예제 #1
def estimate_screen_penetration(Q):
    screen penetration estimate, based on various assumptions about detector
    wire_diameter = 0.02e-3
    screen_thickness = wire_diameter*2.0
    area_density = 0.68e3 # mass per unit area, kg/m2
    rho_ss = 8e6 # from google search - 8 g/cm3
    solid_fraction = area_density/rho_ss/screen_thickness

    #expecting a solid fraction of about 0.3
    #this would mean an area density of
    expected_area_density = 0.3 * screen_thickness * rho_ss

    # compute expected density from thread count and diameter
    threadlen = 1.0 # m
    threads = 1000/25.4 * 635 * 2
    volume = np.pi * (wire_diameter/2.0)**2 * threads * threadlen
    solid_fraction_computed = volume / screen_thickness
    area_density_computed = volume*rho_ss
    # ok, just set solid fraction
    solid_fraction = 0.39

    screen_area = 0.02625
    U0 = Q/screen_area
    D = 0.08 / 100 / 100
    p0_neutral = tm.screen_penetration(U0, D, solid_fraction, wire_diameter, screen_thickness)
    p0_positive = tm.screen_penetration(U0, 0.03e-4, solid_fraction, wire_diameter, screen_thickness)

    # assume 50% charged Particles
    return (p0_neutral + p0_positive)/2.0
예제 #2
    area_density_computed = volume*rho_ss
    # ok, just set solid fraction
    solid_fraction = 0.39

    screen_area = 0.02625
    U0 = Q/screen_area
    D = 0.08 / 100 / 100
    p0_neutral = tm.screen_penetration(U0, D, solid_fraction, wire_diameter, screen_thickness)
    p0_positive = tm.screen_penetration(U0, 0.03e-4, solid_fraction, wire_diameter, screen_thickness)

    # assume 50% charged Particles
    return (p0_neutral + p0_positive)/2.0

p0_neutral = tm.screen_penetration(U0, D, solid_fraction, wire_diameter, screen_thickness)
p0_positive = tm.screen_penetration(U0, 0.03e-4, solid_fraction, wire_diameter, screen_thickness)

relative_change = (1-p0_neutral)/(1-p0_positive)

U = np.linspace(0.1, 1, 1000)
P = tm.screen_penetration(U, D, solid_fraction, wire_diameter, screen_thickness)
C = 1-P

f, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(U,C, label='D=0.08 cm2/s')
D = 0.03 / 100 / 100
P = tm.screen_penetration(U, D, solid_fraction, wire_diameter, screen_thickness)
C = 1-P
ax.plot(U,C, label='D=0.03 cm2/s')