예제 #1
 def copyApk(self):
     log.log_print("copy Apk")
     if self.Apk:
         self.copyBaseApk = fileutils.copyFile(
             constrant.TMP_ROOT_DIR + os.sep + constrant.TMP_COPY_APK)
         self.copyBaseApk = fileutils.copyFile(
             constrant.TMP_ROOT_DIR + os.sep + constrant.TMP_COPY_APK)
예제 #2
    def procBuRegFile(self):
        butn = len(self.procBuReg)      
        if butn > 1:
            self.log.warn('BU_REGION ctl file records are %d. Should be one file only !' % butn)
        btfs =  self.procBuReg.keys()     
        self.log.debug('Bu region files = ' , btfs)
        fn  =  self.ib.srcFile[0] 
        t   = '%s/%s' % (self.ib.workDir,fn)
        fnp = '%s/%s' % (self.ib.landDir,fn)
        cl = self.procBuReg[fn]
        rc = self._chkDataRecCnt(fnp,cl)
        if rc != 0 : return rc
        rc = fu.copyFile(fnp, t)
        if rc != 0 : 
            self.log.error('Could not copy File %s to %s' % (fnp,t))
            return 5
        # Archive the file
        rc = self.archGenFiles([fnp,], self.ts)                           
        self.log.info ('Archiving file rc =  %s' % rc)
        return 0
예제 #3
    def procCustFiles(self):
        tgtFiles = []

        fnl = self.ib.custFileName.split(",")
        for fnp in fnl:
            fs = self.checkIncFiles(fnp)
            if len(fs) == 1:
                fnOff = len("_YYYYMMDD.csv")
                self.log.info("Processing %s " % fs[0])
                fn = fu.getFileBaseName(fs[0])
                d = "%s/%s" % (self.ib.archDir, fn)
                rc = fu.copyFile(fs[0], d)
                self.log.info("Archiving %s to %s\trc=%s" % (fs[0], d, rc))
                d = "%s/%s.csv" % (self.ib.workDir, fn[:-fnOff])
                rc = fu.moveFile(fs[0], d)
                self.log.info("Moving %s to %s\trc=%s" % (fs[0], d, rc))
                fnOff = len("_*[0-9].csv")
                fn = fu.getFileBaseName(fnp)
                d = "%s/%s.csv" % (self.ib.workDir, fn[:-fnOff])
                self.log.debug("fn = %s, dest = %s" % (fn, d))
                self.log.warn("File %s was not found" % fnp)
                rc = fu.crtEmpFile(d)
                self.log.info("Creating 0 byte file %s\trc=%s" % (d, rc))

        # Verify Column Numbers:
        if self.checkFileColsFlag is True:
            rc = self.checkFileCols(tgtFiles, ",")
            if rc != 0:
                self.log.error("Issue with column number. PLease check bad directory under %s" % self.ib.badDir)
                # Implement email notification.
                # return rc

        return 0
예제 #4
 def procHierSCOS(self):
     # Check for file existence
     src = '%s/%s/%s' % (self.ib.shareDir,self.outDir,self.ib.outFile)
     r = fu.fileExists(src)
     if r == False : 
         self.log.error('File %s does not exist' % src)
         return 1
     # Move File to output dir
     dt  = su.getTodayDtStr('%y%m%d')
     self.outFile  = 'SCS_Org_Hierarchy%s.csv' % dt
     outFile = '%s/%s/%s/%s' % (self.ib.shareDir,self.outDir,self.ib.outDirname,self.outFile)
     r = fu.moveFile(src,outFile)
     if r != 0 : 
         self.log.error("Could not move %s to %s " % (src,outFile))
     self.log.debug('Moved  src = %s to self.outFile = %s RC = %s' % (src,outFile,r))
     # Archive File .
     arcfn = '%s/%s/%s/%s-%s' % (self.ib.shareDir,self.outDir,self.outArchDir,self.ts,self.outFile)
     r     = fu.copyFile(outFile,arcfn)
     if r != 0 : 
         self.log.error("Could not copy %s to %s " % (outFile,arcfn))
     self.log.debug('Copied src = %s to racfn = %s RC = %s' % (outFile,arcfn,r))
     return 0
예제 #5
 def cpFileToWorkDir(self):
     self.workFiles  = []
     for src in self.incFiles:
         fn = fu.getFileBaseName(src)
         d = '%s/%s' % (self.ib.workDir, fn) 
         rc = fu.copyFile(src, d)
         if rc == 0 : self.workFiles.append(d)
         self.log.info('Copying file %s to %s rc= %s' % (src, d, rc))
     if len(self.workFiles) < 1 : return 1
     else                       : return 0
예제 #6
 def cpSrcToTgtFiles(self):
     self.workFiles  = []
     srcLen = len(self.srcFile)
     incLen = len(self.incFiles)
     if srcLen != incLen:
         self.log.error('srcFiles len = %d Does not match IncFiles len  %d' % (srcLen,incLen))
         self.log.debug('srcFiles = ',self.srcFile, '\tincFiles = ', self.incFiles)
         return 1 
     for i in range (srcLen):
         #fn = self.incFiles[i]
         d = '%s/%s' % (self.ib.workDir, self.srcFile[i]) 
         rc = fu.copyFile(self.incFiles[i], d)
         if rc == 0 : self.workFiles.append(d)
         self.log.info('Copying file %s to %s rc= %s' % (self.incFiles[i], d, rc))
     if len(self.workFiles) < 1 : return 2
     else                       : return 0
예제 #7
 def cpFileToWorkDir(self):
     fnp = '%s' % self.incFiles[0]
     t   = '%s/%s' % (self.ib.workDir,self.srcFile)
     rc  = fu.copyFile(fnp, t)
     return rc     
예제 #8
    def procCortFiles(self):
        dataFile = []    
        ctlFile = '%s/%s.ctl' % (self.ib.ctlDir,self.appName)     
        setn  = len (self.procCort)     
        self.log.info( ' ---- Starting Processing. Total of  %d iteration(s) ----' % setn)            
        fileset = self.procCort.keys()
        self.log.debug('Process Order = ' , fileset)

