예제 #1
def _adjust_hist_limits(tomo, theta, ind, mask, emission):
    # Make an initial reconstruction to adjust histogram limits.
    rec = recon(tomo, theta, emission=emission, algorithm='gridrec')

    # Apply circular mask.
    if mask is True:
        rec = circ_mask(rec, axis=0)

    # Adjust histogram boundaries according to reconstruction.
    return _adjust_hist_min(rec.min()), _adjust_hist_max(rec.max())
예제 #2
def _adjust_hist_limits(tomo, theta, ind, mask, emission):
    # Make an initial reconstruction to adjust histogram limits.
    rec = recon(tomo, theta, emission=emission, algorithm='gridrec')

    # Apply circular mask.
    if mask is True:
        rec = circ_mask(rec, axis=0)

    # Adjust histogram boundaries according to reconstruction.
    return _adjust_hist_min(rec.min()), _adjust_hist_max(rec.max())
예제 #3
def _adjust_hist_limits(tomo_ind, theta, mask, sinogram_order):
    # Make an initial reconstruction to adjust histogram limits.
    rec = recon(

    # Apply circular mask.
    if mask is True:
        rec = circ_mask(rec, axis=0)

    # Adjust histogram boundaries according to reconstruction.
    return _adjust_hist_min(rec.min()), _adjust_hist_max(rec.max())
예제 #4
def _find_center_cost(
        center, tomo, theta, ind, hmin, hmax, mask, ratio, emission):
    Cost function used for the ``find_center`` routine.
    logger.info('Trying center: %s', center)
    center = np.array(center, dtype='float32')
    rec = recon(
        tomo[:, ind:ind + 1, :], theta, center,
        emission=emission, algorithm='gridrec')

    if mask is True:
        rec = circ_mask(rec, axis=0)

    hist, e = np.histogram(rec, bins=64, range=[hmin, hmax])
    hist = hist.astype('float32') / rec.size + 1e-12
    return -np.dot(hist, np.log2(hist))
예제 #5
def _find_center_cost(center, tomo, theta, ind, hmin, hmax, mask, ratio,
    Cost function used for the ``find_center`` routine.
    logger.info('Trying center: %s', center)
    center = np.array(center, dtype='float32')
    rec = recon(tomo[:, ind:ind + 1, :],

    if mask is True:
        rec = circ_mask(rec, axis=0)

    hist, e = np.histogram(rec, bins=64, range=[hmin, hmax])
    hist = hist.astype('float32') / rec.size + 1e-12
    return -np.dot(hist, np.log2(hist))
예제 #6
파일: rotation.py 프로젝트: jul571/tomopy
def _find_center_cost(
        center, tomo_ind, theta, hmin, hmax, mask, ratio, 
    Cost function used for the ``find_center`` routine.
    logger.info('Trying rotation center: %s', center)
    center = np.array(center, dtype='float32')
    rec = recon(
        tomo_ind, theta, center,
        sinogram_order=sinogram_order, algorithm='gridrec')

    if mask is True:
        rec = circ_mask(rec, axis=0)

    hist, e = np.histogram(rec, bins=64, range=[hmin, hmax])
    hist = hist.astype('float32') / rec.size + 1e-12
    val = -np.dot(hist, np.log2(hist))
    logger.info("Function value = %f"%val)    
    return val
예제 #7
def _find_center_cost(
        center, tomo_ind, theta, hmin, hmax, mask, ratio, 
    Cost function used for the ``find_center`` routine.
    logger.warn('Trying center: %s', center)
    center = np.array(center, dtype='float32')
    rec = recon(
        tomo_ind, theta, center,
        sinogram_order=sinogram_order, algorithm='gridrec')

    if mask is True:
        rec = circ_mask(rec, axis=0)

    hist, e = np.histogram(rec, bins=64, range=[hmin, hmax])
    hist = hist.astype('float32') / rec.size + 1e-12
    val = -np.dot(hist, np.log2(hist))
    logger.warn("val = %f"%val)    
    return val
예제 #8
def write_center(
        tomo, theta, dpath='tmp/center', cen_range=None, ind=None,
        emission=True, mask=False, ratio=1.):
    Save images reconstructed with a range of rotation centers.

