예제 #1
def test_plan_to_pose(xyz, xyzw, leftright, robot, initial_state = build_robot_state(), planner_id='', target_link="%s_gripper_tool_frame"):
    manip = robot.GetManipulator(leftright + "arm")
    base_pose = initial_state.multi_dof_joint_state.poses[0]
    base_q = base_pose.orientation
    base_p = base_pose.position
    t = rave.matrixFromPose([base_q.w, base_q.x, base_q.y, base_q.z, base_p.x, base_p.y, base_p.z])

    joint_solutions = ku.ik_for_link(rave.matrixFromPose(np.r_[xyzw[3], xyzw[:3], xyz]), manip, target_link%leftright[0], 1, True)

    if len(joint_solutions) == 0:
        print "pose is not reachable"
        return None

    m = build_joint_request(joint_solutions[0], leftright, robot, initial_state, planner_id=planner_id)

        response = get_motion_plan(m)
        if args.pause_after_response:
            raw_input("press enter to continue")
    except rospy.ServiceException:
        return dict(returned = False)

    mpr = response.motion_plan_response
    if mpr.error_code.val != 1:
        print "Planner returned error code", mpr.error_code.val
        return dict(returned = True, error_code = mpr.error_code.val, safe=False)
        traj =  [list(jtp.positions) for jtp in mpr.trajectory.joint_trajectory.points]
        return dict(returned = True, safe = traj_is_safe(traj, robot, 100), traj = traj, planning_time = mpr.planning_time.to_sec(), error_code = mpr.error_code.val)
 def single_trial(inittraj, use_discrete_collision):
     s = make_trajopt_request(n_steps, coll_coeff, dist_pen, end_joints, inittraj, use_discrete_collision)
     prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, robot.GetEnv())
     result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob)
     traj = result.GetTraj()
     return traj, traj_is_safe(traj, robot) #and (use_discrete_collision or traj_no_self_collisions(traj, robot))
def trajOptGetMotionPlan(robot,goal_config,env):
	manipulator = robot.SetActiveManipulator('leftarm_torso') 

	joint_target = goal_config.tolist()
	request = {
	  "basic_info" : {
	    "n_steps" : 10,
	    "manip" : "leftarm_torso", # see below for valid values
	    "start_fixed" : True # i.e., DOF values at first timestep are fixed based on current robot state
	  "costs" : [
	    "type" : "joint_vel", # joint-space velocity cost
	    "params": {"coeffs" : [1]} # a list of length one is automatically expanded to a list of length n_dofs
	    # also valid: [1.9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
	    "type" : "collision",
	    "params" : {
	      "coeffs" : [20], # penalty coefficients. list of length one is automatically expanded to a list of length n_timesteps
	      "dist_pen" : [0.025] # robot-obstacle distance that penalty kicks in. expands to length n_timesteps
	  "constraints" : [
	    "type" : "joint", # joint-space target
	    "params" : {"vals" : joint_target } # length of vals = # dofs of manip
	  "init_info" : {
	      "type" : "straight_line", # straight line in joint space.
	      "endpoint" : joint_target
	s = json.dumps(request) # convert dictionary into json-formatted string
	prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, env) # create object that stores optimization problem

	t_start = time.time()
	result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob) # do optimization
	t_elapsed = time.time() - t_start
	print result
	print "optimization took %.3f seconds"%t_elapsed
	from trajoptpy.check_traj import traj_is_safe
	prob.SetRobotActiveDOFs() # set robot DOFs to DOFs in optimization problem

	ObjToG = env.GetKinBody("ObjToG")
		if not traj_is_safe(result.GetTraj(), robot): # Check that trajectory is colision free
			return None,t_elapsed,"Failed"
			return result.GetTraj(),t_elapsed,"Success"
		print 'exception here'
		import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
예제 #4
 def single_trial(inittraj, use_discrete_collision):
     s = make_trajopt_request(n_steps, coll_coeff, dist_pen, end_joints,
                              inittraj, use_discrete_collision)
     robot.SetActiveDOFValues(inittraj[0, :])
     prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, robot.GetEnv())
     result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob)
     traj = result.GetTraj()
     return traj, traj_is_safe(
         traj, robot
     )  #and (use_discrete_collision or traj_no_self_collisions(traj, robot))
예제 #5
def check_result(result, robot):
    print "checking trajectory for safety and constraint satisfaction..."
    success = True    
    if not traj_is_safe(result.GetTraj(), robot):
        success = False
        print "trajectory has a collision!"
    abstol = 1e-3
    for (name, val) in result.GetConstraints():
        if (val > abstol):
            success = False
            print "constraint %s wasn't satisfied (%.2e > %.2e)"%(name, val, abstol)
    return success
예제 #6
def check_result(result, robot):
    print "checking trajectory for safety and constraint satisfaction..."
    success = True    
    if not traj_is_safe(result.GetTraj(), robot):
        success = False
        print "trajectory has a collision!"
    abstol = 1e-3
    for (name, val) in result.GetConstraints():
        if (val > abstol):
            success = False
            print "constraint %s wasn't satisfied (%.2e > %.2e)"%(name, val, abstol)
    return success
예제 #7
def verify(datum, waypoints):
        return np.random.random() < 0.1
        robot = env[0].GetRobots()[0]
        traj = [datum.init] + list(waypoints) + [datum.goal]
        return 1 if check_traj.traj_is_safe(traj, robot) else 0
    except Exception as e:
        print "in verify:" + str(e)
        return 0
예제 #8
def plan(init_dof, waypoints, goal_dof, env):
    robot = env[0].GetRobots()[0]

    #init_traj = np.concatenate((
    #        interp(init_dof, waypoint, 10), interp(waypoint, goal_dof, 10)))
    init_traj = waypoints
    #init_traj = interp(init_dof, goal_dof, 20)
    #init_traj = init_traj.tolist()
    request = {
        "basic_info" : {
            "n_steps" : len(init_traj),
            "manip" : "active",
            "start_fixed" : True
        "costs" : [
                "type" : "joint_vel",
                "params" : { "coeffs" : [1] }
                "type" : "collision",
                "params" : {
                    "coeffs" : [20],
                    "dist_pen" : [0.025]
        "constraints" : [
                "type" : "joint",
                "params" : { "vals" : goal_dof }
        "init_info" : {
            "type" : "given_traj",
            "data" : init_traj
    #s = json.dumps(request)
    #prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, env)
    #result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob)
    #traj = result.GetTraj()
    traj = init_traj
    if check_traj.traj_is_safe(traj, robot):
        return 1
        return 0
예제 #9
def main():
    env = openravepy.Environment()
    env.Load(osp.join(trajoptpy.data_dir, "kitchen.env.xml"))
    robot = env.GetRobots()[0]

    # Set up robot in initial state
    robot.SetDOFValues([  0.000e+00,   0.000e+00,   0.000e+00,   0.000e+00,   0.000e+00,
                            0.000e+00,   0.000e+00,   0.000e+00,   0.000e+00,   0.000e+00,
                            0.000e+00,   0.000e+00,   0.000e+00,   0.000e+00,   0.000e+00,
                            6.648e-01,  -3.526e-01,   1.676e+00,  -1.924e+00,   2.921e+00,
                            -1.217e+00,   1.343e+00,   0.000e+00,  -4.163e-16,   0.000e+00,
                            -1.665e-16,   0.000e+00,  -6.365e-01,   9.806e-02,  -1.226e+00,
                            -2.026e+00,  -3.012e+00,  -1.396e+00,  -1.929e+00,   0.000e+00,
                            2.776e-17,   0.000e+00,  -3.331e-16,   0.000e+00])
    robot.SetTransform(np.array([[-1.   ,  0.005,  0.   ,  2.93 ],
                                 [-0.005, -1.   ,  0.   ,  0.575],
                                 [ 0.   ,  0.   ,  1.   ,  0.   ],
                                 [ 0.   ,  0.   ,  0.   ,  1.   ]]))
    DOF = openravepy.DOFAffine                             
    robot.SetActiveDOFs(np.r_[robot.GetJoint("torso_lift_joint").GetDOFIndex(), robot.GetManipulator("leftarm").GetArmIndices(), robot.GetManipulator("rightarm").GetArmIndices()],
        DOF.X | DOF.Y | DOF.RotationAxis)
    robot.SetActiveDOFValues([ 0.    ,  0.6648, -0.3526,  1.6763, -1.9242,  2.9209, -1.2166,
                            1.3425, -0.6365,  0.0981, -1.226 , -2.0264, -3.0125, -1.3958,
                            -1.9289,  2.9295,  0.5748, -3.137 ])
    target_joints = [ 0.    ,  0.6808, -0.3535,  1.4343, -1.8516,  2.7542, -1.2005,
                    1.5994, -0.6929, -0.3338, -1.292 , -1.9048, -2.6915, -1.2908,
                   -1.7152,  1.3155,  0.6877, -0.0041]                            
    # Planner assumes current state of robot in OpenRAVE is the initial state
    request = make_fullbody_request(target_joints)
    s = json.dumps(request) # convert dictionary into json-formatted string
    prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, env) # create object that stores optimization problem
    result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob) # do optimization
    traj = result.GetTraj()

