예제 #1
 def testListEqualityRecursion(self):
     # Yes, this is very hacky.
     first = ConstList([IntObject(42)])
     first.strategy.append(first, [first])
     second = ConstList([IntObject(42)])
     second.strategy.append(second, [second])
     self.assertEqual(optSame(first, second), EQUAL)
예제 #2
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom.verb == u"run":
            return ConstList(args)

        if atom is FROMITERABLE_1:
            return ConstList(listFromIterable(args[0])[:])

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
예제 #3
def unsealException(specimen, ej):
    Unseal a specimen.

    if isinstance(specimen, SealedException):
        trail = ConstList([StrObject(s) for s in specimen.trail])
        return ConstList([specimen.value, trail])
    throw(ej, StrObject(u"Cannot unseal non-thrown object"))
예제 #4
파일: guards.py 프로젝트: washort/typhon
 def recv(self, atom, args):
     if atom is _UNCALL_0:
         from typhon.objects.collections.maps import EMPTY_MAP
         from typhon.scopes.safe import theVarSlotGuardMaker
         return ConstList([
             ConstList([self.valueGuard]), EMPTY_MAP
     raise Refused(self, atom, args)
예제 #5
 def recv(self, atom, args):
     if atom is _UNCALL_0:
         from typhon.scopes.safe import theFinalSlotMaker
         from typhon.objects.collections.maps import EMPTY_MAP
         return ConstList([
             ConstList([self._obj, self._guard, NullObject]), EMPTY_MAP
     return Slot.recv(self, atom, args)
예제 #6
파일: timeit.py 프로젝트: washort/typhon
def bench(obj, name):
    name = unwrapStr(name).encode("utf-8")

    if not benchmarkSettings.enabled:
        debug_print("Not running benchmark", name,
                    "since benchmarking is disabled")
        return ConstList([IntObject(0), DoubleObject(0.0)])

    debug_print("Benchmarking", name)

    # Step 1: Calibrate timing loop.
    debug_print("Calibrating timing loop...")
    # Unroll do-while iteration.
    loops = 1
    debug_print("Trying 1 loop...")
    taken = time.time()
    obj.call(u"run", [])
    taken = time.time() - taken
    while taken < 1.0 and loops < 100000000:
        debug_print("Took", taken, "seconds to run", loops, "loops")
        loops *= 10
        debug_print("Trying", loops, "loops...")
        acc = 0
        taken = time.time()
        while acc < loops:
            acc += 1
            obj.call(u"run", [])
        taken = time.time() - taken
    debug_print("Okay! Will take", loops, "loops at", taken, "seconds")

    # Step 2: Take trials.
    debug_print("Taking trials...")
    trialCount = 3 - 1
    # Unroll first iteration to get maximum.
    acc = 0
    taken = time.time()
    while acc < loops:
        acc += 1
        obj.call(u"run", [])
    taken = time.time() - taken
    result = taken
    while trialCount:
        trialCount -= 1
        acc = 0
        taken = time.time()
        while acc < loops:
            acc += 1
            obj.call(u"run", [])
        taken = time.time() - taken
        if taken < result:
            result = taken

    # All done!
    return ConstList([IntObject(loops), DoubleObject(taken)])
예제 #7
파일: endpoints.py 프로젝트: washort/typhon
    def connect(self):
        vat = currentVat.get()
        stream = ruv.alloc_tcp(vat.uv_loop)

        fount, fountResolver = makePromise()
        drain, drainResolver = makePromise()

        # Ugh, the hax.
        resolvers = ConstList([fountResolver, drainResolver])
        ruv.stashStream(ruv.rffi.cast(ruv.stream_tp, stream), (vat, resolvers))

