예제 #1
    def setUp(self):
        # Include branch_K, branch_L to make sure that ABCDEFG all get the
        # same commit hashes as self.repo. Otherwise they get committed with the
        # wrong timestamps, due to commit ordering.
        # TODO(iannucci): Make commit timestamps deterministic in left to right, top
        #                 to bottom order, not in lexi-topographical order.
        origin_schema = git_test_utils.GitRepoSchema(
    A B C D 😋 F G M N O
      B H I J K
            J L
    """, self.getRepoContent)
        self.origin = origin_schema.reify()
        self.origin.git('checkout', 'main')
        self.origin.git('branch', '-d', *['branch_' + l for l in 'KLG'])

        self.repo.git('remote', 'add', 'origin', self.origin.repo_path)
        self.repo.git('config', '--add', 'remote.origin.fetch',
        self.repo.git('update-ref', 'refs/remotes/origin/main', 'tag_E')
        self.repo.git('branch', '--set-upstream-to', 'branch_G', 'branch_K')
        self.repo.git('branch', '--set-upstream-to', 'branch_K', 'branch_L')

        self.repo.git('fetch', 'origin')
        mock.patch('git_map.RESET', '').start()
        mock.patch('git_map.BLUE_BACK', '').start()
        mock.patch('git_map.BRIGHT_RED', '').start()
        mock.patch('git_map.CYAN', '').start()
        mock.patch('git_map.GREEN', '').start()
        mock.patch('git_map.MAGENTA', '').start()
        mock.patch('git_map.RED', '').start()
        mock.patch('git_map.WHITE', '').start()
        mock.patch('git_map.YELLOW', '').start()
  def setUp(self):
    super(GitRebaseUpdateTest, self).setUp()
    # Include branch_K, branch_L to make sure that ABCDEFG all get the
    # same commit hashes as self.repo. Otherwise they get committed with the
    # wrong timestamps, due to commit ordering.
    # TODO(iannucci): Make commit timestamps deterministic in left to right, top
    #                 to bottom order, not in lexi-topographical order.
    origin_schema = git_test_utils.GitRepoSchema("""
    A B C D E F G M N O
      B H I J K
            J L
    """, self.getRepoContent)
    self.origin = origin_schema.reify()
    self.origin.git('checkout', 'master')
    self.origin.git('branch', '-d', *['branch_'+l for l in 'KLG'])

    self.repo.git('remote', 'add', 'origin', self.origin.repo_path)
    self.repo.git('config', '--add', 'remote.origin.fetch',
    self.repo.git('update-ref', 'refs/remotes/origin/master', 'tag_E')
    self.repo.git('branch', '--set-upstream-to', 'branch_G', 'branch_K')
    self.repo.git('branch', '--set-upstream-to', 'branch_K', 'branch_L')
    self.repo.git('branch', '--set-upstream-to', 'origin/master', 'branch_G')

    self.repo.to_schema_refs += ['origin/master']
예제 #3
  def testRoot(self):
    origin_schema = git_test_utils.GitRepoSchema("""
    A B C
      B D
    """, self.getRepoContent)
    origin = origin_schema.reify()
    # Set the default branch to branch_D instead of master.
    origin.git('checkout', 'branch_D')

    self.repo.git('remote', 'add', 'origin', origin.repo_path)
    self.repo.git('fetch', 'origin')
    self.repo.git('remote', 'set-head', 'origin', '-a')
    self.assertEqual('origin/branch_D', self.repo.run(self.gc.root))