    success = traj_is_safe(traj, robot)
    if success:
        print "trajectory is safe! :)"
        print "trajectory contains a collision :("
    if args.interactive: animate_traj(traj, robot)
    assert success
예제 #10
    def sample_traj(self, traj_obj):
        spec = traj_obj.GetConfigurationSpecification()
        traj = []
        step = traj_obj.GetDuration() / self.params.n_steps

        for i in range(self.params.n_steps):
            data = traj_obj.Sample(i * step)
            T = spec.ExtractTransform(None, data, self.robot)
            pose = rave.poseFromMatrix(T)  # wxyz, xyz
            euler = transformations.euler_from_quaternion(np.r_[pose[1:4], pose[0]])
            traj.append(np.r_[pose[4:7], euler[0:3]])

        with self.robot:
            if check_traj.traj_is_safe(traj, self.robot):
                return traj, traj_obj.GetDuration()

        return None, None
def trajOptGetMotionPlan(env, goal_config):
    collisionChecker = RaveCreateCollisionChecker(env, "ode")

    robot = env.GetRobots()[0]

    ObjToG = env.GetKinBody("ObjToG")

    manipulator = robot.SetActiveManipulator("leftarm_torso")

    joint_target = goal_config.tolist()
    request = {
        "basic_info": {"n_steps": 10, "manip": "leftarm_torso", "start_fixed": True},
        "costs": [
            {"type": "joint_vel", "params": {"coeffs": [1]}},
            {"type": "collision", "params": {"coeffs": [20], "dist_pen": [0.025]}},
        "constraints": [{"type": "joint", "params": {"vals": joint_target}}],
        "init_info": {"type": "straight_line", "endpoint": joint_target},
    s = json.dumps(request)
    prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, env)

    t_start = time.time()
        result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob)  # do optimization
        return None, 0, "Failed"
    t_elapsed = time.time() - t_start
    # 		print "optimization took %.3f seconds"%t_elapsed
    from trajoptpy.check_traj import traj_is_safe

    with robot:
        ObjToG = env.GetKinBody("ObjToG")
        if not traj_is_safe(result.GetTraj(), robot):
            return None, t_elapsed, "Failed"
            return result.GetTraj(), t_elapsed, "Success"
예제 #12
def check_traj_pose(env, result, target_left, target_right, threshold=0.01):
    #check trajectory with Cartesian target
    robot = env.GetRobots()[0]
    traj = result.GetTraj()

    #check for collision
    if traj_is_safe(traj, robot) is not True:
        print "There is a collision within the trajectory!"
        return False

    #check optimal solver status
    if (result.GetStatus()[0] is not 0):
        print "Optimization is not converged!"
        return False

    T_left = robot.GetLink('l_gripper_tool_frame').GetTransform()
    T_right = robot.GetLink('r_gripper_tool_frame').GetTransform()
    pose_left = np.concatenate(
        [T_left[0:3, 3].flatten(),
    pose_right = np.concatenate([
        T_right[0:3, 3].flatten(),

    #check target for joint constraints
    if (np.linalg.norm(target_left - pose_left) > threshold):
        print target_left, pose_left
        print('Left pose is not reached!')
        return False

    if (np.linalg.norm(target_right - pose_right) > threshold):
        print target_right, pose_right
        print('Right pose is not reached!')
        return False

    #Otherwise, return True
    return True
예제 #13
    def plan_with_inittraj(self, start, goal, inittraj=None):
        if self.verbose:
            draw.draw_trajectory(self.env, inittraj, colors=np.array((0.5, 0.5, 0.5)))

        if self.params.n_steps > 2:
            with self.robot:
                request = self.make_fullbody_request(goal, inittraj, self.params.n_steps)
                prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(json.dumps(request), self.env)

                def constraint(dofs):
                    valid = True
                    if self.params.dof == 6:
                        valid &= abs(dofs[3]) < 0.1
                        valid &= abs(dofs[4]) < 0.1
                    with self.robot:
                        valid &= not self.env.CheckCollision(self.robot)
                    return 0 if valid else 1

                for t in range(1, self.params.n_steps):
                        constraint, [(t, j) for j in range(self.params.dof)], "EQ", "constraint%i" % t)

                result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob)
                traj = result.GetTraj()

                if traj is not None:
                    if self.verbose:
                        draw.draw_trajectory(self.env, traj)
                    if check_traj.traj_is_safe(traj, self.robot):
                        cost = sum(cost[1] for cost in result.GetCosts())
                        return traj, cost
        elif self.params.n_steps <= 2:
            return [start, goal], utils.dist(start, goal)

        return None, None
예제 #14
def check_traj(env, result, target, threshold=0.01):
    #check trajectory with the target as joint configuration
    robot = env.GetRobots()[0]
    traj = result.GetTraj()

    #check for collision
    if traj_is_safe(traj, robot) is not True:
        print "There is a collision within the trajectory!"
        return False

    #check optimal solver status
    if (result.GetStatus()[0] is not 0):
        print "Optimization is not converged!"
        return False

    #todo: put condition on either pose or joint constraints

    #check target for joint constraints
    if (np.linalg.norm(target - traj[-1]) > threshold):
        print('Target joint is not reached!')
        return False

