
      this is called on a sequence.
    A new PrettyTensor.
    ValueError: If other_tensors is None and this is not a sequence.
    if input_layer.is_sequence():
        all_tensors = input_layer.sequence
        all_tensors.extend(other_tensors or [])
        all_tensors = [input_layer]
        if other_tensors is None:
            raise ValueError("Other Tensors must be supplied.")
    # Edge cases really only apply when this is a sequence with 0 or 1 element.
    if not all_tensors:
        return prettytensor.wrap_sequence([])
        return tf.concat_v2(all_tensors, concat_dim)
예제 #39
def one_hot_mask(labels, num_classes, scope=None):
  """Compute 1-hot encodings for masks.

  Given a label image, this computes the one hot encoding at
  each pixel.

    labels: (batch_size, width, height, 1) tensor containing labels.
    num_classes: number of classes
    scope: optional scope name

    Tensor of shape (batch_size, width, height, num_classes) with
    a 1-hot encoding.
  with tf.name_scope(scope, "OneHotMask", [labels]):
    height, width, depth = _shape(labels)
    assert depth == 1
    sparse_labels = tf.to_int32(tf.reshape(labels, [-1, 1]))
    sparse_size, _ = _shape(sparse_labels)
    indices = tf.reshape(tf.range(0, sparse_size, 1), [-1, 1])
    concated = tf.concat_v2([indices, sparse_labels], 1)
    dense_result = tf.sparse_to_dense(concated, [sparse_size, num_classes], 1.0,
    result = tf.reshape(dense_result, [height, width, num_classes])
    return result
예제 #40
def horizontal_lstm(images, num_filters_out, scope=None):
  """Run an LSTM bidirectionally over all the rows of each image.

    images: (num_images, height, width, depth) tensor
    num_filters_out: output depth
    scope: optional scope name

    (num_images, height, width, num_filters_out) tensor, where
    num_steps is width and new num_batches is num_image_batches * height
  with tf.variable_scope(scope, "HorizontalLstm", [images]):
    batch_size, _, _, _ = _shape(images)
    sequence = images_to_sequence(images)
    with tf.variable_scope("lr"):
      hidden_sequence_lr = lstm1d.ndlstm_base(sequence, num_filters_out // 2)
    with tf.variable_scope("rl"):
      hidden_sequence_rl = (
                             num_filters_out - num_filters_out // 2,
    output_sequence = tf.concat_v2([hidden_sequence_lr, hidden_sequence_rl], 2)
    output = sequence_to_images(output_sequence, batch_size)
    return output
def _average_gradients(tower_grads):
    """Calculate the average gradient for each shared variable across all towers.
  Note that this function provides a synchronization point across all towers.
    tower_grads: List of lists of (gradient, variable) tuples. The outer list
      is over individual gradients. The inner list is over the gradient
      calculation for each tower.
     List of pairs of (gradient, variable) where the gradient has been averaged
     across all towers.
    average_grads = []
    for grad_and_vars in zip(*tower_grads):
        # Note that each grad_and_vars looks like the following:
        #   ((grad0_gpu0, var0_gpu0), ... , (grad0_gpuN, var0_gpuN))
        grads = []
        for g, _ in grad_and_vars:
            # Add 0 dimension to the gradients to represent the tower.
            expanded_g = tf.expand_dims(g, 0)

            # Append on a 'tower' dimension which we will average over below.

        # Average over the 'tower' dimension.
        grad = tf.concat_v2(grads, 0)
        grad = tf.reduce_mean(grad, 0)

        # Keep in mind that the Variables are redundant because they are shared
        # across towers. So .. we will just return the first tower's pointer to
        # the Variable.
        v = grad_and_vars[0][1]
        grad_and_var = (grad, v)
    return average_grads
예제 #42
def block35(net, scale=1.0, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, scope=None, reuse=None):
    """Builds the 35x35 resnet block."""
    with tf.variable_scope(scope, 'Block35', [net], reuse=reuse):
        with tf.variable_scope('Branch_0'):
            tower_conv = slim.conv2d(net, 32, 1, scope='Conv2d_1x1')
        with tf.variable_scope('Branch_1'):
            tower_conv1_0 = slim.conv2d(net, 32, 1, scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')
            tower_conv1_1 = slim.conv2d(tower_conv1_0,
        with tf.variable_scope('Branch_2'):
            tower_conv2_0 = slim.conv2d(net, 32, 1, scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')
            tower_conv2_1 = slim.conv2d(tower_conv2_0,
            tower_conv2_2 = slim.conv2d(tower_conv2_1,
        mixed = tf.concat_v2([tower_conv, tower_conv1_1, tower_conv2_2], 3)
        up = slim.conv2d(mixed,
        net += scale * up
        if activation_fn:
            net = activation_fn(net)
    return net
  def test_broadcast_apply_and_solve(self):
    # These cannot be done in the automated (base test class) tests since they
    # test shapes that tf.matmul cannot handle.
    # In particular, tf.matmul does not broadcast.
    with self.test_session() as sess:
      x = tf.random_normal(shape=(2, 2, 3, 4))

