예제 #1
def _make_create_ops_subvolume(subvols: TempSubvolumes, path: bytes) -> Subvol:
    'Exercise all the send-stream ops that can occur on a new subvolume.'
    subvol = subvols.create(path)
    run = subvol.run_as_root

    # `cwd` is intentionally prohibited with `run_as_root`
    def p(sv_path):
        return subvol.path(sv_path).decode()

    # Due to an odd `btrfs send` implementation detail, creating a file or
    # directory emits a rename from a temporary name to the final one.
    run(['mkdir', p('hello')])  # mkdir,rename
    run(['mkdir', p('dir_to_remove')])
    run(['touch', p('hello/world')])  # mkfile,utimes,chmod,chown
    run([  # set_xattr
    run(['mknod', p('buffered'), 'b', '1337', '31415'])  # mknod
    run(['chmod', 'og-r', p('buffered')])  # chmod a device
    run(['mknod', p('unbuffered'), 'c', '1337', '31415'])
    run(['mkfifo', p('fifo')])  # mkfifo
            'import os, sys, socket as s\n'
            'dir, base = os.path.split(sys.argv[1])\n'
            # Otherwise, we can easily get "AF_UNIX path too long"
            'os.chdir(os.path.join(".", dir))\n'
            'with s.socket(s.AF_UNIX, s.SOCK_STREAM) as sock:\n'
            '    sock.bind(base)\n'  # mksock
    run(['ln', p('hello/world'), p('goodbye')])  # link
    run(['ln', '-s', 'hello/world', p('bye_symlink')])  # symlink
    run([  # update_extent
        # 56KB was chosen so that `btrfs send` emits more than 1 write,
        # specifically 48KB + 8KB.
        'of=' + p('56KB_nuls'),
    run([  # clone

    # Make a file with a 16KB hole in the middle.
        'of=' + p('zeros_hole_zeros'),
    run(['truncate', '-s', str(32 * 1024), p('zeros_hole_zeros')])
        'of=' + p('zeros_hole_zeros'),
    # A trailing hole exercises the `truncate` sendstream command.
    run(['bash', '-c', 'echo hello > ' + shlex.quote(p('hello_big_hole'))])
    run(['truncate', '-s', '1G', p('hello_big_hole')])

    # This just serves to show that `btrfs send` ignores nested subvolumes.
    # There is no mention of `nested_subvol` in the send-stream.
    nested_subvol = subvols.create(p('nested_subvol'))
    nested_subvol.run_as_root(['touch', nested_subvol.path('borf')])
    nested_subvol.run_as_root(['mkdir', nested_subvol.path('beep')])

    return subvol
예제 #2
def _make_create_ops_subvolume(subvols: TempSubvolumes, path: bytes) -> Subvol:
    'Exercise all the send-stream ops that can occur on a new subvolume.'
    subvol = subvols.create(path)
    run = partial(subvol.run_as_root, cwd=subvol.path())

    # Due to an odd `btrfs send` implementation detail, creating a file or
    # directory emits a rename from a temporary name to the final one.
    run(['mkdir', 'hello'])  # mkdir,rename
    run(['mkdir', 'dir_to_remove'])
    run(['touch', 'hello/world'])  # mkfile,utimes,chmod,chown
    run([  # set_xattr
    run(['mknod', 'buffered', 'b', '1337', '31415'])  # mknod
    run(['chmod', 'og-r', 'buffered'])  # chmod a device
    run(['mknod', 'unbuffered', 'c', '1337', '31415'])
    run(['mkfifo', 'fifo'])  # mkfifo
            'import socket as s\n'
            'with s.socket(s.AF_UNIX, s.SOCK_STREAM) as sock:\n'
            '    sock.bind("unix_sock")\n'  # mksock
    run(['ln', 'hello/world', 'goodbye'])  # link
    run(['ln', '-s', 'hello/world', 'bye_symlink'])  # symlink
    run([  # update_extent
        # 56KB was chosen so that `btrfs send` emits more than 1 write,
        # specifically 48KB + 8KB.
    run([  # clone

    # Make a file with a 16KB hole in the middle.
    run(['dd', 'if=/dev/zero', 'of=zeros_hole_zeros', 'bs=1024', 'count=16'])
    run(['truncate', '-s', str(32 * 1024), 'zeros_hole_zeros'])

    # This just serves to show that `btrfs send` ignores nested subvolumes.
    # There is no mention of `nested_subvol` in the send-stream.
    nested_subvol = subvols.create(subvol.path(b'nested_subvol'))
    run2 = partial(nested_subvol.run_as_root, cwd=nested_subvol.path())
    run2(['touch', 'borf'])
    run2(['mkdir', 'beep'])

    return subvol