def bench(func): """Times a single function.""" sys.stdout.write('%44s ' % format_func(func)) sys.stdout.flush() # figure out how many times we have to run the function to # get reliable timings. for i in xrange(3, 10): rounds = 1 << i t = timer() for x in xrange(rounds): func() if timer() - t >= 0.2: break # now run the tests without gc TEST_RUNS times and use the median # value of these runs. def _run(): gc.collect() gc.disable() try: t = timer() for x in xrange(rounds): func() return (timer() - t) / rounds * 1000 finally: gc.enable() delta = median(_run() for x in xrange(TEST_RUNS)) sys.stdout.write('%.4f\n' % delta) sys.stdout.flush() return delta
def detect(self, det_iter, show_timer=False): """ detect all images in iterator Parameters: ---------- det_iter : DetIter iterator for all testing images show_timer : Boolean whether to print out detection exec time Returns: ---------- list of detection results """ num_images = det_iter._size if not isinstance(det_iter, det_iter = start = timer() detections = self.mod.predict(det_iter).asnumpy() time_elapsed = timer() - start if show_timer: print("Detection time for {} images: {:.4f} sec".format( num_images, time_elapsed)) result = [] for i in range(detections.shape[0]): det = detections[i, :, :] res = det[np.where(det[:, 0] >= 0)[0]] result.append(res) return result
def solve(self): """ Shoot: compute initial momentum to satisfy BVP by solving nonlinear system """ print("Shoot: Solving with ",self.no_steps, "steps...") sys.stdout.flush() self._init_path() Pin=np.zeros(self.s0) # opt={} opt['xtol']=self.xtol opt['factor']=10 # start=timer() Pout=spo.root(self._objective, np.ravel(Pin), jac=self._Jacobian, options=opt) # if Pout['success']==False: print("Heavy artillery brought in...") sys.stdout.flush() P=Pout['x'].reshape(self.s0) opt['maxiter']=int(1e4) Pout=spo.root(self._objective, np.ravel(P), jac=self._Jacobian, method='lm', options=opt) end=timer() print("Run time %3.1f secs" % (end-start)) # print(Pout['message'], "Success=", Pout['success']) assert Pout['success'] P0=Pout['x'].reshape(self.s0) self.set_path(P0, self.landmarks[0,:,:]) return P0
def test_quick_sort(self): global a, sorted_a start = timer() a = quick_sort(a) time_taken = timer() - start print_array("Quick Sort", a, time_taken) self.assertListEqual(a.tolist(), sorted_a)
def exhaustive_eval(player_card, table_card): """compute all possible games given the player/table cards (as a numbers from 0 to 51) and return equity win/tie for each player""" p = player_card.shape[0] equity_arr = np.zeros([p, 2], dtype=np.float32) print '\n---------------- Exhaustive eval start' print 'player_card=\n{}'.format(player_card) print 'table_card=\n{}'.format(table_card) print 'p={}'.format(p) t0 = timer() equity_arr = exhaustive_block_fast(player_card, table_card, keys.CARD_FLUSH_KEY, keys.CARD_FACE_KEY, keys.CARD_SUIT, keys.SUIT_MASK, keys.SUIT_BIT_SHIFT, EvalSeven.flush_rank, EvalSeven.face_rank, EvalSeven.flush_suit) t1 = timer() print 'run time = \t{:.6f} s'.format(t1-t0) print equity_arr print '\n---------------- Exhaustive eval end' return equity_arr
async def async_million_events(hass): """Run a million events.""" count = 0 event_name = 'benchmark_event' event = asyncio.Event(loop=hass.loop) @core.callback def listener(_): """Handle event.""" nonlocal count count += 1 if count == 10**6: event.set() hass.bus.async_listen(event_name, listener) for _ in range(10**6): hass.bus.async_fire(event_name) start = timer() await event.wait() return timer() - start
async def async_million_time_changed_helper(hass): """Run a million events through time changed helper.""" count = 0 event = asyncio.Event(loop=hass.loop) @core.callback def listener(_): """Handle event.""" nonlocal count count += 1 if count == 10**6: event.set() hass.helpers.event.async_track_time_change(listener, minute=0, second=0) event_data = { ATTR_NOW: datetime(2017, 10, 10, 15, 0, 0, tzinfo=dt_util.UTC) } for _ in range(10**6): hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_TIME_CHANGED, event_data) start = timer() await event.wait() return timer() - start
async def async_million_state_changed_helper(hass): """Run a million events through state changed helper.""" count = 0 entity_id = '' event = asyncio.Event(loop=hass.loop) @core.callback def listener(*args): """Handle event.""" nonlocal count count += 1 if count == 10**6: event.set() hass.helpers.event.async_track_state_change( entity_id, listener, 'off', 'on') event_data = { 'entity_id': entity_id, 'old_state': core.State(entity_id, 'off'), 'new_state': core.State(entity_id, 'on'), } for _ in range(10**6): hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, event_data) start = timer() await event.wait() return timer() - start
def _logbook_filtering(hass, last_changed, last_updated): from homeassistant.components import logbook entity_id = 'test.entity' old_state = { 'entity_id': entity_id, 'state': 'off' } new_state = { 'entity_id': entity_id, 'state': 'on', 'last_updated': last_updated, 'last_changed': last_changed } event = core.Event(EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, { 'entity_id': entity_id, 'old_state': old_state, 'new_state': new_state }) def yield_events(event): # pylint: disable=protected-access entities_filter = logbook._generate_filter_from_config({}) for _ in range(10**5): if logbook._keep_event(event, entities_filter): yield event start = timer() list(logbook.humanify(None, yield_events(event))) return timer() - start
def import_images(folder, par=True, ttime=True): """ This function loads images from a folder as PIL Image files and thresholds them, creating a list of z-slices to be turned into a matrix This version is not currently used. """ fils = [os.listdir(folder)] def keep_tifs(rawlist): tiflist = [] for f in rawlist: if len(f.split('.'))>1: if f.split('.')[1] == 'tif': tiflist.append(f) return tiflist tiflist = keep_tifs(fils) newtiflist = [folder+f for f in tiflist].sort() # alphabetize tifobjs = [load_img_array(f) for f in tiflist] # here start parallel stuff if par or ttime: start_time_par = timer() pool = Pool(8) results_par =, tifobjs) pool.close() pool.join() total_time_par = timer() - start_time_par # or non-parallel stuff elif par==False or ttime: start_time_nopar = timer() results_nopar = [show_at_thresh(f) for f in newtiflist] total_time_nopar = timer() - start_time_nopar print('Time for parallel: %.2f seconds' % total_time_par) print('Time for non-parallel: %.2f seconds' % total_time_nopar) return results_par, results_nopar
def get_voxel_locations(folder, fname, voxel=[0.176,0.176,0.38], ssave=False): # uses raw threshold function # get images as list fils = os.listdir(folder) def keep_tifs(rawlist): tiflist = [] for f in rawlist: if len(f.split('.'))>1: if f.split('.')[1] == 'tif': tiflist.append(f) return tiflist tiflist = keep_tifs(fils) # this indexing may be removed if needed newtiflist = [folder+f for f in tiflist] newtiflist.sort() # alphabetize # commandeer all cores stime = timer() # pool = Pool() darr = [make_binary_thresh(i) for i in newtiflist] # adjust threshold in function # pool.close() # pool.join() print('Time taken for retrieving coordinates: %.2f' %(timer()-stime)) # send to matrix2coords to get tuples back coords = matrix2coords(darr, voxel) if ssave: # save this save_coords(coords, fname) return coords, darr
def driver(pricer, do_plot=False): paths = np.zeros((NumPath, NumStep + 1), order='F') paths[:, 0] = StockPrice DT = Maturity / NumStep ts = timer() pricer(paths, DT, InterestRate, Volatility) te = timer() elapsed = te - ts ST = paths[:, -1] PaidOff = np.maximum(paths[:, -1] - StrikePrice, 0) print 'Result' fmt = '%20s: %s' print fmt % ('stock price', np.mean(ST)) print fmt % ('standard error', np.std(ST) / np.sqrt(NumPath)) print fmt % ('paid off', np.mean(PaidOff)) optionprice = np.mean(PaidOff) * np.exp(-InterestRate * Maturity) print fmt % ('option price', optionprice) print 'Performance' NumCompute = NumPath * NumStep print fmt % ('Mstep/second', '%.2f' % (NumCompute / elapsed / 1e6)) print fmt % ('time elapsed', '%.3fs' % (te - ts)) if do_plot: pathct = min(NumPath, MAX_PATH_IN_PLOT) for i in xrange(pathct): pyplot.plot(paths[i]) print 'Plotting %d/%d paths' % (pathct, NumPath) return elapsed
def bf(n): start=timer() epsilon=0.00001 a=0 b=0 for x1 in range(0,n+1): for y1 in range(0,n+1): if x1==0 and y1==0: continue v1=np.array([x1,y1]) for x2 in range(0,n+1): for y2 in range(0,n+1): if x2==0 and y2==0: continue v2=np.array([x2,y2]) # if,v2)/(np.linalg.norm(v1)*np.linalg.norm(v2))>1-epsilon: # continue if np.array_equal(v1,v2): continue if abs(,v2))<epsilon: b+=1 continue print('Count: ',int(n**2) +b) print('b: ',b) print('Elapsed time: ',timer()-start,'s')
def breedChildren(self,innovations): self.breedtime = 0.0 self.mutatetime = 0.0 crossoverchance = float(self.settings["crossover"]) # update root genome self.root_genome = random.choice(self.l_genomes) children = [] # copy genome 0 # children.append(self.l_genomes[0]) # loop through breed for i in range(self.breed): bt0 = timer() if random.random() <= crossoverchance and len(self.l_genomes)>1: child= genome.crossover(random.sample(self.l_genomes, 2), self.settings) else: child = genome.copyGenome(random.choice(self.l_genomes), self.settings) bt1 = timer() self.breedtime += (bt1-bt0) child.mutate(innovations) bt2 = timer() self.mutatetime += (bt2-bt1) children.append(child) return children
def breedChildren(self,innovations): self.breedtime = 0.0 self.mutatetime = 0.0 crossoverchance = float(self.settings["crossover"]) new_gen_children = [] # breed all the children for each species for s in self.l_species: new_gen_children.extend(s.breedChildren(innovations)) self.breedtime += s.breedtime self.mutatetime += s.mutatetime # fill the remainder with wild children remainder = self.population-len(new_gen_children) all_Gs = self.getAllGenomes() for i in range(remainder): bt0 = timer() if random.random() <= crossoverchance and len(all_Gs)>1: child= genome.crossover(random.sample(all_Gs, 2), self.settings) else: child = genome.copyGenome(random.choice(all_Gs), self.settings) bt1 = timer() self.breedtime += (bt1-bt0) child.mutate(innovations) bt2 = timer() self.mutatetime += (bt2-bt1) new_gen_children.append(child) self.newGeneration(new_gen_children)
def handle_result(self, solver, t, y): # #Post processing (stores the time points). # time_start = timer() #Moving data to the model if t != self._model.time or (not self._f_nbr == 0 and not (self._model.continuous_states == y).all()): #Moving data to the model self._model.time = t #Check if there are any states if self._f_nbr != 0: self._model.continuous_states = y #Sets the inputs, if any if self.input!=None: self._model.set(self.input[0], self.input[1].eval(t)[0,:]) #Evaluating the rhs (Have to evaluate the values in the model) rhs = self._model.get_derivatives() #Sets the parameters, if any if self.parameters != None: p_data = N.array(solver.interpolate_sensitivity(t, 0)).flatten() self.export.integration_point(solver)#parameter_data=p_data) self.timings["handle_result"] += timer() - time_start
def handle_result(self, solver, t, y): """ Post processing (stores the time points). """ time_start = timer() if self._extra_f_nbr > 0: y_extra = y[-self._extra_f_nbr:] y = y[:-self._extra_f_nbr] #Moving data to the model if t != self._model.time or (not self._f_nbr == 0 and not (self._model.continuous_states == y).all()): #Moving data to the model self._model.time = t #Check if there are any states if self._f_nbr != 0: self._model.continuous_states = y #Sets the inputs, if any self._set_input_values(t) #Evaluating the rhs (Have to evaluate the values in the model) rhs = self._model.get_derivatives() self.export.integration_point(solver) if self._extra_f_nbr > 0: self._extra_equations.handle_result(self.export, y_extra) self.timings["handle_result"] += timer() - time_start
