예제 #1
class MessageType(list):
    A message type is a list of protocol fields.


    __slots__ = ["name", "__id", "assigned_by_ruleset", "ruleset", "assigned_by_logic_analyzer"]

    def __init__(self, name: str, iterable=None, id=None, ruleset=None):
        iterable = iterable if iterable else []

        self.name = name
        self.__id = str(uuid.uuid4()) if id is None else id

        self.assigned_by_logic_analyzer = False
        self.assigned_by_ruleset = False
        self.ruleset = Ruleset() if ruleset is None else ruleset

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(super)

    def __getitem__(self, index) -> ProtocolLabel:
        return super().__getitem__(index)

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.name + " " + super().__repr__()

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, MessageType):
            return self.id == other.id
            return super().__eq__(other)

    def assign_manually(self):
        return not self.assigned_by_ruleset

    def id(self) -> str:
        return self.__id

    def unlabeled_ranges(self):

        :rtype: list[(int,int)]
        return self.__get_unlabeled_ranges_from_labels(self)

    def __get_unlabeled_ranges_from_labels(labels):

        :type labels: list of ProtocolLabel
        :rtype: list[(int,int)]
        start = 0
        result = []
        for lbl in labels:
            if lbl.start > start:
                result.append((start, lbl.start))
            start = lbl.end
        result.append((start, None))
        return result

    def unlabeled_ranges_with_other_mt(self, other_message_type):

        :type other_message_type: MessageType
        :rtype: list[(int,int)]
        labels = self + other_message_type
        return self.__get_unlabeled_ranges_from_labels(labels)

    def append(self, lbl: ProtocolLabel):

    def add_protocol_label(self, start: int, end: int, name=None, color_ind=None,
                           auto_created=False, type: FieldType = None) -> ProtocolLabel:

        name = "" if not name else name
        used_colors = [p.color_index for p in self]
        avail_colors = [i for i, _ in enumerate(constants.LABEL_COLORS) if i not in used_colors]

        if color_ind is None:
            if len(avail_colors) > 0:
                color_ind = avail_colors[0]
                color_ind = random.randint(0, len(constants.LABEL_COLORS) - 1)

        proto_label = ProtocolLabel(name=name, start=start, end=end, color_index=color_ind,
                                    auto_created=auto_created, type=type)

        if proto_label not in self:

        return proto_label  # Return label to set editor focus after adding

    def add_label(self, lbl: ProtocolLabel, allow_overlapping=True):
        if allow_overlapping or not any(lbl.overlaps_with(l) for l in self):
            self.add_protocol_label(lbl.start, lbl.end-1, name=lbl.name, color_ind=lbl.color_index)

    def remove(self, lbl: ProtocolLabel):
        if lbl in self:
            logger.warning(lbl.name + " is not in set, so cant be removed")

    def to_xml(self) -> ET.Element:
        result = ET.Element("message_type", attrib={"name": self.name, "id": self.id,
                                                    "assigned_by_ruleset": "1" if self.assigned_by_ruleset else "0",
                                                    "assigned_by_logic_analyzer": "1" if self.assigned_by_logic_analyzer else "0"})
        for lbl in self:


        return result

    def from_xml(tag: ET.Element):
        field_types_by_type_id = {ft.id: ft for ft in FieldType.load_from_xml()}

        name = tag.get("name", "blank")
        id = tag.get("id", None)
        assigned_by_ruleset = bool(int(tag.get("assigned_by_ruleset", 0)))
        assigned_by_logic_analyzer = bool(int(tag.get("assigned_by_logic_analyzer", 0)))
        labels = []
        for lbl_tag in tag.findall("label"):
            labels.append(ProtocolLabel.from_xml(lbl_tag, field_types_by_type_id=field_types_by_type_id))
        result = MessageType(name=name, iterable=labels, id=id, ruleset=Ruleset.from_xml(tag.find("ruleset")))
        result.assigned_by_ruleset = assigned_by_ruleset
        result.assigned_by_logic_analyzer = assigned_by_logic_analyzer

        return result
예제 #2
class MessageType(list):
    A message type is a list of protocol fields.


