예제 #1
    def __init__(self, ip, port=22, username="******", password="******"):
        self.ip = ip
        self.port = port
        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        self.createid = self.createid + 1
        self.cid = self.createid
        self.status = True
        self.testEngine = TestEngineController(ip, port=port)

        logger.info('add testEngine %s, ip:%s, port:%s, username:%s ' %
                    (self.cid, self.ip, self.port, self.username))
예제 #2
 def __init__(self,ip,port=22,username="******",password="******"):
     self.ip = ip
     self.port = port
     self.username = username
     self.password = password
     self.createid = self.createid+1
     self.cid = self.createid
     self.status = True
     self.testEngine = TestEngineController(ip, port=port) 
     logger.info('add testEngine %s, ip:%s, port:%s, username:%s '% (self.cid ,self.ip, self.port, self.username))     
예제 #3
class Process_Rest_Api(Rest_Adapter):

    createid = 0

    def __init__(self, ip, port=22, username="******", password="******"):
        self.ip = ip
        self.port = port
        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        self.createid = self.createid + 1
        self.cid = self.createid
        self.status = True
        self.testEngine = TestEngineController(ip, port=port)

        logger.info('add testEngine %s, ip:%s, port:%s, username:%s ' %
                    (self.cid, self.ip, self.port, self.username))

    def __exit__(self):
        #         print '__exit__'
        logger.debug(' __exit__ cid:%s, ip:%s, port:%s, username:%s ' %
                     (self.cid, self.ip, self.port, self.username))

    def getStatus(self):
        logger.debug('getStatus() cid:%s ' % (self.cid))
        return self.status

    def close(self):

    def reconnect(self):
        return True

    def post_rest_api_handle(self, dInputBody, schemapath):

        logger.debug('post: cid:%d, XPATH:%s, body:%s' %
                     (self.cid, schemapath, dInputBody))

        ##  <device id>/_action/ftpc/ftpcTransferFiles/ftpcTransferFile
        sactionflag, testApi = schemapath.split('/')
        lrestApiPath = schemapath.split('/')

        isIpBodyJsonType = False
        isIpBodyXMLType = False
        for k, v in dInputBody.items():
            if k == config.ISDK_JSON_IP_BODY:
                if v != None:
                    isIpBodyJsonType = True
            elif k == config.ISDK_XML_IP_BODY:
                if v != None:
                    isIpBodyXMLType = True

        if testApi == None or testApi == None:
            raise Exception('only accept URL path /apiname .')

        successReport = etree.Element('success')
        errorReport = etree.Element('rpc-error')
        errorCfgElement = None
        result = None
        bret = 1

        tsuid = None
        tsuPort = None
        fixed_params = []
        option_params = {}
        for uiCount in range(len(lrestApiPath)):
            lelement = lrestApiPath[uiCount].split('?')
            if len(lelement) == 2:
                testApi = lelement[0]
                lqueryElem = lelement[1].split('&')
                for liter in lqueryElem:
                    litems = liter.split('=')
                    tsuArgName = litems[0]
                    tsuArgValue = litems[1]
                    if (tsuArgName == 'port'):
                        tsuPort = tsuArgValue
                    elif (tsuArgName == 'fixed_params'):
                        arrfixeds = tsuArgValue.split(',')
                        for liter in arrfixeds:
                    elif (tsuArgName == 'tsuid'):
                        tsuid = tsuArgValue
                        option_params[tsuArgName] = tsuArgValue

            elif len(lelement) == 1:
                testApi = lrestApiPath[uiCount]

        lcontent = {}

        if isIpBodyJsonType == True:
            json_array = dInputBody[config.ISDK_JSON_IP_BODY]
            for lcontent in json_array:
                tsuid = lcontent.get('tsuid')
                tsuPort = lcontent.get('port')
                fixed_params = lcontent.get('fixed_params')
                option_params = lcontent.get('option_params')
                bret, result = self.testEngine.send(testApi, tsuid, tsuPort,
                if bret != '0':
                    errorCfgElement = etree.SubElement(errorReport,
                    errorCfgElement.text = 'application'
                    errorCfgElement = etree.SubElement(errorReport,
                    errorCfgElement.text = result

        elif isIpBodyXMLType == True:
            sXmlInput = dInputBody[config.ISDK_XML_IP_BODY]
            raise Exception('only accept JSON Format body .')