def test_full_client(msg_mass): ## Run a single client on single CPU and test-stress it. (sometx, mesages_q) = msg_mass (factory, instance, tr) = sometx responses = [] t0 = timer() for (tx, data, core) in mesages_q: tr.clear() instance.lineReceived(data) response = tr.value() responses += [(tx, data, core, response)] t1 = timer() print "\nQuery message rate: %2.2f / sec" % (1.0 / ((t1-t0)/(len(mesages_q)))) ## Now we test the Commit t0 = timer() for (tx, data, core, response) in responses: resp = response.split(" ") k, s = map(b64decode, resp[1:]) assert resp[0] == "OK" tr.clear() data = package_commit(core, [(k, s)]) instance.lineReceived(data) flag, pub, sig = tr.value().split(" ") assert flag == "OK" t1 = timer() print "\nCommit message rate: %2.2f / sec" % (1.0 / ((t1-t0)/(len(responses))))
def handle_result(self, solver, t, y): """ Post processing (stores the time points). """ time_start = timer() #Moving data to the model if t != self._model.time or (not self._f_nbr == 0 and not (self._model.continuous_states == y).all()): #Moving data to the model self._model.time = t #Check if there are any states if self._f_nbr != 0: self._model.continuous_states = y #Sets the inputs, if any if self.input!=None: self._model.set_real(self.input_value_refs, self.input[1].eval(t)[0,:]*self.input_alias_type) #Evaluating the rhs (Have to evaluate the values in the model) rhs = self._model.get_derivatives() if self.export != None: self.export.integration_point() self.timings["handle_result"] += timer() - time_start
def main(): start = timer() count = 0 table = load_metadata_table('metadata/fiction_metadata.csv') with open('results/fictiondedup.csv', 'w') as outfile: for grouping in generate_clumps(table, 0.7): while len(grouping) > 0: compare_element = grouping.pop(0) count += 1 print count text_group = [] for i in xrange(len(grouping)-1, -1, -1): if compare_element.test_similarity(grouping[i]): count += 1 print count text_group.append(grouping[i]) del grouping[i] if len(text_group) > 0: outfile.write("\'"+compare_element.htid+"\',\'"+compare_element.title+"\',\'""\',\'"+str(compare_element.K)+"\',\'"+compare_element.imprint+"\',\'"+compare_element.enumcron+"\',\'"+str(compare_element.totalpages)+"\'\n") for found in text_group: outfile.write("\'"+found.htid+"\',\'"+found.title+"\',\'""\',\'"+str(found.K)+"\',\'"+found.imprint+"\',\'"+found.enumcron+"\',\'"+str(found.totalpages)+"\'\n") outfile.write("\n") end = timer() print end - start
def copy_sites(self): self.break_copy = False number_site = 1 for site in self.list_sites: time_go = timer() path_site_origin = site.path_origin + '/*' path_data_mt = user + '/PampaMT/DADOS_MT/' + + '/' + + '/' path_mkdir = user + '/PampaMT/DADOS_MT/' + + '/' + if (self.break_copy == False) and (site.copy == False): os.mkdir(path_mkdir) os.system('cp -r ' + path_site_origin + ' ' + path_data_mt) site.copy = True self.project.sites = self.list_sites save(self.project) else: self.popup_copy_site.title = lang['Canceling'] os.system('rm -r ' + user + '/PampaMT/DADOS_MT/' + + '/*') self.popup_copy_site.dismiss() break self.popup_copy_site.count_time = number_site time_end = timer() self.popup_copy_site.time_one_step = time_end - time_go number_site += 1 self.popup_copy_site.title = self.popup_copy_site.title_pop + ' ' + if self.break_copy == False: self.popup_copy_site.dismiss() self.open_pop_convert_bin_asc()
def get_result(self): """ Write result to file, load result data and create an FMICSResult object. Returns:: The FMICSResult object. """ time_start = timer() if self.options["return_result"]: # Get the result res = self.result_handler.get_result() else: res = None end_time = timer() self.timings["returning_result"] = end_time - time_start self.timings["other"] = end_time - self.time_start_total- sum(self.timings.values()) self.timings["total"] = end_time - self.time_start_total # create and return result object return FMIResult(self.model, self.result_file_name, None, res, self.options, status=self.status, detailed_timings=self.timings)
def main(command, args): print("Apk Mass Installer Utility \nVersion: 3.1\n") adb_kill() # kill any instances of adb before starting if any # wait for adb to detect phone while True: if adb_state(): break print("No phone connected waiting to connect phone") time.sleep(1) print("Starting adb server...") adb_start() # start an instance of adb server t_start = timer() if "backup" in command: archive = args.pop("archive", False) encrypt = args.pop("encrypt", False) back_up(archive, encrypt) elif "restore" in command: path = args.pop("path") restore(path) human_time(t_start, timer()) adb_kill()
def create_all_preflop_two_hand_equity(verbose=False, save=False, distributed=False, nb_process=4): """returns preflop_two_hand_equity for all two hand preflop combinations""" global all_preflop_two_hands print '\n--------------- start create_all_preflop_two_hand_equity' print 'all preflop two hands = \nstart = {}\nend = {}\nnb of elements = {}'.format(all_preflop_two_hands[:5], all_preflop_two_hands[-5:], len(all_preflop_two_hands)) t0 = timer() if (distributed): pool = ThreadPool(nb_process) equity =, all_preflop_two_hands[:]) pool.close() pool.join() else: equity = [] for k, p in enumerate(all_preflop_two_hands[:]): if (verbose): # print k,' - ', p sys.stdout.write('\rk=%5d / %5d : {}' % (k+1, len(all_preflop_two_hands)), p) sys.stdout.flush() equity.append(preflop_two_hand_equity(p)) t1 = timer() print 'all_preflop_two_hand_equity time = {:9.4f} s'.format(t1-t0) print 'exact number of distinct (rankwise) pairs of preflop hands = {}'.format(np.array([len(e) for e in equity]).sum()) if (save): cPickle.dump(equity, open(os.path.join('Tables', ''), 'wb')) print '{} saved to disk as {}'.format('equity', os.path.join('Tables', '')) return equity
def comm_test(self, show=True):"Starting communication test...") # TODO: Use part of nearest neighbour data for test data # data = (leds.nearestNeighbours[:, 0] % 256).astype('int8').tobytes() # mid_point = leds.numLeds[0] data = bytes(range(1, 101)) responses = [] timings = [] for tys in self.tys: start = timer() self.send_bytes(tys, b'X' + data + b'\n') response = tys.serial.readline().rstrip() end = timer() responses.append(response) timings.append(end - start) if show: for i, x in enumerate(zip(responses, timings)): print("Teensy %d: %s, %.4fs" % (i, x[0].decode('utf8'), x[1])) if all([r == b'OK' for r in responses]):"Communication test successful.") return True else:"Communication test failed.") return False
def bench2(): print "Bench 2" its = 30 cons = Box(np.array([[0, 10], [0, 10]])) x_init = np.array([1, 1]) goal = Box(np.array([[9, 9.5], [1, 1.5]])) obstacles = [Polytope(np.array([[1, 5,0], [1, 5,10], [1, 5.3,10], [1, 5.3,0]]), False)] drm_nodes = [] drm_times = [] for i in range(its): print "it {0}".format(i) start = timer() try: drm = DRMotion(cons, obstacles, 1, 0.5, 1) t, cur = drm.build_tree(x_init, goal) except DRMNotConnected as e: drm_nodes.append(len(e.tree_progress.nodes())) pass end = timer() drm_times.append(end - start) print "drm nodes: max {0} min {1} avg {2}".format( max(drm_nodes), min(drm_nodes), sum(drm_nodes) / float(its)) print "drm times: max {0} min {1} avg {2}".format( max(drm_times), min(drm_times), sum(drm_times) / float(its))
def bench1(): print "Bench 1" its = 30 cons = Box(np.array([[0, 10], [0, 10]])) x_init = np.array([1, 1]) goal = Box(np.array([[9, 9.5], [1, 1.5]])) obstacles = [Polytope(np.array([[1, 5,0], [1, 5,9.4], [1, 6,9.4], [1, 6,0]]), False)] drm_nodes = [] rrt_nodes = [] drm_times = [] rrt_times = [] for i in range(its): print "it {0}".format(i) start = timer() drm = DRMotion(cons, obstacles, 1, 0.5, 1) t, cur = drm.build_tree(x_init, goal) end = timer() drm_nodes.append(len(t.nodes())) drm_times.append(end - start) start = timer() rrt = RRT(cons, obstacles, 1) t, cur = rrt.build_tree(x_init, goal) rrt_nodes.append(len(t.nodes())) end = timer() rrt_times.append(end - start) print "drm nodes: max {0} min {1} avg {2}".format( max(drm_nodes), min(drm_nodes), sum(drm_nodes) / float(its)) print "drm times: max {0} min {1} avg {2}".format( max(drm_times), min(drm_times), sum(drm_times) / float(its)) print "rrt nodes: max {0} min {1} avg {2}".format( max(rrt_nodes), min(rrt_nodes), sum(rrt_nodes) / float(its)) print "rrt times: max {0} min {1} avg {2}".format( max(rrt_times), min(rrt_times), sum(rrt_times) / float(its))
def test_ec_bin_translation(): from timeit import default_timer as timer G = EcGroup() o = G.order() g = G.generator() pt1000 = [o.random() * g for _ in range(1000)] exp = [] for pt in pt1000: exp += [pt.export()] t0 = timer() for ept in exp: EcPt.from_binary(ept, G) t1 = timer() print("\nParsed compressed Pt: %2.4f" % (t1 - t0)) exp = [] for pt in pt1000: exp += [pt.export(EcPt.POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED)] t0 = timer() for ept in exp: EcPt.from_binary(ept, G) t1 = timer() print("\nParsed uncompressed Pt: %2.4f" % (t1 - t0))
def p88old(nmax): """returns minmal sum-product numbers up to n digits""" start=timer() # pset=set() psns={} primes=primesfrom2to(nmax) for n in range(2,nmax+1): psn,m,solution=psnmin(n,primes) psns[n]=(psn,m,solution) # print(n,psn,m,solution) # return count=0 psums=[] for k,v in psns.items(): a,b=v[2][0],v[2][1] newn=0 m=2 for c in [2,3]: while newn<nmax: m+=1 newn,newpsn,newsol=psnmin2(a,b,c,m) # print(k,newn,newpsn,newsol) if newn<=nmax and newpsn<psns[newn][0]: count+=1 psns[newn]=(newpsn,m,newsol) # print(k,newn,psns[newn]) psums.append(sum(set([v[0] for k,v in psns.items()]))) # print (pset) # print(sum(pset)) plt.plot(psums) print(psums[-1]) print('replacements:',count) print('Elapsed time:',timer()-start) return psns
def run(self): start = timer() cxx_std = self.benchmark_definition['cxx_std'] num_bindings = self.benchmark_definition['num_bindings'] compiler_executable_name = self.benchmark_definition['compiler'] benchmark_generation_flags = self.benchmark_definition['benchmark_generation_flags'] other_compile_flags = [] if 'use_old_style_fruit_component_install_syntax' in benchmark_generation_flags: other_compile_flags.append('-DUSE_OLD_STYLE_FRUIT_COMPONENT_INSTALL_SYNTAX') other_compile_flags.append('-Wno-deprecated-declarations') run_command(compiler_executable_name, args = compile_flags + other_compile_flags + [ '-std=%s' % cxx_std, '-DMULTIPLIER=%s' % (num_bindings // 5), '-I', self.fruit_sources_dir + '/include', '-I', self.fruit_build_tmpdir + '/include', '-ftemplate-depth=1000', '-c', self.fruit_benchmark_sources_dir + '/extras/benchmark/compile_time_benchmark.cpp', '-o', '/dev/null', ]) end = timer() return {"compile_time": end - start}
def runtime_analysis(): from timeit import default_timer as timer start = timer() print('test runtime') end = timer() print(end - start)
Created on Tue Feb 18 09:38:49 2020 @author: sebas """ """ Script generated with all algorithms used in dimensioning and reinforce gathered in a single document and optimized (I hope!) """ # Importing needed modules # ======================== import os from timeit import default_timer as timer import unitskN_m_C as units import DesignProcedures as dsgnpcs startime = timer() directory = os.getcwd() # IMPORTANT DATA FOR GENERATING THE MODEL. # ======================================== # Model Definition Data # --------------------- ndm = 3 ndf = 6 # Geometric definitions # --------------------- NbaysX = [4, 6, 8, 10] # [INTEGER] number of bays in X direction. NbaysZ = 4 # [INTEGER] number of bays in X direction. XbayL = 5.0 # [m] length of bays in X direction. ZbayL = 5.0 # [m] length of bays in X direction. StoryH = 3.0 # [m] story height - uniform for all levels.