    #Otherwise, return True
    return True
예제 #15
    # run chomp
    msg = ''
    t_start = time()
    status = PlannerStatus.FAIL_COLLISION
    traj = []
    if args.multi_init:
        for i_init, inittraj in enumerate(init_trajs):
            t = kwargs["starttraj"] = array_to_traj(robot, inittraj)
                rave_traj = m_chomp.runchomp(**kwargs)
                saver.Restore() # set active dofs to original (including affine), needed for traj_to_array
                traj = traj_to_array(robot, rave_traj)
                if not traj_in_joint_limits(traj, robot):
                    status = PlannerStatus.FAIL_JOINT_VIOLATION
                elif not traj_is_safe(traj, robot):
                    status = PlannerStatus.FAIL_COLLISION
                    status = PlannerStatus.SUCCESS
                    msg = "planning successful after %s initialization"%(i_init+1)
            except Exception, e:
                msg = "CHOMP failed with exception: %s" % str(e)
                if 'limit' in msg:
                    status = PlannerStatus.FAIL_JOINT_VIOLATION
                    status = PlannerStatus.FAIL_OTHER
        kwargs["adofgoal"] = target_dof_values
예제 #16
 def optimize1(self, n_steps, trajStartJoints, trajEndJoints):
     msg = TrajoptCall()
     msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
     msg.header.frame_id = '/0_link'
     startJointPositions = []
     endJointPositions = []
     startPoses = []
     endPoses = []
     toolFrames = []
     manips = []
     approachDirs = []
     for armName in self.armNames:
         endJoints = trajEndJoints[armName]
         if endJoints is None:
             print trajEndJoints, self.trajRequest
         endJoints = dict([(jointType,jointPos) for jointType, jointPos in endJoints.items() if jointType in self.rosJointTypes])
         startJoints = trajStartJoints[armName]
         startJoints = dict([(jointType,jointPos) for jointType, jointPos in startJoints.items() if jointType in self.rosJointTypes])
         print 'start joints %s: %s' % (armName, [startJoints[k] for k in sorted(startJoints.keys())])
         print 'end joints %s: %s' % (armName, [endJoints[k] for k in sorted(endJoints.keys())])
         for raveJointType in self.manip[armName].GetArmIndices():
             rosJointType = self.raveJointTypesToRos[armName][raveJointType]
         self.updateOpenraveJoints(armName, trajStartJoints[armName])
         if armName == 'L':
             msg.start_L = self.trajStartPose[armName]
             msg.end_L = self.trajEndPose[armName]
             msg.start_R = self.trajStartPose[armName]
             msg.end_R = self.trajEndPose[armName]
     #request = jointRequest(n_steps, endJointPositions)
     request = jointRequest(n_steps, endJointPositions, startPoses, endPoses, toolFrames, manips, approachDirs=approachDirs, approachDist=0.03)
     # convert dictionary into json-formatted string
     s = json.dumps(request)
     #print s
     #print self.robot.GetActiveDOFValues()
     # create object that stores optimization problem
     rospy.loginfo('Constructing Problem')
     prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, self.env)
     # do optimization
     rospy.loginfo('Optimizing Problem')
     result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob)
     # check trajectory safety
     from trajoptpy.check_traj import traj_is_safe
     if not traj_is_safe(result.GetTraj(), self.robot):
         rospy.loginfo('Trajopt trajectory is not safe. Trajopt failed!')
         for armName in self.armNames:
             self.poseTraj[armName] = None
             self.deltaPoseTraj[armName] = None
         startIndex = 0
         for armName in self.armNames:
             endIndex = startIndex + len(self.manipJoints[armName])
             graspKwargs = {}
             if self.trajStartGrasp[armName] is not None:
                 graspKwargs['startGrasp'] = self.trajStartGrasp[armName]
             if self.trajEndGrasp[armName] is not None:
                 graspKwargs['endGrasp'] = self.trajEndGrasp[armName]
             armJointTrajArray = result.GetTraj()[:,startIndex:endIndex]
             jointTrajDicts = self.jointTrajToDicts(armName, armJointTrajArray, **graspKwargs)
             self.jointTraj[armName] = jointTrajDicts # for debugging
             poseTraj = self.jointDictsToPoses(armName, jointTrajDicts)
             #if self.addNoise:
             #    poseTraj = self.perturbTrajectory(armName, poseTraj)
             correctedPoseTraj = copy.copy(poseTraj) #self.correctPoseTrajectory(armName, poseTraj) # apply calibrated error model to trajectory
             self.poseTraj[armName] = copy.copy(correctedPoseTraj)
             deltaPoseTraj = self.posesToDeltaPoses(correctedPoseTraj)
             self.deltaPoseTraj[armName] = deltaPoseTraj
             startIndex = endIndex
             if armName == 'L':
                 msg.traj_L = [p.msg.Pose() for p in self.poseTraj[armName]]
                 msg.traj_R = [p.msg.Pose() for p in self.poseTraj[armName]]
     marker = Marker()
     marker.header.frame_id = '/0_link'
     marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
     marker.type = Marker.POINTS
     marker.action = Marker.ADD
     marker.ns = 'trajopt'
     marker.id = 0
     marker.scale.x = 0.002
     marker.scale.y = 0.002
     marker.color.a = 0.75
     marker.color.r = 0.0
     marker.color.g = 1.0
     marker.color.b = 0.5
     for arm in self.poseTraj:
         for p in self.poseTraj[arm]:
     #marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(1.5)
예제 #17
    "constraints": [{
        "type": "pose",
        "params": {
            "xyz": xyz_target,
            "wxyz": quat_target,
            "link": "Palm",
            "timestep": 9
    "init_info": {
        "type": "straight_line",
        "endpoint": init_joint_target.tolist()
s = json.dumps(request)
prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, env)
t_start = time.time()
result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob)
t_elapsed = time.time() - t_start

print "optimization took %.3f seconds" % t_elapsed

assert traj_is_safe(result.GetTraj(), robot)

traj = result.GetTraj()
for t in traj:
    robot.SetDOFValues(t, manip.GetArmIndices())
예제 #18
	def optimize_trajopt(self, joint_target):

		def __construct_problem(request):
			jd 				= json.dumps(request) # convert dictionary into json-formatted string
			prob 			= trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(jd, self.env) # create object that stores optimization problem
			return trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob) # do optimization

		starting_DOF 		= self.get_manip_DOF()

		n_steps = self.__get_n_steps_from_dist(starting_DOF, joint_target)

		request = {
		  "basic_info" : {
		    "n_steps" : n_steps,
		    "manip" : "arm", # see below for valid values
		    "start_fixed" : True # i.e., DOF values at first timestep are fixed based on current robot state
		  "costs" : [
			"type" : "joint_vel", 			# joint-space velocity cost
			"params": {"coeffs" : [10]} 	# list of length 1 is will be expanded to all DOF 
		  	# Self collision checker
			"type" : "collision",
			"params" : {
			  "coeffs" : [1000], 
			  "dist_pen" : [0.03], 			# robot-obstacle distance that penalty kicks in. expands to length n_timesteps
			  "continuous" : True

			"type" : "collision",
			"params" : {
			  "coeffs" : [1000], # penalty coefficients. list of length one is automatically expanded to a list of length n_timesteps
			  "dist_pen" : [0.03], # robot-obstacle distance that penalty kicks in. expands to length n_timesteps
			  "continuous" : False
		  "constraints" : [
		    "type" : "joint", # joint-space target
		    "params" : {"vals" : joint_target } # length of vals = # dofs of manip
		    "type" : "cart_vel",
		    "name" : "cart_vel",
		    "params" : {
		        "max_displacement" : 0.05,
		        "first_step" : 0,
		        "last_step" : n_steps-1, #inclusive
		        "link" : "link6"
		  "init_info" : {
		      "type" : "straight_line", # straight line in joint space.
		      "endpoint" : joint_target
		      # "type" : "stationary",

		result 							= __construct_problem(request)

			assert traj_is_safe(result.GetTraj(), self.robot) 
		except AssertionError:
			print("Straight line planning failed. Reverting to stationary planning")
			self.get_robot().SetActiveDOFValues(starting_DOF)		# Reset arm positioning

			request["init_info"]		= {"type" : "stationary"}
			result 						= __construct_problem(request)

		rospy.loginfo("No of points -> {0}".format(n_steps))
		return result.GetTraj()
예제 #19
    def PlanToTSR(self, robot, tsrchains, is_interactive=False, **kw_args):
        Plan using the given list of TSR chains with TrajOpt.

        @param robot the robot whose active manipulator will be used
        @param tsrchains a list of TSRChain objects to respect during planning
        @param is_interactive pause every iteration, until you press 'p'
                              or press escape to disable further plotting
        @return traj
        import json
        import time
        import trajoptpy

        manipulator = robot.GetActiveManipulator()
        n_steps = 20
        n_dofs = robot.GetActiveDOF()

        # Create separate lists for the goal and trajectory-wide constraints.
        goal_tsrs = [t for t in tsrchains if t.sample_goal]
        traj_tsrs = [t for t in tsrchains if t.constrain]

        # Find an initial collision-free IK solution by sampling goal TSRs.
        from openravepy import (IkFilterOptions,
        for tsr in self._TsrSampler(goal_tsrs):
            ik_param = IkParameterization(
                tsr.sample(), IkParameterizationType.Transform6D)
            init_joint_config = manipulator.FindIKSolutions(
                ik_param, IkFilterOptions.CheckEnvCollisions)
            if init_joint_config:
        if not init_joint_config:
            raise PlanningError('No collision-free IK solutions.')

        # Construct a planning request with these constraints.
        request = {
            "basic_info": {
                "n_steps": n_steps,
                "manip": "active",
                "start_fixed": True
            "costs": [
                    "type": "joint_vel",
                    "params": {"coeffs": [1]}
                    "type": "collision",
                    "params": {
                        "coeffs": [20],
                        "dist_pen": [0.025]
            "constraints": [],
            "init_info": {
                "type": "straight_line",
                "endpoint": init_joint_config.tolist()

        # Set up environment.
        env = robot.GetEnv()

        # Convert dictionary into json-formatted string and create object that
        # stores optimization problem.
        s = json.dumps(request)
        prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, env)
        for t in xrange(1, n_steps):
            prob.AddConstraint(constraints._TsrCostFn(robot, traj_tsrs),
                               [(t, j) for j in xrange(n_dofs)],
                               "EQ", "up{:d}".format(t))
        prob.AddConstraint(constraints._TsrCostFn(robot, goal_tsrs),
                           [(n_steps-1, j) for j in xrange(n_dofs)],
                           "EQ", "up{:d}".format(t))

        # Perform trajectory optimization.
        t_start = time.time()
        result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob)
        t_elapsed = time.time() - t_start
        logger.info("Optimization took {:.3f} seconds".format(t_elapsed))

        # Check for constraint violations.
        if result.GetConstraints():
            raise PlanningError("Trajectory did not satisfy constraints: {:s}"

        # Check for the returned trajectory.
        waypoints = result.GetTraj()
        if waypoints is None:
            raise PlanningError("Trajectory result was empty.")

        # Set active DOFs to match active manipulator and plan.
        p = openravepy.KinBody.SaveParameters
        with robot.CreateRobotStateSaver(p.ActiveDOF):
            # Set robot DOFs to DOFs in optimization problem

            # Check that trajectory is collision free
            from trajoptpy.check_traj import traj_is_safe
            if not traj_is_safe(waypoints, robot):
                return PlanningError("Result was in collision.")