    Helps finding the rotation center manually by visual inspection of
    images reconstructed with a set of different centers.The output
    images are put into a specified folder and are named by the
    center position corresponding to the image.

    tomo : ndarray
        3D tomographic data.
    theta : array
        Projection angles in radian.
    dpath : str, optional
        Folder name to save output images.
    cen_range : list, optional
        [start, end, step] Range of center values.
    ind : int, optional
        Index of the slice to be used for reconstruction.
    emission : bool, optional
        Determines whether data is emission or transmission type.
    mask : bool, optional
        If ``True``, apply a circular mask to the reconstructed image to
        limit the analysis into a circular region.
    ratio : float, optional
        The ratio of the radius of the circular mask to the edge of the
        reconstructed image.
    tomo = dtype.as_float32(tomo)
    theta = dtype.as_float32(theta)

    dx, dy, dz = tomo.shape
    if ind is None:
        ind = dy // 2
    if cen_range is None:
        center = np.arange(dz / 2 - 5, dz / 2 + 5, 0.5)
    if len(cen_range) < 3:
        cen_range[2] = 1
        center = np.arange(cen_range[0], cen_range[1], cen_range[2] / 2.)

    stack = np.zeros((dx, len(center), dz))
    for m in range(center.size):
        stack[:, m, :] = tomo[:, ind, :]

    # Reconstruct the same slice with a range of centers.
    rec = recon(
        stack, theta, center=center, emission=emission, algorithm='gridrec')

    # Apply circular mask.
    if mask is True:
        rec = circ_mask(rec, axis=0)

    # Save images to a temporary folder.
    for m in range(len(center)):
        if m % 2 == 0:  # 2 slices same bec of gridrec.
            fname = os.path.join(
                dpath, str('{0:.2f}'.format(center[m]) + '.tiff'))
            write_tiff(rec[m:m + 1], fname=fname, overwrite=True)
예제 #9
def write_center(tomo,
    Save images reconstructed with a range of rotation centers.

    Helps finding the rotation center manually by visual inspection of
    images reconstructed with a set of different centers.The output
    images are put into a specified folder and are named by the
    center position corresponding to the image.

    tomo : ndarray
        3D tomographic data.
    theta : array
        Projection angles in radian.
    dpath : str, optional
        Folder name to save output images.
    cen_range : list, optional
        [start, end, step] Range of center values.
    ind : int, optional
        Index of the slice to be used for reconstruction.
    mask : bool, optional
        If ``True``, apply a circular mask to the reconstructed image to
        limit the analysis into a circular region.
    ratio : float, optional
        The ratio of the radius of the circular mask to the edge of the
        reconstructed image.
    sinogram_order: bool, optional
        Determins whether data is a stack of sinograms (True, y-axis first axis)
        or a stack of radiographs (False, theta first axis).
    algorithm : {str, function}
        One of the following string values.

            Algebraic reconstruction technique :cite:`Kak:98`.
            Block algebraic reconstruction technique.
            Filtered back-projection algorithm.
            Fourier grid reconstruction algorithm :cite:`Dowd:99`,
            Maximum-likelihood expectation maximization algorithm
            Ordered-subset expectation maximization algorithm
            Ordered-subset penalized maximum likelihood algorithm with
            weighted linear and quadratic penalties.
            Ordered-subset penalized maximum likelihood algorithm with
            quadratic penalties.
            Penalized maximum likelihood algorithm with weighted linear
            and quadratic penalties :cite:`Chang:04`.
            Penalized maximum likelihood algorithm with quadratic penalty.
            Simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique.
            Total Variation reconstruction technique
            Gradient descent method with a constant step size
    filter_name : str, optional
        Name of the filter for analytic reconstruction.

            No filter.
            Shepp-Logan filter (default).
            Cosine filter.
            Cosine filter.
            Hamming filter.
            Ram-Lak filter.
            Parzen filter.
            Butterworth filter.
            A numpy array of size `next_power_of_2(num_detector_columns)/2`
            specifying a custom filter in Fourier domain. The first element
            of the filter should be the zero-frequency component.
            A numpy array of size `num_projections*next_power_of_2(num_detector_columns)/2`
            specifying a custom angle-dependent filter in Fourier domain. The first element
            of each filter should be the zero-frequency component.
    tomo = dtype.as_float32(tomo)
    theta = dtype.as_float32(theta)

    if sinogram_order:
        dy, dt, dx = tomo.shape
        dt, dy, dx = tomo.shape
    if ind is None:
        ind = dy // 2
    if cen_range is None:
        center = np.arange(dx / 2 - 5, dx / 2 + 5, 0.5)
        center = np.arange(*cen_range)

    stack = dtype.empty_shared_array((len(center), dt, dx))

    for m in range(center.size):
        if sinogram_order:
            stack[m] = tomo[ind]
            stack[m] = tomo[:, ind, :]

    # Reconstruct the same slice with a range of centers.
    rec = recon(stack,

    # Apply circular mask.
    if mask is True:
        rec = circ_mask(rec, axis=0)

    # Save images to a temporary folder.
    for m in range(len(center)):
        fname = os.path.join(dpath, str('{0:.2f}'.format(center[m]) + '.tiff'))
        dxchange.write_tiff(rec[m], fname=fname, overwrite=True)
예제 #10
파일: rotation.py 프로젝트: jul571/tomopy
def write_center(
        tomo, theta, dpath='tmp/center', cen_range=None, ind=None,
        mask=False, ratio=1., sinogram_order=False):
    Save images reconstructed with a range of rotation centers.