def ssp_fit(self, input_z, input_sigma, input_Av, fit_data, fit_scheme='nnls'): #Quick naming obs_wave = fit_data['obs_wave_resam'] obs_flux_masked = fit_data['obs_flux_norm_masked'] rest_wave = fit_data['basesWave_resam'] bases_flux = fit_data['bases_flux_norm'] int_mask = fit_data['int_mask'] obsFlux_mean = fit_data['normFlux_obs'] #Apply physical data to stellar grid ssp_grid = self.physical_SED_model(rest_wave, obs_wave, bases_flux, input_Av, input_z, input_sigma, 3.1) ssp_grid_masked = (int_mask * ssp_grid.T).T #---Leasts square fit if fit_scheme == 'lsq': start = timer() optimize_result = lsq_linear(ssp_grid_masked, obs_flux_masked, bounds=(0, inf)) end = timer() print 'lsq', ' time ', (end - start) coeffs_bases = optimize_result.x * obsFlux_mean elif fit_scheme == 'nnls': start = timer() optimize_result = nnls(ssp_grid_masked, obs_flux_masked) end = timer() print 'nnls', ' time ', (end - start), '\n' coeffs_bases = optimize_result[0] * obsFlux_mean #---Linear fitting without restrictions else: start = timer() #First guess coeffs_bases = self.linfit1d(obs_flux_masked, obsFlux_mean, ssp_grid_masked, inv_pdl_error_i) #Count positive and negative coefficients idx_plus_0 = coeffs_bases[:] > 0 plus_coeff = idx_plus_0.sum() neg_coeff = (~idx_plus_0).sum() #Start loops counter = 0 if plus_coeff > 0: while neg_coeff > 0: counter += 1 bases_model_n = zeros([nObsPix, plus_coeff]) idx_plus_0 = (coeffs_bases[:] > 0) bases_model_n[:, 0:idx_plus_0.sum( )] = bases_grid_model_masked[:, idx_plus_0] #These are replace in order coeffs_bases[~idx_plus_0] = 0 #Repeat fit coeffs_n = self.linfit1d(obsFlux_normMasked, obsFlux_mean, bases_model_n, inv_pdl_error_i) idx_plus_n = coeffs_n[:] > 0 idx_min_n = ~idx_plus_n plus_coeff = idx_plus_n.sum() neg_coeff = (idx_min_n).sum() #Replacing negaive by zero coeffs_n[idx_min_n] = 0 coeffs_bases[idx_plus_0] = coeffs_n if plus_coeff == 0: neg_coeff = 0 else: plus_coeff = nBases end = timer() print 'FIT3D', ' time ', (end - start) #Save data to export fit_products = {} flux_sspFit = np_sum(coeffs_bases.T * ssp_grid_masked, axis=1) fluxMasked_sspFit = flux_sspFit * int_mask fit_products['flux_components'] = coeffs_bases.T * ssp_grid_masked fit_products['weight_coeffs'] = coeffs_bases fit_products['flux_sspFit'] = flux_sspFit fit_products['fluxMasked_sspFit'] = fluxMasked_sspFit return fit_products
with open(location, "rb") as file: job = client.load_table_from_file(file, table, job_config=config) else: job = client.load_table_from_uri(gcs_uri, table, job_config=config) print ("Loading {} file {} into dataset {} as table {}...".format \ (("local" if local else "GCS"),(location if local else gcs_uri), dataset_name, table_name)) # See if we have a timer try: timer use_timer = True except NameError: use_timer = False if (use_timer): start = timer() # Performs the load and waits for result job.result() if (use_timer): end = timer() result_time = " in {0:.4f}s".format(end-start) else: result_time = "" # Prints results print("{} rows were loaded{}.".format(job.output_rows, result_time))
def train( lang, output_path, train_path, dev_path, raw_text=None, base_model=None, pipeline="tagger,parser,ner", vectors=None, n_iter=30, n_early_stopping=None, n_examples=0, use_gpu=-1, version="0.0.0", meta_path=None, init_tok2vec=None, parser_multitasks="", entity_multitasks="", noise_level=0.0, orth_variant_level=0.0, eval_beam_widths="", gold_preproc=False, learn_tokens=False, textcat_multilabel=False, textcat_arch="bow", textcat_positive_label=None, verbose=False, debug=False, ): """ Train or update a spaCy model. Requires data to be formatted in spaCy's JSON format. To convert data from other formats, use the `spacy convert` command. """ util.fix_random_seed() util.set_env_log(verbose) # Make sure all files and paths exists if they are needed train_path = util.ensure_path(train_path) dev_path = util.ensure_path(dev_path) meta_path = util.ensure_path(meta_path) output_path = util.ensure_path(output_path) if raw_text is not None: raw_text = list(srsly.read_jsonl(raw_text)) if not train_path or not train_path.exists():"Training data not found", train_path, exits=1) if not dev_path or not dev_path.exists():"Development data not found", dev_path, exits=1) if meta_path is not None and not meta_path.exists():"Can't find model meta.json", meta_path, exits=1) meta = srsly.read_json(meta_path) if meta_path else {} if output_path.exists() and [ p for p in output_path.iterdir() if p.is_dir() ]: msg.warn( "Output directory is not empty", "This can lead to unintended side effects when saving the model. " "Please use an empty directory or a different path instead. If " "the specified output path doesn't exist, the directory will be " "created for you.", ) if not output_path.exists(): output_path.mkdir() # Take dropout and batch size as generators of values -- dropout # starts high and decays sharply, to force the optimizer to explore. # Batch size starts at 1 and grows, so that we make updates quickly # at the beginning of training. dropout_rates = util.decaying( util.env_opt("dropout_from", 0.2), util.env_opt("dropout_to", 0.2), util.env_opt("dropout_decay", 0.0), ) batch_sizes = util.compounding( util.env_opt("batch_from", 100.0), util.env_opt("batch_to", 1000.0), util.env_opt("batch_compound", 1.001), ) if not eval_beam_widths: eval_beam_widths = [1] else: eval_beam_widths = [int(bw) for bw in eval_beam_widths.split(",")] if 1 not in eval_beam_widths: eval_beam_widths.append(1) eval_beam_widths.sort() has_beam_widths = eval_beam_widths != [1] # Set up the base model and pipeline. If a base model is specified, load # the model and make sure the pipeline matches the pipeline setting. If # training starts from a blank model, intitalize the language class. pipeline = [p.strip() for p in pipeline.split(",")] msg.text("Training pipeline: {}".format(pipeline)) if base_model: msg.text("Starting with base model '{}'".format(base_model)) nlp = util.load_model(base_model) if nlp.lang != lang: "Model language ('{}') doesn't match language specified as " "`lang` argument ('{}') ".format(nlp.lang, lang), exits=1, ) nlp.disable_pipes([p for p in nlp.pipe_names if p not in pipeline]) for pipe in pipeline: if pipe not in nlp.pipe_names: if pipe == "parser": pipe_cfg = {"learn_tokens": learn_tokens} elif pipe == "textcat": pipe_cfg = { "exclusive_classes": not textcat_multilabel, "architecture": textcat_arch, "positive_label": textcat_positive_label, } else: pipe_cfg = {} nlp.add_pipe(nlp.create_pipe(pipe, config=pipe_cfg)) else: if pipe == "textcat": textcat_cfg = nlp.get_pipe("textcat").cfg base_cfg = { "exclusive_classes": textcat_cfg["exclusive_classes"], "architecture": textcat_cfg["architecture"], "positive_label": textcat_cfg["positive_label"], } pipe_cfg = { "exclusive_classes": not textcat_multilabel, "architecture": textcat_arch, "positive_label": textcat_positive_label, } if base_cfg != pipe_cfg: "The base textcat model configuration does" "not match the provided training options. " "Existing cfg: {}, provided cfg: {}".format( base_cfg, pipe_cfg), exits=1, ) else: msg.text("Starting with blank model '{}'".format(lang)) lang_cls = util.get_lang_class(lang) nlp = lang_cls() for pipe in pipeline: if pipe == "parser": pipe_cfg = {"learn_tokens": learn_tokens} elif pipe == "textcat": pipe_cfg = { "exclusive_classes": not textcat_multilabel, "architecture": textcat_arch, "positive_label": textcat_positive_label, } else: pipe_cfg = {} nlp.add_pipe(nlp.create_pipe(pipe, config=pipe_cfg)) if vectors: msg.text("Loading vector from model '{}'".format(vectors)) _load_vectors(nlp, vectors) # Multitask objectives multitask_options = [("parser", parser_multitasks), ("ner", entity_multitasks)] for pipe_name, multitasks in multitask_options: if multitasks: if pipe_name not in pipeline:"Can't use multitask objective without '{}' in the " "pipeline".format(pipe_name)) pipe = nlp.get_pipe(pipe_name) for objective in multitasks.split(","): pipe.add_multitask_objective(objective) # Prepare training corpus msg.text("Counting training words (limit={})".format(n_examples)) corpus = GoldCorpus(train_path, dev_path, limit=n_examples) n_train_words = corpus.count_train() if base_model: # Start with an existing model, use default optimizer optimizer = create_default_optimizer(Model.ops) else: # Start with a blank model, call begin_training optimizer = nlp.begin_training(lambda: corpus.train_tuples, device=use_gpu) nlp._optimizer = None # Load in pretrained weights if init_tok2vec is not None: components = _load_pretrained_tok2vec(nlp, init_tok2vec) msg.text("Loaded pretrained tok2vec for: {}".format(components)) # Verify textcat config if "textcat" in pipeline: textcat_labels = nlp.get_pipe("textcat").cfg["labels"] if textcat_positive_label and textcat_positive_label not in textcat_labels: "The textcat_positive_label (tpl) '{}' does not match any " "label in the training data.".format(textcat_positive_label), exits=1, ) if textcat_positive_label and len(textcat_labels) != 2: "A textcat_positive_label (tpl) '{}' was provided for training " "data that does not appear to be a binary classification " "problem with two labels.".format(textcat_positive_label), exits=1, ) train_docs = corpus.train_docs( nlp, noise_level=noise_level, gold_preproc=gold_preproc, max_length=0, ignore_misaligned=True, ) train_labels = set() if textcat_multilabel: multilabel_found = False for text, gold in train_docs: train_labels.update(gold.cats.keys()) if list(gold.cats.values()).count(1.0) != 1: multilabel_found = True if not multilabel_found and not base_model: msg.warn("The textcat training instances look like they have " "mutually-exclusive classes. Remove the flag " "'--textcat-multilabel' to train a classifier with " "mutually-exclusive classes.") if not textcat_multilabel: for text, gold in train_docs: train_labels.update(gold.cats.keys()) if list(gold.cats.values()).count(1.0) != 1 and not base_model: msg.warn( "Some textcat training instances do not have exactly " "one positive label. Modifying training options to " "include the flag '--textcat-multilabel' for classes " "that are not mutually exclusive.") nlp.get_pipe("textcat").cfg["exclusive_classes"] = False textcat_multilabel = True break if base_model and set(textcat_labels) != train_labels: "Cannot extend textcat model using data with different " "labels. Base model labels: {}, training data labels: " "{}.".format(textcat_labels, list(train_labels)), exits=1, ) if textcat_multilabel: msg.text( "Textcat evaluation score: ROC AUC score macro-averaged across " "the labels '{}'".format(", ".join(textcat_labels))) elif textcat_positive_label and len(textcat_labels) == 2: msg.text("Textcat evaluation score: F1-score for the " "label '{}'".format(textcat_positive_label)) elif len(textcat_labels) > 1: if len(textcat_labels) == 2: msg.warn( "If the textcat component is a binary classifier with " "exclusive classes, provide '--textcat_positive_label' for " "an evaluation on the positive class.") msg.text( "Textcat evaluation score: F1-score macro-averaged across " "the labels '{}'".format(", ".join(textcat_labels))) else: "Unsupported textcat configuration. Use `spacy debug-data` " "for more information.") # fmt: off row_head, output_stats = _configure_training_output( pipeline, use_gpu, has_beam_widths) row_widths = [len(w) for w in row_head] row_settings = { "widths": row_widths, "aligns": tuple(["r" for i in row_head]), "spacing": 2 } # fmt: on print("") msg.row(row_head, **row_settings) msg.row(["-" * width for width in row_settings["widths"]], **row_settings) try: iter_since_best = 0 best_score = 0.0 for i in range(n_iter): train_docs = corpus.train_docs( nlp, noise_level=noise_level, orth_variant_level=orth_variant_level, gold_preproc=gold_preproc, max_length=0, ignore_misaligned=True, ) if raw_text: random.shuffle(raw_text) raw_batches = util.minibatch( (nlp.make_doc(rt["text"]) for rt in raw_text), size=8) words_seen = 0 with tqdm.tqdm(total=n_train_words, leave=False) as pbar: losses = {} for batch in util.minibatch_by_words(train_docs, size=batch_sizes): if not batch: continue docs, golds = zip(*batch) nlp.update( docs, golds, sgd=optimizer, drop=next(dropout_rates), losses=losses, ) if raw_text: # If raw text is available, perform 'rehearsal' updates, # which use unlabelled data to reduce overfitting. raw_batch = list(next(raw_batches)) nlp.rehearse(raw_batch, sgd=optimizer, losses=losses) if not int(os.environ.get("LOG_FRIENDLY", 0)): pbar.update(sum(len(doc) for doc in docs)) words_seen += sum(len(doc) for doc in docs) with nlp.use_params(optimizer.averages): util.set_env_log(False) epoch_model_path = output_path / ("model%d" % i) nlp.to_disk(epoch_model_path) nlp_loaded = util.load_model_from_path(epoch_model_path) for beam_width in eval_beam_widths: for name, component in nlp_loaded.pipeline: if hasattr(component, "cfg"): component.cfg["beam_width"] = beam_width dev_docs = list( corpus.dev_docs( nlp_loaded, gold_preproc=gold_preproc, ignore_misaligned=True, )) nwords = sum(len(doc_gold[0]) for doc_gold in dev_docs) start_time = timer() scorer = nlp_loaded.evaluate(dev_docs, verbose=verbose) end_time = timer() if use_gpu < 0: gpu_wps = None cpu_wps = nwords / (end_time - start_time) else: gpu_wps = nwords / (end_time - start_time) with Model.use_device("cpu"): nlp_loaded = util.load_model_from_path( epoch_model_path) for name, component in nlp_loaded.pipeline: if hasattr(component, "cfg"): component.cfg["beam_width"] = beam_width dev_docs = list( corpus.dev_docs( nlp_loaded, gold_preproc=gold_preproc, ignore_misaligned=True, )) start_time = timer() scorer = nlp_loaded.evaluate(dev_docs, verbose=verbose) end_time = timer() cpu_wps = nwords / (end_time - start_time) acc_loc = output_path / ("model%d" % i) / "accuracy.json" srsly.write_json(acc_loc, scorer.scores) # Update model meta.json meta["lang"] = nlp.lang meta["pipeline"] = nlp.pipe_names meta["spacy_version"] = ">=%s" % about.__version__ if beam_width == 1: meta["speed"] = { "nwords": nwords, "cpu": cpu_wps, "gpu": gpu_wps, } meta["accuracy"] = scorer.scores else: meta.setdefault("beam_accuracy", {}) meta.setdefault("beam_speed", {}) meta["beam_accuracy"][beam_width] = scorer.scores meta["beam_speed"][beam_width] = { "nwords": nwords, "cpu": cpu_wps, "gpu": gpu_wps, } meta["vectors"] = { "width": nlp.vocab.vectors_length, "vectors": len(nlp.vocab.vectors), "keys": nlp.vocab.vectors.n_keys, "name":, } meta.setdefault("name", "model%d" % i) meta.setdefault("version", version) meta["labels"] = nlp.meta["labels"] meta_loc = output_path / ("model%d" % i) / "meta.json" srsly.write_json(meta_loc, meta) util.set_env_log(verbose) progress = _get_progress( i, losses, scorer.scores, output_stats, beam_width=beam_width if has_beam_widths else None, cpu_wps=cpu_wps, gpu_wps=gpu_wps, ) if i == 0 and "textcat" in pipeline: textcats_per_cat = scorer.scores.get( "textcats_per_cat", {}) for cat, cat_score in textcats_per_cat.items(): if cat_score.get("roc_auc_score", 0) < 0: msg.warn( "Textcat ROC AUC score is undefined due to " "only one value in label '{}'.".format( cat)) msg.row(progress, **row_settings) # Early stopping if n_early_stopping is not None: current_score = _score_for_model(meta) if current_score < best_score: iter_since_best += 1 else: iter_since_best = 0 best_score = current_score if iter_since_best >= n_early_stopping: msg.text("Early stopping, best iteration " "is: {}".format(i - iter_since_best)) msg.text("Best score = {}; Final iteration " "score = {}".format(best_score, current_score)) break finally: with nlp.use_params(optimizer.averages): final_model_path = output_path / "model-final" nlp.to_disk(final_model_path) msg.good("Saved model to output directory", final_model_path) with msg.loading("Creating best model..."): best_model_path = _collate_best_model(meta, output_path, nlp.pipe_names) msg.good("Created best model", best_model_path)
def stop(self): """ Stop the timer and return the number of seconds since the timer was started. """ self.stopped = timer() return self.time
def start(self): """ Start or restart the timer """ self.started = timer() self.stopped = self.started
def detect_image(self, image): start = timer() if self.model_image_size != (None, None): assert self.model_image_size[0] % 32 == 0, 'Multiples of 32 required' assert self.model_image_size[1] % 32 == 0, 'Multiples of 32 required' boxed_image = letterbox_image(image, tuple(reversed(self.model_image_size))) else: new_image_size = (image.width - (image.width % 32), image.height - (image.height % 32)) boxed_image = letterbox_image(image, new_image_size) image_data = np.array(boxed_image, dtype='float32') print('Shape: {}, max: {}'.format(image_data.shape, image_data.max())) image_data /= 255. image_data = np.expand_dims(image_data, 0) # Add batch dimension. out_boxes, out_scores, out_classes = [self.boxes, self.scores, self.classes], feed_dict={ self.yolo_model.input: image_data, self.input_image_shape: [image.size[1], image.size[0]], K.learning_phase(): 0 }) print('Found {} boxes for {}'.format(len(out_boxes), 'img')) font = ImageFont.truetype(font='font/FiraMono-Medium.otf', size=max(np.floor(3e-2 * image.size[1] + 0.5).astype('int32'), 8)) thickness = max((image.size[0] + image.size[1]) // 300, 1) for i, c in reversed(list(enumerate(out_classes))): predicted_class = self.class_names[c] box = out_boxes[i] score = out_scores[i] label = '{} {:.2f}'.format(predicted_class, score) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) label_size = draw.textsize(label, font) top, left, bottom, right = box top = max(0, np.floor(top + 0.5).astype('int32')) left = max(0, np.floor(left + 0.5).astype('int32')) bottom = min(image.size[1], np.floor(bottom + 0.5).astype('int32')) right = min(image.size[0], np.floor(right + 0.5).astype('int32')) print(label, (left, top), (right, bottom)) if top - label_size[1] >= 0: text_origin = np.array([left, top - label_size[1]]) else: text_origin = np.array([left, top + 1]) # My kingdom for a good redistributable image drawing library. for i in range(thickness): draw.rectangle( [left + i, top + i, right - i, bottom - i], outline=self.colors[c]) draw.rectangle( [tuple(text_origin), tuple(text_origin + label_size)], fill=self.colors[c]) draw.text(text_origin, label, fill=(0, 0, 0), font=font) del draw end = timer() print(end - start) return image
from robot import * from timeit import default_timer as timer R = Robot() while True: t1 = timer() m = R.see((1024, 768), preview=False, preview_time=1) t = timer() t = t - t1 print t if len(m) > 0: print m[0].distance print m[0].marker_type else: print "nothing"
def encode_decode_lightfield(data, LF_LR, LF_HR, inputs, outputs, ColorSpace, decoder_path): # light field size H = LF_LR.shape[2] W = LF_LR.shape[3] H_HR = LF_HR.shape[2] W_HR = LF_HR.shape[3] # patch step sizes bs_y = bs_x = bs_y_HR = hp.sy_HR bs_x_HR = hp.sx_HR # patch height/width ps_y = hp.H ps_x = hp.W ps_y_HR = hp.H_HR ps_x_HR = hp.W_HR ps_v = hp.D # patches per row/column by = np.int16((H - ps_y) / bs_y) + 1 bx = np.int16((W - ps_x) / bs_x) + 1 ids = [] for i in range(0, len(hp.layer_config)): ids.append(hp.layer_config[i]['id']) pos = ids.index(decoder_path) num_channels = hp.layer_config[pos]['end'] - hp.layer_config[pos]['start'] # one complete row per batch cv_interp = np.zeros([H_HR, W_HR, num_channels], np.float32) cv_raw = np.zeros([H_HR, W_HR, num_channels], np.float32) mask_sum = np.zeros([H_HR, W_HR], dtype=np.float32) print('starting LF encoding/decoding [', end='', flush=True) start = timer() results_received = 0 for py in range(by): print('.', end='', flush=True) stacks_h = np.zeros([bx, ps_v, ps_y, ps_x, hp.C], np.float32) stacks_v = np.zeros([bx, ps_v, ps_y, ps_x, hp.C], np.float32) cv_in = np.zeros([bx, ps_y_HR, ps_x_HR, int(hp.C / 2)], np.float32) for px in range(bx): # get single patch patch = cdf.get_patch(LF_LR, py, px) stacks_v[px, :, :, :, :] = patch['stack_v'] stacks_h[px, :, :, :, :] = patch['stack_h'] cv_in[px, :, :, :] = patch['cv'] if ColorSpace == 'YUV': stacks_v[px, :, :, :, :] = rgb2YUV(stacks_v[px, :, :, :, :]) stacks_h[px, :, :, :, :] = rgb2YUV(stacks_h[px, :, :, :, :]) cv_in[px, :, :, :] = rgb2YUV(cv_in[px, :, :, :]) elif ColorSpace == 'YCBCR': stacks_v[px, :, :, :, :] = rgb2YCbCr(stacks_v[px, :, :, :, :]) stacks_h[px, :, :, :, :] = rgb2YCbCr(stacks_h[px, :, :, :, :]) cv_in[px, :, :, :] = rgb2YCbCr(cv_in[px, :, :, :]) elif ColorSpace == 'LAB': stacks_v[px, :, :, :, :] = rgb2lab(stacks_v[px, :, :, :, :]) stacks_h[px, :, :, :, :] = rgb2lab(stacks_h[px, :, :, :, :]) cv_in[px, :, :, :] = rgb2lab(cv_in[px, :, :, :]) # push complete batch to encoder/decoder pipeline batch = dict() batch['stacks_h'] = stacks_h batch['stacks_v'] = stacks_v batch['cv'] = cv_in batch['py'] = py batch['decoder_path'] = decoder_path inputs.put(batch) # if not outputs.empty(): result = outputs.get() add_result_to_cv(data, result, cv_interp, cv_raw, mask_sum, bs_x_HR, bs_y_HR, bx) results_received += 1 outputs.task_done() # catch remaining results while results_received < by: result = outputs.get() add_result_to_cv(data, result, cv_interp, cv_raw, mask_sum, bs_x_HR, bs_y_HR, bx) results_received += 1 outputs.task_done() # elapsed time since start of dmap computation end = timer() total_time = end - start print('] done, total time %g seconds.' % total_time) # evaluate result mse = 0.0 # compute stats and return result print('total time ', end - start) # print('MSE : ', mse) # code.interact( local=locals() ) return (cv_interp, total_time, mse, mask_sum, cv_raw)
[STR] ... VCF column name(s) with the same order as in the VCF (e.g., POS REF) --vcf <FILE> Input VCF file -o, --outcsv <FILE> Output csv file -h, --help Help """ from timeit import default_timer as timer from docopt import docopt import csv import numpy as np if __name__ == "__main__": __version__ = 0.1 start_time = timer() args = docopt(__doc__) cstr = list(args['STR']) with open(args['--outcsv'], 'w', newline='') as outf: wr = csv.writer(outf, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL) # write output csv header wr.writerow(['CHROM'] + cstr) for line in open(args['--vcf']): if line.startswith('#CHROM'): sline = list(line.split("\t")) # find indexes of the VCF column names col_int = [i for i in range(len(sline)) if sline[i] in cstr] # add CHROM column col_int.insert(0, 0) elif line.startswith('Contig'): cont_line = np.array(line.split("\t"))
# part 2 def count_all_velocities(grid: Grid) -> int: """ Generate valid trajectories hitting target area and return their count. """ grid.find_trajectories() return len(grid.trajectories) def test_count_all_velocities(): test_coords = parse_file(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), INPUT_TEST)) test_count = count_all_velocities(Grid(test_coords)) assert test_count == 112 if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO) start_time = timer() _, y_coords = parse_file(INPUT_FILE) total_velocity = find_max_height(y_coords) end_time = timer()'({end_time - start_time:.4f}s elapsed) ' f'Highest y position achieved is {total_velocity}.') start_time = timer() coords = parse_file(INPUT_FILE) sum_velocity = count_all_velocities(Grid(coords)) end_time = timer()'({end_time - start_time:.4f}s elapsed) ' f'Sum of all valid starting velocities is {sum_velocity}.')