        # Convert the waypoints to a trajectory.
        return self._WaypointsToTraj(robot, waypoints)
	def __assert_route_safe(self, prob, result):
		from trajoptpy.check_traj import traj_is_safe
		prob.SetRobotActiveDOFs() # set robot DOFs to DOFs in optimization problem
		assert traj_is_safe(result.GetTraj(), self.robot) # Check that trajectory is collision free
예제 #21
    def _Plan(self,
        Plan to a desired configuration with Trajopt.

        This function invokes the Trajopt planner directly on the specified
        JSON request. This can be used to implement custom path optimization

        Constraints and costs are specified as dicts of:
                'f': [float] -> [float],
                'dfdx': [float] -> [float],
                'type': ConstraintType or CostType
                'dofs': [int]

        The input to f(x) and dfdx(x) is a vector of active DOF values used in
        the planning problem.  The output is a vector of costs, where the
        value *increases* as a constraint or a cost function is violated or

        See ConstraintType and CostType for descriptions of the various
        function specifications and their expected behavior.

        The `dofs` parameter can be used to specify a subset of the robot's
        DOF indices that should be used. A ValueError is thrown if these
        indices are not entirely contained in the current active DOFs of the

        @param robot: the robot whose active DOFs will be used
        @param request: a JSON planning request for Trajopt
        @param traj_constraints: list of dicts of constraints that should be
                                 applied over the whole trajectory
        @param goal_constraints: list of dicts of constraints that should be
                                 applied only at the last waypoint
        @param traj_costs: list of dicts of costs that should be applied over
                           the whole trajectory
        @param goal_costs: list of dicts of costs that should be applied only
                           at the last waypoint
        @param interactive: pause every iteration, until you press 'p' or press
                           escape to disable further plotting
        @param constraint_threshold: acceptable per-constraint violation error
        @returns traj: trajectory from current configuration to specified goal
        import json
        import trajoptpy

        # Set up environment.
        env = robot.GetEnv()

        # Trajopt's UserData gets confused if the same environment
        # is cloned into multiple times, so create a scope to later
        # remove all TrajOpt UserData keys.
            # Convert dictionary into json-formatted string and create object
            # that stores optimization problem.
            s = json.dumps(request)
            prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, env)

            assert (request['basic_info']['manip'] == 'active')
            assert (request['basic_info']['n_steps'] is not None)
            n_steps = request['basic_info']['n_steps']
            n_dofs = robot.GetActiveDOF()
            i_dofs = robot.GetActiveDOFIndices()

            # Add trajectory-wide costs and constraints to each timestep.
            for t in xrange(1, n_steps):
                for constraint in traj_constraints:
                    self._addFunction(prob, t, i_dofs, n_dofs, constraint)
                for cost in traj_costs:
                    self._addFunction(prob, t, i_dofs, n_dofs, cost)

            # Add goal costs and constraints.
            for constraint in goal_constraints:
                self._addFunction(prob, n_steps - 1, i_dofs, n_dofs,

            for cost in goal_costs:
                self._addFunction(prob, n_steps - 1, i_dofs, n_dofs, cost)

            # Perform trajectory optimization.
            t_start = time.time()
            result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob)
            t_elapsed = time.time() - t_start
            logger.debug("Optimization took {:.3f} seconds".format(t_elapsed))

            # Check for constraint violations.
            for name, error in result.GetConstraints():
                if error > constraint_threshold:
                    raise PlanningError(
                        "Trajectory violates contraint '{:s}': {:f} > {:f}".
                        format(name, error, constraint_threshold))

            # Check for the returned trajectory.
            waypoints = result.GetTraj()
            if waypoints is None:
                raise PlanningError("Trajectory result was empty.")

            # Set active DOFs to match active manipulator and plan.
            p = openravepy.KinBody.SaveParameters
            with robot.CreateRobotStateSaver(p.ActiveDOF):
                # Set robot DOFs to DOFs in optimization problem

                # Check that trajectory is collision free
                from trajoptpy.check_traj import traj_is_safe
                if not traj_is_safe(waypoints, robot):
                    raise PlanningError("Result was in collision.")

            # Convert the waypoints to a trajectory.
            return self._WaypointsToTraj(robot, waypoints)
            for body in env.GetBodies():
                for key in TRAJOPT_USERDATA_KEYS:

            trajopt_env_userdata = env.GetKinBody('__trajopt_data__')
            if trajopt_env_userdata is not None:
예제 #22
            "params": {
                "vals": joint_target
            }  # length of vals = # dofs of manip
        "init_info": {
            "type": "straight_line",  # straight line in joint space.
            "endpoint": joint_target

    s = json.dumps(request)  # convert dictionary into json-formatted string
    prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(
        s, env)  # create object that stores optimization problem

    print "--------------------------------------"
    t_start = time.time()
    result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob)  # do optimization
    t_elapsed = time.time() - t_start
    print result
    print "optimization took %.3f seconds" % t_elapsed

    from trajoptpy.check_traj import traj_is_safe
    prob.SetRobotActiveDOFs()  # set robot DOFs to DOFs in optimization problem
    assert traj_is_safe(result.GetTraj(),
                        robot)  # Check that trajectory is collision free

    print result.GetTraj()
    print np.shape(result.GetTraj())

    s = raw_input("Hit Enter to request grasps ")
예제 #23
 def __init__(self, interactive):
     env = openravepy.Environment()
     print "Loading robot model"
     print "loaded robot model"
     print "Loading environment"
     print "Environment loaded"
     trajoptpy.SetInteractive(True) # pause every iteration, until you press 'p'. Press escape to disable further plotting
     robot = env.GetRobots()[0]
     print robot.GetManipulator("arm")
     print robot.GetManipulator('arm').GetArmIndices()
     ikmodel = openravepy.databases.inversekinematics.InverseKinematicsModel(robot,
     if not ikmodel.load():
     joint_start = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
     robot.SetDOFValues(joint_start, robot.GetManipulator('arm').GetArmIndices())
     target[0] = -2.7       
     solutions = ikmodel.manip.FindIKSolutions(IkParameterization(target,IkParameterization.Type.TranslationXY2D), False)
     if not len(solutions) == 0:        
         joint_target = [solutions[0][0], solutions[0][1], solutions[0][1]]
         print "No IK solutions found for cartesian coordinates " + str(target)
     control_rate = 30.0
     delta_t = 1.0 / control_rate
     max_joint_velocity = 2.0
     n_steps = 300
     request = {
       "basic_info" : {
         "n_steps" : n_steps,
         "manip" : "arm", # see below for valid values
         "start_fixed" : True # i.e., DOF values at first timestep are fixed based on current robot state
       "costs" : [
         "type" : "joint_vel", # joint-space velocity cost
         "params": {"coeffs" : [0]} # a list of length one is automatically expanded to a list of length n_dofs
         # also valid: [1.9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
         "type" : "collision",
         "params" : {
           "coeffs" : [20], # penalty coefficients. list of length one is automatically expanded to a list of length n_timesteps
           "dist_pen" : [0.25] # robot-obstacle distance that penalty kicks in. expands to length n_timesteps
       "constraints" : [
         "type" : "joint", # joint-space target
         "params" : {"vals" : joint_target } # length of vals = # dofs of manip
           "type" : "joint_vel_limits",
           "name" : "joint_vel_limits",
           "params" : {                
             "first_step" : 0,
             "last_step" : n_steps-1, #inclusive
             "vals" : [delta_t * max_joint_velocity for i in xrange(3)]
       "init_info" : {
           "type" : "straight_line", # straight line in joint space.
           "endpoint" : joint_target
     s = json.dumps(request)
     prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, env) # create object that stores optimization problem
     t_start = time.time()
     result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob) # do optimization
     t_elapsed = time.time() - t_start
     print "result: " + str(result)
     print "optimization took %.3f seconds"%t_elapsed
     prob.SetRobotActiveDOFs() # set robot DOFs to DOFs in optimization problem
     print traj_is_safe(result.GetTraj(), robot) # Check that trajectory is collision free
예제 #24
def callback(getreq):
    assert isinstance(getreq, ms.GetMotionPlanRequest)
    req = getreq.motion_plan_request   
    getresp = ms.GetMotionPlanResponse()
    resp = getresp.motion_plan_response
    manip = GROUPMAP[req.group_name]
    update_rave_from_ros(robot, req.start_state.joint_state.position, req.start_state.joint_state.name)
    base_pose = req.start_state.multi_dof_joint_state.poses[0]
    base_q = base_pose.orientation
    base_p = base_pose.position
    t = rave.matrixFromPose([base_q.w, base_q.x, base_q.y, base_q.z, base_p.x, base_p.y, base_p.z])
    start_joints = robot.GetDOFValues(robot.GetManipulator(manip).GetArmIndices())
    if args.discrete: n_steps = 18
    else: n_steps = 11
    coll_coeff = 10
    dist_pen = .04
    inds = robot.GetManipulator(manip).GetArmJoints()
    alljoints = robot.GetJoints()
    names = arm_joint_names = [alljoints[i].GetName() for i in inds]