        # Make the actual connection.
        ruv.tcpConnect(stream, self.host, self.port, connectCB)

        # Return the promises.
        return ConstList([fount, drain])
예제 #8
 def pop(self):
     from typhon.objects.collections.lists import ConstList
     if self.objectMap:
         key, value = self.objectMap.popitem()
         return ConstList([key, value])
         raise userError(u"pop/0: Pop from empty map")
예제 #9
    def runMatchers(self, atom, args, namedArgs):
        message = ConstList([StrObject(atom.verb), ConstList(args), namedArgs])
        for matcher in self.codeScript.strategy.getMatchers():
            with Ejector() as ej:
                    return self.runMatcher(matcher, message, ej)
                except Ejecting as e:
                    if e.ejector is ej:
                        # Looks like unification failed. On to the next
                        # matcher!
                        # It's not ours, cap'n.

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
예제 #10
파일: runtime.py 프로젝트: washort/typhon
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is GETHANDLES_0:
            l = []
            # ruv.walk(self.loop, walkCB, eraseList(l))
            return ConstList([LoopHandle(h) for h in l])

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
예제 #11
 def sendAll(self, atom, args, namedArgs):
     if self.checkSlot():
         ref = self.resolutionBox.get()
         return send(ref, atom, args, namedArgs)
         return send(self.handler, HANDLESEND_3,
                      ConstList(args), namedArgs], EMPTY_MAP)
예제 #12
 def getWindowSize(self):
     from typhon.objects.data import wrapInt
     from typhon.objects.collections.lists import ConstList
     with scoped_alloc(INTP.TO, 1) as widthp, \
             scoped_alloc(INTP.TO, 1) as heightp:
         ruv.TTYGetWinSize(self._tty, widthp, heightp)
         width = intmask(widthp[0])
         height = intmask(heightp[0])
     return ConstList([wrapInt(width), wrapInt(height)])
예제 #13
파일: guards.py 프로젝트: washort/typhon
 def recv(self, atom, args):
     if atom is _UNCALL_0:
         from typhon.objects.collections.maps import EMPTY_MAP
         return ConstList([
             ConstList([self.value]), EMPTY_MAP
     if atom is COERCE_2:
         from typhon.objects.equality import optSame, EQUAL
         specimen, ej = args[0], args[1]
         if optSame(specimen, self.value) is EQUAL:
             return specimen
                             StrObject(u"is not"), self.value])])
     if atom is GETVALUE_0:
         return self.value
     raise Refused(self, atom, args)
예제 #14
파일: guards.py 프로젝트: washort/typhon
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is _UNCALL_0:
            from typhon.objects.collections.maps import EMPTY_MAP
            from typhon.scopes.safe import theFinalSlotGuardMaker
            return ConstList([
                ConstList([self.valueGuard]), EMPTY_MAP

        if atom is GETGUARD_0:
            return self.valueGuard
        if atom is COERCE_2:
            return self.coerce(args[0], args[1])
        if atom is SUPERSETOF_1:
            s = args[0]
            if isinstance(s, FinalSlot):
                return self.valueGuard.call(u"supersetOf", [s._guard])
            return wrapBool(False)
        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
예제 #15
파일: data.py 프로젝트: washort/typhon
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is NEXT_1:
            if self._index < len(self.s):
                from typhon.objects.collections.lists import ConstList
                rv = [IntObject(self._index), CharObject(self.s[self._index])]
                self._index += 1
                return ConstList(rv)
                ej = args[0]
                ej.call(u"run", [StrObject(u"Iterator exhausted")])

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
예제 #16
파일: crypt.py 프로젝트: washort/typhon
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is GETALGORITHM_0:
            return StrObject(u"CSPRNG (libsodium)")

        if atom is GETENTROPY_0:
            # uint32_t in the FFI, so exactly 32 bits every time.
            return ConstList([

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
예제 #17
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is GET_0:
            return self.get()

        if atom is GETGUARD_0:
            return self.guard

        if atom is _UNCALL_0:
            from typhon.objects.collections.maps import EMPTY_MAP
            from typhon.scopes.safe import theSlotBinder
            return ConstList([
                ConstList([self.slot, NullObject]), EMPTY_MAP

