예제 #1
def compute_form_action(form, coefficient):
    """Compute the action of a form on a Coefficient.

    This works simply by replacing the last Argument
    with a Coefficient on the same function space (element).
    The form returned will thus have one Argument less
    and one additional Coefficient at the end if no
    Coefficient has been provided.
    # TODO: Check whatever makes sense for coefficient

    # Extract all arguments
    arguments = form.arguments()

    parts = [arg.part() for arg in arguments]
    if set(parts) - {None}:
        error("compute_form_action cannot handle parts.")

    # Pick last argument (will be replaced)
    u = arguments[-1]

    fs = u.ufl_function_space()
    if coefficient is None:
        coefficient = Coefficient(fs)
    elif coefficient.ufl_function_space() != fs:
        debug("Computing action of form on a coefficient in a different function space.")
    return replace(form, {u: coefficient})
예제 #2
def compute_energy_norm(form, coefficient):
    """Compute the a-norm of a Coefficient given a form a.

    This works simply by replacing the two Arguments
    with a Coefficient on the same function space (element).
    The Form returned will thus be a functional with no
    Arguments, and one additional Coefficient at the
    end if no coefficient has been provided.
    arguments = form.arguments()

    parts = [arg.part() for arg in arguments]
    if set(parts) - {None}:
        error("compute_energy_norm cannot handle parts.")

    if len(arguments) != 2:
        error("Expecting bilinear form.")
    v, u = arguments
    U = u.ufl_function_space()
    V = v.ufl_function_space()
    if U != V:
        error("Expecting equal finite elements for test and trial functions, got '%s' and '%s'." % (U, V))
    if coefficient is None:
        coefficient = Coefficient(V)
        if coefficient.ufl_function_space() != U:
            error("Trying to compute action of form on a "
                  "coefficient in an incompatible element space.")
    return replace(form, {u: coefficient, v: coefficient})
예제 #3
def compute_form_action(form, coefficient):
    """Compute the action of a form on a Coefficient.

    This works simply by replacing the last Argument
    with a Coefficient on the same function space (element).
    The form returned will thus have one Argument less
    and one additional Coefficient at the end if no
    Coefficient has been provided.
    # TODO: Check whatever makes sense for coefficient

    # Extract all arguments
    arguments = form.arguments()

    parts = [arg.part() for arg in arguments]
    if set(parts) - {None}:
        error("compute_form_action cannot handle parts.")

    # Pick last argument (will be replaced)
    u = arguments[-1]

    fs = u.ufl_function_space()
    if coefficient is None:
        coefficient = Coefficient(fs)
    elif coefficient.ufl_function_space() != fs:
        debug("Computing action of form on a coefficient in a different function space.")
    return replace(form, {u: coefficient})
예제 #4
def compute_energy_norm(form, coefficient):
    """Compute the a-norm of a Coefficient given a form a.

    This works simply by replacing the two Arguments
    with a Coefficient on the same function space (element).
    The Form returned will thus be a functional with no
    Arguments, and one additional Coefficient at the
    end if no coefficient has been provided.
    arguments = form.arguments()

    parts = [arg.part() for arg in arguments]
    if set(parts) - {None}:
        error("compute_energy_norm cannot handle parts.")

    if len(arguments) != 2:
        error("Expecting bilinear form.")
    v, u = arguments
    U = u.ufl_function_space()
    V = v.ufl_function_space()
    if U != V:
        error("Expecting equal finite elements for test and trial functions, got '%s' and '%s'." % (U, V))
    if coefficient is None:
        coefficient = Coefficient(V)
        if coefficient.ufl_function_space() != U:
            error("Trying to compute action of form on a "
                  "coefficient in an incompatible element space.")
    return replace(form, {u: coefficient, v: coefficient})
예제 #5
def compute_energy_norm(form, coefficient):
    """Compute the a-norm of a Coefficient given a form a.

    This works simply by replacing the two Arguments
    with a Coefficient on the same function space (element).
    The Form returned will thus be a functional with no
    Arguments, and one additional Coefficient at the
    end if no coefficient has been provided.
    arguments = extract_arguments(form)
    ufl_assert(len(arguments) == 2, "Expecting bilinear form.")
    v, u = arguments
    e = u.element()
    e2 = v.element()
        e == e2,
        "Expecting equal finite elements for test and trial functions, got '%s' and '%s'."
        % (str(e), str(e2)))
    if coefficient is None:
        coefficient = Coefficient(e)
        ufl_assert(coefficient.element() == e, \
            "Trying to compute action of form on a "\
            "coefficient in an incompatible element space.")
    return replace(form, {u: coefficient, v: coefficient})
예제 #6
def compute_form_action(form, coefficient):
    """Compute the action of a form on a Coefficient.

    This works simply by replacing the last Argument
    with a Coefficient on the same function space (element).
    The form returned will thus have one Argument less
    and one additional Coefficient at the end if no
    Coefficient has been provided.
    # TODO: Check whatever makes sense for coefficient

    # Extract all arguments
    arguments = extract_arguments(form)

    # Pick last argument (will be replaced)
    u = arguments[-1]

    e = u.element()
    if coefficient is None:
        coefficient = Coefficient(e)
        #ufl_assert(coefficient.element() == e, \
        if coefficient.element() != e:
                "Computing action of form on a coefficient in a different element space."
    return replace(form, {u: coefficient})
def compute_form_action(form, coefficient):
    """Compute the action of a form on a Coefficient.

    This works simply by replacing the last Argument
    with a Coefficient on the same function space (element).
    The form returned will thus have one Argument less
    and one additional Coefficient at the end if no
    Coefficient has been provided.
    # TODO: Check whatever makes sense for coefficient

    # Extract all arguments
    arguments = extract_arguments(form)

    # Pick last argument (will be replaced)
    u = arguments[-1]

    e = u.element()
    if coefficient is None:
        coefficient = Coefficient(e)
        #ufl_assert(coefficient.element() == e, \
        if coefficient.element() != e:
            debug("Computing action of form on a coefficient in a different element space.")
    return replace(form, { u: coefficient })
    def __call__(self,M,b):
        # FIXME we currently lose the variable names of the forms (this can be
        # looked up in the uflObjects)

        # b as the rhs should always only have a single argument
        # Extract its element
        element = extract_arguments(b)[0].element()
        coeff = Coefficient(element)
        self._solves[coeff.count()] = (M,b)
        return coeff
def compute_energy_norm(form, coefficient):
    """Compute the a-norm of a Coefficient given a form a.

    This works simply by replacing the two Arguments
    with a Coefficient on the same function space (element).
    The Form returned will thus be a functional with no
    Arguments, and one additional Coefficient at the
    end if no coefficient has been provided.
    arguments = extract_arguments(form)
    ufl_assert(len(arguments) == 2, "Expecting bilinear form.")
    v, u = arguments
    e = u.element()
    e2 = v.element()
    ufl_assert(e == e2, "Expecting equal finite elements for test and trial functions, got '%s' and '%s'." % (str(e), str(e2)))
    if coefficient is None:
        coefficient = Coefficient(e)
        ufl_assert(coefficient.element() == e, \
            "Trying to compute action of form on a "\
            "coefficient in an incompatible element space.")
    return replace(form, { u: coefficient, v: coefficient })