예제 #1
def main(args):
    Main method
    if len(args) < 3:
            "Please provide the necessary parameters ie kexp.py [playlist_name] [start_date] [end_date] [playlist_description]"
        #The name of the playlist you want to use in Spotify
        #If this playlist does not exist a new one with this name will be created
        #If this playlist exists it will be used
        playlist_name = args[0]

        #The start date time of the tracks you want to return.
        #The KEXP API is in UTC format so make this date must be in the UTC format and timezone
        #Example: 2019-02-15T02:00:00Z
        start_date = args[1]

        #The end date time of the tracks you want to return.
        #The KEXP API is in UTC format so make this date must be in the UTC format and timezone
        #Example: 2019-02-15T05:00:00Z
        end_date = args[2]

        #The description of the playlist you want to appear in Spotify
        playlist_description = args[3]

        #Create new Playlist object
        #Set this particular playlist properties
        #Send the playlist object into Spotify to create/update the latest
        playlist = Playlist()
        spotify = Spotify()
        playlist.name = playlist_name
        playlist.description = playlist_description

        temp_tracks = []
        uri = f'https://api.kexp.org/v2/plays/?airdate_after={start_date}&airdate_before={end_date}&album=&album_exact=&artist=&artist_exact=&exclude_airbreaks=&has_comment=&host_ids=&label=&label_exact=&limit=2000&ordering=airdate&recording_id=&show_ids=&song=&song_exact='
        temp_tracks = get_tracks(uri, start_date, end_date)
        for temp_track in temp_tracks:
            if not any(x.airdate == temp_track['airdate']
                       for x in playlist.tracks):
                track = Track()
                track.artist = temp_track['artist']
                track.title = temp_track['song']
                track.airdate = temp_track['airdate']

        playlist.tracks.sort(key=extract_time, reverse=False)
예제 #2
def main(args):
    Main method
    if len(args) < 4:
        print ("Please provide the necessary parameters ie kexp.py [playlist_name] [start_date] [end_date] [playlist_description]")
        #The name of the playlist you want to use in Spotify
        #If this playlist does not exist a new one with this name will be created
        #If this playlist exists it will be used
        playlist_name = args[0]
        #The start date time of the tracks you want to return. 
        #The KEXP API is in UTC format so make this date must be in the UTC format and timezone
        #Example: 2019-02-15T02:00:00Z
        start_date = args[1]

        #The end date time of the tracks you want to return. 
        #The KEXP API is in UTC format so make this date must be in the UTC format and timezone
        #Example: 2019-02-15T05:00:00Z
        end_date = args[2]

        #The description of the playlist you want to appear in Spotify
        playlist_description = args[3]

        days_to_add = 0
        if len(args) > 4:
            days_to_add = args[4]

        #Create new Playlist object
        #Set this particular playlist properties
        #Send the playlist object into Spotify to create/update the latest
        playlist = Playlist()
        spotify = Spotify()
        playlist.name =  playlist_name
        playlist.description = playlist_description

        start = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
        end = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')   
        temp_tracks = []
        if days_to_add > 0:
            days_count = 0
            while days_count <= days_to_add:
                #Walk back for each day
                day_start = start + timedelta(days=-days_count)
                day_end = end + timedelta(days=-days_count)

                #Go to the end date and then come back
                #This is a terrible method but I have not figured out how the KEXP API really works yet
                uri = 'https://legacy-api.kexp.org/play/?limit=200&end_time=' + day_end.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") + '&ordering=-airdate'
                temp_tracks.extend(get_tracks(uri, day_start, day_end))

                days_count += 1
            #Go to the end date and then come back
            #This is a terrible method but I have not figured out how the KEXP API really works yet
            uri = 'https://legacy-api.kexp.org/play/?limit=200&end_time=' + end.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") + '&ordering=-airdate'
            temp_tracks = get_tracks(uri, start, end)

        for temp_track in temp_tracks:
            if not any(x.airdate == temp_track['airdate'] for x in playlist.tracks):
                track = Track()
                track.artist = temp_track['artist']
                track.title = temp_track['song']
                track.airdate = temp_track['airdate']
        playlist.tracks.sort(key=extract_time, reverse=False)