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
예제 #18
def gaiCB(gai, status, ai):
    status = intmask(status)
    vat, resolver = ruv.unstashGAI(gai)
    with scopedVat(vat):
        assert isinstance(resolver, LocalResolver), "implementation error"
        if status < 0:
            msg = ruv.formatError(status).decode("utf-8")
            resolver.smash(StrObject(u"libuv error: %s" % msg))
            gaiList = walkAI(ai)
예제 #19
 def recv(self, atom, args):
     if atom is FROMAST_3:
         code, topLocals = codeFromAst(args[0], self.recorder,
         return evalToPair(code, topLocals, args[1], True)[0]
     if atom is RUN_2:
         code, topLocals = moduleFromString(args[0], self.recorder)
         return evalToPair(code, topLocals, args[1])[0]
     if atom is EVALTOPAIR_2:
         code, topLocals = moduleFromString(args[0], self.recorder)
         result, envMap = evalToPair(code, topLocals, args[1])
         return ConstList([result, envMap])
     raise Refused(self, atom, args)
예제 #20
파일: guards.py 프로젝트: washort/typhon
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is COERCE_2:
            for g in self.subguards:
                with Ejector() as ej:
                        return g.call(u"coerce", [args[0], ej])
                    except Ejecting as e:
                        if e.ejector is ej:
            throw(args[1], StrObject(u"No subguards matched"))
        if atom is SUPERSETOF_1:
            for g in self.subguards:
                if not unwrapBool(g.call(u"supersetOf", [args[0]])):
                    return wrapBool(False)
            return wrapBool(True)

        if atom is _UNCALL_0:
            from typhon.objects.collections.maps import EMPTY_MAP
            return ConstList([
                ConstList(self.subguards), EMPTY_MAP
        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
예제 #21
파일: data.py 프로젝트: washort/typhon
 def recv(self, atom, args):
     if atom is COMBINE_1:
         return self.combine(args[0])
     if atom is GETSTARTCOL_0:
         return self.getStartCol()
     if atom is GETSTARTLINE_0:
         return self.getStartLine()
     if atom is GETENDCOL_0:
         return self.getEndCol()
     if atom is GETENDLINE_0:
         return self.getEndLine()
     if atom is ISONETOONE_0:
         return self.isOneToOne()
     if atom is NOTONETOONE_0:
         return self.notOneToOne()
     if atom is _UNCALL_0:
         from typhon.objects.collections.lists import ConstList
         from typhon.objects.collections.maps import EMPTY_MAP
         return ConstList([
             makeSourceSpan, StrObject(u"run"),
             ConstList([wrapBool(self._isOneToOne), IntObject(self.startLine),
                        IntObject(self.startCol), IntObject(self.endLine),
                        IntObject(self.endCol)]), EMPTY_MAP])
     raise Refused(self, atom, args)
예제 #22
파일: runtime.py 프로젝트: washort/typhon
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is GETBUCKETS_0:
            d = monteMap()
            for name, count in self.buckets.items():
                size = self.sizes.get(name, -1)
                d[StrObject(name)] = ConstList(
                    [IntObject(size), IntObject(count)])
            return ConstMap(d)

        if atom is GETMEMORYUSAGE_0:
            return IntObject(self.memoryUsage)

        if atom is GETOBJECTCOUNT_0:
            return IntObject(self.objectCount)

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
예제 #23
파일: crypt.py 프로젝트: washort/typhon
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is SEAL_1:
            message = unwrapBytes(args[0])
            nonce = rsodium.freshNonce()
            cipher = rsodium.boxSeal(message, nonce, self.publicKey,
            return ConstList([BytesObject(cipher), BytesObject(nonce)])

        if atom is UNSEAL_2:
            cipher = unwrapBytes(args[0])
            nonce = unwrapBytes(args[1])
                message = rsodium.boxUnseal(cipher, nonce, self.publicKey,
            except rsodium.SodiumError:
                raise userError(u"unseal/2: Couldn't open this box")
            return BytesObject(message)

