예제 #1
def test_phone_numbers():
    text = """Dear Mr. Davis,
I got to know of your company through our mutual friend Fiona Williams and the
training you offer to graduate students in Advertising.
I am a graduate student of Mass Communications with specialization in
Advertising.  I am currently pursuing the last year of my course.
I would very much like to see firsthand the work environment in an advertising
If you would like a reference, my advisor can be reached at (454) 999-1212.
You can contact me at (919) 123-4569 at your convenience."""

    assert x.phone_numbers(text) == ["(454) 999-1212", "(919) 123-4569"]
예제 #2
def test_phone_numbers():
    text = """Dear Mr. Davis,
I got to know of your company through our mutual friend Fiona Williams and the
training you offer to graduate students in Advertising.
I am a graduate student of Mass Communications with specialization in
Advertising.  I am currently pursuing the last year of my course.
I would very much like to see firsthand the work environment in an advertising
If you would like a reference, my advisor can be reached at (454) 999-1212.
You can contact me at (919) 123-4569 at your convenience."""

    assert x.phone_numbers(text) == ["(454) 999-1212", "(919) 123-4569"]