      # This LinearOperatorDiag will be brodacast to (2, 2, 3, 3) during solve
      # and apply with 'x' as the argument.
      diag = tf.random_uniform(shape=(2, 1, 3))
      operator = linalg.LinearOperatorDiag(diag, is_self_adjoint=True)
      self.assertAllEqual((2, 1, 3, 3), operator.shape)

      # Create a batch matrix with the broadcast shape of operator.
      diag_broadcast = tf.concat_v2((diag, diag), 1)
      mat = tf.matrix_diag(diag_broadcast)
      self.assertAllEqual((2, 2, 3, 3), mat.get_shape())  # being pedantic.

      operator_apply = operator.apply(x)
      mat_apply = tf.matmul(mat, x)
      self.assertAllEqual(operator_apply.get_shape(), mat_apply.get_shape())
      self.assertAllClose(*sess.run([operator_apply, mat_apply]))

      operator_solve = operator.solve(x)
      mat_solve = tf.matrix_solve(mat, x)
      self.assertAllEqual(operator_solve.get_shape(), mat_solve.get_shape())
      self.assertAllClose(*sess.run([operator_solve, mat_solve]))
예제 #44
def average_gradients(tower_grads):
  """Calculate the average gradient for each shared variable across all towers.
  Note that this function provides a synchronization point across all towers.
    tower_grads: List of lists of (gradient, variable) tuples. The outer list
      is over individual gradients. The inner list is over the gradient
      calculation for each tower.
     List of pairs of (gradient, variable) where the gradient has been averaged
     across all towers.
  average_grads = []
  for grad_and_vars in zip(*tower_grads):
    # Note that each grad_and_vars looks like the following:
    #   ((grad0_gpu0, var0_gpu0), ... , (grad0_gpuN, var0_gpuN))
    grads = []
    for g, _ in grad_and_vars:
      # Add 0 dimension to the gradients to represent the tower.
      expanded_g = tf.expand_dims(g, 0)

      # Append on a 'tower' dimension which we will average over below.

    # Average over the 'tower' dimension.
    grad = tf.concat_v2(grads, 0)
    grad = tf.reduce_mean(grad, 0)

    # Keep in mind that the Variables are redundant because they are shared
    # across towers. So .. we will just return the first tower's pointer to
    # the Variable.
    v = grad_and_vars[0][1]
    grad_and_var = (grad, v)
  return average_grads
예제 #45
def PS(X, r, color=False):
    if color:
        Xc = tf.split(X, 3, 3)
        X = tf.concat_v2([_phase_shift(x, r) for x in Xc], 3)
        X = _phase_shift(X, r)
    return X
예제 #46
    def testDynamicAttentionDecoderStateIsTuple(self):
      with self.test_session() as sess:
        with tf.variable_scope("root",
          cell = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(2, state_is_tuple=True)
          cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell(cells=[cell] * 2,
          inp = tf.constant(0.5, shape=[2, 2, 2])
          enc_outputs, enc_state = tf.contrib.rnn.static_rnn(
              cell, inp, dtype=tf.float32)
          attn_states = tf.concat_v2(
              [tf.reshape(e, [-1, 1, cell.output_size]) for e in enc_outputs],
          dec_inp = [tf.constant(0.4, shape=[2, 2])] * 3
          dec, mem = tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.attention_decoder(
              dec_inp, enc_state,
              attn_states, cell, output_size=4)
          res = sess.run(dec)
          self.assertEqual(3, len(res))
          self.assertEqual((2, 4), res[0].shape)