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
예제 #24
파일: guards.py 프로젝트: washort/typhon
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is COERCE_2:
            return args[0]

        if atom is SUPERSETOF_1:
            return wrapBool(True)

        if atom is EXTRACTGUARDS_2:
            g = args[0]
            ej = args[1]
            if isinstance(g, AnyOfGuard):
                return ConstList(g.subguards)
                ej.call(u"run", [StrObject(u"Not an AnyOf guard")])

        if atom is GETMETHODS_0:
            return ConstSet(monteSet())

        if atom.verb == u"get":
            return AnyOfGuard(args)

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
예제 #25
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is GETARGUMENTS_0:
            return ConstList(
                [StrObject(arg.decode("utf-8")) for arg in self.config.argv])

        if atom is GETENVIRONMENT_0:
            # XXX monteMap()
            d = monteMap()
            for key, value in os.environ.items():
                k = StrObject(key.decode("utf-8"))
                v = StrObject(value.decode("utf-8"))
                d[k] = v
            return ConstMap(d)

        if atom is GETPID_0:
            return IntObject(os.getpid())

        if atom is INTERRUPT_0:
            os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT)
            return NullObject

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
예제 #26
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is GETARGUMENTS_0:
            return ConstList([BytesObject(arg) for arg in self.argv])

        if atom is GETENVIRONMENT_0:
            # XXX monteMap()
            d = monteMap()
            for key, value in self.env.items():
                k = BytesObject(key)
                v = BytesObject(value)
                d[k] = v
            return ConstMap(d)

        if atom is GETPID_0:
            return IntObject(self.pid)

        if atom is INTERRUPT_0:
            os.kill(self.pid, signal.SIGINT)
            return NullObject

        if atom is WAIT_0:
            return self.makeWaiter()

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
예제 #27
파일: crypt.py 프로젝트: washort/typhon
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is FROMPUBLICBYTES_1:
            publicKey = unwrapBytes(args[0])
            expectedSize = intmask(rsodium.cryptoBoxPublickeybytes())
            if len(publicKey) != expectedSize:
                message = u"Expected key length of %d bytes, not %d" % (
                    expectedSize, len(publicKey))
                raise userError(message)
            return PublicKey(publicKey)

        if atom is FROMSECRETBYTES_1:
            secretKey = unwrapBytes(args[0])
            expectedSize = intmask(rsodium.cryptoBoxSecretkeybytes())
            if len(secretKey) != expectedSize:
                message = u"Expected key length of %d bytes, not %d" % (
                    expectedSize, len(secretKey))
                raise userError(message)
            return SecretKey(secretKey)

        if atom is RUN_0:
            public, secret = rsodium.freshKeypair()
            return ConstList([PublicKey(public), SecretKey(secret)])

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)
예제 #28
 def testSlice(self):
     l = ConstList(map(CharObject, "abcdefg"))
     result = l.call(u"slice", [IntObject(3), IntObject(6)])
     chars = [char._c for char in unwrapList(result)]
     self.assertEqual(chars, list("def"))
예제 #29
 def testHashInequalItems(self):
     a = ConstList([IntObject(42), CharObject(u'é')])
     b = ConstList([IntObject(42), CharObject(u'e')])
     self.assertNotEqual(a.hash(), b.hash())
예제 #30
 def testSlice(self):
     l = ConstList(map(CharObject, "abcdefg"))
     result = l.call(u"slice", [IntObject(3), IntObject(6)])
     chars = [char._c for char in unwrapList(result)]
     self.assertEqual(chars, list("def"))
예제 #31
파일: test_data.py 프로젝트: washort/typhon
 def testJoin(self):
     s = StrObject(u"|")
     result = s.call(
         [ConstList([StrObject(u"5"), StrObject(u"42")])])
     self.assertEqual(result._s, u"5|42")
예제 #32
 def testCmpShortRight(self):
     a = ConstList([IntObject(2), IntObject(4)])
     b = ConstList([IntObject(2)])
     result = a.call(u"op__cmp", [b])
     self.assertEqual(result.getInt(), 1)
예제 #33
 def testHashEqual(self):
     a = ConstList([IntObject(42), CharObject(u'é')])
     b = ConstList([IntObject(42), CharObject(u'é')])
     self.assertEqual(a.hash(), b.hash())
예제 #34
파일: data.py 프로젝트: washort/typhon
    def recv(self, atom, args):
        if atom is ADD_1:
            other = args[0]
            if isinstance(other, BytesObject):
                return BytesObject(self._bs + other._bs)
            if isinstance(other, IntObject):
                return BytesObject(self._bs + str(chr(other._i)))