    __slots__ = ["name", "show", "__id", "assigned_by_ruleset", "ruleset", "assigned_by_logic_analyzer"]

    def __init__(self, name: str, iterable=None, id=None, ruleset=None):
        iterable = iterable if iterable else []

        self.name = name
        self.show = Qt.Checked
        self.__id = str(uuid.uuid4()) if id is None else id

        self.assigned_by_logic_analyzer = False
        self.assigned_by_ruleset = False
        self.ruleset = Ruleset() if ruleset is None else ruleset

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(super)

    def __getitem__(self, index) -> ProtocolLabel:
        return super().__getitem__(index)

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.name + " " + super().__repr__()

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, MessageType):
            return self.id == other.id
            return super().__eq__(other)

    def assign_manually(self):
        return not self.assigned_by_ruleset

    def id(self) -> str:
        return self.__id

    def checksum_labels(self) -> list:
        return [lbl for lbl in self if isinstance(lbl, ChecksumLabel)]

    def unlabeled_ranges(self):

        :rtype: list[(int,int)]
        return self.__get_unlabeled_ranges_from_labels(self)

    def __create_label(self, name: str, start: int, end: int, color_index: int, auto_created: bool,
                       field_type: FieldType):
        if field_type is not None:
            if field_type.function == FieldType.Function.CHECKSUM:
                # If we have sync or preamble labels start behind last one:
                pre_sync_label_ends = [lbl.end for lbl in self if lbl.is_preamble or lbl.is_sync]
                if len(pre_sync_label_ends) > 0:
                    range_start = max(pre_sync_label_ends)
                    range_start = 0

                if range_start >= start:
                    range_start = 0

                return ChecksumLabel(name=name, start=start, end=end, color_index=color_index, field_type=field_type,
                                     auto_created=auto_created, data_range_start=range_start)

        return ProtocolLabel(name=name, start=start, end=end, color_index=color_index, field_type=field_type,

    def __get_unlabeled_ranges_from_labels(labels):

        :type labels: list of ProtocolLabel
        :rtype: list[(int,int)]
        start = 0
        result = []
        for lbl in labels:
            if lbl.start > start:
                result.append((start, lbl.start))
            start = lbl.end
        result.append((start, None))
        return result

    def unlabeled_ranges_with_other_mt(self, other_message_type):

        :type other_message_type: MessageType
        :rtype: list[(int,int)]
        labels = self + other_message_type
        return self.__get_unlabeled_ranges_from_labels(labels)

    def get_first_label_with_type(self, field_type: FieldType.Function) -> ProtocolLabel:
        return next((lbl for lbl in self if lbl.field_type and lbl.field_type.function == field_type), None)

    def num_labels_with_type(self, field_type: FieldType.Function) -> int:
        return len([lbl for lbl in self if lbl.field_type and lbl.field_type.function == field_type])

    def append(self, lbl: ProtocolLabel):

    def give_new_id(self):
        self.__id = str(uuid.uuid4())

    def add_protocol_label(self, start: int, end: int, name=None, color_ind=None,
                           auto_created=False, type: FieldType = None) -> ProtocolLabel:

        name = "" if not name else name
        used_colors = [p.color_index for p in self]
        avail_colors = [i for i, _ in enumerate(constants.LABEL_COLORS) if i not in used_colors]

        if color_ind is None:
            if len(avail_colors) > 0:
                color_ind = avail_colors[0]
                color_ind = random.randint(0, len(constants.LABEL_COLORS) - 1)

        proto_label = self.__create_label(name=name, start=start, end=end, color_index=color_ind,
                                          auto_created=auto_created, field_type=type)

        if proto_label not in self:

        return proto_label  # Return label to set editor focus after adding

    def add_protocol_label_start_length(self, start: int, length: int, name=None, color_ind=None,
                                        auto_created=False, type: FieldType = None) -> ProtocolLabel:
        return self.add_protocol_label(start, start + length - 1, name, color_ind, auto_created, type)

    def add_label(self, lbl: ProtocolLabel, allow_overlapping=True):
        if allow_overlapping or not any(lbl.overlaps_with(l) for l in self):
            added = self.add_protocol_label(lbl.start, lbl.end - 1, name=lbl.name, color_ind=lbl.color_index)
            added.display_format_index = lbl.display_format_index
            added.display_bit_order_index = lbl.display_bit_order_index

