예제 #1
def test(target, solufunc):
    solution, S = solufunc(target)
    valid, missing, excess, error_pieces = utils.check_solution(
        target, solution)

    if not valid:

        raise TypeError("The solution is not valid!")

    else:  # if the solution is valid, test time performance and accuracy

        # There will be three different values of the parameter 'target' with increasing complexity in real test.

        # ACCURACY

        if len(error_pieces) != 0:
            raise TypeError('Wrong shape')

        total_blocks = sum([sum(row) for row in target])

        total_error = (100 * missing / total_blocks) + (100 * excess /
        print('total error: {}'.format(total_error))

        return total_error
예제 #2
# ####################################################

from main import Tetris
import utils
import timeit

# Example target shape
target = [[1, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1],
          [1, 1, 0, 0]]  # NOTE: in your test, you may not use this example.

# Uncomment the following line to generate a random target shape
#target = utils.generate_target(width=10, height=10, density=0.6)  # NOTE: it is recommended to keep density below 0.8

solution = Tetris(target)

valid, missing, excess, error_pieces = utils.check_solution(
    target, solution)  # checks if the solution is valid

if not valid:

    print("The solution is not valid!")

else:  # if the solution is valid, test time performance and accuracy

    # There will be three different values of the parameter 'target' with increasing complexity in real test.

    time_set = timeit.timeit('Tetris({})'.format(target),
                             'from main import Tetris',

    if time_set > 600:
예제 #3
    #debugGrid(lambda x : x.stateid)
    #emptying the grid
    solution = []
    for y, row in enumerate(ogrid):
        for sq in row:
            if sq.state == 0:
                solution[y].append((0, 0))
            elif sq.state == -1:
                solution[y].append((0, 0))
                solution[y].append((sq.state, sq.stateid))
    return solution


width = 20
height = 25
dencity = 0.8
target, a, TheSolution = utils.generate_target(width, height, dencity)

solution2 = Tetris(target, a)
valid, missing, excess, error_pieces, use_diff = utils.check_solution(
    target, solution2, a)
total_blocks = sum([sum(row) for row in target])
percent = (missing + excess) / total_blocks
print(1 - percent)
예제 #4
perfect_solution = [
                    [(0, 0),  (0, 0),  (8, 1),  (0, 0),   (0, 0),  (0, 0)],
                    [(0, 0),  (0, 0),  (8, 1),  (0, 0),   (13, 2), (0, 0)],
                    [(0, 0),  (8, 1),  (8, 1),  (13, 2),  (13, 2), (13, 2)],
                    [(0, 0),  (13, 3), (18, 4), (18, 4),  (0, 0),  (0, 0)],
                    [(13, 3), (13, 3), (13, 3), (18, 4),  (18, 4), (0, 0)]
# NOTE: This example is used for the mock solution from 'main.py' only.

# Uncomment the following line to generate a random target shape
target, perfect_solution = utils.generate_target(width=100, height=100, density=0.7, forbidden_pieces=the_forbidden_pieces) # NOTE: it is recommended to keep density below 0.8
solution = Tetris(deepcopy(target))
#solution = perfect_solution
valid, missing, excess, error_pieces = utils.check_solution(target, solution, the_forbidden_pieces)  # checks if the solution is valid

if not valid or len(error_pieces)!=0:
    if len(error_pieces) != 0:
        print('WARNING: {} pieces have a wrong shapeID. They are labelled in image of the solution, and their PieceID are: {}.'
                  .format(len(error_pieces), error_pieces))
        print("Displaying solution...")
        utils.visual_perfect(perfect_solution, solution, the_forbidden_pieces)
    print("WARNING: The solution is not valid, no score will be given!")

else:  # if the solution is valid, test time performance and accuracy

    # There will be three different 'target' with increasing complexity in real test.

    time_set = timeit.timeit('Tetris({})'.format(target), 'from main import Tetris', number=1)
예제 #5
perfect_solution = [[(0, 0), (0, 0), (8, 1), (0, 0), (0, 0)],
                    [(0, 0), (0, 0), (8, 1), (1, 2), (1, 2)],
                    [(0, 0), (8, 1), (8, 1), (1, 2), (1, 2)],
                    [(0, 0), (13, 3), (18, 4), (18, 4), (0, 0)],
                    [(13, 3), (13, 3), (13, 3), (18, 4), (18, 4)]]
# NOTE: This example is used for the mock solution from 'main.py' only.

