예제 #1
    def __init__(self, stages, adj_mat, name):
        # assert len(stages) == adj_mat.shape[0] == adj_mat.shape[1]
        self.name = name
        self.stages = stages
        self.adj_mat = adj_mat
        self.num_stages = len(stages)
        self.num_finished_stages = 0

        self.executors = utils.OrderedSet()
        # assert self.is_dag(self.num_stages, self.adj_mat)

        self.frontier_stages = utils.OrderedSet()
        for stage in self.stages:
            if stage.is_runnable():

        for stage in self.stages:
            stage.job = self

        self.arrived = False
        self.finished = False
        self.start_time = None  # job.start_time is the arrival time of this job, different from task.start_time
        self.finish_time = np.inf

        self.executor2interval = self.get_executor_interval_map()
예제 #2
def generate_tpch_jobs(np_random, timeline, wall_time):
    Randomly generate jobs with different size and shape.
    In this func, we generate all jobs with poisson distribution (the gap between the start time of fore-and-aft jobs follows
    the exponential distribution).
    arrived_jobs = utils.OrderedSet()       # store already arrived jobs
    tm = 0                                  # slot index of millisecond
    for _ in range(args.num_init_jobs):
        query_size = args.tpch_size[np_random.randint(len(args.tpch_size))]
        query_idx = np_random.randint(args.tpch_num) + 1
        # new a job instance
        job = generate_one_tpch_job(args.job_folder, query_size, query_idx, wall_time, np_random)
        job.start_time = tm
        job.arrived = True

    # generate future jobs without adding to arrived_jobs but pushing into timeline
    for _ in range(args.num_stream_jobs):
        # job arrival interval follows a exponential distribution
        tm += int(np_random.exponential(args.stream_interval))
        # query size and idx are sampled from uniform distribution
        query_size = args.tpch_size[np_random.randint(len(args.tpch_size))]
        query_idx = np_random.randint(args.tpch_num) + 1
        job = generate_one_tpch_job(args.job_folder, query_size, query_idx, wall_time, np_random)
        job.start_time = tm
        timeline.push(tm, job)

    return arrived_jobs
예제 #3
 def __init__(self):
     msg_mat records the parent-children relation in each message passing step.
     msg_masks is the set of stages (nodes) doing message passing at each step.
     self.jobs = utils.OrderedSet()
     self.msg_mats = []
     self.msg_masks = []
     self.job_summ_backward_map = None
     self.running_job_mat = None
예제 #4
    def reset(self, max_time=np.inf):
        self.max_time = max_time
        self.finished_jobs = utils.OrderedSet()
        for executor in self.executors:

        # regenerate jobs (note that self.jobs are only currently arrived jobs)
        self.jobs = generate_jobs(self.np_random, self.timeline,
        self.action_map = get_act2stage(self.jobs)
        for job in self.jobs:
        self.src_job = None
        # all executors are schedulable
        self.num_src_exec = len(self.executors)
        self.exec_to_schedule = utils.OrderedSet(self.executors)
예제 #5
    def get_msg_path(self, jobs):
        Check whether the set of jobs changes. If changed, compute the message passing path.
        if len(self.jobs) != len(jobs):
            jobs_changed = True
            jobs_changed = not (all(
                job_i is job_j for (job_i, job_j) in zip(self.jobs, jobs)))

        if jobs_changed:
            self.msg_mats, self.msg_masks = self.get_msg(jobs)
            self.job_summ_backward_map = self.get_job_summ_backward_map(jobs)
            self.running_job_mat = self.get_running_job_mat(jobs)
            self.jobs = utils.OrderedSet(jobs)