          res = sess.run([mem])
          self.assertEqual(2, len(res[0]))
          self.assertEqual((2, 2), res[0][0].c.shape)
          self.assertEqual((2, 2), res[0][0].h.shape)
          self.assertEqual((2, 2), res[0][1].c.shape)
          self.assertEqual((2, 2), res[0][1].h.shape)
예제 #47
def linear(args, input_size, output_size, bias, bias_start=0.0, scope=None):
    """Linear map: sum_i(args[i] * W[i]), where W[i] is a variable.
        args: a 2D Tensor or a list of 2D, batch x n, Tensors.
        output_size: int, second dimension of W[i].
        bias: boolean, whether to add a bias term or not.
        bias_start: starting value to initialize the bias; 0 by default.
        scope: VariableScope for the created subgraph; defaults to "Linear".
        A 2D Tensor with shape [batch x output_size] equal to
        sum_i(args[i] * W[i]), where W[i]s are newly created matrices.
        ValueError: if some of the arguments has unspecified or wrong shape.
    if not isinstance(args, (list, tuple)):
        args = [args]

    # Calculate the total size of arguments on dimension 1.
    total_arg_size = 0
    shapes = []
    for a in args:
        except Exception as e:

    is_vector = False
    for idx, shape in enumerate(shapes):
        if len(shape) != 2:
            is_vector = True
            args[idx] = tf.reshape(args[idx], [1, -1])
    total_arg_size = input_size
    """for idx, shape in enumerate(shapes):
        if len(shape) != 2:
            is_vector = True
            args[idx] = tf.reshape(args[idx], [1, -1])
            total_arg_size += shape[0]
            total_arg_size += shape[1]"""

    # Now the computation.
    with vs.variable_scope(scope or "Linear"):
        #initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=0., stddev=1.,)
        #matrix = vs.get_variable("Matrix", [total_arg_size, output_size], initializer=initializer)
        matrix = vs.get_variable("Matrix", [total_arg_size, output_size])
        if len(args) == 1:
            res = tf.matmul(args[0], matrix)
            res = tf.matmul(tf.concat_v2(args, 1), matrix)

        if not bias:
            return res
        bias_term = vs.get_variable(
            "Bias", [output_size],

    if is_vector:
        return tf.reshape(res + bias_term, [-1])
        return res + bias_term
예제 #48
 def testSegmentMaxGradientWithTies(self):
   inputs = tf.constant([1.0], dtype=tf.float32)
   data = tf.concat_v2([inputs, inputs], 0)
   segment_ids = tf.constant([0, 0], dtype=tf.int64)
   segment_max = tf.segment_max(data, segment_ids)
   with self.test_session():
     error = tf.test.compute_gradient_error(inputs, [1], segment_max, [1])
     self.assertLess(error, 1e-4)
    def _inference(self, docs, queries):
        Computes document attentions given a document batch and query batch.
        with tf.name_scope("inference"):
            # Compute document lengths / query lengths for batch
            doc_lens = length(docs)
            query_lens = length(queries)
            batch_size = tf.shape(docs)[0]

            with tf.variable_scope('encode'):
                # Encode Document / Query
                with tf.variable_scope('docs'), tf.device('/gpu:0'):
                    encoded_docs = tf.nn.dropout(self._embed(docs), self._keep_prob)
                    encoded_docs = self._bidirectional_encode(encoded_docs, doc_lens, self._encode_size)
                with tf.variable_scope('queries'), tf.device('/gpu:1'):
                    encoded_queries = tf.nn.dropout(self._embed(queries), self._keep_prob)
                    encoded_queries = self._bidirectional_encode(encoded_queries, query_lens, self._encode_size)

            with tf.variable_scope('attend') as scope:
                infer_gru = tf.nn.rnn_cell.GRUCell(self._infer_size)
                infer_state = infer_gru.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32)
                for iter_step in range(self._num_glimpses):
                    if iter_step > 0:

                    # Glimpse query and document
                    with tf.device('/gpu:0'):
                        q_attention, q_glimpse = self._glimpse(self._A_q, self._a_q, encoded_queries, infer_state)
                        tf.add_to_collection('query_attentions', q_attention)
                    with tf.device('/gpu:1'):
                        d_attention, d_glimpse = self._glimpse(self._A_d, self._a_d, encoded_docs, tf.concat_v2([infer_state, q_glimpse], 1))
                        tf.add_to_collection('doc_attentions', d_attention)
                    # Search Gates

                    gate_concat = tf.concat_v2([infer_state, q_glimpse, d_glimpse, q_glimpse * d_glimpse], 1)

                    r_d = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(gate_concat, self._g_d))
                    r_d = tf.nn.dropout(r_d, self._keep_prob)
                    r_q = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(gate_concat, self._g_q))
                    r_q = tf.nn.dropout(r_q, self._keep_prob)

