예제 #1
 def gtfs_download(self, url, dt, zone):
     """Do downloading of one file."""
     print("Downloading", self.slug, url, zone, dt)
     # Use only standard library functions to avoid dependencies.
     #furl = urllib.urlopen(url)
     opener = FancyURLopener()
     # We have to set up an authentication method on the opener if
     # we will need to authenticate.  This does HTTP BASIC only so
     # far.
     if 'authentication' in self.data:
         auth_name = self.data['authentication']
         auth = auth_data['sites'][auth_name]
         # A callback method which performs the authentication.
         # Return (user, pass) tuple.
         opener.prompt_user_passwd = \
             lambda host, realm: (auth['username'], auth['password'])
         # URL parameters auth method
         if 'url_suffix' in auth:
             url = url + auth['url_suffix']
     if "{API_KEY}" in url:
             auth_name = self.data['authentication']
         except KeyError:
             auth_name = self.name
         auth = auth_data['sites'][auth_name]
         url = url.format(API_KEY=auth['API_KEY'])
     # Make GTFS path.
     gtfs_path = self.path_gtfszip(dt, zone)
     # Open the URL.
     print("**** Connecting to %s" % url)
     # Open GTFS and relay data from web to file.
     with util.create_file(gtfs_path) as tmp_gtfs_path:
         opener.retrieve(url, tmp_gtfs_path)