예제 #1
    def opt_path(self, path):
        """A path that will be used to serve the root resource as a raw file
        or directory.

        if self['root']:
            raise usage.UsageError("You may only have one root resource.")

        self['root'] = static.File(os.path.abspath(path))
예제 #2
class Toplevel(resource.Resource):
    addSlash = True
    child_monkey = static.File(os.path.dirname(static.__file__) + '/static.py')
    child_elephant = Child()

    def render(self, ctx):
        return http.Response(
            200, {'content-type': http_headers.MimeType('text', 'html')},
      <a href="monkey">The source code of twisted.web2.static</a><br>
      <a href="elephant">A defined child</a></body></html>""")
예제 #3
class Toplevel(resource.Resource):
    # addSlash=True to make sure it's treated as a directory-like resource

    # Render the resource. Here the stream is a string, which will get
    # adapted to a MemoryStream object.
    def render(self, req):
        contents = """<html>
<head><title>Twisted.web2 demo server</title><head>

Hello!  This is a twisted.web2 demo.
<li><a href="file">Static File</a></li>
<li><a href="dir/">Static dir listing</a></li>
<li><a href="sleepy">Resource that takes time to render</a></li>
<li><a href="wsgi">WSGI app</a></li>
<li><a href="cgi">CGI app</a></li>
<li><a href="forms">Forms</a></li>


        return http.Response(
            {'content-type': http_headers.MimeType('text', 'html')},

    # Add some child resources
    child_file = static.File(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(resource.__file__), 'TODO'))
    child_dir = static.File('.')
    child_sleepy = Sleepy()
    child_wsgi = wsgi.WSGIResource(simple_wsgi_app)
    child_cgi = twcgi.FilteredScript(pycgi.__file__, filters=["/usr/bin/python"])
    child_forms = FormPost()
예제 #4
파일: twist.py 프로젝트: www3838438/sagenb
 def render(self, ctx):
         session = sessions[ctx.args['session'][0]]
     except KeyError:
         return http.Response(code=404, stream = "Invalid session.")
         cell_id = int(ctx.args['cell'][0])
         file_name = ctx.args['file'][0]
     except KeyError:
         return http.Response(code=404, stream = "Unspecified cell or file.")
     cell = session.worksheet.get_cell_with_id(cell_id)
     if file_name in cell.files():
         return static.File(os.path.join(cell.directory(), file_name))
         return http.Response(code=404, stream = "No such file %s in cell %s." % (file_name, cell_id))
예제 #5
    def opt_vhost_static(self, virtualHost):
        """Specify a virtual host in the form of domain=path to be served as
        raw directory or file.
        if (self['root'] and not \
            isinstance(self['root'], vhost.NameVirtualHost)):

            raise usage.UsageError("You can only use --vhost-static alone "
                                   "or with --vhost-class and --vhost-path")

        domain, path = virtualHost.split('=', 1)

        if not self['root']:
            self['root'] = vhost.NameVirtualHost()

        self['root'].addHost(domain, static.File(os.path.abspath(path)))
예제 #6
    def opt_vhost_path(self, path):
        """Specify a directory to use for automatic named virtual hosts.
        It is assumed that this directory contains a series of
        subdirectories each representing a virtual host domain name
        and containing the files to be served at that domain.

        if self['root']:
            if not isintance(self['root'], vhost.NameVirtualHost):
                raise usage.UsageError("You may only have one root resource")
            self['root'] = vhost.NameVirtualHost()

        path = os.path.abspath(path)

        for name in os.listdir(path):
            fullname = os.path.join(path, name)
            self['root'].addHost(name, static.File(fullname))
예제 #7
    def getCachedFile(self, hash, req, url, d, locations):
        """Try to return the file from the cache, otherwise move on to a DHT lookup.
        @type locations: C{list} of C{dictionary}
        @param locations: the files in the cache that match the hash,
            the dictionary contains a key 'path' whose value is a
            L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath} object for the file.
        if not locations:
            log.msg('Failed to return file from cache: %s' % url)
            self.lookupHash(req, hash, url, d)

        # Get the first possible location from the list
        file = locations.pop(0)['path']
        log.msg('Returning cached file: %s' % file.path)

        # Get it's response
        resp = static.File(file.path).renderHTTP(req)
        if isinstance(resp, defer.Deferred):
            resp.addBoth(self._getCachedFile, hash, req, url, d, locations)
            self._getCachedFile(resp, hash, req, url, d, locations)
예제 #8
            response = responsecode.OK
            data = exceptions.html_error_template().render()
            response = responsecode.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR

        return http.Response(
            response, {
                http_headers.MimeType('text', 'html', [('charset', 'utf-8')])
            }, data)

root = Root()
root.putChild("static", static.File("static/"))
site = server.Site(root)

from sys import argv

import openttd
import image

if 'mode_openttd.py' in argv:
    mode = openttd
    http_port = 'tcp:8119'
    fcgi_port = 'tcp:6531'
elif 'mode_images.py' in argv:
    mode = image
    http_port = 'tcp:8118'
    fcgi_port = 'tcp:6532'