def clusterRTSP(dataset='target_points_pipes.csv', visualise=0, weights=None, visualise_speed=1.0, qhome=None, kmin=3, kmax=40, vel_limits=0.5, acc=0.5): """ :param dataset: filename of input target points stored in /data/ package subdirectory :param visualise: 1 to display simulation otherwise 0 :param weights: weights used for configuration selection :param visualise_speed: speed of visualisation (float) :param qhome: specify robot home position (array) :param kmin: min number of clusters if xmeans is selected (int) :param kmax: max number of clusters if xmeans is selected (int) :param vel_limits: desired maximum allowed velocity (as % of max.) :param acc: desired maximum acceleration (as % of max.) """ starttime = timer() # ________________________________________________________ ### DEFINE ENVIRONMENT # ________________________________________________________ # initialise environment if qhome is None: qhome = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] env, robot, manipulator, iktype = environments.load_KUKA_kr6(display=0, qhome=qhome, vel_limits=vel_limits, acc=acc) # ________________________________________________________ ### INITIALISE # ________________________________________________________ targets = [] rospack = rospkg.RosPack() points = [] path_to_files = rospack.get_path('cluster_rtsp') filename = str(path_to_files + '/data/'+dataset) with open(filename, 'rb') as csvfile: csv_points=csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') for row in csv_points: points.append([float(i) for i in row]) for i in xrange(0, len(points)): targets.append(orpy.Ray(np.array(points[i][0:3]), -1*np.array(points[i][3:]))) n_points = len(targets) print('Number of points: %d' % n_points) initialise_end = timer() # set solver parameters params = classes.SolverParameters() params.standoff = 0.001 params.step_size = np.pi / 3 params.qhome = robot.GetActiveDOFValues() params.max_iters = 5000 params.max_ppiters = 100 params.try_swap = False configurations, ik_cpu_time = kinematics.compute_robot_configurations(env, robot, targets, params) # ________________________________________________________ ### FORMAT CONFIG LIST # ________________________________________________________ # append unique ID to each configuration # all_configs format: [j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 j6 cluster_n x y z task_point_ID config_ID] row = range(0, len(configurations)) all_configs = np.column_stack((configurations[:, 0:6], row, configurations[:, 6:10], row)) home_config = np.hstack((qhome, np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, all_configs[-1, 10] + 1, all_configs[-1, 11] + 1]))) all_configs = np.vstack((all_configs, home_config)) # ________________________________________________________ ### CONFIGURATION SELECTIONS # ________________________________________________________ print('Starting configuration selection...') if weights is None: weights = [0.2676, 0.3232, 0.2576, 0.0303, 0.0917, 0.0296] selected_configurations, select_time = cselect.clusterConfigSelection(all_configs, qhome, weights) # ________________________________________________________ ### APPLY CLUSTERING METHOD TO CONFIG LIST # ________________________________________________________ cluster_start = timer() print ('Clustering configurations...') xmeans =[:, 0:6], kmax=kmax, kmin=kmin, weights=np.array(weights)*6) N = xmeans.k labels = xmeans.labels_ print('Number of clusters assigned: %d.' % N) # append cluster number to end of configuration points for i in xrange(0, len(selected_configurations)): selected_configurations[i, 6] = int(labels[i]) # sort rows in ascending order based on 7th element ind = np.argsort(selected_configurations[:, 6]) selected_configurations = selected_configurations[ind] cluster_end = timer() # ________________________________________________________ ### GLOBAL TSP COMPUTATIONS # ________________________________________________________ # Generate new variable for local clusters of points clusters = [None] * N for i in xrange(0, N): cluster = np.where(selected_configurations[:, 6] == i)[0] clusters[i] = selected_configurations[cluster, :] globsequence_start = timer() print('Computing global sequence...') gtour, pairs, closest_points, entry_points = tsp.globalTSP(clusters, qhome) global_path = gtour[1:-1] entry_points = entry_points[1:-1] globsequence_end = timer() # ________________________________________________________ ### LOCAL TSP COMPUTATIONS # ________________________________________________________ path = [None] * N print('Solving TSP for each cluster...') localtsp_start = timer() # plan intra-cluster paths for i in xrange(0, N): if np.shape(clusters[global_path[i]])[0] > 1: # Run Two-Opt tgraph = tsp.construct_tgraph(clusters[global_path[i]][:, 0:6], distfn=tsp.euclidean_fn) path[i] = tsp.two_opt(tgraph, start=entry_points[i][0], end=entry_points[i][1]) else: path[i] = [0] localtsp_end = timer() # ________________________________________________________ ### PLAN PATHS BETWEEN ALL POINTS IN COMPUTED PATH # ________________________________________________________ # need to correct color indexing - somehow identify cluster index plan_start = timer() robot.SetActiveDOFValues(qhome) if N == 1: c = np.array([1, 0, 0]) elif N < 10: c = np.array([[0.00457608, 0.58586408, 0.09916249], [0.26603989, 0.36651324, 0.64662435], [0.88546289, 0.63658585, 0.75394724], [0.29854082, 0.26499636, 0.20025494], [0.86513743, 0.98080264, 0.18520593], [0.39864878, 0.33938585, 0.27366609], [0.90286517, 0.51585244, 0.09724035], [0.55158651, 0.56320824, 0.44465467], [0.57776588, 0.38423542, 0.59291004], [0.21227011, 0.9159966, 0.59002942]]) else: c = np.random.rand(N, 3) h = [] count = 0 traj = [None] * (len(selected_configurations) + 1) skipped = 0 points = [None] * len(selected_configurations) for i in xrange(0, N): idx = global_path[i] cluster = i + 1 print ('Planning paths for configurations in cluster %i ...' % cluster) config = 0 clock_start = timer() while config <= len(path[i]) - 1: q = clusters[idx][path[i][config], 0:6] traj[count] = ru.planning.plan_to_joint_configuration(robot, q, params.planner, params.max_iters, params.max_ppiters) if traj[count] is None: print ("Could not find a feasible path, skipping current point in cluster %i ... " % cluster) skipped += 1 config += 1 continue points[count] = np.hstack((clusters[idx][path[i][config], 7:10], clusters[idx][path[i][config], 6])) robot.SetActiveDOFValues(q) config += 1 count += 1 if config == len(path[i]): end_time = timer() - clock_start print('Planning time for cluster %d: %f' % (cluster, end_time)) traj[-1] = ru.planning.plan_to_joint_configuration(robot, qhome, params.planner, params.max_iters, params.max_ppiters) robot.SetActiveDOFValues(qhome) # get time at end of planning execution end = timer() info = classes.InfoObj() info.initialise = initialise_end - starttime info.getconfig = ik_cpu_time info.configselection = select_time info.clustering = cluster_end - cluster_start info.globaltsp = globsequence_end - globsequence_start info.localtsp = localtsp_end - localtsp_start info.total_tsp = info.localtsp + info.globaltsp info.pathplanning = end - plan_start info.totalplanning = end - starttime info.execution = kinematics.compute_execution_time(traj) info.N_clusters = N info.n_points = len(selected_configurations) - skipped print('Initialisation time (s): %f' % info.initialise) print ('Get configurations time (s): %f' % info.getconfig) print ('Select configurations time (s): %f' % info.configselection) print ('Clustering time (s): %f' % info.clustering) print ('Compute global sequence time (s): %f' % info.globaltsp) print ('Local TSP time (s): %f' % info.localtsp) print ('Total TSP time (s): %f' % info.total_tsp) print ('Path planning time (s): %f' % info.pathplanning) print ('Total planning time (s): %f' % info.totalplanning) print ('Execution time (s): %f' % info.execution) print ('Number of visited points: %d' % info.n_points) # ________________________________________________________ ### ACTUATE ROBOT # ________________________________________________________ if visualise == 1: # Open display env.SetViewer('qtcoin') Tcamera = [[-0.75036157, 0.12281536, -0.6495182, 2.42751741], [0.66099327, 0.12938928, -0.73915243, 2.34414649], [-0.00673858, -0.98395874, -0.17826888, 1.44325936], [0., 0., 0., 1.]] time.sleep(1) env.GetViewer().SetCamera(Tcamera) print('Starting simulation in 2 seconds...') time.sleep(2) start_exec = timer() cluster = 0 count = 0 for i in xrange(0, len(traj)): if traj[i] is None: continue if i <= len(points) - 1: cluster_next = points[i][3] + 1 if cluster_next != cluster: cluster = cluster_next count += 1 print ('Moving to configurations in cluster {:d} ...'.format(count)) play_trajectory(env, robot, traj[i], visualise_speed) if i <= len(points) - 1: h.append(env.plot3(points=(points[i][0:3]), pointsize=4, colors=c[int(points[i][3])])) end_exec = timer() - start_exec print ('Simulation time: %f' % end_exec) raw_input('Press Enter to terminate...') return info
def run(self, video_path=0, start_frame=0, conf_thresh=0.6): """ Runs the test on a video (or webcam) # Arguments video_path: A file path to a video to be tested on. Can also be a number, in which case the webcam with the same number (i.e. 0) is used instead start_frame: The number of the first frame of the video to be processed by the network. conf_thresh: Threshold of confidence. Any boxes with lower confidence are not visualized. """ vid = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) if not vid.isOpened(): raise IOError(( "Couldn't open video file or webcam. If you're " "trying to open a webcam, make sure you video_path is an integer!" )) # Compute aspect ratio of video vidw = vid.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH) vidh = vid.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT) vidar = vidw / vidh # Skip frames until reaching start_frame if start_frame > 0: vid.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC, start_frame) accum_time = 0 curr_fps = 0 fps = "FPS: ??" prev_time = timer() while True: retval, orig_image = if not retval: print("Done!") return im_size = (self.input_shape[0], self.input_shape[1]) resized = cv2.resize(orig_image, im_size) rgb = cv2.cvtColor(resized, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Reshape to original aspect ratio for later visualization # The resized version is used, to visualize what kind of resolution # the network has to work with. to_draw = cv2.resize( resized, (int(self.input_shape[0] * vidar), self.input_shape[1])) # Use model to predict inputs = [image.img_to_array(rgb)] tmp_inp = np.array(inputs) x = preprocess_input(tmp_inp) y = self.model.predict(x) # This line creates a new TensorFlow device every time. Is there a # way to avoid that? results = self.bbox_util.detection_out(y) if len(results) > 0 and len(results[0]) > 0: # Interpret output, only one frame is used det_label = results[0][:, 0] det_conf = results[0][:, 1] det_xmin = results[0][:, 2] det_ymin = results[0][:, 3] det_xmax = results[0][:, 4] det_ymax = results[0][:, 5] top_indices = [ i for i, conf in enumerate(det_conf) if conf >= conf_thresh ] top_conf = det_conf[top_indices] top_label_indices = det_label[top_indices].tolist() top_xmin = det_xmin[top_indices] top_ymin = det_ymin[top_indices] top_xmax = det_xmax[top_indices] top_ymax = det_ymax[top_indices] for i in range(top_conf.shape[0]): xmin = int(round(top_xmin[i] * to_draw.shape[1])) ymin = int(round(top_ymin[i] * to_draw.shape[0])) xmax = int(round(top_xmax[i] * to_draw.shape[1])) ymax = int(round(top_ymax[i] * to_draw.shape[0])) # Draw the box on top of the to_draw image class_num = int(top_label_indices[i]) cv2.rectangle(to_draw, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), self.class_colors[class_num], 2) text = self.class_names[class_num] + " " + ('%.2f' % top_conf[i]) text_top = (xmin, ymin - 10) text_bot = (xmin + 80, ymin + 5) text_pos = (xmin + 5, ymin) cv2.rectangle(to_draw, text_top, text_bot, self.class_colors[class_num], -1) cv2.putText(to_draw, text, text_pos, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.35, (0, 0, 0), 1) # Calculate FPS # This computes FPS for everything, not just the model's execution # which may or may not be what you want curr_time = timer() exec_time = curr_time - prev_time prev_time = curr_time accum_time = accum_time + exec_time curr_fps = curr_fps + 1 if accum_time > 1: accum_time = accum_time - 1 fps = "FPS: " + str(curr_fps) curr_fps = 0 # Draw FPS in top left corner cv2.rectangle(to_draw, (0, 0), (50, 17), (255, 255, 255), -1) cv2.putText(to_draw, fps, (3, 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.35, (0, 0, 0), 1) cv2.imshow("SSD result", to_draw) cv2.waitKey(10)
def process_text(self, extract_np=True, write_processed_files=True): content_dict = dict() no_method_match = [] # -- pubs with no regex match for methodology no_method_found = [ ] # -- pubs with no 'methodology' section in content_dict no_abstract = [] # -- pubs with no abstract no_keywords = [] # -- pubs with no keywords directory = "project/additional_files/pdf-info/" self.create_directory(directory) for _, row in self.pub_df.iterrows(): try: np_file = Path('project/additional_files/nounPhrases/', row['text_file_name']) if np_file.exists(): continue else: print(row['pdf_file_name']) start1 = timer() # -- extract pdf metadata pdf_info = self.extract_pdf_metadata(row) # -- extract text from pdf row['text'] = self.extract_text_from_pdf( row['pdf_file_name'], row['text_file_name']) reduced_content = row['text'] # remove references or bibliography reduced_content = self.remove_references(reduced_content) # remove acknowledgement reduced_content = self.remove_acknowledgment( reduced_content) # -- clean up remaining text reduced_content = reduced_content.replace(row['title'], '') reduced_content, jel_field, jel_method = self.remove_noise_handle_hyphenation_extract_jel_codes( reduced_content, dehyphenation=True) # --- store jel fields and methods in content dict self.store_jel_fields_methods(content_dict, jel_field, jel_method, row) reduced_content = self.remove_url(reduced_content) # --- extract main sections from remaining content abstract_found = False abstract_beg = self.find_abstract(reduced_content) abstract_end = -1 # --- find_keywords abstract_beg, abstract_end, keywords_beg = self.find_keywords( abstract_beg, abstract_end, content_dict, no_keywords, pdf_info, reduced_content, row) # --- find introdcution introduction_beg = self.find_introduction(reduced_content) # --- find abstract if keywords_beg < abstract_beg < introduction_beg: abstract_end = introduction_beg elif abstract_beg < introduction_beg and keywords_beg < 0: abstract_end = introduction_beg if abstract_beg < 0: abstract_beg = 0 elif introduction_beg < 0 and keywords_beg < 0 and abstract_beg < 0: abstract_beg = 0 if abstract_beg <= 0: # extract the first para as abstract paras = self.extract_paragraphs(reduced_content) for p in paras: try: if ( len(p.split(' ')) < 10 or len(p.split('.')) < 2 or detect(p) != 'en' ): # less than 10 words in a para or just 1 line reduced_content = reduced_content.replace( p, '').strip() continue if p in list(pdf_info.values()): reduced_content = reduced_content.replace( p, '').strip() continue else: count = Counter( ([token.pos_ for token in self.nlp(p)])) if (count['PROPN'] > 0.68 * sum(count.values())): reduced_content = reduced_content.replace( p, '').strip() continue else: abstract = p content_dict['abstract'] = abstract abstract_found = True reduced_content = reduced_content.replace( abstract, '').strip() break except: #raise LangDetectException(ErrorCode.CantDetectError, continue else: #if abstract_end == keywords_beg or intro_beg if abstract_end > 0: abstract = reduced_content[ abstract_beg:abstract_end] content_dict['abstract'] = abstract abstract_found = True reduced_content = reduced_content[abstract_end:] # -- find the subject of article self.find_subject_of_article(content_dict, pdf_info) # -- remove metadata from article reduced_content = self.remove_all_metadata_content_from_article( pdf_info, reduced_content) # -- find all other sections methods_match = [(m.start(), m.end()) for m in re.finditer( r"^.*(Data|DATA|Methodology|\b[m|M]ethods?\b|METHODS?|METHODOLODY|APPROACH|Approach).*$", reduced_content, flags=re.MULTILINE)] summary_index = [ m.start() for m in re.finditer( r"^\d?\.?\s?Summary|^\d?\.?\s?SUMMARY|^\d?\.?\s?Conclusions?|^\d?\.?\s?CONCLUSIONS?|^\d?\.?\s?Concluding\sRemarks|^\d?\.?\s?CONCLUDING\sREMARKS", reduced_content, flags=re.MULTILINE) ] results_index = [ m.start() for m in re.finditer( r"^\d?\.?\s?Results?|^\d?\.?\s?RESULTS?", reduced_content, flags=re.MULTILINE) ] discussion_index = [ m.start() for m in re.finditer( r"^\d?\.?\s?Discussions?|^\d?\.?\s?DISCUSSIONS?", reduced_content, flags=re.MULTILINE) ] methods_beg = -1 results_beg = -1 summary_beg = -1 discussion_beg = -1 intro_found = False if len(methods_match) == 0: no_method_match.append(row['pdf_file_name']) # -- find introduction introduction_beg = self.find_introduction(reduced_content) if len(results_index) > 0: results_beg = results_index[ -1] # -- the heading can also appear in table of contents, so take the last match found if len(summary_index) > 0: summary_beg = summary_index[-1] if len(discussion_index) > 0: discussion_beg = discussion_index[-1] # Discussion papers if discussion_beg < results_beg or discussion_beg < abstract_beg or \ discussion_beg < keywords_beg or discussion_beg < introduction_beg: discussion_beg = -1 # discussion section not found yet # -- find methodology methods_beg = self.find_introduction_section( content_dict, intro_found, introduction_beg, methods_beg, methods_match, reduced_content) self.find_methodology_section(content_dict, discussion_beg, methods_beg, no_method_found, reduced_content, results_beg, row['pdf_file_name'], summary_beg) # -- find abstract self.find_abstract_section(abstract_beg, abstract_end, abstract_found, content_dict, methods_beg, no_abstract, reduced_content, row) # -- find summary and discussion sections reduced_content = self.find_summary_discussion_sections( content_dict, discussion_beg, reduced_content, summary_beg) # -- remove the sections already found so that we search through the remaining content reduced_content = reduced_content.replace( content_dict['introduction'], '').strip() reduced_content = reduced_content.replace( content_dict['methodology'], '').strip() if reduced_content.find(content_dict['abstract']) > 0: reduced_content = reduced_content[ reduced_content.find(content_dict['abstract']) + len(content_dict['abstract']):] # -- reduced content stores all the sections not found content_dict['reduced_content'] = reduced_content # -- write the content_dict to file if (write_processed_files): self.write_processed_content(content_dict, row['text_file_name']) # -- extract noun-phrases from the content_dict that contains section-wise data if (extract_np): self.get_section_wise_NPs(content_dict, row) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) continue print(f'no methods match: {len(no_method_match)} , {no_method_match}' ) # -- pubs with no regex match for methodology print(f'no methods found: {len(no_method_found)} , {no_method_found}' ) # -- pubs with no 'methodology' section in content_dict print(f'no abstract found: {len(no_abstract)} , {no_abstract}' ) # -- pubs with no abstract print(f'no methods found: {len(no_keywords)} , {no_keywords}' ) # -- pubs with no keywords
vpsnr += misc_functions.PSNR(y_cap, batch.squeeze().float()/255) sw.add_scalar('epoch_validation_loss', vloss/len(valid_data), epoch) sw.add_scalar('epoch_validation_ssim', vssim/len(valid_data), epoch) sw.add_scalar('epoch_validation_psnr', vpsnr/len(valid_data), epoch) def main(): for ep in range(1, EPOCHS + 1): train(ep) validate(ep), 'model_states/model_state_Model_VAE_2.pth') # running main() t0 = timer() main() t1 = timer() print(f"Took {t1 - t0} seconds, done.")
