예제 #1
 def describe(cls, exception, use_traceback=False, prefix=""):
     # -- NORMAL CASE:
     text = u"{prefix}{0}: {1}\n".format(exception.__class__.__name__, exception, prefix=prefix)
     if use_traceback:
         exc_traceback = cls.get_traceback(exception)
         if exc_traceback:
             # -- NOTE: Chained-exception cause (see: PEP-3134).
             text += u"".join(traceback.format_tb(exc_traceback))
     return text
예제 #2
    def check_traceback_format(self, cleanup_func=None):
            if issubclass(six.binary_type, six.string_types):
                # Python 2.6 or other platform where the interpreter
                # is likely going to be spitting out bytes, which will
                # then fail with io.StringIO(), so we skip the cross-
                # checks with the C API there. Note that _testcapi
                # is included in (at least) Ubuntu CPython packages, which
                # makes the import check less effective than desired.
                raise ImportError
            from _testcapi import traceback_print
        except ImportError:
            traceback_print = None
        except KeyError:
            type_, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
            if cleanup_func is not None:
                # Clear the inner frames, not this one
            traceback_fmt = u('Traceback (most recent call last):\n') + \
            if traceback_print is not None:
                file_ = StringIO()
                traceback_print(tb, file_)
                python_fmt = file_.getvalue()
            # Call all _tb and _exc functions
            with captured_output("stderr") as tbstderr:
            tbfile = StringIO()
            traceback.print_tb(tb, file=tbfile)
            with captured_output("stderr") as excstderr:
            excfmt = traceback.format_exc()
            excfile = StringIO()
            self.fail("unable to create test traceback string")

        # Make sure that Python and the traceback module format the same thing
        if traceback_print is not None:
            self.assertEqual(traceback_fmt, python_fmt)
        # Now verify the _tb func output
        self.assertEqual(tbstderr.getvalue(), tbfile.getvalue())
        # Now verify the _exc func output
        self.assertEqual(excstderr.getvalue(), excfile.getvalue())
        self.assertEqual(excfmt, excfile.getvalue())

        # Make sure that the traceback is properly indented.
        tb_lines = traceback_fmt.splitlines()
        self.assertEqual(len(tb_lines), 5)
        banner = tb_lines[0]
        location, source_line = tb_lines[-2:]
        self.assertTrue(location.startswith('  File'))
        self.assertTrue(source_line.startswith('    raise'))
    def check_traceback_format(self, cleanup_func=None):
            if issubclass(six.binary_type, six.string_types):
                # Python 2.6 or other platform where the interpreter 
                # is likely going to be spitting out bytes, which will
                # then fail with io.StringIO(), so we skip the cross-
                # checks with the C API there. Note that _testcapi
                # is included in (at least) Ubuntu CPython packages, which
                # makes the import check less effective than desired.
                raise ImportError
            from _testcapi import traceback_print
        except ImportError:
            traceback_print = None
        except KeyError:
            type_, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
            if cleanup_func is not None:
                # Clear the inner frames, not this one
            traceback_fmt = u('Traceback (most recent call last):\n') + \
            if traceback_print is not None:
                file_ = StringIO()
                traceback_print(tb, file_)
                python_fmt  = file_.getvalue()
            # Call all _tb and _exc functions
            with captured_output("stderr") as tbstderr:
            tbfile = StringIO()
            traceback.print_tb(tb, file=tbfile)
            with captured_output("stderr") as excstderr:
            excfmt = traceback.format_exc()
            excfile = StringIO()
            self.fail("unable to create test traceback string")

        # Make sure that Python and the traceback module format the same thing
        if traceback_print is not None:
            self.assertEqual(traceback_fmt, python_fmt)
        # Now verify the _tb func output
        self.assertEqual(tbstderr.getvalue(), tbfile.getvalue())
        # Now verify the _exc func output
        self.assertEqual(excstderr.getvalue(), excfile.getvalue())
        self.assertEqual(excfmt, excfile.getvalue())