        for fn in fileset:
            f = '%s/%s' % (self.ib.landDir,fn)
            if not fu.fileExists(f):
                 self.log.error('File %s have not been downloaded!' % f)
                 return 1
        # Processing loop. 
        for fn in fileset:
            self.log.info( 'Processing file %s/%s ' % (self.ib.landDir,fn))
            cur_dayr = self._getDateRunStr(fn)
            if cur_dayr is None : 
                self.log.error('cur_dayr is None. No Date Run String ') 
                return 2
            # cur_dayr = YYYYMMDD from filename . eg. Cortera_Trx_Extract_20130502.txt
            # pdate format YYYY-MM-DD
            pdate = '%s-%s-%s' % (cur_dayr[:4],cur_dayr[4:6],cur_dayr[6:8])
            self.log.debug('cur_dayr = %s pdate = %s' % (cur_dayr,pdate))     
            rc = su.isValidDate(pdate,'%Y-%m-%d')
            if rc is False :
                self.log.error('Invalid Date %s on file %s ' % (pdate,fn))
                return 2

            self.log.debug('self.checkNextRunFlg is %s' %  self.checkNextRunFlg)
            if self.checkNextRunFlg is True:
                prev_dayr = self._getCtlFile()
                pd,pr     = self._getDay(prev_dayr,DP_LEN)
                rc        = self._chkNextRun(cur_dayr,prev_dayr,pd,pr,RUN_PER_DAY)
                if rc != 0 : 
                    self.log.error("self._chkNextRun rc = %s" % rc)
                    return rc

            # Cortera
            t   = '%s/%s' % (self.ib.workDir,self.ib.srcFile[1])
            fnp = '%s/%s' % (self.ib.landDir,fn)
            cl = self.procCort[fn]
            rc = self._chkDataRecCnt(fnp,cl)
            if rc != 0 : return rc
            rc = fu.copyFile(fnp, t)
            if rc != 0 : 
                self.log.error('Could not copy File %s to %s' % (fnp,t))
                return 5
            self.log.info ('Copying File from %s to %s' % (fnp,t))
            rc = self.archGenFiles([fnp,], self.ts)                           
            self.log.info ('Archiving file rc =  %s' % rc)
            # Invoke workflow.   
            rc = pi.runWkflWait(self.ib,self.log)  
            if rc != 0 : 
                self.log.error('Running  %s.%s rc = %s' % (self.ib.fld,self.ib.wkf,rc))
                if self.exitOnError: 
                    self.log.debug('ExitOnError is TRUE rc = %s' % (rc))
                    return rc
            else : 
                self.log.info('Ran  %s.%s rc = %s' % (self.ib.fld,self.ib.wkf,rc))
            # Update Control table in Netezza with date.  
            rc = self._updLeaseCrdTbl(pdate)
            if rc != 0 :
                self.log.error('No rows were updated for process date %s' % pdate)
                return rc
            # Loading Staging Succeeded. Update the control file.
            rc = fu.updFile(ctlFile,cur_dayr)               
            if rc == 0 :
                if self.checkNextRunFlg: self.log.info('Updated Cur Load Date from %s to  %s , Control File %s' % (prev_dayr,cur_dayr,   ctlFile))
                else                   : self.log.info('Overwriting Cur Load Date to  %s , Control File %s' % (cur_dayr,   ctlFile))
            else       : 
                self.log.error('Could not Update Load Date %s, Control File %s rc = %s' % (cur_dayr,ctlFile,rc))
                return rc 
            r = fu.delFile(t) 
            self.log.info('Removing %s rc = %s ' % (t,r))    
        # Delete BU Region. 
        fnp = '%s/%s' % (self.ib.workDir,self.ib.srcFile[0])    # BU_region       
        rc = fu.delFile(fnp)   
        self.log.info('Removing %s rc = %s ' % (fnp,rc))         
        return rc