        return self.msg_mats, self.msg_masks, self.job_summ_backward_map, self.running_job_mat, jobs_changed
예제 #6
 def get_frontier_stages(self):
     Get all the frontier stages from all currently not finished jobs.
     Distinguish this from each job's job.frontier_stages. This is mainly (only) used for observation.
     In this class, 'frontier' can be interpreted as itself is unsaturated but all its parent stages are saturated.
     frontier_stages = utils.OrderedSet()
     for job in self.jobs:
         for stage in job.stages:
             if stage not in self.stage_selected and not self.saturated(
                 all_parents_saturated = True
                 for parent in stage.parent_stages:
                     if not self.saturated(parent):
                         all_parents_saturated = False
                 if all_parents_saturated:
     return frontier_stages
예제 #7
    def redispatch_executor(self, executor, frontier_changed):
        Dispatch a finished task's 'executor' to the other stages.
        In this function, scheduling event may be invoked directly without consulting self.exec_commit.
        if executor.stage is not None and not executor.stage.no_more_task:
            # the stage which this executor previously worked on is not finished, just directly schedule this executor to the next task
            # This is wired because every scheduling event should be decided by the agent. However, considering the
            # principle of locality, do it like this can not only improve the efficiency, but also avoid invoking the
            # agent too many times
            task = executor.stage.schedule(executor)
            self.timeline.push(task.finish_time, task)

        # if we run here, it means we need to move executor from executor.stage, but move to where is related
        # to frontier_changed, thus we start a classified discussion
        if frontier_changed:
            src_job = executor.job
            # self.exec_commit[executor.stage] is equal to self.exec_commit.commit[executor.stage] because of the __getitem__ func
            if len(self.exec_commit[executor.stage]) > 0:
                # this condition means that this executor has been decided to be dispatched to some job (or stage),
                # thus we just directly fulfill the exactly commitment
                self.exec_to_schedule = {executor}
                # this executor is not arranged, temporarily store to the previously served job's free pool
                self.free_executors.add(src_job, executor)

            self.exec_to_schedule = utils.OrderedSet(
            self.src_job = src_job
            self.num_src_exec = len(self.free_executors[src_job])

            # only need to schedule this executor
            self.exec_to_schedule = {executor}
            if len(self.exec_commit[executor.stage]) > 0:
                # note that self.exec_to_schedule is immediate, self.num_source_exec is for commit
                # so len(self.exec_to_schedule) != self.num_source_exec can happen!
                self.src_job = executor.job
                self.num_src_exec = len(executor.stage.executors)
예제 #8
    def __init__(self, uid, app, version, useragent, lang="en"):
        self._appversion = version
        self._useragent = useragent
        self.known_messages = utils.OrderedSet()
        self.shown_messages = set()
        self.update_data = {}
        self.appname = app
        self.version_url = ""

        if constants.APP_UPDATE_MODE == 2:
            self.default_text = _("New version of %s is ready to install.\n"
                                  "Do you want to upgrade?") % app
            self.default_title = _("Update available")
            self.update_commands = []
            self.download_url = None  # Update mode 2 uses no download url
            self.version_url = constants.URL_UPDATE_INFO_URL
            self.version = version
            self.lang = lang
            self._check = self._newcheck  # confusingly enough
            self._download = self._newdownload
            self._apply = self._newapply

        self.platform = platform.platform()
        self.must_download = (self.version_url and my_env.is_windows
                              and my_env.is_frozen)
        self.must_check = constants.APP_UPDATE_MODE > 1 or self.must_download

        # Prepare download dir
        self.download_path = my_env.tempdirpath("update")

        self.enabled = self.must_check

        if self.must_download:
            # Download updates only applies to WinNT frozen exe distributions
            self.download_chunk_size = my_env.get_blocksize(self.download_path)

        # Old download cleanup
        if os.path.isdir(self.download_path):
            shutil.rmtree(self.download_path, True)
예제 #9
    def __init__(self):
        self.np_random = np.random.RandomState()
        self.wall_time = WallTime()
        self.timeline = Timeline()

        self.executors = utils.OrderedSet()
        for exec_idx in range(args.exec_cap):
        self.free_executors = FreeExecutors(self.executors)
        self.moving_executors = MovingExecutors()
        self.exec_commit = ExecutorCommit()