        # Make sure that the traceback is properly indented.
        tb_lines = traceback_fmt.splitlines()
        self.assertEqual(len(tb_lines), 5)
        banner = tb_lines[0]
        location, source_line = tb_lines[-2:]
        self.assertTrue(location.startswith('  File'))
        self.assertTrue(source_line.startswith('    raise'))
예제 #4
 def describe(cls, exception, use_traceback=False, prefix=""):
     # -- NORMAL CASE:
     text = u"{prefix}{0}: {1}\n".format(exception.__class__.__name__,
     if use_traceback:
         exc_traceback = cls.get_traceback(exception)
         if exc_traceback:
             # -- NOTE: Chained-exception cause (see: PEP-3134).
             text += u"".join(traceback.format_tb(exc_traceback))
     return text
예제 #5
파일: runner.py 프로젝트: kasiluote/behave
    def execute_steps(self, steps_text):
        """The steps identified in the "steps" text string will be parsed and
        executed in turn just as though they were defined in a feature file.

        If the execute_steps call fails (either through error or failure
        assertion) then the step invoking it will need to catch the resulting

        :param steps_text:  Text with the Gherkin steps to execute (as string).
        :returns: True, if the steps executed successfully.
        :raises: AssertionError, if a step failure occurs.
        :raises: ValueError, if invoked without a feature context.
        assert isinstance(steps_text, six.text_type), "Steps must be unicode."
        if not self.feature:
            raise ValueError("execute_steps() called outside of feature")

        # -- PREPARE: Save original context data for current step.
        # Needed if step definition that called this method uses .table/.text
        original_table = getattr(self, "table", None)
        original_text = getattr(self, "text", None)

        self.feature.parser.variant = "steps"
        steps = self.feature.parser.parse_steps(steps_text)
        with self._use_with_behave_mode():
            for step in steps:
                passed = step.run(self._runner, quiet=True, capture=False)
                if not passed:
                    # -- ISSUE #96: Provide more substep info to diagnose problem.
                    step_line = u"%s %s" % (step.keyword, step.name)
                    message = "%s SUB-STEP: %s" % \
                              (step.status.name.upper(), step_line)
                    if step.error_message:
                        message += "\nSubstep info: %s\n" % step.error_message
                        message += u"Traceback (of failed substep):\n"
                        message += u"".join(
                    # message += u"\nTraceback (of context.execute_steps()):"
                    assert False, message

            # -- FINALLY: Restore original context data for current step.
            self.table = original_table
            self.text = original_text
        return True
예제 #6
    def execute_steps(self, steps_text):
        """The steps identified in the "steps" text string will be parsed and
        executed in turn just as though they were defined in a feature file.

        If the execute_steps call fails (either through error or failure
        assertion) then the step invoking it will need to catch the resulting

        :param steps_text:  Text with the Gherkin steps to execute (as string).
        :returns: True, if the steps executed successfully.
        :raises: AssertionError, if a step failure occurs.
        :raises: ValueError, if invoked without a feature context.
        assert isinstance(steps_text, six.text_type), "Steps must be unicode."
        if not self.feature:
            raise ValueError("execute_steps() called outside of feature")

        # -- PREPARE: Save original context data for current step.
        # Needed if step definition that called this method uses .table/.text
        original_table = getattr(self, "table", None)
        original_text = getattr(self, "text", None)

        self.feature.parser.variant = "steps"
        steps = self.feature.parser.parse_steps(steps_text)
        with self._use_with_behave_mode():
            for step in steps:
                passed = step.run(self._runner, quiet=True, capture=False)
                if not passed:
                    # -- ISSUE #96: Provide more substep info to diagnose problem.
                    step_line = u"%s %s" % (step.keyword, step.name)
                    message = "%s SUB-STEP: %s" % \
                              (step.status.name.upper(), step_line)
                    if step.error_message:
                        message += "\nSubstep info: %s\n" % step.error_message
                        message += u"Traceback (of failed substep):\n"
                        message += u"".join(traceback.format_tb(step.exc_traceback))
                    # message += u"\nTraceback (of context.execute_steps()):"
                    assert False, message

