예제 #1
def test_runner_attrs_and_exceptions():

    # repr
    r = tools.runner(_func, range(10), 2)
    assert repr(r).startswith(r.__class__.__name__)
    assert 'jobs=2' in repr(r)
    assert 'iterable={}'.format(repr(range(10))) in repr(r)

    # Bad values
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        tools.runner(None, None, -1)
예제 #2
def test_runner_next():

    input = list(range(10))
    expected = list(i + 1 for i in input)

    r = tools.runner(_func, input, 1)
    assert next(r) == _func(input[0])

    # Multiple jobs - have to pretty much run the whole thing and sort to compare
    results = []
    with tools.runner(_func, input, 2) as proc:
        for i in input:

    assert sorted(results) == expected
예제 #3
def _stream2tempfiles(
        stream, jobs=1, chunksize=CHUNKSIZE, writer=_PICKLE_IO, **kwargs):

    Sort a stream of data into temporary files.  Caller is responsible for
    deleting files.  Tempfile paths are generated with `tempfile.mkstemp()`.

    stream : iter
        Input stream to sort.
    jobs : int, optional
        Sort data with a pool of N workers.
    chunksize : int, optional
        Process this many objects from the input stream in each job.  Also
        the maximum amount of objects per tempfile.
    writer : None or tinysort.io.BaseSerializer, optional
        Instance of the serializer for writing the stream to disk.
    kwargs : **kwargs, optional
        Keyword arguments for `sorted()`.

        Temporary file paths.

    tasks = ({
        'data': data,
        'writer': writer,
        'sort_args': kwargs
    } for data in tools.slicer(stream, chunksize))

    with tools.runner(_mp_sort_into_tempfile, tasks, jobs) as run:
        return list(run)
예제 #4
def test_runner_1job():

    input = list(range(10))
    expected = tuple(i + 1 for i in input)

    j1 = tools.runner(_func, input, 1)
    assert isinstance(j1, tools.runner)
    assert isinstance(iter(j1), GeneratorType)
    assert tuple(j1) == expected
예제 #5
def test_runner_2job():

    input = list(range(10))
    expected = tuple(i + 1 for i in input)

    # Also tests context manager
    with tools.runner(_func, input, 2) as j2:
        assert not j2._closed
        assert isinstance(j2, tools.runner)
        assert isinstance(iter(j2), IMapUnorderedIterator)
        assert tuple(sorted(j2)) == expected
    assert j2._closed