def move(): """ Called when the Battlesnake Engine needs to know your next my_move. The data parameter will contain information about the board. Your response must include your my_move of up, down, left, or right. """ start = timer() # my_moves delta = [ [-1, 0], # go up [0, -1], # go left [1, 0], # go down [0, 1] ] # go right delta_name = ['up', 'left', 'down', 'right'] # call for data data = bottle.request.json turn = data['turn'] # pretty #print ##print(f"turn: {turn}\n{json.dumps(data, indent=2)}") # board size width = data['board']['width'] height = data['board']['height'] # my head and body locations snakes = data['board']['snakes'] me = data['you'] # my health my_health = me['health'] ##print(f'me\n{me}') my_head_y = me['body'][0]['y'] my_head_x = me['body'][0]['x'] my_tail_y = me['body'][-1]['y'] my_tail_x = me['body'][-1]['x'] # find next tail my_next_tail_y = me['body'][-2]['y'] my_next_tail_x = me['body'][-2]['x'] next_tails = [] for i in range(len(snakes)): next_tail_y = snakes[i]['body'][-2]['y'] next_tail_x = snakes[i]['body'][-2]['x'] next_tails.append([next_tail_y, next_tail_x]) ##print(f'tail yx = {my_tail_y},{my_tail_x}\n' # f'nexttail_yx: {next_tail_y},{next_tail_x}') my_id = me['id'] # for comparison with opponent's snakes my_body_len = len(me['body']) # moves info which_move = '' my_move = '' move_num = 0 # flags path_found = False ready = False risky = False riskier = False # make state info # make snakes_grid snakes_grid, solo_grid, snake_heads, snake_tails = \ fill_snakes_grid(snakes, width, height, my_body_len, my_id) # check_grid check_grid = np.copy(snakes_grid) for i in range(len(next_tails)): next_tail_y = next_tails[i][0] next_tail_x = next_tails[i][1] check_grid[next_tail_y, next_tail_x] = 0 # todo: use this? get distances to snake heads # dists, snaketype, y, x snake_dists = check_dist_to_snakes(snake_heads, my_head_y, my_head_x) # find free spaces and dists # dist, freey, freex # check path to free only considers those beyond min_dist free_spaces_arr = find_free_spaces(snakes_grid, my_head_y, my_head_x) if risky: snakes_grid[snakes_grid == next_samehead_val] = \ next_smhead_val # todo snakeheads (snaketype, y,x), take out the equal snakes # but it's only for food elif riskier: new_snake_heads = [] snakes_grid[snakes_grid == next_bighead_val] = \ next_smhead_val for f in range(len(snake_heads)): curr_head = snake_heads[f] curr_type = curr_head[0] if curr_type == big_head_val: new_snake_heads.append(curr_head) snake_heads = new_snake_heads[:] attack = False # todo: if longest, start moving towards next_smhead_val on snakes grid num_to_attack = 2 if risky: num_to_attack = len(snakes) - 1 # todo: on risky, could attack with more snakes left # attack when only one snake left if len(snakes) == num_to_attack: for i in range(len(snakes)): if len(snakes[i]['body']) < my_body_len: attack = True else: attack = False break max_dist_for_food = (width + height) * 2 # leave walls asap leave_walls = False if ((my_head_x == 0 or my_head_x == (snakes_grid.shape[1] - 1)) or \ (my_head_y == 0 or my_head_y == (snakes_grid.shape[0] - 1))) and \ my_health > 10: # print('walls') my_move, path_found = get_away_walls(my_head_y, my_head_x, snakes_grid, check_grid, snake_tails) if path_found and my_move != 'snakeshit': found_free = check_path_to_tail(my_head_y, my_head_x, move_num, snakes_grid, check_grid, snake_tails) if found_free: which_move = 'get away walls' leave_walls = True else: path_found = False # if me_longest, chase 8s if attack and not leave_walls: # print('attack') target_arr = [] # calculate distances and sort for j in range(len(snake_heads)): snake_type = snake_heads[j][0] target_y = snake_heads[j][1] target_x = snake_heads[j][2] dist = heuristic([target_y, target_x], [my_head_y, my_head_x]) target_arr.append([dist, target_y, target_x]) targets = sorted(target_arr, key=lambda x: x[0]) for i in range(len(targets)): victim = targets[i] move_num, my_move, path_found = \ search(victim[1], victim[2], my_head_y, my_head_x, snakes_grid) if path_found and my_move != 'snakeshit': found_free = check_path_to_tail(my_head_y, my_head_x, move_num, snakes_grid, check_grid, snake_tails) if found_free: break else: path_found = False elif my_move == 'snakeshit': path_found = False # list of dicts of food locations food = data['board']['food'] # list in order of nearest to furthest food tuples (dist, y,x) food_arr = [] # if there is food if len(food) > 0: food_arr = fill_food_arr(food, my_head_y, my_head_x) # there is a food so A star for route to food using snake grid for g food_count = 0 found_path = False # get food eating = False count = 0 get_it = False if not path_found and not leave_walls and not attack: # print('food') while not eating and count < len(food_arr): curr_food = food_arr[count] food_dist = curr_food[0] food_y = curr_food[1] food_x = curr_food[2] food_count += 1 if len(snakes) > 1: for i in range(len(snake_heads)): curr_head = snake_heads[i] head_type = curr_head[0] snakehead_y = curr_head[1] snakehead_x = curr_head[2] opp_dist = heuristic([snakehead_y, snakehead_x], [food_y, food_x]) if food_dist < opp_dist: get_it = True elif head_type == small_head_val and \ food_dist <= opp_dist: get_it = True else: get_it = False break else: get_it = True if get_it: move_num, my_move, path_found = \ search(food_y, food_x, my_head_y, my_head_x, snakes_grid, check_grid) if path_found: found_free = check_path_to_tail(my_head_y, my_head_x, move_num, snakes_grid, check_grid, snake_tails) if found_free: which_move = 'get food' eating = True else: path_found = False else: path_found = False count += 1 # shorten food_arr # food_arr = food_arr[food_count:] count = 0 # chase my tail if not path_found and not leave_walls and not attack: # print('my tail') # chase tail if nothing in food_arr move_num, my_move, path_found = search(my_tail_y, my_tail_x, my_head_y, my_head_x, snakes_grid, check_grid) if path_found: ''' found_free = check_path_to_free(my_head_y, my_head_x, move_num, snakes_grid, free_spaces_arr) ''' found_free = check_path_to_tail(my_head_y, my_head_x, move_num, snakes_grid, check_grid, snake_tails) if found_free: which_move = 'my tail' else: path_found = False else: path_found = False count = 0 # chase other snakes' tails if not path_found and not leave_walls and not attack: # print('other tails') for q in range(len(snake_tails)): curr_tail = snake_tails[q] move_num, my_move, path_found = search(curr_tail[0], curr_tail[1], my_head_y, my_head_x, snakes_grid, check_grid) if path_found: ''' found_free = check_path_to_free(my_head_y, my_head_x, move_num, snakes_grid, free_spaces_arr) ''' found_free = check_path_to_tail(my_head_y, my_head_x, move_num, snakes_grid, check_grid, snake_tails) if found_free: which_move = 'opponent tail' break else: path_found = False else: path_found = False # sorta random # todo: change 9s to 8s if not path_found and not leave_walls and not attack: # print('random') next_heads = [next_smhead_val, next_samehead_val, next_bighead_val] for t in range(len(delta)): next_y = my_head_y + delta[t][0] next_x = my_head_x + delta[t][1] if 0 <= next_y < snakes_grid.shape[0] and \ 0 <= next_x < snakes_grid.shape[1]: if snakes_grid[next_y, next_x] == 0 or \ snakes_grid[next_y, next_x] in next_heads: my_move = delta_name[t] which_move = 'last resort' # #print(f'my_move: {my_move}') path_found = True break ''' found_free = check_path_to_tail(my_head_y, my_head_x, move_num, snakes_grid, check_grid, snake_tails) if found_free: my_move = delta_name[t] which_move = 'last resort' ##print(f'my_move: {my_move}') path_found=True break ''' ''' else: found_free = check_path_to_free(my_head_y, my_head_x, move_num, snakes_grid, free_spaces_arr) if found_free: my_move = delta_name[t] which_move = 'last resort' # #print(f'my_move: {my_move}') break else: snakes_grid[snakes_grid==next_bighead_val] \ = next_smhead_val snakes_grid[snakes_grid==next_samehead_val]\ = next_smhead_val ''' shout = "get in my belly!" response = {"move": my_move, "shout": shout} end = timer() # print(f'\n\nturn: {turn}\ntime: {end-start}\nmy_move: {my_move}\n ' # f'which_move: {which_move}\n\n') ##print(f'snakes_grid\n {snakes_grid}\nsolo_grid\n {solo_grid}\n') return HTTPResponse( status=200, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, body=json.dumps(response), )
keyPair = RSA.generate(4096) pubKey = keyPair.publickey() #print(f"Public key: (n={hex(pubKey.n)}, e={hex(pubKey.e)})") #print(f"Private key: (n={hex(pubKey.n)}, d={hex(keyPair.d)})") t_end = str( auth_token = b'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1OTAyODIwMjksIm5iZiI6MTU5MDI4MTEyOSwidXNlcl9pZCI6MTAxNzh9.8V0JHxu-eLpGau0HMV3Hz28M5yVhOo3n7Qp2qsizau8' team_id = 1000001 patient_id = 1000000 enc_and_sign_time = {} for i in range(100000): start = timer() # Example sign message message_to_sign = { 'auth_token': auth_token.decode('utf-8'), 'request': "JoinTeam", 'patient_id': patient_id, } message = json.dumps(message_to_sign).encode('utf-8') digest = digest.update(message) signer = sig = signer.sign(digest)
x = Activation('relu')(x) x = Dropout(dropout)(x) bld_hl_output = x x = Dense(labels.building.shape[1])(x) x = BatchNormalization()(x) bld_output = Activation( 'softmax', name='building_output')(x) # no dropout for an output layer bld_model = Model(inputs=input, outputs=bld_output) bld_model.compile( optimizer=optimizer, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) startTime = timer() bld_history = x=rss, y=labels.building, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, verbose=verbose, validation_split=validation_split, # validation_data=({ # 'input': testing_data.rss_scaled # }, { # 'building_output': testing_data.labels.building # }), # callbacks=[tensorboard], shuffle=True) elapsedTime = timer() - startTime
import seaborn as sns from sklearn import metrics from sklearn.model_selection import GroupKFold from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error import lightgbm as lgb import xgboost import warnings from datetime import datetime warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning) import logging import gc from timeit import default_timer as timer import time from catboost import CatBoostRegressor, Pool from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier start = timer() #################### # CONFIGURABLES ##################### # MODEL NUMBER MODEL_NUMBER = "M055" script_name = os.path.basename(__file__).split('.')[0] if script_name not in MODEL_NUMBER: logger.error('Model Number is not same as script! Update before running') raise SystemExit( 'Model Number is not same as script! Update before running') # Make a runid that is unique to the time this is run for easy tracking later run_id = "{:%m%d_%H%M}".format(
a[i] += 1 def encode_mbd_to_pickle(output_dir, mbd): # output_directory.jpeg -> output_directory.pickle filename = output_dir[:-5] + '.pickle' if os.path.isfile(filename): print('File already exists') else: with open(filename, 'wb') as f_out: pickle.dump(mbd, f_out) f_out.close() print('Successfully serialized saliency map (mbd) to:', filename) if __name__ == "__main__": n = 10000000 a = np.ones(n, dtype=np.float64) b = np.ones(n, dtype=np.float32) start = timer() func(a) print("With GPU (@jit):", timer() - start) start = timer() func2(a) print("With GPU (@jit(nopython=True)):", timer() - start) mbd = psal.get_saliency_mbd(demo_img) encode_mbd_to_pickle(os.getcwd() + '\\' + demo_img, mbd)
