예제 #1
def visualize_detections(cfg, img, detections):
    vis_scale = 1.0
    marker_size = 4

    minx = 2 * marker_size
    miny = 2 * marker_size
    maxx = img.shape[1] - 2 * marker_size
    maxy = img.shape[0] - 2 * marker_size

    unPos = detections.coord
    joints_to_visualise = range(cfg.num_joints)
    visim_dets = img.copy()
    for pidx in joints_to_visualise:
        for didx in range(unPos[pidx].shape[0]):
            cur_x = unPos[pidx][didx, 0] * vis_scale
            cur_y = unPos[pidx][didx, 1] * vis_scale

            # / cfg.global_scale

            if check_point(cur_x, cur_y, minx, miny, maxx, maxy):
                          cur_x, cur_y,
    return visim_dets
예제 #2
    def draw(self, visim, dataset, person_conf, image):
        minx = 2 * marker_size
        coor = []
        miny = 2 * marker_size
        maxx = visim.shape[1] - 2 * marker_size
        maxy = visim.shape[0] - 2 * marker_size

        num_people = person_conf.shape[0]
        color_assignment = dict()

        # MA: assign same color to matching body configurations
        if self.prev_person_conf.shape[0] > 0 and person_conf.shape[0] > 0:
            ref_points = get_ref_points(person_conf)
            prev_ref_points = get_ref_points(self.prev_person_conf)

            # MA: this munkres implementation assumes that num(rows) >= num(columns)
            if person_conf.shape[0] <= self.prev_person_conf.shape[0]:
                cost_matrix = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(
                    ref_points, prev_ref_points)
                cost_matrix = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(
                    prev_ref_points, ref_points)

            assert (cost_matrix.shape[0] <= cost_matrix.shape[1])

            conf_assign = self.mk.compute(cost_matrix)

            if person_conf.shape[0] > self.prev_person_conf.shape[0]:
                conf_assign = [(idx2, idx1) for idx1, idx2 in conf_assign]
                cost_matrix = cost_matrix.T

            for pidx1, pidx2 in conf_assign:
                if cost_matrix[pidx1][pidx2] < min_match_dist:
                    color_assignment[pidx1] = self.prev_color_assignment[pidx2]

        print("#tracked objects:", len(color_assignment))

        free_coloridx = sorted(list(

        for pidx in range(num_people):
            # color_idx = pidx % len(self.track_colors)
            if pidx in color_assignment:
                color_idx = color_assignment[pidx]
                if len(free_coloridx) > 0:
                    color_idx = free_coloridx[-1]
                    free_coloridx = free_coloridx[:-1]
                    color_idx = np.random.randint(len(self.track_colors))

                color_assignment[pidx] = color_idx

            assert (color_idx < len(self.track_colors))

            if np.sum(person_conf[pidx, :, 0] > 0) < draw_conf_min_count:

            for kidx1, kidx2 in dataset.get_pose_segments():
                p1 = (int(math.floor(person_conf[pidx, kidx1, 0])),
                      int(math.floor(person_conf[pidx, kidx1, 1])))
                p2 = (int(math.floor(person_conf[pidx, kidx2, 0])),
                      int(math.floor(person_conf[pidx, kidx2, 1])))
                if check_point(p1[0], p1[1], minx, miny,
                               maxx, maxy) and check_point(
                                   p2[0], p2[1], minx, miny, maxx, maxy):
                    color = np.array(self.track_colors[color_idx][::-1],
                                     dtype=np.float64) / 255.0
                    #plt.plot([p1[0], p2[0]], [p1[1], p2[1]], marker='o', linestyle='solid', linewidth=2.0, color=color)
                    cv2.line(image, (p1[0], p1[1]), (p2[0], p2[1]),
                             (0, 255, 0), 2)
                    #print(p1, p2 )
                    coor.append([p1, p2])

        self.prev_person_conf = person_conf
        self.prev_color_assignment = color_assignment
        return coor
예제 #3
    def draw(self, visim, dataset, person_conf):
        minx = 2 * marker_size
        miny = 2 * marker_size
        maxx = visim.shape[1] - 2 * marker_size
        maxy = visim.shape[0] - 2 * marker_size

        num_people = person_conf.shape[0]
        color_assignment = dict()

        # MA: assign same color to matching body configurations
        if self.prev_person_conf.shape[0] > 0 and person_conf.shape[0] > 0:
            ref_points = get_ref_points(person_conf)
            prev_ref_points = get_ref_points(self.prev_person_conf)

            # MA: this munkres implementation assumes that num(rows) >= num(columns)
            if person_conf.shape[0] <= self.prev_person_conf.shape[0]:
                cost_matrix = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(
                    ref_points, prev_ref_points)
                cost_matrix = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(
                    prev_ref_points, ref_points)

            assert (cost_matrix.shape[0] <= cost_matrix.shape[1])

            conf_assign = self.mk.compute(cost_matrix)

            if person_conf.shape[0] > self.prev_person_conf.shape[0]:
                conf_assign = [(idx2, idx1) for idx1, idx2 in conf_assign]
                cost_matrix = cost_matrix.T

            for pidx1, pidx2 in conf_assign:
                if cost_matrix[pidx1][pidx2] < min_match_dist:
                    color_assignment[pidx1] = self.prev_color_assignment[pidx2]

        print("#tracked objects:", len(color_assignment))

        free_coloridx = sorted(list(

        for pidx in range(num_people):
            # color_idx = pidx % len(self.track_colors)
            if pidx in color_assignment:
                color_idx = color_assignment[pidx]
                if len(free_coloridx) > 0:
                    color_idx = free_coloridx[-1]
                    free_coloridx = free_coloridx[:-1]
                    color_idx = np.random.randint(len(self.track_colors))

                color_assignment[pidx] = color_idx

            assert (color_idx < len(self.track_colors))

            if np.sum(person_conf[pidx, :, 0] > 0) < draw_conf_min_count:

            for kidx1, kidx2 in dataset.get_pose_segments():
                p1 = (int(math.floor(person_conf[pidx, kidx1, 0])),
                      int(math.floor(person_conf[pidx, kidx1, 1])))
                p2 = (int(math.floor(person_conf[pidx, kidx2, 0])),
                      int(math.floor(person_conf[pidx, kidx2, 1])))

                if check_point(p1[0], p1[1], minx, miny,
                               maxx, maxy) and check_point(
                                   p2[0], p2[1], minx, miny, maxx, maxy):
                    # cv2.line(visim, p1, p2, self.track_colors[color_idx][::-1], 3, cv2.CV_AA)
                    rr, cc, val = draw.line_aa(p1[1], p1[0], p2[1], p2[0])
                    color = np.array(self.track_colors[color_idx][::-1])
                    val = np.reshape(val, (-1, 1))
                    val = np.repeat(val, 3, axis=1)
                    visim[rr, cc, :] = val * color

            for kidx in range(dataset.num_keypoints()):
                cur_x = person_conf[pidx][kidx, 0]
                cur_y = person_conf[pidx][kidx, 1]

                if check_point(cur_x, cur_y, minx, miny, maxx, maxy):
                    _npcircle(visim, cur_x, cur_y, marker_size,
                              self.track_colors[color_idx][::-1], 0.2)

        self.prev_person_conf = person_conf
        self.prev_color_assignment = color_assignment