                    combined_gated_glimpse = tf.concat_v2([r_q * q_glimpse, r_d * d_glimpse], 1)
                    _, infer_state = infer_gru(combined_gated_glimpse, infer_state)

            return tf.to_float(tf.sign(tf.abs(docs))) * d_attention
예제 #50
 def LSTMCell(cls, x, mprev, cprev, weights):
   xm = tf.concat_v2([x, mprev], 1)
   i_i, i_g, f_g, o_g = tf.split(
       value=tf.matmul(xm, weights), num_or_size_splits=4, axis=1)
   new_c = tf.sigmoid(f_g) * cprev + tf.sigmoid(i_g) * tf.tanh(i_i)
   new_c = tf.clip_by_value(new_c, -50.0, 50.0)
   new_m = tf.sigmoid(o_g) * tf.tanh(new_c)
   return new_m, new_c
예제 #51
    def __call__(self, input_tuple, state, scope=None):
        with vs.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__):
            _input, target = input_tuple

            assert _input.get_shape()[2] == 1, "Need input depth == 1" 
            _input = tf.squeeze(_input, 2)
            u, s, r, inner_spikes, spike_history, dW, dF, dR = state
            _input_filtered = tf.matmul(_input, self.F)

            s = (1.0 - tau_syn) * s + tf.concat_v2([_input_filtered, inner_spikes], 1)
            u = (1.0 - tau_mem) * u + mo.matmul(s, self.W)
            r = (1.0 - tau_refr) * r

            act_raw = self._activation(u)
            act = act_raw * tf.exp(-r)
            spikes = tf.where(
                act > tf.random_uniform([batch_size, self._num_units]),
                tf.ones([batch_size, self._num_units]),
                tf.zeros([batch_size, self._num_units])

            r += spikes * amp_refr
            spike_history = cat_hist(spike_history, spikes, 1)

            act_grad = tf.gradients([act], [u])[0]
            neuron_derivative = (act_grad/act_raw) * (spikes - act) 

            spike_history_reshaped = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(spike_history, [0, 2, 1]), [batch_size * self._num_units, L])
            output_point = tf.matmul(spike_history_reshaped, self.R)
            output_point = tf.reshape(output_point, [batch_size, self._num_units])
            output_point = tf.reduce_sum(output_point, 1)
            output_point = tf.expand_dims(output_point, 1)
            loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(output_point - target), 1)/2.0
            loss = tf.expand_dims(loss, 1)
            dR += - lrate * tf.gradients([loss], [self.R])[0]
            sp = - tf.gradients([loss], [spike_history])[0]
            sp = tf.reduce_sum(sp, [1,2])
            sp = tf.expand_dims(sp, 1)
            dW += lrate * outer(
                tf.reduce_sum(s, 0),
                tf.reduce_sum(neuron_derivative * sp, 0)

            return GLMOutputTuple(spikes, act, output_point, loss), GLMStateTuple(u, s, r, spikes, spike_history, dW, dF, dR)
 def testDegenerate(self):
     with self.test_session():
         rnd = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([10, 43]))
         vs = tf.create_partitioned_variables(rnd.get_shape(), [1, 1], rnd.initialized_value())
         val = tf.concat_v2(vs, 0).eval()
         rnd = rnd.eval()
         self.assertAllClose(rnd, val)
         self._TestSaveSpec(vs, ["10 43 0,10:0,43"])
예제 #53
 def remove(self, ids):
     """Remove the ids (and their associated scores) from the TopN."""
     with tf.control_dependencies(self.last_ops):
         scatter_op = tf.scatter_update(self.id_to_score, ids, tf.ones_like(ids, dtype=tf.float32) * tf.float32.min)
         # We assume that removed ids are almost always in the shortlist,
         # so it makes no sense to hide the Op behind a tf.cond
         shortlist_ids_to_remove, new_length = tensor_forest_ops.top_n_remove(self.sl_ids, ids)
         u1 = tf.scatter_update(
             tf.concat_v2([[0], shortlist_ids_to_remove], 0),
             tf.concat_v2([new_length, tf.ones_like(shortlist_ids_to_remove) * -1], 0),
         u2 = tf.scatter_update(
             tf.float32.min * tf.ones_like(shortlist_ids_to_remove, dtype=tf.float32),
         self.last_ops = [scatter_op, u1, u2]
예제 #54
  def test(self):
    condition = core.LabeledTensor(tf.range(5) < 3, ['x'])
    x = core.LabeledTensor(tf.ones(5), ['x'])
    y = core.LabeledTensor(tf.zeros(5), ['x'])
    where_lt = ops.where(condition, x, y)

    golden_lt = core.LabeledTensor(
        tf.concat_v2([tf.ones(3), tf.zeros(2)], 0), ['x'])
    self.assertLabeledTensorsEqual(where_lt, golden_lt)
예제 #55
    def __call__(self, x, h, scope=None):
        x_t = fun(x, nout = x_transformed, act = tf.nn.tanh, name = "x_transformed", weight_factor = weight_factor, layers_num = layers_num)