def demo(): """ _test_kdtree_compare This demo compares creation and query speed for different kd tree implementations. They are fed with instances from the covtype dataset. Three kd tree implementations are compared: SciPy's KDTree, NumPy's KDTree and scikit-multiflow's KDTree. For each of them the demo will time the construction of the tree on 1000 instances, and then measure the time to query 100 instances. The results are displayed in the terminal. """ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".*Passing 1d.*") stream = FileStream('../datasets/covtype.csv', -1, 1) stream.prepare_for_use() filter = OneHotToCategorical([[10, 11, 12, 13], [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53]]) X, y = stream.next_sample(1000) X = filter.transform(X) # print(X) X_find, y = stream.next_sample(100) X_find = filter.transform(X_find) print(X_find[4]) # Normal kdtree start = timer() scipy = spatial.KDTree(X, leafsize=40) end = timer() print("\nScipy KDTree construction time: " + str(end-start)) start = timer() for i in range(10): ind = scipy.query(X_find[i], 8) # print(ind) end = timer() print("Scipy KDTree query time: " + str(end - start)) del scipy # Fast kdtree start = timer() opt = KDTree(X, metric='euclidean', return_distance=True) end = timer() print("\nOptimal KDTree construction time: " + str(end-start)) start = timer() for i in range(100): ind, dist = opt.query(X_find[i], 8) # print(ind) # print(dist) end = timer() print("Optimal KDTree query time: " + str(end - start)) del opt # Sklearn kdtree start = timer() sk = ng.KDTree(X, metric='euclidean') end = timer() print("\nSklearn KDTree construction time: " + str(end-start)) start = timer() for i in range(100): ind, dist = sk.query(np.asarray(X_find[i]).reshape(1, -1), 8, return_distance=True) # print(ind) # print(dist) end = timer() print("Sklearn KDTree query time: " + str(end - start) + "\n") del sk
def time_rounded(timer_start, precision=3): return round(timer() - timer_start, precision)
config = rs.config() config.enable_stream(, 640, 480, rs.format.z16, 30) config.enable_stream(, 640, 480, rs.format.bgr8, 30) colorizer = rs.colorizer() colorizer.set_option(rs.option.color_scheme, 0) # Start streaming pipeline.start(config) align_to = align = rs.align(align_to) try: while True: start = timer() # Wait for a coherent pair of frames: depth and color frames = pipeline.wait_for_frames() #frameWait = timer () #frameWaitTime = frameWait - start #print(str(frameWaitTime) + " frame wait time") # Align the depth frame to color frame aligned_frames = align.process(frames) depth_frame = aligned_frames.get_depth_frame() color_frame = aligned_frames.get_color_frame() if not depth_frame or not color_frame: continue #syncedFrame = timer() #syncedFrameTime = syncedFrame - start
def set_time(): timme = timer() return timme
## PYTHON MODULES ## from timeit import default_timer as timer ## HYBRID MODULES ## import init_1D as init import auxilliary_1D as aux import particles_1D as particles import fields_1D as fields import sources_1D as sources import save_routines as save import pdb from simulation_parameters_1D import save_particles, save_fields, te0_equil if __name__ == '__main__': start_time = timer() # Initialize simulation: Allocate memory and set time parameters print('Initializing arrays...') pos, vel, Ie, W_elec, Ib, W_mag, idx, Ep, Bp, temp_N = init.initialize_particles( ) B, E_int, E_half, Ve, Te, Te0 = init.initialize_fields() q_dens, q_dens_adv, Ji, ni, nu = init.initialize_source_arrays() old_particles, old_fields, temp3De, temp3Db, temp1D,\ v_prime, S, T, mp_flux = init.initialize_tertiary_arrays() print('Collecting initial moments...') # Collect initial moments and save initial state sources.collect_moments(vel, Ie, W_elec, idx, q_dens, Ji, ni, nu) if te0_equil == 1: init.set_equilibrium_te0(q_dens, Te0)
def preprocess_tsa_data(): # OPTION 1: get a list of all subjects for which there are labels df = pd.read_csv(STAGE1_LABELS) df['Subject'], df['Zone'] = df['Id'].str.split('_',1).str SUBJECT_LIST = df['Subject'].unique() # OPTION 2: get a list of all subjects for whom there is data # SUBJECT_LIST = [os.path.splitext(subject)[0] for subject in os.listdir(INPUT_FOLDER)] #print(len(SUBJECT_LIST)) #print(SUBJECT_LIST) # OPTION 3: get a list of subjects for small bore test purposes #SUBJECT_LIST = ['00360f79fd6e02781457eda48f85da90','0043db5e8c819bffc15261b1f1ac5e42', # '0050492f92e22eed3474ae3a6fc907fa','006ec59fa59dd80a64c85347eef810c7', # '0097503ee9fa0606559c56458b281a08','011516ab0eca7cad7f5257672ddde70e', # '47e2a4a8e13ec7100f6af8cd839d1bb3','e087226320cc189142228b5fb93ed58f'] # intialize tracking and saving items batch_num = 1 count = 0 threat_zone_examples = [] start_time = timer() print(len(SUBJECT_LIST)) for subject in SUBJECT_LIST: count += 1 # read in the images print('--------------------------------------------------------------') print('t+> {:5.3f} |Reading images for subject #: {}'.format(timer()-start_time, subject)) print('--------------------------------------------------------------') images = tsa.read_data(INPUT_FOLDER + '/' + subject + '.aps') # transpose so that the slice is the first dimension shape(16, 620, 512) images = images.transpose() # for each threat zone, loop through each image, mask off the zone and then crop it for tz_num, threat_zone_x_crop_dims in enumerate(zip(tsa.zone_slice_list, tsa.zone_crop_list)): threat_zone = threat_zone_x_crop_dims[0] crop_dims = threat_zone_x_crop_dims[1] # get label label = np.array(tsa.get_subject_zone_label(tz_num, tsa.get_subject_labels(STAGE1_LABELS, subject))) # print(STAGE1_LABELS, subject) for img_num, img in enumerate(images): print('Threat Zone:Image -> {}:{}'.format(tz_num, img_num)) print('Threat Zone Label -> {}'.format(label)) if label[0] == 0: print('threat is present') if threat_zone[img_num] is not None: # correct the orientation of the image print('-> reorienting base image') base_img = np.flipud(img) print('-> shape {}|mean={}'.format(base_img.shape, base_img.mean())) # convert to grayscale print('-> converting to grayscale') rescaled_img = tsa.convert_to_grayscale(base_img) print('-> shape {}|mean={}'.format(rescaled_img.shape, rescaled_img.mean())) # spread the spectrum to improve contrast print('-> spreading spectrum') high_contrast_img = tsa.spread_spectrum(rescaled_img) print('-> shape {}|mean={}'.format(high_contrast_img.shape, high_contrast_img.mean())) # get the masked image print('-> masking image') masked_img = tsa.roi(high_contrast_img, threat_zone[img_num]) print('-> shape {}|mean={}'.format(masked_img.shape, masked_img.mean())) # crop the image print('-> cropping image') cropped_img = tsa.crop(masked_img, crop_dims[img_num]) print('-> shape {}|mean={}'.format(cropped_img.shape, cropped_img.mean())) # normalize the image print('-> normalizing image') normalized_img = tsa.normalize(cropped_img) print('-> shape {}|mean={}'.format(normalized_img.shape, normalized_img.mean())) # zero center the image print('-> zero centering') zero_centered_img = tsa.zero_center(normalized_img) print('-> shape {}|mean={}'.format(zero_centered_img.shape, zero_centered_img.mean())) # append the features and labels to this threat zone's example array print ('-> appending example to threat zone {}'.format(tz_num)) threat_zone_examples.append([[tz_num], zero_centered_img, label]) center = (125,125) M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, 5, 1.0) rotated = cv2.warpAffine(zero_centered_img, M, (250, 250)) # print('rotated image shape {} | mean= {}'.format(zero_centered_img.shape, # zero_centered_img.mean())) # cv2.imwrite("thumbnail.png", cropped) # cv2.imwrite("rotated.jpg", rotated) # cv2.imshow("original.jpg", zero_centered_img) # cv2.waitKey(0) # cv2.imshow("rotated.jpg", rotated) # cv2.waitKey(0) threat_zone_examples.append([[tz_num], rotated, label]) M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, 10, 1.0) rotated1 = cv2.warpAffine(zero_centered_img, M, (250, 250)) threat_zone_examples.append([[tz_num], rotated1, label]) # cv2.imshow("rotated1.jpg", rotated1) # cv2.waitKey(0) M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, 15, 1.0) rotated2 = cv2.warpAffine(zero_centered_img, M, (250, 250)) threat_zone_examples.append([[tz_num], rotated2, label]) # cv2.imshow("rotated2.jpg", rotated2) # cv2.waitKey(0) # M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, 20, 1.0) rotated3 = cv2.warpAffine(zero_centered_img, M, (250, 250)) threat_zone_examples.append([[tz_num], rotated3, label]) # cv2.imshow("rotated3.jpg", rotated3) # cv2.waitKey(0) print ('-> shape {:d}:{:d}:{:d}:{:d}:{:d}:{:d}'.format( len(threat_zone_examples), len(threat_zone_examples[0]), len(threat_zone_examples[0][0]), len(threat_zone_examples[0][1][0]), len(threat_zone_examples[0][1][1]), len(threat_zone_examples[0][2]))) else: print('-> No view of tz:{} in img:{}. Skipping to next...'.format( tz_num, img_num)) print('------------------------------------------------') else: print('threat not present and label is', label[0]) if count >= 0: # count = 0 print('IN LOOP') if threat_zone[img_num] is not None: # correct the orientation of the image print('-> reorienting base image') base_img = np.flipud(img) print('-> shape {}|mean={}'.format(base_img.shape, base_img.mean())) # convert to grayscale print('-> converting to grayscale') rescaled_img = tsa.convert_to_grayscale(base_img) print('-> shape {}|mean={}'.format(rescaled_img.shape, rescaled_img.mean())) # spread the spectrum to improve contrast print('-> spreading spectrum') high_contrast_img = tsa.spread_spectrum(rescaled_img) print('-> shape {}|mean={}'.format(high_contrast_img.shape, high_contrast_img.mean())) # get the masked image print('-> masking image') masked_img = tsa.roi(high_contrast_img, threat_zone[img_num]) print('-> shape {}|mean={}'.format(masked_img.shape, masked_img.mean())) # crop the image print('-> cropping image') cropped_img = tsa.crop(masked_img, crop_dims[img_num]) print('-> shape {}|mean={}'.format(cropped_img.shape, cropped_img.mean())) # normalize the image print('-> normalizing image') normalized_img = tsa.normalize(cropped_img) print('-> shape {}|mean={}'.format(normalized_img.shape, normalized_img.mean())) # zero center the image print('-> zero centering') zero_centered_img = tsa.zero_center(normalized_img) print('-> shape {}|mean={}'.format(zero_centered_img.shape, zero_centered_img.mean())) # append the features and labels to this threat zone's example array print ('-> appending example to threat zone {}'.format(tz_num)) threat_zone_examples.append([[tz_num], zero_centered_img, label]) print ('-> shape {:d}:{:d}:{:d}:{:d}:{:d}:{:d}'.format( len(threat_zone_examples), len(threat_zone_examples[0]), len(threat_zone_examples[0][0]), len(threat_zone_examples[0][1][0]), len(threat_zone_examples[0][1][1]), len(threat_zone_examples[0][2]))) # count = 0 # each subject gets EXAMPLES_PER_SUBJECT number of examples (182 to be exact, # so this section just writes out the the data once there is a full minibatch # complete. if ((len(threat_zone_examples) % (BATCH_SIZE * EXAMPLES_PER_SUBJECT)) == 0): for tz_num, tz in enumerate(tsa.zone_slice_list): tz_examples_to_save = [] # write out the batch and reset print(' -> writing: ' + PREPROCESSED_DATA_FOLDER + 'preprocessed_TSA_scans-tz{}-{}-{}-b{}.npy'.format( tz_num+1, len(threat_zone_examples[0][1][0]), len(threat_zone_examples[0][1][1]), batch_num)) # get this tz's examples tz_examples = [example for example in threat_zone_examples if example[0] == [tz_num]] # drop unused columns tz_examples_to_save.append([[features_label[1], features_label[2]] for features_label in tz_examples]) # save batch. Note that the trainer looks for tz{} where {} is a # tz_num 1 based in the minibatch file to select which batches to # use for training a given threat zone + 'preprocessed_TSA_scans-tz{}-{}-{}-b{}.npy'.format(tz_num+1, len(threat_zone_examples[0][1][0]), len(threat_zone_examples[0][1][1]), batch_num), tz_examples_to_save) del tz_examples_to_save #reset for next batch del threat_zone_examples threat_zone_examples = [] batch_num += 1 # we may run out of subjects before we finish a batch, so we write out # the last batch stub if (len(threat_zone_examples) > 0): for tz_num, tz in enumerate(tsa.zone_slice_list): tz_examples_to_save = [] # write out the batch and reset print(' -> writing: ' + PREPROCESSED_DATA_FOLDER + 'preprocessed_TSA_scans-tz{}-{}-{}-b{}.npy'.format(tz_num+1, len(threat_zone_examples[0][1][0]), len(threat_zone_examples[0][1][1]), batch_num)) # get this tz's examples tz_examples = [example for example in threat_zone_examples if example[0] == [tz_num]] # drop unused columns tz_examples_to_save.append([[features_label[1], features_label[2]] for features_label in tz_examples]) #save batch + 'preprocessed_TSA_scans-tz{}-{}-{}-b{}.npy'.format(tz_num+1, len(threat_zone_examples[0][1][0]), len(threat_zone_examples[0][1][1]), batch_num), tz_examples_to_save)