        # stages wait to be scheduled, these stages are the return of scheduling algorithms
        self.stage_selected = set()
        self.reward_calculator = RewardCalculator()

        self.exec_to_schedule = None  # executors to be scheduled
        self.src_job = None
        self.num_src_exec = -1  # number of execs to be scheduled
        self.jobs = None
        self.action_map = None  # a ReversibleMap from act to stage
        self.finished_jobs = None  # we track this for updating the action-to-stage map
        self.max_time = None
예제 #10
 def reset(self):
     self.jobs = utils.OrderedSet()
     self.msg_mats = []
     self.msg_masks = []
     self.job_summ_backward_map = None
     self.running_job_mat = None
예제 #11
 def add_job(self, job):
     self.free_executors[job] = utils.OrderedSet()
예제 #12
 def __init__(self, executors):
     self.free_executors = {None: utils.OrderedSet()}
     for e in executors:
예제 #13
def derived_rels_candidates_from_trace(trns: Trace, more_traces: List[Trace],
                                       max_conj_size: int, max_free_vars: int) -> List[Tuple[List[syntax.SortedVar],Expr]]:
    first_relax_idx = first_relax_step_idx(trns)
    pre_relax_state = trns.as_state(first_relax_idx)
    post_relax_state = trns.as_state(first_relax_idx + 1)
    assert pre_relax_state.univs == post_relax_state.univs

    # relaxed elements
    relaxed_elements = []
    for sort, univ in pre_relax_state.univs.items():
        active_rel_name = 'active_' + sort.name         # TODO: de-duplicate
        pre_active_interp = dict_val_from_rel_name(active_rel_name, pre_relax_state.rel_interp)
        post_active_interp = dict_val_from_rel_name(active_rel_name, post_relax_state.rel_interp)
        pre_active_elements = [tup[0] for (tup, b) in pre_active_interp if b]
        post_active_elements = [tup[0] for (tup, b) in post_active_interp if b]
        assert set(post_active_elements).issubset(set(pre_active_elements))

        for relaxed_elem in utils.OrderedSet(pre_active_elements) - set(post_active_elements):
            relaxed_elements.append((sort, relaxed_elem))

    # pre-relaxation step facts concerning at least one relaxed element (other to be found by UPDR)
    relevant_facts: List[Union[RelationFact,FunctionFact,InequalityFact]] = []

    for rel, rintp in pre_relax_state.rel_interp.items():
        for rfact in rintp:
            (elms, polarity) = rfact
            relation_fact = RelationFact(rel, elms, polarity)
            if set(relation_fact.involved_elms()) & set(ename for (_, ename) in relaxed_elements):

    for func, fintp in pre_relax_state.func_interp.items():
        for ffact in fintp:
            (els_params, els_res) = ffact
            function_fact = FunctionFact(func, els_params, els_res)
            if set(function_fact.involved_elms()) & set(ename for (_, ename) in relaxed_elements):

    for sort, elm in relaxed_elements: # other inequalities presumably handled by UPDR
        for other_elm in pre_relax_state.univs[sort]:
            if other_elm == elm:
            relevant_facts.append(InequalityFact(elm, other_elm))

    # facts blocking this specific relaxation step
    diff_conjunctions = []
    candidates_cache: Set[str] = set()
    for fact_lst in itertools.combinations(relevant_facts, max_conj_size):
        elements = utils.OrderedSet(itertools.chain.from_iterable(fact.involved_elms() for fact in fact_lst))
        relaxed_elements_relevant = [elm for (_, elm) in relaxed_elements if elm in elements]
        vars_from_elm = dict((elm, syntax.SortedVar(None, syntax.the_program.scope.fresh("v%d" % i), None))
                                for (i, elm) in enumerate(elements))
        parameter_elements = elements - set(relaxed_elements_relevant)
        if len(parameter_elements) > max_free_vars:

        conjuncts = [fact.as_expr(lambda elm: vars_from_elm[elm].name) for fact in fact_lst]