        logger.debug('cid:%d isdk_convert_rpc2restapi()' % (self.cid))

        if (errorCfgElement != None):
            return etree.tostring(errorReport, pretty_print=True)

        retCfgElement = etree.SubElement(successReport, 'response')
        retCfgElement.text = result
        return etree.tostring(successReport, pretty_print=True)

    def put_rest_api_handle(self, dInputBody, schemapath):
        return self.post_rest_api_handle(dInputBody, schemapath)

    def delete_rest_api_handle(self, dInputBody, schemapath):

        logger.debug('post: cid:%d, XPATH:%s, body:%s' %
                     (self.cid, schemapath, dInputBody))

        ##  <device id>/_action/ftpc/ftpcTransferFiles/ftpcTransferFile
        lschema, testApi = schemapath.split('/')
        lrestApiPath = schemapath.split('/')
        if testApi == None:
            raise Exception(
                'only accept URL path /stream/apiname?arg1=xxx&arg2=yyy .')

        tsuid = None
        tsuPort = None
        fixed_params = []
        option_params = {}

        for uiCount in range(len(lrestApiPath)):
            lelement = lrestApiPath[uiCount].split('?')
            if len(lelement) == 2:
                testApi = lelement[0]
                lqueryElem = lelement[1].split('&')
                for liter in lqueryElem:
                    litems = liter.split('=')
                    tsuArgName = litems[0]
                    tsuArgValue = litems[1]
                    if (tsuArgName == 'port'):
                        tsuPort = tsuArgValue
                    elif (tsuArgName == 'fixed_params'):
                        arrfixeds = tsuArgValue.split(',')
                        for liter in arrfixeds:
                    elif (tsuArgName == 'tsuid'):
                        tsuid = tsuArgValue
                        option_params[tsuArgName] = tsuArgValue
            elif len(lelement) == 1:
                testApi = lrestApiPath[uiCount]

        if testApi == None:
            raise Exception(
                'only accept URL path /stream/apiname?arg1=xxx&arg2=yyy .')

        if (testApi.find("Clear") == -1 and testApi.find("Remove") == -1
                and testApi.find("Del") == -1 and testApi.find("Disable") == -1
                and testApi.find("Disconnect") == -1
                and testApi.find("Delete") == -1):
            raise Exception(
                'only accept URL path  *Clear* | *Remove* | *Delete* | *Disable* | *Del* | *Disconnect*'

        # send request to testEngine
        bret, result = self.testEngine.send(testApi, tsuid, tsuPort,
                                            fixed_params, option_params)

        successReport = etree.Element('success')
        errorReport = etree.Element('rpc-error')
        if (bret != '0'):
            errorCfgElement = etree.SubElement(errorReport, 'error-type')
            errorCfgElement.text = 'application'
            errorCfgElement = etree.SubElement(errorReport, 'error-message')
            errorCfgElement.text = result
            return etree.tostring(errorReport, pretty_print=True)

        retCfgElement = etree.SubElement(successReport, 'response')
        retCfgElement.text = result
        return etree.tostring(successReport, pretty_print=True)

    def get_rest_api_handle(self, dInputBody, schemapath):

        logger.debug('post: cid:%d, XPATH:%s, body:%s' %
                     (self.cid, schemapath, dInputBody))

        ##  <device id>/_action/ftpc/ftpcTransferFiles/ftpcTransferFile
        lschema, testApi = schemapath.split('/')
        lrestApiPath = schemapath.split('/')
        if testApi == None:
            raise Exception(
                'only accept URL path /stream/apiname?arg1=xxx&arg2=yyy .')