def main(block_name): for pickle_file in glob.glob(sys.argv[1] + block_name + "/*.pickle"): subject = pickle_file[len(pickle_file) - 12:len(pickle_file) - 7] batch_size = 25 patch_size = 5 # filter size myInitializer = None if (block_name == "face"): image_size_h = 72 image_size_w = 52 elif (block_name == "mouth"): image_size_h = 24 image_size_w = 40 elif (block_name == "eye"): image_size_h = 24 image_size_w = 32 elif (block_name == "topnose"): image_size_h = 36 image_size_w = 40 elif (block_name == "nosetip"): image_size_h = 32 image_size_w = 40 num_labels = 7 #the output of the network (7 neuron) #num_channels = 3 # colour images have 3 channels num_channels = 1 # grayscale images have 1 channel # Load the pickle file containing the dataset with open(pickle_file, 'rb') as f: save = pickle.load(f) train_dataset = save['training_dataset'] train_labels = save['training_emotion_label'] valid_dataset = save['validation_dataset'] valid_labels = save['validation_emotion_label'] test_dataset = save['test_dataset'] test_labels = save['test_emotion_label'] del save # hint to help gc free up memory # Here I print the dimension of the three datasets print('Training set', train_dataset.shape, train_labels.shape) print('Validation set', valid_dataset.shape, valid_labels.shape) print('Test set', test_dataset.shape, test_labels.shape) train_dataset = train_dataset.reshape( (-1, image_size_w, image_size_h, num_channels)).astype(np.float32) train_labels = train_labels.reshape((-1)).astype(np.ndarray) valid_dataset = valid_dataset.reshape( (-1, image_size_w, image_size_h, num_channels)).astype(np.float32) valid_labels = valid_labels.reshape((-1)).astype(np.ndarray) test_dataset = test_dataset.reshape( (-1, image_size_w, image_size_h, num_channels)).astype(np.float32) test_labels = test_labels.reshape((-1)).astype(np.ndarray) # create the arrays from string, removing brackets as well train_labels_new = extractArraysRemoveBrackets(train_labels) valid_labels_new = extractArraysRemoveBrackets(valid_labels) test_labels_new = extractArraysRemoveBrackets(test_labels) train_dataset = image_histogram_equalization(train_dataset) valid_dataset = image_histogram_equalization(valid_dataset) test_dataset = image_histogram_equalization(test_dataset) train_dataset = minmax_normalization(train_dataset) valid_dataset = minmax_normalization(valid_dataset) test_dataset = minmax_normalization(test_dataset) #Printing the new shape of the datasets print('Training set', train_dataset.shape, train_labels.shape) print('Validation set', valid_dataset.shape, valid_labels_new.shape) print('Test set', test_dataset.shape, test_labels_new.shape) #Declaring the graph object necessary to build the model graph = tf.Graph() with graph.as_default(): print("Init Tensorflow variables...") tf_train_dataset = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(batch_size, image_size_w, image_size_h, num_channels)) tf_train_labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(batch_size, num_labels)) tf_valid_dataset = tf.constant(valid_dataset) tf_test_dataset = tf.constant(test_dataset) # Conv layer # [patch_size, patch_size, num_channels, depth] #conv1_weights = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([patch_size, patch_size, num_channels, 6], stddev=0.1), name="conv1y_w") conv1_weights = tf.get_variable( name="conv1y_w", shape=[patch_size, patch_size, num_channels, 6], initializer=myInitializer) conv1_biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([6]), name="conv1y_b") # Conv layer # [patch_size, patch_size, depth, depth] conv2_weights = tf.get_variable( name="conv2y_w", shape=[patch_size, patch_size, 6, 12], initializer=myInitializer) conv2_biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([12]), name="conv2y_b") # Output layer conv1_size_w = (image_size_w - patch_size + 1) / 2 conv2_size_w = (conv1_size_w - patch_size + 1) / 2 conv1_size_h = (image_size_h - patch_size + 1) / 2 conv2_size_h = (conv1_size_h - patch_size + 1) / 2 dense1_weights = tf.get_variable( name="dense1y_w", shape=[conv2_size_w * conv2_size_h * 12, 256], initializer=myInitializer) dense1_biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([256], name="dense1y_b")) # Output layer layer_out_weights = tf.get_variable(name="outy_w", shape=[256, num_labels], initializer=myInitializer) layer_out_biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=[num_labels]), name="outy_b") # dropout (keep probability) - not used really up to now keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) model_output = model(tf_train_dataset, image_size_w, image_size_h, num_channels, conv1_weights, conv1_biases, conv2_weights, conv2_biases, dense1_weights, dense1_biases, layer_out_weights, layer_out_biases, keep_prob) loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(model_output - tf_train_labels))) loss_summ = tf.summary.scalar("loss", loss) global_step = tf.Variable( 0, trainable=False) # count the number of steps taken. learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(0.00125, global_step, 300, 0.5, staircase=True) lrate_summ = tf.summary.scalar( "learning rate", learning_rate) #save in a summary for Tensorboard optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( learning_rate).minimize(loss, global_step=global_step) train_prediction = model_output valid_prediction = model(tf_valid_dataset, image_size_w, image_size_h, num_channels, conv1_weights, conv1_biases, conv2_weights, conv2_biases, dense1_weights, dense1_biases, layer_out_weights, layer_out_biases) test_prediction = model(tf_test_dataset, image_size_w, image_size_h, num_channels, conv1_weights, conv1_biases, conv2_weights, conv2_biases, dense1_weights, dense1_biases, layer_out_weights, layer_out_biases) saver = tf.train.Saver() total_epochs = 500 with tf.Session(graph=graph) as session: merged_summaries = tf.summary.merge_all() now = log_path = "./sessions/summary_log/summaries_logs_p" + subject + str( now.hour) + str(now.minute) + str(now.second) writer_summaries = tf.summary.FileWriter( log_path, session.graph) tf.global_variables_initializer().run() epochs = np.ndarray(0, int) losses = np.ndarray(0, np.float32) accuracy_batch = np.ndarray(0, np.float32) accuracy_valid = np.ndarray(0, np.float32) start = timer() for epoch in range(total_epochs): batch = create_batch(train_dataset, train_labels_new) batch_data = batch[0] batch_labels = batch[1] feed_dict = { tf_train_dataset: batch_data, tf_train_labels: batch_labels, keep_prob: 1.0 } _, l, predictions, my_summary = [optimizer, loss, model_output, merged_summaries], feed_dict=feed_dict) writer_summaries.add_summary(my_summary, epoch) epochs = np.append(epochs, int(epoch + 1)) losses = np.append(losses, l) accuracy_batch = np.append( accuracy_batch, accuracy(predictions, batch_labels, False)) accuracy_valid = np.append( accuracy_valid, accuracy(valid_prediction.eval(), valid_labels_new, False)) ''' if (epoch % 50 == 0): print("") print("Loss at epoch: ", epoch, " is " , l) print("Global Step: " + str(global_step.eval()) + " of " + str(total_epochs)) print("Learning Rate: " + str(learning_rate.eval())) print("Minibatch size: " + str(batch_labels.shape)) print("Validation size: " + str(valid_labels_new.shape)) accuracy(predictions, batch_labels, True) print("") ''' end = timer() sessionTime = end - start, "./sessions/tensorflow/cnn_arch1_pitch_p" + subject, global_step=epoch) # save the session accuracy_test = accuracy(test_prediction.eval(), test_labels_new, True) output = np.column_stack( (epochs.flatten(), losses.flatten(), accuracy_batch.flatten(), accuracy_valid.flatten())) np.savetxt( "./sessions/epochs_log/subject_" + subject + ".txt", output, header="epoch loss accuracy_batch accuracy_valid", footer="accuracy_test:\n" + str(accuracy_test) + "\ntime:\n" + str(sessionTime), delimiter=' ') print("# Test size: " + str(test_labels_new.shape))
def train_model(params): """ Main function """ if params['RELOAD'] > 0:'Resuming training.') check_params(params) ########### Load data if params['BINARY_SELECTION']: params['POSITIVE_FILENAME'] = params['DATA_ROOT_PATH'] + '/' + params[ 'POSITIVE_FILENAME'] params['NEGATIVE_FILENAME'] = params['DATA_ROOT_PATH'] + '/' + params[ 'NEGATIVE_FILENAME'] params = process_files_binary_classification(params) dataset = build_dataset(params) params['INPUT_VOCABULARY_SIZE'] = dataset.vocabulary_len[ params['INPUTS_IDS_DATASET'][0]] ########### ########### Build model if params['RELOAD'] == 0: # build new model text_class_model = Text_Classification_Model( params, type=params['MODEL_TYPE'], verbose=params['VERBOSE'], model_name=params['MODEL_NAME'], vocabularies=dataset.vocabulary, store_path=params['STORE_PATH']) # Define the inputs and outputs mapping from our Dataset instance to our model inputMapping = dict() for i, id_in in enumerate(params['INPUTS_IDS_DATASET']): pos_source = dataset.ids_inputs.index(id_in) id_dest = text_class_model.ids_inputs[i] inputMapping[id_dest] = pos_source text_class_model.setInputsMapping(inputMapping) outputMapping = dict() for i, id_out in enumerate(params['OUTPUTS_IDS_DATASET']): pos_target = dataset.ids_outputs.index(id_out) id_dest = text_class_model.ids_outputs[i] outputMapping[id_dest] = pos_target text_class_model.setOutputsMapping(outputMapping) else: # resume from previously trained model text_class_model = loadModel(params['STORE_PATH'], params['RELOAD']) text_class_model.setOptimizer() ########### ########### Callbacks callbacks = buildCallbacks(params, text_class_model, dataset) ########### ########### Training total_start_time = timer() logger.debug('Starting training!') training_params = { 'n_epochs': params['MAX_EPOCH'], 'batch_size': params['BATCH_SIZE'], 'homogeneous_batches': params['HOMOGENEOUS_BATCHES'], 'shuffle': True, 'epochs_for_save': params['EPOCHS_FOR_SAVE'], 'verbose': params['VERBOSE'], 'eval_on_sets': params['EVAL_ON_SETS_KERAS'], 'n_parallel_loaders': params['PARALLEL_LOADERS'], 'extra_callbacks': callbacks, 'reload_epoch': params['RELOAD'], 'data_augmentation': params.get('DATA_AUGMENTATION', False) } text_class_model.trainNet(dataset, training_params) total_end_time = timer() time_difference = total_end_time - total_start_time'In total is {0:.2f}s = {1:.2f}m'.format( time_difference, time_difference / 60.0))
def move(instruction, amt): if instruction == "N": pos.y += amt elif instruction == "S": pos.y -= amt elif instruction == "E": pos.x += amt elif instruction == "W": pos.x -= amt elif instruction == "L": pos.rotate(-amt) elif instruction == "R": pos.rotate(amt) elif instruction == "F": move(degrees[pos.facing], amt) start = timer() file = open('input.txt') for line in file.readlines(): line = line.strip() instruction = line[0] amt = int(line[1:]) move(instruction, amt) result = abs(pos.x) + abs(pos.y) print("Completed in %fms" % ((timer() - start) * 1000)) print("%d is the result" % result)