예제 #1
def test_multiple_semaphores_remainder():
    Verify that we can acquire and release locks to different semaphores
    with throttle_client(b"[semaphores]\nA=1\nB=1\nC=1") as client:
        with lock(client, "A"):
            assert 0 == client.remainder("A")
            with lock(client, "B"):
                assert 0 == client.remainder("B")
                with lock(client, "C"):
                    assert 0 == client.remainder("C")
        assert 1 == client.remainder("A")
        assert 1 == client.remainder("B")
        assert 1 == client.remainder("C")
예제 #2
def test_error_on_leasing_unknown_semaphore():
    Verify what error we receive than acquiring a semaphore for a ressource
    unknown to the server.
    with throttle(b"[semaphores]") as url:
        with pytest.raises(Exception, match=r"Unknown semaphore"):
            with lock(url, "Unknown"):
예제 #3
 def acquire_lease_concurrent(client: Client):
     # Simulate expired peer: Create peer with bogus id.
     peer = PeerWithHeartbeat(client=client, id=42)
     set_local_peer(BASE_URL, peer)
     # Lock must now restore the peer, after hitting `Unknown Peer` and acquire the
     # lock to A afterwards.
     with lock(BASE_URL, "A", timeout=timedelta(seconds=10)):
         nonlocal acquired_lease
         acquired_lease = True
예제 #4
def test_remainder():
    Verify that we can acquire a lock to semaphore and release it
    with throttle_client(b"[semaphores]\nA=1") as client:
        assert 1 == client.remainder("A")
        with lock(client, "A"):
            assert 0 == client.remainder("A")
        assert 1 == client.remainder("A")
예제 #5
def test_lock_count_larger_one():
    Assert that locks with a count > 1, decrement the semaphore count accordingly

    with throttle_client(b"[semaphores]\nA=5") as client:
        with lock(client, "A", count=3):
            assert client.remainder("A") == 2
        assert client.remainder("A") == 5
예제 #6
def test_exception():
    Assert that lock is freed in the presence of exceptions in the client code
    with throttle_client(b"[semaphores]\nA=1") as client:
            with lock(client, "A"):
                raise Exception()
        except Exception:
            assert client.remainder("A") == 1
예제 #7
def test_try_lock():
    Assert that a call to lock raises Timout Exception if pending to long
    with throttle(b"[semaphores]\nA=1") as url:
        # We hold the lease, all following calls are going to block
        first = Peer.from_server_url(url)
        with pytest.raises(Timeout):
            with lock(BASE_URL, "A", timeout=timedelta(seconds=1)):
예제 #8
def test_nested_locks():
    Nested locks should be well behaved
    with throttle_client(b"[semaphores]\nA=1\nB=1") as client:
        with lock(client, "A") as peer:

            assert client.remainder("A") == 0
            assert client.remainder("B") == 1

            with lock(client, "B", peer=peer):

                assert client.remainder("A") == 0
                assert client.remainder("B") == 0

            assert client.remainder("A") == 0
            assert client.remainder("B") == 1

        assert client.remainder("A") == 1
        assert client.remainder("B") == 1
예제 #9
def test_try_lock():
    Assert that a call to lock raises Timout Exception if pending to long
    with throttle_client(b"[semaphores]\nA=1") as client:
        # We hold the lease, all following calls are going to block
        first = client.new_peer()
        client.acquire(first, "A")
        with pytest.raises(Timeout):
            with lock(client, "A", timeout=timedelta(seconds=1)):
예제 #10
def test_keep_lease_alive_beyond_expiration():
    Validates that a heartbeat keeps the lease alive beyond the initial
    expiration time.
    with throttle_client(b"[semaphores]\nA=1") as client:
        client.expiration_time = timedelta(seconds=1)
        with lock(client, "A", heartbeat_interval=timedelta(seconds=0)) as _:
            # Evens though enough time has passed, our lease should not be
            # expired, thanks to the heartbeat.
            assert client.remove_expired() == 0
예제 #11
def test_nested_locks():
    Nested locks should be well behaved
    with throttle(b"[semaphores]\nA={ max=1, level=1 }\nB={ max=1, level=0 }"
                  ) as url:
        client = Client(url)
        with lock(url, "A"):

            assert client.remainder("A") == 0
            assert client.remainder("B") == 1

            with lock(url, "B"):

                assert client.remainder("A") == 0
                assert client.remainder("B") == 0

            assert client.remainder("A") == 0
            assert client.remainder("B") == 1

        assert client.remainder("A") == 1
        assert client.remainder("B") == 1
예제 #12
def test_keep_lease_alive_beyond_expiration():
    Validates that a heartbeat keeps the lease alive beyond the initial expiration time.
    with throttle(b"[semaphores]\nA=1") as url:
        client = Client(url)
        peer = PeerWithHeartbeat(
        set_local_peer(url, peer)
        with lock(url, "A") as _:
            # Evens though enough time has passed, our lease should not be
            # expired, thanks to the heartbeat.
            assert client.remove_expired() == 0
예제 #13
def test_exception():
    Assert that lock is freed in the presence of exceptions in the client code
    class OutOfCheese(Exception):

    checked = False

    with throttle(b"[semaphores]\nA=1") as url:
        client = Client(url)
            with lock(url, "A"):
                raise OutOfCheese()
        except OutOfCheese:
            assert client.remainder("A") == 1
            checked = True

    # Make sure we entered exception handling
    assert checked
예제 #14
 def acquire_lease_concurrent(client):
     with lock(BASE_URL, "A", timeout=timedelta(seconds=10)):
         nonlocal acquired_lease
         acquired_lease = True