    Helps finding the rotation center manually by visual inspection of
    images reconstructed with a set of different centers.The output
    images are put into a specified folder and are named by the
    center position corresponding to the image.

    tomo : ndarray
        3D tomographic data.
    theta : array
        Projection angles in radian.
    dpath : str, optional
        Folder name to save output images.
    cen_range : list, optional
        [start, end, step] Range of center values.
    ind : int, optional
        Index of the slice to be used for reconstruction.
    mask : bool, optional
        If ``True``, apply a circular mask to the reconstructed image to
        limit the analysis into a circular region.
    ratio : float, optional
        The ratio of the radius of the circular mask to the edge of the
        reconstructed image.
    sinogram_order: bool, optional
        Determins whether data is a stack of sinograms (True, y-axis first axis) 
        or a stack of radiographs (False, theta first axis).        
    tomo = dtype.as_float32(tomo)
    theta = dtype.as_float32(theta)

    if sinogram_order:
        dy, dt, dx = tomo.shape
        dt, dy, dx = tomo.shape
    if ind is None:
        ind = dy // 2
    if cen_range is None:
        center = np.arange(dx / 2 - 5, dx / 2 + 5, 0.5)
        center = np.arange(*cen_range)

    stack = dtype.empty_shared_array((len(center), dt, dx))
    for m in range(center.size):
        if sinogram_order:
            stack[m] = tomo[ind]
            stack[m] = tomo[:, ind, :]

    # Reconstruct the same slice with a range of centers.
    rec = recon(stack, 

    # Apply circular mask.
    if mask is True:
        rec = circ_mask(rec, axis=0)

    # Save images to a temporary folder.
    for m in range(len(center)):
        fname = os.path.join(
            dpath, str('{0:.2f}'.format(center[m]) + '.tiff'))
        dxchange.write_tiff(rec[m], fname=fname, overwrite=True)
예제 #11
def write_center(
        tomo, theta, dpath='tmp/center', cen_range=None, ind=None,
        mask=False, ratio=1., sinogram_order=False):
    Save images reconstructed with a range of rotation centers.

    Helps finding the rotation center manually by visual inspection of
    images reconstructed with a set of different centers.The output
    images are put into a specified folder and are named by the
    center position corresponding to the image.

    tomo : ndarray
        3D tomographic data.
    theta : array
        Projection angles in radian.
    dpath : str, optional
        Folder name to save output images.
    cen_range : list, optional
        [start, end, step] Range of center values.
    ind : int, optional
        Index of the slice to be used for reconstruction.
    mask : bool, optional
        If ``True``, apply a circular mask to the reconstructed image to
        limit the analysis into a circular region.
    ratio : float, optional
        The ratio of the radius of the circular mask to the edge of the
        reconstructed image.
    sinogram_order: bool, optional
        Determins whether data is a stack of sinograms (True, y-axis first axis) 
        or a stack of radiographs (False, theta first axis).        
    tomo = dtype.as_float32(tomo)
    theta = dtype.as_float32(theta)

    if sinogram_order:
        dy, dt, dx = tomo.shape
        dt, dy, dx = tomo.shape
    if ind is None:
        ind = dy // 2
    if cen_range is None:
        center = np.arange(dx / 2 - 5, dx / 2 + 5, 0.5)
        center = np.arange(*cen_range)

    stack = dtype.empty_shared_array((len(center), dt, dx))
    for m in range(center.size):
        if sinogram_order:
            stack[m] = tomo[ind]
            stack[m] = tomo[:, ind, :]

    # Reconstruct the same slice with a range of centers.
    rec = recon(stack, 

    # Apply circular mask.
    if mask is True:
        rec = circ_mask(rec, axis=0)

    # Save images to a temporary folder.
    for m in range(len(center)):
        fname = os.path.join(
            dpath, str('{0:.2f}'.format(center[m]) + '.tiff'))
        dxchange.write_tiff(rec[m], fname=fname, overwrite=True)
예제 #12
def write_center(
        tomo, theta, dpath='tmp/center', cen_range=None, ind=None,
        mask=False, ratio=1., sinogram_order=False, algorithm='gridrec', filter_name='parzen'):
    Save images reconstructed with a range of rotation centers.

    Helps finding the rotation center manually by visual inspection of
    images reconstructed with a set of different centers.The output
    images are put into a specified folder and are named by the
    center position corresponding to the image.

    tomo : ndarray
        3D tomographic data.
    theta : array
        Projection angles in radian.
    dpath : str, optional
        Folder name to save output images.
    cen_range : list, optional
        [start, end, step] Range of center values.
    ind : int, optional
        Index of the slice to be used for reconstruction.
    mask : bool, optional
        If ``True``, apply a circular mask to the reconstructed image to
        limit the analysis into a circular region.
    ratio : float, optional
        The ratio of the radius of the circular mask to the edge of the
        reconstructed image.
    sinogram_order: bool, optional
        Determins whether data is a stack of sinograms (True, y-axis first axis)
        or a stack of radiographs (False, theta first axis).
    algorithm : {str, function}
        One of the following string values.