        # prior, depends only on state

        prior_t = fun(h, nout = prior_interm, act = tf.nn.tanh, name = "prior", weight_factor = weight_factor, layers_num = layers_num)
        prior_mu_t = fun(prior_t, nout = z_dim, act = tf.identity, name = "prior_mu", weight_factor = weight_factor)
        prior_sigma_t = fun(prior_t, nout = z_dim, act = tf.nn.softplus, name = "prior_sigma", weight_factor = weight_factor)

        # phi
        phi_t = fun(x_t, h, nout = phi_interm, act = tf.nn.tanh, name = "phi", weight_factor = weight_factor, layers_num = layers_num)
        phi_mu_t = fun(phi_t, nout = z_dim, act = tf.identity, name = "phi_mu", weight_factor = weight_factor)
        phi_sigma_t = fun(phi_t, nout = z_dim, act = tf.nn.softplus, name = "phi_sigma", weight_factor = weight_factor)

        # z generating
        epsilon = tf.random_normal(tf.shape(z_dim), name='epsilon')

        if not self._generator:
            z = phi_mu_t + phi_sigma_t * epsilon
            z = prior_mu_t + prior_sigma_t * epsilon

        z_t = fun(z, nout = z_interm, act = tf.nn.tanh, name = "z_transformed", weight_factor = weight_factor, layers_num = layers_num)

        output_t = fun(z_t, h, nout = out_interm, act = tf.nn.tanh, name = "out_transform", weight_factor = weight_factor, layers_num = layers_num)
        output_mu = fun(output_t, nout = 1, act =tf.identity, name = "out_mu", weight_factor = weight_factor)
        # output_sigma = fun(out_t, nout = 1, act = tf.nn.softplus, name = "out_sigma", weight_factor = weight_factor)

        if not self._generator:
            x_c = tf.concat_v2([x_t, z_t], 1)
            x_t_gen = fun(output_mu, nout = x_transformed, act = tf.nn.tanh, name = "x_transformed", weight_factor = weight_factor, layers_num = layers_num)
            x_c = tf.concat_v2([x_t_gen, z_t], 1)

        _, new_h = self._base_cell(x_c, h)

        return VAEOutputTuple(
            output_mu), new_h
 def testVecConstantInit(self):
     with self.test_session():
         rnd_par = tf.constant([1, 2, 3, 4])
         vs = tf.create_partitioned_variables([4], [4], rnd_par)
         val = tf.concat_v2(vs, 0).eval()
         rnd = rnd_par.eval()
         self.assertAllClose(rnd, val)
         self.assertEqual([tf.int32] * 4, [v.dtype.base_dtype for v in vs])
         self._TestSaveSpec(vs, ["4 0,1", "4 1,1", "4 2,1", "4 3,1"])
 def testConstantInit(self):
     with self.test_session():
         rnd_par = tf.constant([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]])
         vs = tf.create_partitioned_variables([2, 4], [1, 2], rnd_par)
         val = tf.concat_v2(vs, 1).eval()
         rnd = rnd_par.eval()
         self.assertAllClose(rnd, val)
         self.assertEqual([tf.int32] * 2, [v.dtype.base_dtype for v in vs])
         self._TestSaveSpec(vs, ["2 4 0,2:0,2", "2 4 0,2:2,2"])
예제 #58
 def testConcatLargeTensors(self):
   # CPU-only test, because it fails on GPUs with <= 4GB memory.
   with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
     a = tf.ones([2**31 + 6], dtype=tf.int8)
     b = tf.zeros([1024], dtype=tf.int8)
     onezeros = tf.concat_v2([a, b], 0)
   with self.test_session(use_gpu=False):
     # TODO(dga):  Add more depth to this test to validate correctness,
     # not just non-crashingness, once other large tensor fixes have gone in.
     _ = onezeros.eval()