        tsuid = None
        tsuPort = None
        fixed_params = []
        option_params = {}

        for uiCount in range(len(lrestApiPath)):
            lelement = lrestApiPath[uiCount].split('?')
            if len(lelement) == 2:
                testApi = lelement[0]
                lqueryElem = lelement[1].split('&')
                for liter in lqueryElem:
                    litems = liter.split('=')
                    tsuArgName = litems[0]
                    tsuArgValue = litems[1]
                    if (tsuArgName == 'port'):
                        tsuPort = tsuArgValue
                    elif (tsuArgName == 'fixed_params'):
                        arrfixeds = tsuArgValue.split(',')
                        for liter in arrfixeds:
                    elif (tsuArgName == 'tsuid'):
                        tsuid = tsuArgValue
                        option_params[tsuArgName] = tsuArgValue

            elif len(lelement) == 1:
                testApi = lrestApiPath[uiCount]

        if testApi == None:
            raise Exception(
                'only accept URL path /stream/apiname?arg1=xxx&arg2=yyy .')

        if (testApi == "example"):
            return self.get_example_str()

        # send request to testEngine
        bret, result = self.testEngine.send(testApi, tsuid, tsuPort,
                                            fixed_params, option_params)

        successReport = etree.Element('success')
        errorReport = etree.Element('rpc-error')
        if (bret != '0'):
            errorCfgElement = etree.SubElement(errorReport, 'error-type')
            errorCfgElement.text = 'application'
            errorCfgElement = etree.SubElement(errorReport, 'error-message')
            errorCfgElement.text = result
            return etree.tostring(errorReport, pretty_print=True)

        retCfgElement = etree.SubElement(successReport, 'response')
        retCfgElement.text = result
        return etree.tostring(successReport, pretty_print=True)

    def set_main_device(self, ipaddress, port, username, password):

    def get_esn(self):
        return ''

    def set_multi_ipaddress(self, deviceList):

    def get_example_str(self):

        examples = etree.Element('examples')
        # example of  tsu add
        cfgElement = etree.SubElement(examples, 'example')
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'URL')
        childCfgElement.text = "/TgTsuAdd"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Method')
        childCfgElement.text = "POST"
        json_array = [{
            "tsuid": None,
            "port": None,
            "fixed_params": ["LAN-1002", ""],
            "option_params": {}
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Body')
        childCfgElement.text = json.dumps(json_array, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Description')
        childCfgElement.text = "Add a new Test Unit "

        # example of Connect tsu
        cfgElement = etree.SubElement(examples, 'example')
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'URL')
        childCfgElement.text = "/TgTsuConnect"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Method')
        childCfgElement.text = "POST"
        json_array = [{"tsuid": None}]
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Body')
        childCfgElement.text = json.dumps(json_array, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Description')
        childCfgElement.text = "Connect a tsu "

        # example of TgTsuGetAll
        cfgElement = etree.SubElement(examples, 'example')
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'URL')
        childCfgElement.text = "/TgTsuGetAll"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Method')
        childCfgElement.text = "Get"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Body')
        childCfgElement.text = "NA"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Description')
        childCfgElement.text = "Get List of TSU id "

        # example of TgTsuGet
        cfgElement = etree.SubElement(examples, 'example')
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'URL')
        childCfgElement.text = "/TgTsuGetIpAddr?tsuid=1"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Method')
        childCfgElement.text = "Get"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Body')
        childCfgElement.text = "NA"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Description')
        childCfgElement.text = "Get TSU information "

        # example of TgTsuGet
        cfgElement = etree.SubElement(examples, 'example')
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'URL')
        childCfgElement.text = "/TgTsuDisconnect?tsuid=1"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Method')
        childCfgElement.text = "DELETE"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Body')
        childCfgElement.text = "NA"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Description')
        childCfgElement.text = "Disconnect TSU information "

