예제 #1
def test_jacobian(transform):
    x = generate_data(transform)
        y = transform(x)
        actual = transform.log_abs_det_jacobian(x, y)
    except NotImplementedError:
        pytest.skip('Not implemented.')
    # Test shape
    target_shape = x.shape[:x.dim() - transform.domain.event_dim]
    assert actual.shape == target_shape

    # Expand if required
    transform = reshape_transform(transform, x.shape)
    ndims = len(x.shape)
    event_dim = ndims - transform.domain.event_dim
    x_ = x.view((-1, ) + x.shape[event_dim:])
    n = x_.shape[0]
    # Reshape to squash batch dims to a single batch dim
    transform = reshape_transform(transform, x_.shape)

    # 1. Transforms with unit jacobian
    if isinstance(transform, ReshapeTransform) or isinstance(
            transform.inv, ReshapeTransform):
        expected = x.new_zeros(x.shape[x.dim() - transform.domain.event_dim])
        expected = x.new_zeros(x.shape[x.dim() - transform.domain.event_dim])
    # 2. Transforms with 0 off-diagonal elements
    elif transform.domain.event_dim == 0:
        jac = jacobian(transform, x_)
        # assert off-diagonal elements are zero
        assert torch.allclose(jac, jac.diagonal().diag_embed())
        expected = jac.diagonal().abs().log().reshape(x.shape)
    # 3. Transforms with non-0 off-diagonal elements
        if isinstance(transform, CorrCholeskyTransform):
            jac = jacobian(lambda x: tril_matrix_to_vec(transform(x), diag=-1),
        elif isinstance(transform.inv, CorrCholeskyTransform):
            jac = jacobian(lambda x: transform(vec_to_tril_matrix(x, diag=-1)),
                           tril_matrix_to_vec(x_, diag=-1))
        elif isinstance(transform, StickBreakingTransform):
            jac = jacobian(lambda x: transform(x)[..., :-1], x_)
            jac = jacobian(transform, x_)

        # Note that jacobian will have shape (batch_dims, y_event_dims, batch_dims, x_event_dims)
        # However, batches are independent so this can be converted into a (batch_dims, event_dims, event_dims)
        # after reshaping the event dims (see above) to give a batched square matrix whose determinant
        # can be computed.
        gather_idx_shape = list(jac.shape)
        gather_idx_shape[-2] = 1
        gather_idxs = torch.arange(n).reshape(
            (n, ) + (1, ) * (len(jac.shape) - 1)).expand(gather_idx_shape)
        jac = jac.gather(-2, gather_idxs).squeeze(-2)
        out_ndims = jac.shape[-2]
        jac = jac[
            ..., :
            out_ndims]  # Remove extra zero-valued dims (for inverse stick-breaking).
        expected = torch.slogdet(jac).logabsdet

    assert torch.allclose(actual, expected, atol=1e-5)
예제 #2
def test_tril_matrix_to_vec(shape):
    mat = torch.randn(shape)
    n = mat.shape[-1]
    for diag in range(-n, n):
        actual = mat.tril(diag)
        vec = tril_matrix_to_vec(actual, diag)
        tril_mat = vec_to_tril_matrix(vec, diag)
        assert torch.allclose(tril_mat, actual)
예제 #3
 def _call(self, x):
     x = torch.tanh(x)
     eps = torch.finfo(x.dtype).eps
     x = x.clamp(min=-1 + eps, max=1 - eps)
     r = vec_to_tril_matrix(x, diag=-1)
     # apply stick-breaking on the squared values
     # Note that y = sign(r) * sqrt(z * z1m_cumprod)
     #             = (sign(r) * sqrt(z)) * sqrt(z1m_cumprod) = r * sqrt(z1m_cumprod)
     z = r**2
     z1m_cumprod_sqrt = (1 - z).sqrt().cumprod(-1)
     # Diagonal elements must be 1.
     r = r + torch.eye(r.shape[-1], dtype=r.dtype, device=r.device)
     y = r * pad(z1m_cumprod_sqrt[..., :-1], [1, 0], value=1)
     return y