    for goal_cnt in req.goal_constraints:
        if len(goal_cnt.joint_constraints) > 0:
            assert len(goal_cnt.joint_constraints)==7
            end_joints = np.zeros(7)
            for i in xrange(7):
                jc = goal_cnt.joint_constraints[i]
                dof_idx = arm_joint_names.index(jc.joint_name)
                end_joints[dof_idx] = jc.position

    waypoint_step = (n_steps - 1)// 2
    joint_waypoints = [(np.asarray(start_joints) + np.asarray(end_joints))/2]
    if args.multi_init:
        leftright = req.group_name.split("_")[0]
    success = False
    for waypoint in joint_waypoints:
        robot.SetDOFValues(start_joints, inds)
        d = {
            "basic_info" : {
                "n_steps" : n_steps,
                "manip" : manip,
                "start_fixed" : True
            "costs" : [
                "type" : "joint_vel",
                "params": {"coeffs" : [1]}
                "type" : "collision" if args.discrete else "continuous_collision",
                "params" : {"coeffs" : [coll_coeff],"dist_pen" : [dist_pen]}
            "constraints" : [],
            "init_info" : {
                "type" : "given_traj"
            "type" : "joint",
            "name" : "joint", 
            "params" : {
                "vals" : end_joints.tolist()
        if args.multi_init:        
            print "trying with midpoint", waypoint
            inittraj = np.empty((n_steps, 7))
            inittraj[:waypoint_step+1] = mu.linspace2d(start_joints, waypoint, waypoint_step+1)
            inittraj[waypoint_step:] = mu.linspace2d(waypoint, end_joints, n_steps - waypoint_step)
            inittraj = mu.linspace2d(start_joints, end_joints, n_steps)
        d["init_info"]["data"] = [row.tolist() for row in inittraj]
        if len(goal_cnt.position_constraints) > 0:
            raise NotImplementedError
        s = json.dumps(d)
        t_start = time()
        prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, env)
        result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob)
        planning_duration_seconds = time() - t_start
        traj = result.GetTraj()
        if not traj_is_safe(traj, robot):                       
            print "aw, there's a collision"
            print "no collisions"
            success = True
    if not success:
        resp.error_code.val = FAILURE
        return resp

    resp.trajectory.joint_trajectory.joint_names = names
    for row in traj:
        jtp = tm.JointTrajectoryPoint()
        jtp.positions = row.tolist()
        jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(0)
    mdjt = resp.trajectory.multi_dof_joint_trajectory
    mdjt.joint_names =  ['world_joint']
    mdjt.frame_ids = ['odom_combined']
    mdjt.child_frame_ids = ['base_footprint']
    mdjt.header = req.start_state.joint_state.header
    pose = gm.Pose()
    pose.orientation.w = 1
    for _ in xrange(len(resp.trajectory.joint_trajectory.points)): 
        jtp = mm.MultiDOFJointTrajectoryPoint()
    #for i in xrange(len(mdjs.joint_names)):
        #if mdjs.joint_names[i] == "world_joint":
            #world_joint_pose = mdjs.poses[i]
            #world_joint_frame_id = mdjs.frame_ids[i]
            #world_joint_child_frame_id = mdjs.child_frame_ids[i]
    #print "world_joint_frame_id", world_joint_frame_id
    #print "world_joint_child_frame_id", world_joint_child_frame_id

    #mdjt = resp.trajectory.multi_dof_joint_trajectory
    #mdjt.header.frame_id = req.start_state.joint_state.header.frame_id

    resp.error_code.val = SUCCESS
    resp.planning_time = rospy.Duration(planning_duration_seconds)
    resp.trajectory.joint_trajectory.header = req.start_state.joint_state.header
    resp.group_name = req.group_name
    resp.trajectory_start.joint_state = req.start_state.joint_state
    #resp.trajectory.multi_dof_joint_trajectory.header = req.start_state.joint_state.header
    getresp.motion_plan_response = resp
    return getresp
def test():
    rp = RavenPlanner(Constants.Arm.Right)
    startJoints = {0:0.51091998815536499,

    endJoints = {0:0.45221099211619786,
    endEE = rp.manip.GetEndEffectorTransform()
    startEE = rp.manip.GetEndEffectorTransform()

    endJointPositions = []
    for raveJointType in rp.manip.GetArmIndices():
        rosJointType = rp.raveJointTypesToRos[raveJointType]

    n_steps = 15
    endEEPose = tfx.pose(endEE)
    desPos = endEEPose.position.list
    endEEQuat = endEEPose.orientation
    wxyzQuat = [endEEQuat.w, endEEQuat.x, endEEQuat.y, endEEQuat.z]
    request = {
            "basic_info" : {
                "n_steps" : n_steps,
                "manip" : rp.manip.GetName(),
                "start_fixed" : True
            "costs" : [
                    "type" : "joint_vel",
                    "params": {"coeffs" : [1]}
                    "type" : "collision",
                    "params" : {
                        "coeffs" : [100],
                        "continuous" : True,
                        "dist_pen" : [0.001]
            "constraints" : [
                    "type" : "pose",
                    "name" : "target_pose",
                    "params" : {"xyz" : desPos,
                                "wxyz" : wxyzQuat,
                                "link" : rp.toolFrame,
                                "rot_coeffs" : [5,5,5],
                                "pos_coeffs" : [100,100,100]
            "init_info" : {
                "type" : "straight_line",
                "endpoint" : endJointPositions
    # convert dictionary into json-formatted string
    s = json.dumps(request)
    # create object that stores optimization problem
    prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, rp.env)
    # do optimization
    result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob)

    # check trajectory safety
    from trajoptpy.check_traj import traj_is_safe
    if not traj_is_safe(result.GetTraj(), rp.robot):
        rospy.loginfo('Trajopt trajectory is not safe. Trajopt failed!')
        rospy.loginfo('Still returning trajectory')

    j = rp.trajoptTrajToDicts(result.GetTraj())
    Util.plot_transform(rp.env, startEE)
    Util.plot_transform(rp.env, endEE)
예제 #26
    def PlanToTSR(self, robot, tsrchains, is_interactive=False, **kw_args):
        Plan using the given list of TSR chains with TrajOpt.

        @param robot the robot whose active manipulator will be used
        @param tsrchains a list of TSRChain objects to respect during planning
        @param is_interactive pause every iteration, until you press 'p'
                              or press escape to disable further plotting
        @return traj
        import json
        import time
        import trajoptpy

        manipulator = robot.GetActiveManipulator()
        n_steps = 20
        n_dofs = robot.GetActiveDOF()

        # Create separate lists for the goal and trajectory-wide constraints.
        goal_tsrs = [t for t in tsrchains if t.sample_goal]
        traj_tsrs = [t for t in tsrchains if t.constrain]

        # Find an initial collision-free IK solution by sampling goal TSRs.
        from openravepy import (IkFilterOptions, IkParameterization,
        for tsr in self._TsrSampler(goal_tsrs):
            ik_param = IkParameterization(tsr.sample(),
            init_joint_config = manipulator.FindIKSolutions(
                ik_param, IkFilterOptions.CheckEnvCollisions)
            if init_joint_config:
        if not init_joint_config:
            raise PlanningError('No collision-free IK solutions.')

        # Construct a planning request with these constraints.
        request = {
            "basic_info": {
                "n_steps": n_steps,
                "manip": "active",
                "start_fixed": True
            "costs": [{
                "type": "joint_vel",
                "params": {
                    "coeffs": [1]
            }, {
                "type": "collision",
                "params": {
                    "coeffs": [20],
                    "dist_pen": [0.025]
            "constraints": [],
            "init_info": {
                "type": "straight_line",
                "endpoint": init_joint_config.tolist()

        # Set up environment.
        env = robot.GetEnv()

        # Convert dictionary into json-formatted string and create object that
        # stores optimization problem.
        s = json.dumps(request)
        prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, env)
        for t in xrange(1, n_steps):
            prob.AddConstraint(constraints._TsrCostFn(robot, traj_tsrs),
                               [(t, j) for j in xrange(n_dofs)], "EQ",
        prob.AddConstraint(constraints._TsrCostFn(robot, goal_tsrs),
                           [(n_steps - 1, j) for j in xrange(n_dofs)], "EQ",

        # Perform trajectory optimization.
        t_start = time.time()
        result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob)
        t_elapsed = time.time() - t_start
        logger.info("Optimization took {:.3f} seconds".format(t_elapsed))

        # Check for constraint violations.
        if result.GetConstraints():
            raise PlanningError(
                "Trajectory did not satisfy constraints: {:s}".format(

        # Check for the returned trajectory.
        waypoints = result.GetTraj()
        if waypoints is None:
            raise PlanningError("Trajectory result was empty.")