        # example of  tsu add
        cfgElement = etree.SubElement(examples, 'example')
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'URL')
        childCfgElement.text = "/TgTsuSetEthernetLinkData"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Method')
        childCfgElement.text = "POST"
        json_array = [{
            "tsuid": 1,
            "port": 1,
            "fixed_params": ["", "", "24"],
            "option_params": {
                "ArpReply": "FALSE",
                "ArpKeepalive": "FALSE"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Body')
        childCfgElement.text = json.dumps(json_array, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Description')
        childCfgElement.text = "Set Ethernet Link  "

        return etree.tostring(examples, pretty_print=True)
예제 #4
class Process_Rest_Api(Rest_Adapter): 

    createid = 0
    def __init__(self,ip,port=22,username="******",password="******"):
        self.ip = ip
        self.port = port
        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        self.createid = self.createid+1
        self.cid = self.createid
        self.status = True
        self.testEngine = TestEngineController(ip, port=port) 
        logger.info('add testEngine %s, ip:%s, port:%s, username:%s '% (self.cid ,self.ip, self.port, self.username))     

    def __exit__(self):
#         print '__exit__'
        logger.debug(' __exit__ cid:%s, ip:%s, port:%s, username:%s '% (self.cid ,self.ip, self.port, self.username))   
    def getStatus(self):
        logger.debug('getStatus() cid:%s '% (self.cid))   
        return self.status
    def close(self):
    def reconnect(self): 
        return True
    def post_rest_api_handle(self, dInputBody, schemapath):
        logger.debug('post: cid:%d, XPATH:%s, body:%s'% (self.cid, schemapath, dInputBody))
        ##  <device id>/_action/ftpc/ftpcTransferFiles/ftpcTransferFile
        sactionflag, testApi = schemapath.split('/')
        lrestApiPath = schemapath.split('/')
        isIpBodyJsonType = False
        isIpBodyXMLType = False 
        for k,v in dInputBody.items():
            if k == config.ISDK_JSON_IP_BODY:
                if v != None:
                    isIpBodyJsonType = True
            elif k == config.ISDK_XML_IP_BODY:
                if v != None:
                    isIpBodyXMLType = True
        if  testApi == None or testApi == None:
            raise Exception('only accept URL path /apiname .')
        successReport = etree.Element('success')
        errorReport = etree.Element('rpc-error')
        errorCfgElement = None
        result = None
        bret = 1
        tsuid = None
        tsuPort = None
        fixed_params = []
        option_params = {}
        for uiCount in range(len(lrestApiPath)):
            lelement = lrestApiPath[uiCount].split('?')
            if len(lelement) == 2:
                testApi = lelement[0]
                lqueryElem = lelement[1].split('&')
                for liter in lqueryElem:
                    litems = liter.split('=')
                    tsuArgName = litems[0] 
                    tsuArgValue = litems[1] 
                    if (tsuArgName == 'port'):
                        tsuPort = tsuArgValue
                    elif (tsuArgName == 'fixed_params'):
                        arrfixeds = tsuArgValue.split(',')
                        for liter in arrfixeds:
                    elif (tsuArgName == 'tsuid'):
                        tsuid = tsuArgValue
                        option_params[tsuArgName] = tsuArgValue
            elif len(lelement) == 1:
                testApi = lrestApiPath[uiCount]
        if isIpBodyJsonType == True:
                json_array = dInputBody[config.ISDK_JSON_IP_BODY]
                for lcontent in json_array:
                    tsuid = lcontent.get('tsuid') 
                    tsuPort = lcontent.get('port')  
                    fixed_params = lcontent.get('fixed_params') 
                    option_params = lcontent.get('option_params') 
                    bret, result = self.testEngine.send(testApi, tsuid,  tsuPort, fixed_params, option_params)
                    if bret != '0' :
                        errorCfgElement = etree.SubElement(errorReport, 'error-type')
                        errorCfgElement.text = 'application'
                        errorCfgElement = etree.SubElement(errorReport, 'error-message')
                        errorCfgElement.text = result
        elif isIpBodyXMLType == True:
                sXmlInput = dInputBody[config.ISDK_XML_IP_BODY]
                raise Exception('only accept JSON Format body .')
        logger.debug('cid:%d isdk_convert_rpc2restapi()'% (self.cid))
        if (errorCfgElement != None):
            return etree.tostring(errorReport, pretty_print=True)
        retCfgElement = etree.SubElement(successReport, 'response')
        retCfgElement.text = result
        return etree.tostring(successReport, pretty_print=True)