        if atom is ASLIST_0:
            from typhon.objects.collections.lists import ConstList
            return ConstList(self.asList())

        if atom is ASSET_0:
            from typhon.objects.collections.sets import ConstSet
            return ConstSet(self.asSet())

        if atom is CONTAINS_1:
            needle = args[0]
            if isinstance(needle, IntObject):
                return wrapBool(chr(needle._i) in self._bs)
            if isinstance(needle, BytesObject):
                return wrapBool(needle._bs in self._bs)

        if atom is GET_1:
            index = unwrapInt(args[0])
            if not 0 <= index < len(self._bs):
                raise userError(u"string.get/1: Index out of bounds: %d" %
            return IntObject(ord(self._bs[index]))

        if atom is INDEXOF_1:
            needle = unwrapBytes(args[0])
            return IntObject(self._bs.find(needle))

        if atom is INDEXOF_2:
            needle = unwrapBytes(args[0])
            offset = unwrapInt(args[1])
            if offset < 0:
                raise userError(u"indexOf/2: Negative offset %d not supported"
                                % offset)
            return IntObject(self._bs.find(needle, offset))

        if atom is JOIN_1:
            from typhon.objects.collections.lists import unwrapList
            return BytesObject(self.join(unwrapList(args[0])))

        if atom is LASTINDEXOF_1:
            needle = unwrapBytes(args[0])
            return IntObject(self._bs.rfind(needle))

        if atom is MULTIPLY_1:
            amount = args[0]
            if isinstance(amount, IntObject):
                return BytesObject(self._bs * amount._i)

        if atom is OP__CMP_1:
            return polyCmp(self._bs, unwrapBytes(args[0]))

        if atom is REPLACE_2:
            return BytesObject(replace(self._bs,

        if atom is SIZE_0:
            return IntObject(len(self._bs))

        if atom is SLICE_1:
            start = unwrapInt(args[0])
            if start < 0:
                raise userError(u"Slice start cannot be negative")
            return BytesObject(self._bs[start:])

        if atom is SLICE_2:
            start = unwrapInt(args[0])
            stop = unwrapInt(args[1])
            if start < 0:
                raise userError(u"Slice start cannot be negative")
            if stop < 0:
                raise userError(u"Slice stop cannot be negative")
            return BytesObject(self._bs[start:stop])

        if atom is SPLIT_1:
            from typhon.objects.collections.lists import ConstList
            return ConstList(self.split(unwrapBytes(args[0])))

        if atom is SPLIT_2:
            from typhon.objects.collections.lists import ConstList
            return ConstList(self.split(unwrapBytes(args[0]),

        if atom is TOLOWERCASE_0:
            return BytesObject(self.toLowerCase())

        if atom is TOUPPERCASE_0:
            return BytesObject(self.toUpperCase())

        if atom is TRIM_0:
            return BytesObject(self.trim())

        if atom is WITH_1:
            return BytesObject(self._bs + chr(unwrapInt(args[0])))

        if atom is _MAKEITERATOR_0:
            return bytesIterator(self._bs)

        raise Refused(self, atom, args)