    def remove(self, lbl: ProtocolLabel):
        if lbl in self:
            logger.warning(lbl.name + " is not in set, so cant be removed")

    def change_field_type_of_label(self, label: ProtocolLabel, field_type: FieldType):
        if not isinstance(label, ProtocolLabel) and hasattr(label, "field_type"):
            # In case of SimulatorProtocolLabel
            label.field_type = field_type

        is_crc_type = field_type is not None and field_type.function == FieldType.Function.CHECKSUM
        if is_crc_type != isinstance(label, ChecksumLabel):
            self[self.index(label)] = self.__create_label(label.name, label.start, label.end - 1,
                                                          label.color_index, label.auto_created, field_type)
            label.field_type = field_type

    def to_xml(self) -> ET.Element:
        result = ET.Element("message_type", attrib={"name": self.name, "id": self.id,
                                                    "assigned_by_ruleset": "1" if self.assigned_by_ruleset else "0",
                                                    "assigned_by_logic_analyzer": "1" if self.assigned_by_logic_analyzer else "0"})
        for lbl in self:
            except TypeError:
                logger.error("Could not save label: " + str(lbl))


        return result

    def from_xml(tag: ET.Element):
        field_types_by_caption = {ft.caption: ft for ft in FieldType.load_from_xml()}

        name = tag.get("name", "blank")
        id = tag.get("id", None)
        assigned_by_ruleset = bool(int(tag.get("assigned_by_ruleset", 0)))
        assigned_by_logic_analyzer = bool(int(tag.get("assigned_by_logic_analyzer", 0)))
        labels = []
        for lbl_tag in tag.findall("label"):
            labels.append(ProtocolLabel.from_xml(lbl_tag, field_types_by_caption=field_types_by_caption))
        for lbl_tag in tag.findall("checksum_label"):
            labels.append(ChecksumLabel.from_xml(lbl_tag, field_types_by_caption=field_types_by_caption))
        result = MessageType(name=name, iterable=labels, id=id, ruleset=Ruleset.from_xml(tag.find("ruleset")))
        result.assigned_by_ruleset = assigned_by_ruleset
        result.assigned_by_logic_analyzer = assigned_by_logic_analyzer

        return result
예제 #3
파일: MessageType.py 프로젝트: jopohl/urh
class MessageType(list):
    A message type is a list of protocol fields.


    __slots__ = ["name", "show", "__id", "assigned_by_ruleset", "ruleset", "assigned_by_logic_analyzer"]

    def __init__(self, name: str, iterable=None, id=None, ruleset=None):
        iterable = iterable if iterable else []

        self.name = name
        self.show = Qt.Checked
        self.__id = str(uuid.uuid4()) if id is None else id

        self.assigned_by_logic_analyzer = False
        self.assigned_by_ruleset = False
        self.ruleset = Ruleset() if ruleset is None else ruleset

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(super)

    def __getitem__(self, index) -> ProtocolLabel:
        return super().__getitem__(index)

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.name + " " + super().__repr__()

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, MessageType):
            return self.id == other.id
            return super().__eq__(other)

    def assign_manually(self):
        return not self.assigned_by_ruleset

    def id(self) -> str:
        return self.__id

    def checksum_labels(self) -> list:
        return [lbl for lbl in self if isinstance(lbl, ChecksumLabel)]

    def unlabeled_ranges(self):

        :rtype: list[(int,int)]
        return self.__get_unlabeled_ranges_from_labels(self)

    def __get_unlabeled_ranges_from_labels(labels):

        :type labels: list of ProtocolLabel
        :rtype: list[(int,int)]
        start = 0
        result = []
        for lbl in labels:
            if lbl.start > start:
                result.append((start, lbl.start))
            start = lbl.end
        result.append((start, None))
        return result

    def unlabeled_ranges_with_other_mt(self, other_message_type):