    def put_rest_api_handle(self, dInputBody, schemapath):
        return self.post_rest_api_handle(dInputBody, schemapath)

    def delete_rest_api_handle(self, dInputBody, schemapath):
        logger.debug('post: cid:%d, XPATH:%s, body:%s'% (self.cid, schemapath, dInputBody))
        ##  <device id>/_action/ftpc/ftpcTransferFiles/ftpcTransferFile
        lschema, testApi = schemapath.split('/')
        lrestApiPath = schemapath.split('/')
        if testApi == None:
            raise Exception('only accept URL path /stream/apiname?arg1=xxx&arg2=yyy .')
        tsuid = None
        tsuPort = None
        fixed_params = []
        option_params = {}
        for uiCount in range(len(lrestApiPath)):
            lelement = lrestApiPath[uiCount].split('?')
            if len(lelement) == 2:
                testApi = lelement[0]
                lqueryElem = lelement[1].split('&')
                for liter in lqueryElem:
                    litems = liter.split('=')
                    tsuArgName = litems[0] 
                    tsuArgValue = litems[1] 
                    if (tsuArgName == 'port'):
                        tsuPort = tsuArgValue
                    elif (tsuArgName == 'fixed_params'):
                        arrfixeds = tsuArgValue.split(',')
                        for liter in arrfixeds:
                    elif (tsuArgName == 'tsuid'):
                        tsuid = tsuArgValue
                        option_params[tsuArgName] = tsuArgValue
            elif len(lelement) == 1:
                testApi = lrestApiPath[uiCount]
        if testApi == None:
            raise Exception('only accept URL path /stream/apiname?arg1=xxx&arg2=yyy .')
        if (testApi.find("Clear") ==-1 
             and testApi.find("Remove") == -1 
             and testApi.find("Del") == -1 
             and testApi.find("Disable") == -1 
             and testApi.find("Disconnect") == -1 
             and testApi.find("Delete") == -1) :
            raise Exception('only accept URL path  *Clear* | *Remove* | *Delete* | *Disable* | *Del* | *Disconnect*') 
        # send request to testEngine
        bret, result = self.testEngine.send(testApi, tsuid, tsuPort, fixed_params, option_params)
        successReport = etree.Element('success')
        errorReport = etree.Element('rpc-error')
        if (bret != '0'):
            errorCfgElement = etree.SubElement(errorReport, 'error-type')
            errorCfgElement.text = 'application'
            errorCfgElement = etree.SubElement(errorReport, 'error-message')
            errorCfgElement.text = result
            return etree.tostring(errorReport, pretty_print=True)

        retCfgElement = etree.SubElement(successReport, 'response')
        retCfgElement.text = result
        return etree.tostring(successReport, pretty_print=True)

    def get_rest_api_handle(self, dInputBody, schemapath):
        logger.debug('post: cid:%d, XPATH:%s, body:%s'% (self.cid, schemapath, dInputBody))
        ##  <device id>/_action/ftpc/ftpcTransferFiles/ftpcTransferFile
        lschema, testApi = schemapath.split('/')
        lrestApiPath = schemapath.split('/')
        if testApi == None:
            raise Exception('only accept URL path /stream/apiname?arg1=xxx&arg2=yyy .')
        tsuid = None
        tsuPort = None
        fixed_params = []
        option_params = {}
        for uiCount in range(len(lrestApiPath)):
            lelement = lrestApiPath[uiCount].split('?')
            if len(lelement) == 2:
                testApi = lelement[0]
                lqueryElem = lelement[1].split('&')
                for liter in lqueryElem:
                    litems = liter.split('=')
                    tsuArgName = litems[0] 
                    tsuArgValue = litems[1] 
                    if (tsuArgName == 'port'):
                        tsuPort = tsuArgValue
                    elif (tsuArgName == 'fixed_params'):
                        arrfixeds = tsuArgValue.split(',')
                        for liter in arrfixeds:
                    elif (tsuArgName == 'tsuid'):
                        tsuid = tsuArgValue
                        option_params[tsuArgName] = tsuArgValue
            elif len(lelement) == 1:
                testApi = lrestApiPath[uiCount]
        if testApi == None:
            raise Exception('only accept URL path /stream/apiname?arg1=xxx&arg2=yyy .')
        if (testApi == "example"):
            return self.get_example_str()
        # send request to testEngine
        bret, result = self.testEngine.send( testApi, tsuid, tsuPort, fixed_params, option_params)
        successReport = etree.Element('success')
        errorReport = etree.Element('rpc-error')
        if (bret != '0'):
            errorCfgElement = etree.SubElement(errorReport, 'error-type')
            errorCfgElement.text = 'application'
            errorCfgElement = etree.SubElement(errorReport, 'error-message')
            errorCfgElement.text = result
            return etree.tostring(errorReport, pretty_print=True)