        # Set active DOFs to match active manipulator and plan.
        p = openravepy.KinBody.SaveParameters
        with robot.CreateRobotStateSaver(p.ActiveDOF):
            # Set robot DOFs to DOFs in optimization problem

            # Check that trajectory is collision free
            from trajoptpy.check_traj import traj_is_safe
            if not traj_is_safe(waypoints, robot):
                return PlanningError("Result was in collision.")

        # Convert the waypoints to a trajectory.
        return self._WaypointsToTraj(robot, waypoints)
예제 #27
  "constraints" : [
    "type" : "joint",
    "params" : {"vals" : joint_target}
  "init_info" : {
      "type" : "straight_line",
      "endpoint" : joint_target
s = json.dumps(request)
prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, env)
t_start = time.time()
result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob)
t_elapsed = time.time() - t_start
print result
print "optimization took %.3f seconds"%t_elapsed

from trajoptpy.check_traj import traj_is_safe
assert traj_is_safe(result.GetTraj(), robot)

traj = result.GetTraj()
for t in traj:
	robot.SetDOFValues(t, manip.GetArmIndices())
예제 #28
    s = json.dumps(request) # convert dictionary into json-formatted string
    prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, env) # create object that stores optimization problem
    t_start = time.time()

    result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob) # do optimization
    t_elapsed = time.time() - t_start
    print result
    print "optimization took %.3f seconds"%t_elapsed

    raw_input("Press enter to continue...")

    from trajoptpy.check_traj import traj_is_safe
    prob.SetRobotActiveDOFs() # set robot DOFs to DOFs in optimization problem
    #assert traj_is_safe(result.GetTraj(), robot) # Check that trajectory is collision free
    print "Is traj safe:",traj_is_safe(result.GetTraj(), robot)

    with env:
      traj = RaveCreateTrajectory(env,'')
      spec = IkParameterization.GetConfigurationSpecificationFromType(IkParameterizationType.Transform6D,'linear')

      print robot.GetActiveConfigurationSpecification()


      for traj_pts in result.GetTraj():
        print traj_pts
        traj.Insert(traj.GetNumWaypoints(), traj_pts)

예제 #29
def plan(robot, manip, end_joints, end_pose = None):
    arm_inds = robot.GetManipulator(manip).GetArmIndices()
    start_joints = robot.GetDOFValues(arm_inds)

    n_steps = 11
    coll_coeff = 10
    dist_pen = .05
    waypoint_step = (n_steps - 1)// 2
    joint_waypoints = [(np.asarray(start_joints) + np.asarray(end_joints))/2]
    success = False
    t_start = time()
    t_verify = 0
    t_opt = 0
    for (i_init,waypoint) in enumerate(joint_waypoints):
        d = {
            "basic_info" : {
                "n_steps" : n_steps,
                "manip" : manip,
                "start_fixed" : True
            "costs" : [
                "type" : "joint_vel",
                "params": {"coeffs" : [1]}
                "type" : "collision",
                "params" : {"coeffs" : [coll_coeff],"dist_pen" : [dist_pen]}
                "type" : "collision",
                "params" : {"continuous": False, "coeffs" : [coll_coeff],"dist_pen" : [dist_pen]}
            "constraints" : [
                {"type" : "joint", "params" : {"vals" : end_joints.tolist()}} if end_pose is None else
                {"type" : "pose", "params" : {"xyz" : end_pose[4:7].tolist(), "wxyz" : end_pose[0:4].tolist(), "link":"%s_gripper_tool_frame"%manip[0]}}
            "init_info" : {
                "type" : "given_traj"
        if args.multi_init:        
            # print "trying with midpoint", waypoint
            inittraj = np.empty((n_steps, 7))
            inittraj[:waypoint_step+1] = mu.linspace2d(start_joints, waypoint, waypoint_step+1)
            inittraj[waypoint_step:] = mu.linspace2d(waypoint, end_joints, n_steps - waypoint_step)
            inittraj = mu.linspace2d(start_joints, end_joints, n_steps)                            
        d["init_info"]["data"] = [row.tolist() for row in inittraj]
        s = json.dumps(d)
        prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, env)
        t_start_opt = time()
        result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob)
        t_opt += time() - t_start_opt
        traj = result.GetTraj()
        t_start_verify = time()
        is_safe = traj_is_safe(traj, robot)
        t_verify += time() - t_start_verify
        if not is_safe:                       
            print "optimal trajectory has a collision. trying a new initialization"
            print "planning successful after %s initialization"%(i_init+1)
            success = True
    t_total = time() - t_start
    return PlanResult(success, t_total, t_opt, t_verify)        
t_elapsed = time.time() - t_start
print "optimization took %.3f seconds"%t_elapsed
traj = result.GetTraj()
# IPython.embed()
from trajoptpy.check_traj import traj_is_safe
prob.SetRobotActiveDOFs() # set robot DOFs to DOFs in optimization problem
# for t in traj:
#   print t
def f(x):
  # print "origin" + str(x)
  # print "new" + str(np.append(x, joint_start1))
  return np.append(x, joint_start1)
robot_traj = map(f, traj)
# print robot_traj
print "[IS SAFE]: " + str(traj_is_safe(robot_traj, robot, 200)) # Check that trajectory is collision free

joint_angles = result.GetTraj()

# Visualize across all joint_angles
# for i in range(len(joint_angles)):
#   robot.SetDOFValues(joint_angles[i], robot.GetManipulator('<arm name>').GetArmIndices()) # iterates across all joint angles
#   time.sleep(1)

# IPython.embed()
viewer = env.GetViewer()
viewer.SetBkgndColor([.8, .85, .9])
robot = env.GetRobots()[0]
joint_start1 = [3.14/3, 3.14/4, 0]
robot.SetDOFValues(joint_start1, robot.GetManipulator('left_arm').GetArmIndices())
print "optimization took %.3f seconds"%t_elapsed
traj = result.GetTraj()
<<<<<<< HEAD
# IPython.embed()
from trajoptpy.check_traj import traj_is_safe
prob.SetRobotActiveDOFs() # set robot DOFs to DOFs in optimization problem
# for t in traj:
#   print t
def f(x):
  # print "origin" + str(x)
  # print "new" + str(np.append(x, joint_start1))
  return np.append(x, joint_start1)
robot_traj = map(f, traj)
# print robot_traj
print "[IS SAFE]: " + str(traj_is_safe(robot_traj, robot, 200)) # Check that trajectory is collision free

# IPython.embed()
from trajoptpy.check_traj import traj_is_safe
prob.SetRobotActiveDOFs() # set robot DOFs to DOFs in optimization problem
assert traj_is_safe(result.GetTraj(), robot) # Check that trajectory is collision free
>>>>>>> 0d7cac2c48fdfead3e63707083f26a33f2233e13

joint_angles = result.GetTraj()