        :type other_message_type: MessageType
        :rtype: list[(int,int)]
        labels = self + other_message_type
        return self.__get_unlabeled_ranges_from_labels(labels)

    def append(self, lbl: ProtocolLabel):

    def add_protocol_label(self, start: int, end: int, name=None, color_ind=None,
                           auto_created=False, type: FieldType = None) -> ProtocolLabel:

        name = "" if not name else name
        used_colors = [p.color_index for p in self]
        avail_colors = [i for i, _ in enumerate(constants.LABEL_COLORS) if i not in used_colors]

        if color_ind is None:
            if len(avail_colors) > 0:
                color_ind = avail_colors[0]
                color_ind = random.randint(0, len(constants.LABEL_COLORS) - 1)

        proto_label = self.__create_label(name=name, start=start, end=end, color_index=color_ind,
                                          auto_created=auto_created, field_type=type)

        if proto_label not in self:

        return proto_label  # Return label to set editor focus after adding

    def add_label(self, lbl: ProtocolLabel, allow_overlapping=True):
        if allow_overlapping or not any(lbl.overlaps_with(l) for l in self):
            added = self.add_protocol_label(lbl.start, lbl.end - 1, name=lbl.name, color_ind=lbl.color_index)
            added.display_format_index = lbl.display_format_index
            added.display_bit_order_index = lbl.display_bit_order_index

    def remove(self, lbl: ProtocolLabel):
        if lbl in self:
            logger.warning(lbl.name + " is not in set, so cant be removed")

    def to_xml(self) -> ET.Element:
        result = ET.Element("message_type", attrib={"name": self.name, "id": self.id,
                                                    "assigned_by_ruleset": "1" if self.assigned_by_ruleset else "0",
                                                    "assigned_by_logic_analyzer": "1" if self.assigned_by_logic_analyzer else "0"})
        for lbl in self:
            except TypeError:
                logger.error("Could not save label: " + str(lbl))


        return result

    def change_field_type_of_label(self, label: ProtocolLabel, field_type: FieldType):
        if not isinstance(label, ProtocolLabel) and hasattr(label, "field_type"):
            # In case of SimulatorProtocolLabel
            label.field_type = field_type

        is_crc_type = field_type is not None and field_type.function == FieldType.Function.CHECKSUM
        if is_crc_type != isinstance(label, ChecksumLabel):
            self[self.index(label)] = self.__create_label(label.name, label.start, label.end - 1,
                                                          label.color_index, label.auto_created, field_type)
            label.field_type = field_type

    def __create_label(self, name: str, start: int, end: int, color_index: int, auto_created: bool,
                       field_type: FieldType):
        if field_type is not None:
            if field_type.function == FieldType.Function.CHECKSUM:
                # If we have sync or preamble labels start behind last one:
                pre_sync_label_ends = [lbl.end for lbl in self if lbl.is_preamble or lbl.is_sync]
                if len(pre_sync_label_ends) > 0:
                    range_start = max(pre_sync_label_ends)
                    range_start = 0

                if range_start >= start:
                    range_start = 0

                return ChecksumLabel(name=name, start=start, end=end, color_index=color_index, field_type=field_type,
                                     auto_created=auto_created, data_range_start=range_start)

        return ProtocolLabel(name=name, start=start, end=end, color_index=color_index, field_type=field_type,

    def from_xml(tag: ET.Element):
        field_types_by_caption = {ft.caption: ft for ft in FieldType.load_from_xml()}

        name = tag.get("name", "blank")
        id = tag.get("id", None)
        assigned_by_ruleset = bool(int(tag.get("assigned_by_ruleset", 0)))
        assigned_by_logic_analyzer = bool(int(tag.get("assigned_by_logic_analyzer", 0)))
        labels = []
        for lbl_tag in tag.findall("label"):
            labels.append(ProtocolLabel.from_xml(lbl_tag, field_types_by_caption=field_types_by_caption))
        for lbl_tag in tag.findall("checksum_label"):
            labels.append(ChecksumLabel.from_xml(lbl_tag, field_types_by_caption=field_types_by_caption))
        result = MessageType(name=name, iterable=labels, id=id, ruleset=Ruleset.from_xml(tag.find("ruleset")))
        result.assigned_by_ruleset = assigned_by_ruleset
        result.assigned_by_logic_analyzer = assigned_by_logic_analyzer

        return result