        # for elm, var in vars_from_elm.items():
        # TODO: make the two loops similar
        for elm in relaxed_elements_relevant:
            var = vars_from_elm[elm]
            sort = pre_relax_state.element_sort(elm)
            active_element_conj = syntax.Apply('active_%s' % sort.name, [syntax.Id(None, var.name)])

        derived_relation_formula = syntax.Exists([vars_from_elm[elm]
                                                  for (_, elm) in relaxed_elements
                                                  if elm in vars_from_elm],

        if str(derived_relation_formula) in candidates_cache:

        if closing_qa_cycle(syntax.the_program, [pre_relax_state.element_sort(elm) for elm in parameter_elements],
                                                [pre_relax_state.element_sort(elm) for elm in relaxed_elements_relevant]):
            # adding the derived relation would close a quantifier alternation cycle, discard the candidate

        # if trns.eval_double_vocab(diffing_formula, first_relax_idx):
        if is_rel_blocking_relax(trns, first_relax_idx,
                                 ([(vars_from_elm[elm], pre_relax_state.element_sort(elm).name) for elm in parameter_elements],
            # if all(trs.eval_double_vocab(diffing_formula, first_relax_step_idx(trs)) for trs in more_traces):
                diff_conjunctions.append(([vars_from_elm[elm] for elm in parameter_elements],

    return diff_conjunctions
예제 #14
    def __init__(self, idx, tasks, task_duration, wall_time, np_random):
        Initialize a stage.
        :param idx: stage index
        :param tasks: tasks included in this stage
        :param task_duration: a dict records various task execution time of this stage with different executors allocated to it
        under different scenarios.
            The dict looks like
                    'fresh_durations': {
                        e_1: [fresh duration of each task (with warmup delay included) of this stage
                              when e_1 executors are allocated to this stage],
                        e_2: [...],
                        e_N: [...]
                    'first_wave': {
                        e_1: [first wave duration of each task of this stage when e_1 executors are
                              allocated to this stage],
                        e_2: [...],
                        e_N: [...]
                    'rest_wave': {
                        e_1: [rest wave duration of each task of this stage when e_1 executors are
                              allocated to this stage],
                        e_2: [...],
                        e_N: [...]
            Here e_1, ..., e_N are 2, 5, 10, 80, 100, respectively.

            The authors only collect the task execution time under the number of e_i executors.
            In ./data/tpch-queries/task_durations/*.pdf, the data points records the durations collected.
                - the green data points mean the 'fresh_durations';
                - the red data points mean the 'first_wave';
                - the blue data points mean the 'rest_wave'.
                Let us take tpch-2g-1-0.pdf as an example. This is the first stage of the job and only has 12 tasks.
                It is impossible to have the 'first_wave' data points because it is the entry node.
                Let us also take tpch-2g-1-4.pdf as an example. This is the last stage of the job and has 5 tasks.
                When only small num of executors, it is almost impossible to have the 'fresh_wave' data points.
        :param wall_time: records current time
        :param np_random: isolated random generator
        self.idx = idx
        self.tasks = tasks
        for task in self.tasks:
            task.stage = self
        self.task_duration = task_duration
        self.wall_time = wall_time
        self.np_random = np_random

        self.num_tasks = len(tasks)
        self.num_finished_tasks = 0
        self.next_task_idx = 0
        self.no_more_task = False
        self.all_tasks_done = False
        self.finish_time = np.inf

        self.executors = utils.OrderedSet()

        # these vars are initialized when the corresponding job is initialized
        # self.parent_stages, self.child_stages, self.descendant_stages = [], [], []
        self.parent_stages, self.child_stages = [], []
        self.job = None
예제 #15
    def step(self, next_stage, limit):
        One (scheduling event) step forward:
            with given actions as input, submit commitment (invoke scheduling event if necessary),
            and return the reward and the new state.
        :param next_stage: the next to-be-scheduled stage, generated by scheduling algorithm
        :param limit: the exec limit for the job of the next to-be-scheduled stage, generated by scheduling algorithm
        assert next_stage not in self.stage_selected

        # note that currently self.exec_to_schedule are all coming from the same src,
        # go find the src to make sure whether (executors') moving delay is necessary or not
        executor = next(iter(self.exec_to_schedule))
        src = executor.job if executor.stage is None else executor.stage