# Visualize across all joint_angles
# for i in range(len(joint_angles)):
#   robot.SetDOFValues(joint_angles[i], robot.GetManipulator('<arm name>').GetArmIndices()) # iterates across all joint angles
#   time.sleep(1)
예제 #32
 def __init__(self, interactive):
     env = openravepy.Environment()
     print "Loading robot model"
     print "loaded robot model"
     print "Loading environment"
     print "Environment loaded"
     trajoptpy.SetInteractive(True) # pause every iteration, until you press 'p'. Press escape to disable further plotting
     robot = env.GetRobots()[0]
     print robot.GetManipulator("arm")
     print robot.GetManipulator('arm').GetArmIndices()
     joint_start = [0.0, 0.0]
     robot.SetDOFValues(joint_start, robot.GetManipulator('arm').GetArmIndices())
     joint_target = [-np.pi / 2.0, 0.0]
     n_steps = 100
     control_rate = 30.0
     delta_t = 1.0 / control_rate
     max_velocity = 2.0
     request = {
       "basic_info" : {
         "n_steps" : n_steps,
         "manip" : "arm", # see below for valid values
         "start_fixed" : True # i.e., DOF values at first timestep are fixed based on current robot state
       "costs" : [
         "type" : "joint_vel", # joint-space velocity cost
         "params": {"coeffs" : [1]} # a list of length one is automatically expanded to a list of length n_dofs
         # also valid: [1.9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
         "type" : "collision",
         "params" : {
           "coeffs" : [20], # penalty coefficients. list of length one is automatically expanded to a list of length n_timesteps
           "dist_pen" : [0.25] # robot-obstacle distance that penalty kicks in. expands to length n_timesteps
       "constraints" : [
         "type" : "joint", # joint-space target
         "params" : {"vals" : joint_target } # length of vals = # dofs of manip
         "type" : "joint_vel_limits",
         "name" : "joint_vel_limits",
         "params" : {
           "vals" : [delta_t * max_velocity, delta_t * max_velocity],
           "first_step" : 0,
           "last_step" : n_steps-1, #inclusive              
       "init_info" : {
           "type" : "straight_line", # straight line in joint space.
           "endpoint" : joint_target
     s = json.dumps(request)
     prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, env) # create object that stores optimization problem
     t_start = time.time()
     result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob) # do optimization
     t_elapsed = time.time() - t_start
     print result
     print "optimization took %.3f seconds"%t_elapsed
     prob.SetRobotActiveDOFs() # set robot DOFs to DOFs in optimization problem
     print traj_is_safe(result.GetTraj(), robot) # Check that trajectory is collision free
예제 #33
        kwargs["floating_base"] = True
        kwargs["basegoal"] = np.r_[target_base_pose[4:7], target_base_pose[0:4]]

    # run chomp
    msg = ''
    t_start = time()
    is_safe = False
    traj = []
    if args.multi_init:
        for i_init, inittraj in enumerate(init_trajs):
            t = kwargs["starttraj"] = array_to_traj(robot, inittraj)
                rave_traj = m_chomp.runchomp(**kwargs)
                saver.Restore() # set active dofs to original (including affine), needed for traj_to_array
                traj = traj_to_array(robot, rave_traj)
                if traj_is_safe(traj, robot):
                    is_safe = True
                    msg = "planning successful after %s initialization"%(i_init+1)
            except Exception, e:
                msg = "CHOMP failed with exception: %s" % repr(e)
        kwargs["adofgoal"] = target_dof_values
            rave_traj = m_chomp.runchomp(**kwargs)
            saver.Restore() # set active dofs to original (including affine), needed for traj_to_array
            traj = traj_to_array(robot, rave_traj)
            is_safe = traj_is_safe(traj, robot)
        except Exception, e:
            msg = "CHOMP failed with exception: %s" % repr(e)
예제 #34
    def __init__(self, interactive):
        env = openravepy.Environment()
        print "Loading robot model"
        print "loaded robot model"
        print "Loading environment"
        print "Environment loaded"

        )  # pause every iteration, until you press 'p'. Press escape to disable further plotting
        robot = env.GetRobots()[0]
        print robot.GetManipulator("arm")
        print robot.GetManipulator('arm').GetArmIndices()

        joint_start = [0.0, 0.0]


        joint_target = [-np.pi / 2.0, 0.0]
        n_steps = 100
        control_rate = 30.0
        delta_t = 1.0 / control_rate
        max_velocity = 2.0

        request = {
            "basic_info": {
                "n_steps": n_steps,
                "manip": "arm",  # see below for valid values
                True  # i.e., DOF values at first timestep are fixed based on current robot state
            "costs": [
                    "type": "joint_vel",  # joint-space velocity cost
                    "params": {
                        "coeffs": [1]
                    }  # a list of length one is automatically expanded to a list of length n_dofs
                    # also valid: [1.9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
                    "type": "collision",
                    "params": {
                        "coeffs": [
                        ],  # penalty coefficients. list of length one is automatically expanded to a list of length n_timesteps
                        "dist_pen": [
                        ]  # robot-obstacle distance that penalty kicks in. expands to length n_timesteps
            "constraints": [
                    "type": "joint",  # joint-space target
                    "params": {
                        "vals": joint_target
                    }  # length of vals = # dofs of manip
                    "type": "joint_vel_limits",
                    "name": "joint_vel_limits",
                    "params": {
                        [delta_t * max_velocity, delta_t * max_velocity],
                        "first_step": 0,
                        "last_step": n_steps - 1,  #inclusive              
            "init_info": {
                "type": "straight_line",  # straight line in joint space.
                "endpoint": joint_target
        s = json.dumps(request)
        prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(
            s, env)  # create object that stores optimization problem
        t_start = time.time()
        result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob)  # do optimization
        t_elapsed = time.time() - t_start
        print result
        print "optimization took %.3f seconds" % t_elapsed
        )  # set robot DOFs to DOFs in optimization problem
        print traj_is_safe(result.GetTraj(),
                           robot)  # Check that trajectory is collision free
예제 #35
    # Also valid: "coeffs" : [7,6,5,4,3,2,1]
    "type" : "continuous_collision",
    "name" :"cont_collision", # Shorten name so printed table will be prettier
    "params" : {
      "coeffs" : [20], # penalty coefficients. list of length one is automatically expanded to a list of length n_timesteps
      "dist_pen" : [0.025] # robot-obstacle distance that penalty kicks in. expands to length n_timesteps
  "constraints" : [
    "type" : "joint", # joint-space target
    "params" : {"vals" : joint_target } # length of vals = # dofs of manip
  "init_info" : {
      "type" : "straight_line", # straight line in joint space.
      "endpoint" : joint_target
s = json.dumps(request) # convert dictionary into json-formatted string
prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, env) # create object that stores optimization problem
result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob) # do optimization
print result

from trajoptpy.check_traj import traj_is_safe
prob.SetRobotActiveDOFs() # set robot DOFs to DOFs in optimization problem
assert traj_is_safe(result.GetTraj(), robot) # Check that trajectory is collision free
    def getTrajectoryFromPoseThread(self, once=False):
        Thread that uses trajopt to compute trajectory
        Thread waits for all values in self.trajRequest
        to be true

        Sets the values of all the keys in self.poseTraj
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            # block until all traj submissions received
            while False in self.trajRequest.values():
                if rospy.is_shutdown():
            n_steps = 0
            toolFrames = []
            endPoses = []
            endJointPositions = []
            for armName in self.armNames:
                n_steps += float(self.trajSteps[armName])/len(self.armNames)
                endPose = self.trajEndPose[armName]
                worldFromEE = tfx.pose(self.transformRelativePoseForIk(armName, endPose.matrix, endPose.frame, self.toolFrame[armName]))
                endJoints = self.trajEndJoints[armName]
                # only keep shoulder, elbow, insertion, rotation, pitch, yaw
                endJoints = dict([(jointType,jointPos) for jointType, jointPos in endJoints.items() if jointType in self.rosJointTypes])
                for raveJointType in self.manip[armName].GetArmIndices():
                    rosJointType = self.raveJointTypesToRos[armName][raveJointType]
                self.updateOpenraveJoints(armName, self.trajStartJoints[armName])
            n_steps = int(n_steps)
            if self.trajReqType == Request.Type.Joints:
                request = Request.joints(n_steps, endJointPositions)
                request = Request.pose(n_steps, endJointPositions, toolFrames, endPoses)

            # convert dictionary into json-formatted string
            s = json.dumps(request)
            #print s
            #print self.robot.GetActiveDOFValues()
            #raise Exception()
            # create object that stores optimization problem
            prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, self.env)
            #raise Exception()
            # do optimization
            result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob)
            # check trajectory safety
            from trajoptpy.check_traj import traj_is_safe
            if not traj_is_safe(result.GetTraj(), self.robot):
                rospy.loginfo('Trajopt trajectory is not safe. Trajopt failed!')
                for armName in self.armNames:
                    self.poseTraj[armName] = None
                startIndex = 0
                for armName in self.armNames:
                    endIndex = startIndex + len(self.manipJoints[armName])
                    armJointTrajArray = result.GetTraj()[:,startIndex:endIndex]
                    jointTrajDicts = self.jointTrajToDicts(armName, armJointTrajArray)
                    self.jointTraj[armName] = jointTrajDicts # for debugging
                    poseTraj = self.jointDictsToPoses(armName, jointTrajDicts)
                    self.poseTraj[armName] = poseTraj
                    startIndex = endIndex
            #print self.jointTraj
            #raise Exception()
            for armName in self.armNames:
                self.trajRequest[armName] = False
            if once:
예제 #37
def plan(robot, manip, end_joints, end_pose=None):

    arm_inds = robot.GetManipulator(manip).GetArmIndices()
    start_joints = robot.GetDOFValues(arm_inds)