            # -- FINALLY: Restore original context data for current step.
            self.table = original_table
            self.text = original_text
        return True
예제 #7
파일: junit.py 프로젝트: bittner/behave
    def _process_scenario(self, scenario, report):
        """Process a scenario and append information to JUnit report object.
        This corresponds to a JUnit testcase:

          * testcase.@classname = f(filename) +'.'+ feature.name
          * testcase.@name   = scenario.name
          * testcase.@status = scenario.status
          * testcase.@time   = scenario.duration

        Distinguishes now between failures and errors.
        Failures are AssertationErrors: expectation is violated/not met.
        Errors are unexpected RuntimeErrors (all other exceptions).

        If a failure/error occurs, the step, that caused the failure,
        and its location are provided now.

        :param scenario:  Scenario to process.
        :param report:    Context object to store/add info to (outgoing param).
        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-branches, too-many-statements
        assert isinstance(scenario, Scenario)
        assert not isinstance(scenario, ScenarioOutline)
        if scenario.status != Status.skipped or self.show_skipped:
            # -- NOTE: Count only if not-skipped or skipped should be shown.
            report.counts_tests += 1
        classname = report.classname
        feature = report.feature
        feature_name = feature.name
        if not feature_name:
            feature_name = self.make_feature_filename(feature)

        case = ElementTree.Element('testcase')
        case.set(u"classname", u"%s.%s" % (classname, feature_name))
        case.set(u"name", scenario.name or "")
        case.set(u"status", scenario.status.name)
        case.set(u"time", _text(round(scenario.duration, 6)))

        step = None
        failing_step = None
        if scenario.status == Status.failed:
            for status in (Status.failed, Status.undefined):
                step = self.select_step_with_status(status, scenario)
                if step:
            # -- NOTE: Scenario may fail now due to hook-errors.
            element_name = "failure"
            if step and isinstance(step.exception, (AssertionError, type(None))):
                # -- FAILURE: AssertionError
                assert step.status in (Status.failed, Status.undefined)
                report.counts_failed += 1
                # -- UNEXPECTED RUNTIME-ERROR:
                report.counts_errors += 1
                element_name = "error"
            # -- COMMON-PART:
            failure = ElementTree.Element(element_name)
            if step:
                step_text = self.describe_step(step).rstrip()
                text = u"\nFailing step: %s\nLocation: %s\n" % \
                       (step_text, step.location)
                message = _text(step.exception)
                failure.set(u'type', step.exception.__class__.__name__)
                failure.set(u'message', message)
                text += _text(step.error_message)
                # -- MAYBE: Hook failure before any step is executed.
                failure_type = "UnknownError"
                if scenario.exception:
                    failure_type = scenario.exception.__class__.__name__
                failure.set(u'type', failure_type)
                failure.set(u'message', scenario.error_message or "")
                traceback_lines = traceback.format_tb(scenario.exc_traceback)
                traceback_lines.insert(0, u"Traceback:\n")
                text = _text(u"".join(traceback_lines))
        elif (scenario.status in (Status.skipped, Status.untested)
              and self.show_skipped):
            report.counts_skipped += 1
            step = self.select_step_with_status(Status.undefined, scenario)
            if step:
                # -- UNDEFINED-STEP:
                report.counts_failed += 1
                failure = ElementTree.Element(u"failure")
                failure.set(u"type", u"undefined")
                failure.set(u"message", (u"Undefined Step: %s" % step.name))
                skip = ElementTree.Element(u'skipped')

        # Create stdout section for each test case
        stdout = ElementTree.Element(u"system-out")
        text = u""
        if self.show_scenarios:
            text = self.describe_scenario(scenario)

        # Append the captured standard output
        if scenario.captured.stdout:
            output = _text(scenario.captured.stdout)
            text += u"\nCaptured stdout:\n%s\n" % output

        # Create stderr section for each test case
        if scenario.captured.stderr:
            stderr = ElementTree.Element(u"system-err")
            output = _text(scenario.captured.stderr)
            text = u"\nCaptured stderr:\n%s\n" % output

        if scenario.status != Status.skipped or self.show_skipped:
예제 #8
    def _process_scenario(self, scenario, report):
        """Process a scenario and append information to JUnit report object.
        This corresponds to a JUnit testcase:

          * testcase.@classname = f(filename) +'.'+ feature.name
          * testcase.@name   = scenario.name
          * testcase.@status = scenario.status
          * testcase.@time   = scenario.duration

        Distinguishes now between failures and errors.
        Failures are AssertationErrors: expectation is violated/not met.
        Errors are unexpected RuntimeErrors (all other exceptions).

