예제 #1
    def setUpClass(cls):
        # create a configured API client
        cls.secrets = CredentialsSource.secrets_path()
        cls.os_environ_dict_str = 'os.environ'

        cls.source_config_details, cls.config_keys = CredentialsSource.fetch_credentials(
        ), CredentialsSource.fetch_config_keys()
        cls.pat_token = CredentialsSource.fetch_pat()
import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch
import inspect

from lusid import ApiConfigurationLoader
from lusid.utilities.api_configuration import ApiConfiguration
from lusid.utilities.proxy_config import ProxyConfig

from utilities import CredentialsSource
from utilities.temp_file_manager import TempFileManager

source_config_details, config_keys = CredentialsSource.fetch_credentials(
), CredentialsSource.fetch_config_keys()

class ApiConfigurationLoaderTests(unittest.TestCase):
    These test ensure that the ApiConfigurationLoader works as expected


    OS_ENVIRON = "os_environ"

    def assert_config_values(self, config, secrets):
        Not a test. This is used to test the values of the ApiConfiguration.

        :param lusid.utilities.ApiConfiguration config: The ApiConfiguration to test the values of
        :param dict secrets: A dictionary with the secrets using a common addressing scheme for both environment
        variables and secret file variables