예제 #1
  def __init__(self, project_id, zk_client, index_manager, datastore_access):
    """ Creates a new ProjectIndexManager.

      project_id: A string specifying a project ID.
      zk_client: A KazooClient.
      update_callback: A function that should be called with the project ID
        and index list every time the indexes get updated.
      index_manager: An IndexManager used for checking lock status.
      datastore_access: A DatastoreDistributed object.
    self.project_id = project_id
    self.indexes_node = '/appscale/projects/{}/indexes'.format(self.project_id)
    self.active = True
    self.update_event = AsyncEvent()

    self._creation_times = {}
    self._index_manager = index_manager
    self._zk_client = zk_client
    self._ds_access = datastore_access

    self._zk_client.DataWatch(self.indexes_node, self._update_indexes_watch)

    # Since this manager can be used synchronously, ensure that the indexes
    # are populated for this IOLoop iteration.
      encoded_indexes = self._zk_client.get(self.indexes_node)[0]
    except NoNodeError:
      encoded_indexes = '[]'

    self.indexes = [DatastoreIndex.from_dict(self.project_id, index)
                    for index in json.loads(encoded_indexes)]
예제 #2
  def __init__(self, client, path, identifier=None):
    """ Creates an AsyncKazooLock.

      client: A KazooClient.
      path: The lock path to use.
      identifier: The name to use for this lock contender. This can be useful
        for querying to see who the current lock contenders are.
    self.client = client
    self.tornado_kazoo = TornadoKazoo(client)
    self.path = path

    # some data is written to the node. this can be queried via
    # contenders() to see who is contending for the lock
    self.data = str(identifier or "").encode('utf-8')
    self.node = None

    self.wake_event = AsyncEvent()

    # props to Netflix Curator for this trick. It is possible for our
    # create request to succeed on the server, but for a failure to
    # prevent us from getting back the full path name. We prefix our
    # lock name with a uuid and can check for its presence on retry.
    self.prefix = uuid.uuid4().hex + self._NODE_NAME
    self.create_path = self.path + "/" + self.prefix

    self.create_tried = False
    self.is_acquired = False
    self.assured_path = False
    self.cancelled = False
    self._retry = AsyncKazooRetry(max_tries=-1)
    self._lock = AsyncLock()
예제 #3
  def __init__(self, zk_client, datastore_access, perform_admin=False):
    """ Creates a new IndexManager.

      zk_client: A kazoo.client.KazooClient object.
      datastore_access: A DatastoreDistributed object.
      perform_admin: A boolean specifying whether or not to perform admin
    self.projects = {}
    self._wake_event = AsyncEvent()
    self._zk_client = zk_client
    self.admin_lock = AsyncKazooLock(self._zk_client, self.ADMIN_LOCK_NODE)

    # TODO: Refactor so that this dependency is not needed.
    self._ds_access = datastore_access

    self._zk_client.ChildrenWatch('/appscale/projects', self._update_projects)

    # Since this manager can be used synchronously, ensure that the projects
    # are populated for this IOLoop iteration.
    project_ids = self._zk_client.get_children('/appscale/projects')

    if perform_admin:
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, project_id, coordinator, zk_client, db_access,
                 thread_pool, index_manager):
        """ Creates a new ProjectGroomer.

      project_id: A string specifying a project ID.
      coordinator: A GroomingCoordinator.
      zk_client: A KazooClient.
      db_access: A DatastoreProxy.
      thread_pool: A ThreadPoolExecutor.
      index_manager: An IndexManager object.
        self.project_id = project_id

        self._coordinator = coordinator
        self._zk_client = zk_client
        self._tornado_zk = TornadoKazoo(self._zk_client)
        self._db_access = db_access
        self._thread_pool = thread_pool
        self._index_manager = index_manager
        self._project_node = '/appscale/apps/{}'.format(self.project_id)
        self._containers = []
        self._inactive_containers = set()
        self._batch_resolver = BatchResolver(self.project_id, self._db_access)


        self._txid_manual_offset = 0
        self._offset_node = '/'.join([self._project_node, OFFSET_NODE])
        self._zk_client.DataWatch(self._offset_node, self._update_offset)

        self._stop_event = AsyncEvent()
        self._stopped_event = AsyncEvent()

        # Keeps track of cleanup results for each round of grooming.
        self._txids_cleaned = 0
        self._oldest_valid_tx_time = None

        self._worker_queue = AsyncQueue(maxsize=MAX_CONCURRENCY)
        for _ in range(MAX_CONCURRENCY):