        If a failure/error occurs, the step, that caused the failure,
        and its location are provided now.

        :param scenario:  Scenario to process.
        :param report:    Context object to store/add info to (outgoing param).
        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-branches, too-many-statements
        assert isinstance(scenario, Scenario)
        assert not isinstance(scenario, ScenarioOutline)
        if scenario.status != Status.skipped or self.show_skipped:
            # -- NOTE: Count only if not-skipped or skipped should be shown.
            report.counts_tests += 1
        classname = report.classname
        feature = report.feature
        feature_name = feature.name
        if not feature_name:
            feature_name = self.make_feature_filename(feature)

        case = ElementTree.Element('testcase')
        case.set("classname", "%s.%s" % (classname, feature_name))
        case.set("name", scenario.name or "")
        case.set("status", scenario.status.name)
        case.set("time", _text(round(scenario.duration, 6)))

        step = None
        failing_step = None
        if scenario.status == Status.failed:
            for status in (Status.failed, Status.undefined):
                step = self.select_step_with_status(status, scenario)
                if step:
            # -- NOTE: Scenario may fail now due to hook-errors.
            element_name = "failure"
            if step and isinstance(step.exception,
                                   (AssertionError, type(None))):
                # -- FAILURE: AssertionError
                assert step.status in (Status.failed, Status.undefined)
                report.counts_failed += 1
                # -- UNEXPECTED RUNTIME-ERROR:
                report.counts_errors += 1
                element_name = "error"
            # -- COMMON-PART:
            failure = ElementTree.Element(element_name)
            if step:
                step_text = self.describe_step(step).rstrip()
                text = "\nFailing step: %s\nLocation: %s\n" % \
                       (step_text, step.location)
                message = _text(step.exception)
                failure.set('type', step.exception.__class__.__name__)
                failure.set('message', message)
                text += _text(step.error_message)
                # -- MAYBE: Hook failure before any step is executed.
                failure_type = "UnknownError"
                if scenario.exception:
                    failure_type = scenario.exception.__class__.__name__
                failure.set('type', failure_type)
                failure.set('message', scenario.error_message or "")
                traceback_lines = traceback.format_tb(scenario.exc_traceback)
                traceback_lines.insert(0, "Traceback:\n")
                text = _text("".join(traceback_lines))
        elif (scenario.status in (Status.skipped, Status.untested)
              and self.show_skipped):
            report.counts_skipped += 1
            step = self.select_step_with_status(Status.undefined, scenario)
            if step:
                # -- UNDEFINED-STEP:
                report.counts_failed += 1
                failure = ElementTree.Element("failure")
                failure.set("type", "undefined")
                failure.set("message", ("Undefined Step: %s" % step.name))
                skip = ElementTree.Element('skipped')

        # Create stdout section for each test case
        stdout = ElementTree.Element("system-out")
        text = ""
        if self.show_scenarios:
            text = self.describe_scenario(scenario)

        # Append the captured standard output
        if scenario.captured.stdout:
            output = _text(scenario.captured.stdout)
            text += "\nCaptured stdout:\n%s\n" % output

        # Create stderr section for each test case
        if scenario.captured.stderr:
            stderr = ElementTree.Element("system-err")
            output = _text(scenario.captured.stderr)
            text = "\nCaptured stderr:\n%s\n" % output

        if scenario.status != Status.skipped or self.show_skipped:
예제 #9
 def store_exception_context(self, exception):
     self.exception = exception
     self.exc_traceback = traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])