            Algebraic reconstruction technique :cite:`Kak:98`.
            Block algebraic reconstruction technique.
            Filtered back-projection algorithm.
            Fourier grid reconstruction algorithm :cite:`Dowd:99`,
            Maximum-likelihood expectation maximization algorithm
            Ordered-subset expectation maximization algorithm
            Ordered-subset penalized maximum likelihood algorithm with
            weighted linear and quadratic penalties.
            Ordered-subset penalized maximum likelihood algorithm with
            quadratic penalties.
            Penalized maximum likelihood algorithm with weighted linear
            and quadratic penalties :cite:`Chang:04`.
            Penalized maximum likelihood algorithm with quadratic penalty.
            Simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique.
            Total Variation reconstruction technique
            Gradient descent method with a constant step size

    filter_name : str, optional
        Name of the filter for analytic reconstruction.

            No filter.
            Shepp-Logan filter (default).
            Cosine filter.
            Cosine filter.
            Hamming filter.
            Ram-Lak filter.
            Parzen filter.
            Butterworth filter.
            A numpy array of size `next_power_of_2(num_detector_columns)/2`
            specifying a custom filter in Fourier domain. The first element
            of the filter should be the zero-frequency component.
            A numpy array of size `num_projections*next_power_of_2(num_detector_columns)/2`
            specifying a custom angle-dependent filter in Fourier domain. The first element
            of each filter should be the zero-frequency component.
    tomo = dtype.as_float32(tomo)
    theta = dtype.as_float32(theta)

    if sinogram_order:
        dy, dt, dx = tomo.shape
        dt, dy, dx = tomo.shape
    if ind is None:
        ind = dy // 2
    if cen_range is None:
        center = np.arange(dx / 2 - 5, dx / 2 + 5, 0.5)
        center = np.arange(*cen_range)

    stack = dtype.empty_shared_array((len(center), dt, dx))

    for m in range(center.size):
        if sinogram_order:
            stack[m] = tomo[ind]
            stack[m] = tomo[:, ind, :]

    # Reconstruct the same slice with a range of centers.
    rec = recon(stack,

    # Apply circular mask.
    if mask is True:
        rec = circ_mask(rec, axis=0)

    # Save images to a temporary folder.
    dpath = os.path.abspath(dpath)
    if not os.path.exists(dpath):
    for m in range(len(center)):
        fname = os.path.join(
            dpath, str('{0:.2f}'.format(center[m]) + '.tiff'))
        tifffile.imsave(file=fname, data=rec[m])
예제 #13
def write_center(tomo,
    Save images reconstructed with a range of rotation centers.

    Helps finding the rotation center manually by visual inspection of
    images reconstructed with a set of different centers.The output
    images are put into a specified folder and are named by the
    center position corresponding to the image.

    tomo : ndarray
        3D tomographic data.
    theta : array
        Projection angles in radian.
    dpath : str, optional
        Folder name to save output images.
    cen_range : list, optional
        [start, end, step] Range of center values.
    ind : int, optional
        Index of the slice to be used for reconstruction.
    emission : bool, optional
        Determines whether data is emission or transmission type.
    mask : bool, optional
        If ``True``, apply a circular mask to the reconstructed image to
        limit the analysis into a circular region.
    ratio : float, optional
        The ratio of the radius of the circular mask to the edge of the
        reconstructed image.
    tomo = dtype.as_float32(tomo)
    theta = dtype.as_float32(theta)

    dx, dy, dz = tomo.shape
    if ind is None:
        ind = dy // 2
    if cen_range is None:
        center = np.arange(dz / 2 - 5, dz / 2 + 5, 0.5)
    if len(cen_range) < 3:
        cen_range[2] = 1
        center = np.arange(cen_range[0], cen_range[1], cen_range[2] / 2.)

    stack = np.zeros((dx, len(center), dz))
    for m in range(center.size):
        stack[:, m, :] = tomo[:, ind, :]

    # Reconstruct the same slice with a range of centers.
    rec = recon(stack,

    # Apply circular mask.
    if mask is True:
        rec = circ_mask(rec, axis=0)

    # Save images to a temporary folder.
    for m in range(len(center)):
        if m % 2 == 0:  # 2 slices same bec of gridrec.
            fname = os.path.join(dpath,
                                 str('{0:.2f}'.format(center[m]) + '.tiff'))
            write_tiff(rec[m:m + 1], fname=fname, overwrite=True)