        # calculate how many execs we need to reissue to next_stage
        # if next_stage is None, we just collect all execs in self.exec_to_schedule and save them to self.free_executors
        if next_stage is not None:
            use_exec = min(
                (next_stage.num_tasks - next_stage.next_task_idx)
                -  # next_stage really needs
                (self.exec_commit.stage_commit[next_stage] +
                 ),  # next_stage already got
                limit  # the upper limit informed by the scheduling algorithm
            use_exec = limit
        assert use_exec > 0

        # here is the interesting thing... We do not schedule next_stage with use_exec executors at present,
        # but submit the transaction into commitment! So... when we really invoke the scheduling event?
        # When a new scheduling round starts! In that case, we fulfill all the commitments in self.exec_commit
        self.exec_commit.add(src, next_stage, use_exec)
        self.num_src_exec -= use_exec
        assert self.num_src_exec >= 0  # if this not fulfilled, sth. wrong with the limit return from scheduling algorithm

        if self.num_src_exec == 0:
            # invoke the scheduling event!
            )  # the left selected stages cannot be scheduled any more, start all over again

        # now we update to the new state...
        # Pay attention to the second condition of the while loop: only if self.num_src_exec is 0, which means
        # the scheduling event is invoked, we update the state. If scheduling event is not invoked, we do not update state

        # The second condition also means every time self.num_src_exec changes, new commitment will be submitted,
        # which means a next scheduling event is preparing, thus directly exit the while loop
        while len(self.timeline) > 0 and self.num_src_exec == 0:
            new_time, item = self.timeline.pop()

            # according to the type of item, turn into different state
            if isinstance(item, Task):
                # ==== task finish event ====: update stage's finished task num, job' finished stages num, and theirs finish time
                finished_task = item
                stage = finished_task.stage

                stage.num_finished_tasks += 1
                frontier_changed = False
                if stage.num_finished_tasks == stage.num_tasks:
                    assert not stage.all_tasks_done
                    stage.all_tasks_done = True
                    stage.job.num_finished_stages += 1
                    stage.finish_time = self.wall_time.cur_time
                    frontier_changed = stage.job.update_frontier_stages(stage)

                # free up this executor, which may invoke scheduling event directly

                if stage.job.num_finished_stages == stage.job.num_stages:
                    # update job completion status
                    assert not stage.job.finished
                    stage.job.finished = True
                    stage.job.finish_time = self.wall_time.cur_time

            elif isinstance(item, Job):
                # ==== new job arrives event ====: update act map, assign all free execs to the newly arrived job
                job = item
                assert not job.arrived
                job.arrived = True
                self.action_map = get_act2stage(self.jobs)

                if len(self.free_executors[None]) > 0:
                    self.exec_to_schedule = utils.OrderedSet(
                    self.src_job = None
                    self.num_src_exec = len(self.free_executors[None])

            elif isinstance(item, Executor):
                # ==== executor arrival event ====: bind the exec to the destination job or temporarily store it to the src's free_executors pool
                executor = item
                # get the destination (stage) of this executor
                stage = self.moving_executors.pop(executor)
                if stage is not None:
                    # the job (of this stage) is not yet finished when this executor arrives, bind this 'executor' to its arrived job
                    executor.job = stage.job
                if stage is not None and not stage.no_more_task:
                    # this stage is schedulable, directly schedule it
                    if stage in stage.job.frontier_stages:
                        # this stage is immediately runnable
                        task = stage.schedule(executor)
                        self.timeline.push(task.finish_time, task)
                        # add this executor to the free executor pool of this job
                        self.free_executors.add(executor.job, executor)
                    # this stage is saturated or this job is finished, but the executor still arrives to it
                    # in this case, use backup schedule policy

                print('Illegal event type!')

        # compute reward
        reward = self.reward_calculator.get_reward(self.jobs,
        # no more decision to make: jobs all done or time is up
        done = self.num_src_exec == 0 and (len(
            self.timeline) == 0 or self.wall_time.cur_time >= self.max_time)
        if done:
            assert self.wall_time.cur_time >= self.max_time or len(
                self.jobs) == 0

        # return new state, reward and a flag to indicate whether all jobs are finished
        # these return vars are the input of the scheduling algorithm
        return self.observe(), reward, done