        retCfgElement = etree.SubElement(successReport, 'response')
        retCfgElement.text = result
        return etree.tostring(successReport, pretty_print=True)
    def set_main_device(self, ipaddress, port, username , password):
    def get_esn(self):
        return ''
    def set_multi_ipaddress(self, deviceList):

    def get_example_str(self):
        examples = etree.Element('examples')
        # example of  tsu add 
        cfgElement = etree.SubElement(examples, 'example')
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'URL')
        childCfgElement.text = "/TgTsuAdd"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Method')
        childCfgElement.text = "POST"
        json_array = [
                "tsuid" : None,
                "port": None,
                "fixed_params": [
                "option_params": {}
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Body')
        childCfgElement.text = json.dumps(json_array,sort_keys=True,indent=4)
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Description')
        childCfgElement.text = "Add a new Test Unit "
        # example of Connect tsu
        cfgElement = etree.SubElement(examples, 'example')
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'URL')
        childCfgElement.text = "/TgTsuConnect"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Method')
        childCfgElement.text = "POST"
        json_array = [
                "tsuid" : None 
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Body')
        childCfgElement.text = json.dumps(json_array,sort_keys=True,indent=4)
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Description')
        childCfgElement.text = "Connect a tsu "
        # example of TgTsuGetAll 
        cfgElement = etree.SubElement(examples, 'example')
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'URL')
        childCfgElement.text = "/TgTsuGetAll"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Method')
        childCfgElement.text = "Get"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Body')
        childCfgElement.text = "NA"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Description')
        childCfgElement.text = "Get List of TSU id "
        # example of TgTsuGet 
        cfgElement = etree.SubElement(examples, 'example')
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'URL')
        childCfgElement.text = "/TgTsuGetIpAddr?tsuid=1"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Method')
        childCfgElement.text = "Get"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Body')
        childCfgElement.text = "NA"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Description')
        childCfgElement.text = "Get TSU information "
        # example of TgTsuGet 
        cfgElement = etree.SubElement(examples, 'example')
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'URL')
        childCfgElement.text = "/TgTsuDisconnect?tsuid=1"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Method')
        childCfgElement.text = "DELETE"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Body')
        childCfgElement.text = "NA"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Description')
        childCfgElement.text = "Disconnect TSU information "
        # example of  tsu add 
        cfgElement = etree.SubElement(examples, 'example')
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'URL')
        childCfgElement.text = "/TgTsuSetEthernetLinkData"
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Method')
        childCfgElement.text = "POST"
        json_array = [
                "tsuid" : 1,
                "port": 1,
                "fixed_params": [ "","","24"],
                "option_params": {"ArpReply":"FALSE", "ArpKeepalive":"FALSE"}
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Body')
        childCfgElement.text = json.dumps(json_array,sort_keys=True,indent=4)
        childCfgElement = etree.SubElement(cfgElement, 'Description')
        childCfgElement.text = "Set Ethernet Link  "
        return etree.tostring(examples, pretty_print=True)