    n_steps = 11
    coll_coeff = 10
    dist_pen = .05

    waypoint_step = (n_steps - 1) // 2
    joint_waypoints = [(np.asarray(start_joints) + np.asarray(end_joints)) / 2]

    success = False
    t_start = time()
    t_verify = 0
    t_opt = 0

    for (i_init, waypoint) in enumerate(joint_waypoints):
        d = {
            "basic_info": {
                "n_steps": n_steps,
                "manip": manip,
                "start_fixed": True
            "costs": [{
                "type": "joint_vel",
                "params": {
                    "coeffs": [1]
            }, {
                "type": "collision",
                "params": {
                    "coeffs": [coll_coeff],
                    "dist_pen": [dist_pen]
            }, {
                "type": "collision",
                "params": {
                    "continuous": False,
                    "coeffs": [coll_coeff],
                    "dist_pen": [dist_pen]
            "constraints": [{
                "type": "joint",
                "params": {
                    "vals": end_joints.tolist()
            } if end_pose is None else {
                "type": "pose",
                "params": {
                    "xyz": end_pose[4:7].tolist(),
                    "wxyz": end_pose[0:4].tolist(),
                    "link": "%s_gripper_tool_frame" % manip[0]
            "init_info": {
                "type": "given_traj"

        if args.multi_init:
            # print "trying with midpoint", waypoint
            inittraj = np.empty((n_steps, 7))
            inittraj[:waypoint_step + 1] = mu.linspace2d(
                start_joints, waypoint, waypoint_step + 1)
            inittraj[waypoint_step:] = mu.linspace2d(waypoint, end_joints,
                                                     n_steps - waypoint_step)
            inittraj = mu.linspace2d(start_joints, end_joints, n_steps)
        d["init_info"]["data"] = [row.tolist() for row in inittraj]

        s = json.dumps(d)
        prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, env)

        t_start_opt = time()
        result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob)
        t_opt += time() - t_start_opt

        traj = result.GetTraj()

        t_start_verify = time()
        is_safe = traj_is_safe(traj, robot)
        t_verify += time() - t_start_verify

        if not is_safe:
            print "optimal trajectory has a collision. trying a new initialization"
            print "planning successful after %s initialization" % (i_init + 1)
            success = True
    t_total = time() - t_start
    return PlanResult(success, t_total, t_opt, t_verify)
예제 #38
    def _Plan(self, robot, request,
              traj_constraints=(), goal_constraints=(),
              traj_costs=(), goal_costs=(),
              interactive=False, constraint_threshold=1e-4,
        Plan to a desired configuration with Trajopt.

        This function invokes the Trajopt planner directly on the specified
        JSON request. This can be used to implement custom path optimization

        Constraints and costs are specified as dicts of:
                'f': [float] -> [float],
                'dfdx': [float] -> [float],
                'type': ConstraintType or CostType
                'dofs': [int]

        The input to f(x) and dfdx(x) is a vector of active DOF values used in
        the planning problem.  The output is a vector of costs, where the
        value *increases* as a constraint or a cost function is violated or

        See ConstraintType and CostType for descriptions of the various
        function specifications and their expected behavior.

        The `dofs` parameter can be used to specify a subset of the robot's
        DOF indices that should be used. A ValueError is thrown if these
        indices are not entirely contained in the current active DOFs of the

        @param robot: the robot whose active DOFs will be used
        @param request: a JSON planning request for Trajopt
        @param traj_constraints: list of dicts of constraints that should be
                                 applied over the whole trajectory
        @param goal_constraints: list of dicts of constraints that should be
                                 applied only at the last waypoint
        @param traj_costs: list of dicts of costs that should be applied over
                           the whole trajectory
        @param goal_costs: list of dicts of costs that should be applied only
                           at the last waypoint
        @param interactive: pause every iteration, until you press 'p' or press
                           escape to disable further plotting
        @param constraint_threshold: acceptable per-constraint violation error
        @returns traj: trajectory from current configuration to specified goal
        import json
        import trajoptpy

        # Set up environment.
        env = robot.GetEnv()

        # Trajopt's UserData gets confused if the same environment
        # is cloned into multiple times, so create a scope to later
        # remove all TrajOpt UserData keys.
            # Convert dictionary into json-formatted string and create object
            # that stores optimization problem.
            s = json.dumps(request)
            prob = trajoptpy.ConstructProblem(s, env)

            assert(request['basic_info']['manip'] == 'active')
            assert(request['basic_info']['n_steps'] is not None)
            n_steps = request['basic_info']['n_steps']
            n_dofs = robot.GetActiveDOF()
            i_dofs = robot.GetActiveDOFIndices()

            # Add trajectory-wide costs and constraints to each timestep.
            for t in xrange(1, n_steps):
                for constraint in traj_constraints:
                    self._addFunction(prob, t, i_dofs, n_dofs, constraint)
                for cost in traj_costs:
                    self._addFunction(prob, t, i_dofs, n_dofs, cost)

            # Add goal costs and constraints.
            for constraint in goal_constraints:
                self._addFunction(prob, n_steps-1, i_dofs, n_dofs, constraint)

            for cost in goal_costs:
                self._addFunction(prob, n_steps-1, i_dofs, n_dofs, cost)

            # Perform trajectory optimization.
            t_start = time.time()
            result = trajoptpy.OptimizeProblem(prob)
            t_elapsed = time.time() - t_start
            logger.debug("Optimization took {:.3f} seconds".format(t_elapsed))

            # Check for constraint violations.
            for name, error in result.GetConstraints():
                if error > constraint_threshold:
                    raise PlanningError(
                        "Trajectory violates contraint '{:s}': {:f} > {:f}"
                        .format(name, error, constraint_threshold)

            # Check for the returned trajectory.
            waypoints = result.GetTraj()
            if waypoints is None:
                raise PlanningError("Trajectory result was empty.")

            # Set active DOFs to match active manipulator and plan.
            p = openravepy.KinBody.SaveParameters
            with robot.CreateRobotStateSaver(p.ActiveDOF):
                # Set robot DOFs to DOFs in optimization problem

                # Check that trajectory is collision free
                from trajoptpy.check_traj import traj_is_safe
                if not traj_is_safe(waypoints, robot):
                    raise PlanningError("Result was in collision.")

            # Convert the waypoints to a trajectory.
            return self._WaypointsToTraj(robot, waypoints)
            for body in env.GetBodies():
                for key in TRAJOPT_USERDATA_KEYS:

            trajopt_env_userdata = env.GetKinBody('__trajopt_data__')
            if trajopt_env_userdata is not None:
# IPython.embed()
from trajoptpy.check_traj import traj_is_safe
prob.SetRobotActiveDOFs()  # set robot DOFs to DOFs in optimization problem

# for t in traj:
#   print t
def f(x):
    # print "origin" + str(x)
    # print "new" + str(np.append(x, joint_start1))
    return np.append(x, joint_start1)

robot_traj = map(f, traj)
# print robot_traj
print "[IS SAFE]: " + str(traj_is_safe(
    robot_traj, robot, 200))  # Check that trajectory is collision free

joint_angles = result.GetTraj()

# Visualize across all joint_angles
# for i in range(len(joint_angles)):
#   robot.SetDOFValues(joint_angles[i], robot.GetManipulator('<arm name>').GetArmIndices()) # iterates across all joint angles
#   time.sleep(1)

# IPython.embed()
viewer = env.GetViewer()
viewer.SetBkgndColor([.8, .85, .9])
robot = env.GetRobots()[0]
joint_start1 = [3.14 / 3, 3.14 / 4, 0]
예제 #40
 # run chomp
 msg = ''
 t_start = time()
 status = PlannerStatus.FAIL_COLLISION
 traj = []
 if args.multi_init:
     for i_init, inittraj in enumerate(init_trajs):
         t = kwargs["starttraj"] = array_to_traj(robot, inittraj)
             rave_traj = m_chomp.runchomp(**kwargs)
             )  # set active dofs to original (including affine), needed for traj_to_array
             traj = traj_to_array(robot, rave_traj)
             if not traj_in_joint_limits(traj, robot):
                 status = PlannerStatus.FAIL_JOINT_VIOLATION
             elif not traj_is_safe(traj, robot):
                 status = PlannerStatus.FAIL_COLLISION
                 status = PlannerStatus.SUCCESS
                 msg = "planning successful after %s initialization" % (
                     i_init + 1)
         except Exception, e:
             msg = "CHOMP failed with exception: %s" % str(e)
             if 'limit' in msg:
                 status = PlannerStatus.FAIL_JOINT_VIOLATION
                 status = PlannerStatus.FAIL_OTHER
     kwargs["adofgoal"] = target_dof_values