# Uncomment the following line to generate a random target shape
target, limit_tetris, perfect_solution = utils.generate_target(
    width=20, height=20,
    density=0.8)  # NOTE: it is recommended to keep density below 0.8

solution = Tetris(deepcopy(target), deepcopy(limit_tetris))

valid, missing, excess, error_pieces, use_diff = utils.check_solution(
    target, solution, limit_tetris)  # checks if the solution is valid

if not valid or len(error_pieces) != 0:
    if len(error_pieces) != 0:
            'WARNING: {} pieces have a wrong shapeID. They are labelled in image of the solution, and their PieceID are: {}.'
            .format(len(error_pieces), error_pieces))
        print("Displaying solution...")
        utils.visual_perfect(perfect_solution, solution)
    print("WARNING: The solution is not valid, no score will be given!")

else:  # if the solution is valid, test time performance and accuracy

    # There will be three different 'target' with increasing complexity in real test.
예제 #6
 def solve(self):
     answer = utils.solve_with_qbsolv(self.Q)
     assignment = [answer[i] for i in range(self.V)]
     print("Assignment: ", assignment)
     return utils.check_solution(self.formula, assignment)
예제 #7
def main(argv):
    opt_config = -1
    benchmark = argv[0]

    # the desired error ratio is expressed as 1e-exp
    # the input taken from the user is the exp
    trgt_error_ratio_exp = int(argv[1])

    input_set_idx = int(argv[2])

    if trgt_error_ratio_exp > max_target_error_exp:
        print("Desired error ({}) larger than the max allowed ({})".format(
            trgt_error_ratio_exp, max_target_error_exp))

    trgt_error_ratio = float('1e-' + str(trgt_error_ratio_exp))
    trgt_error_ratio_log_exp = -np.log(trgt_error_ratio)
    largeET = large_error_threshold 

    before_initial_time = time.time()
    (initial_df, before_nn_time, after_nn_time, regr, mae, rmse, r2, ev, acc,
            underest_ratio, loss, max_pred_err, train_data_regr, test_data_regr,
            train_target_regr, test_target_regr, train_data_classr,
            test_data_classr, train_target_classr, test_target_classr,
            classr_needed) = regressor_creation(benchmark, benchmarks_home,
                    data_set_dir, benchmark_nVar, min_nbit, max_nbit,
                    value_inPlace_of_inf, errors_close_to_0_threshold, largeET,
                    initial_dataset_size, initial_train_set_size,
                    trgt_error_ratio_log_exp, alpha_asymm_loss, input_set_idx, 
    print("Initial regressor with MAE {0:.3f} ({1:.3f} sec)".format(
        mae, after_nn_time - before_nn_time))

    before_cl_time = time.time()
    (classr, acc, fscore) = classifier_creation(classr_needed, benchmark,
            initial_train_set_size, train_data_classr, test_data_classr,
            train_target_classr, test_target_classr, largeET, True)
    after_cl_time = time.time()
    print("Initial classifier with accuracy {0:.3f} ({1:.3f} sec)".format(
        acc, after_cl_time - before_cl_time))
    after_initial_time = time.time()
    print("Initial phase (data retrieval, regr & classr train) took {0:.3f} "
            "sec)".format(after_initial_time - before_initial_time))

    after_initial_time = time.time()
    before_opt_time = time.time()

    Create MP model and solve optimization problem
    - active learning approach
    opt_config, n_iter = opt_model_AL(benchmark, initial_df, trgt_error_ratio,
            trgt_error_ratio_log_exp, regr, mae, rmse, r2, ev, underest_ratio,
            classr, acc, initial_train_set_size, largeET, input_set_idx, True,
            after_initial_time - before_initial_time)
    after_opt_time = time.time()

    # post process and evaluation
    if opt_config == -1:
        print("Some problem happened with the optimizer")
        print("Solution for {0} with desired max error ratio 1e-{1} found in "
                "{2:.3f}s (ML) + {3:.3f}s (opt) and {4} iterations".format(
                    benchmark, trgt_error_ratio_exp, (after_opt_time - 
                        before_opt_time), (after_initial_time -
                            before_initial_time), n_iter))
    if opt_config == None:
        opt_config = [max_nbit for i in range(benchmark_nVar[benchmark])]
    print("Exp error {0}, error {1}, log exp error {2:.3f}".format(
        trgt_error_ratio_exp, trgt_error_ratio, trgt_error_ratio_log_exp))
    # final check: actually run the bechmark with the optimal config
    print("Run benchmark with opt config (%s)" % opt_config) 
    error, is_error_se_trgt, error_class = utils.check_solution(benchmark, 
            opt_config, trgt_error_ratio, benchmarks_home, binary_map, 
            largeET, benchmark_nVar, max_nbit, min_nbit, input_set_idx)

    print("Error {0} (log: {1:.3f}) <= target {2} (log: {3:.3f})? --> {4}".
            format(error, -np.log(error), trgt_error_ratio, 
                -np.log(trgt_error_ratio), is_error_se_trgt))
    if not is_error_se_trgt:
        print("\tDistance from trgt: {0:.3f}".format(1-trgt_error_ratio/error))
예제 #8
def opt_model_AL(benchmark, initial_df, trgt_error_ratio,
        trgt_error_ratio_log_exp, regr, mae, rmse, r2, ev, underest_ratio,
        classr, acc, train_set_size, large_err_thresh, input_set_idx=-1, 
        debug=True, initial_train_time=0):
    if classr == None:
        classr_needed = False
        classr_needed = True
    if debug:
        print("----- Search solution with opt model -----")
    before_firstSol_time = time.time()
    before_firstSol_solve_time = before_firstSol_time
    opt_config, mdl, bit_sum = solve_opt_model(benchmark, None, 
            trgt_error_ratio_log_exp, regr, mae, rmse, underest_ratio, classr, 
            acc, 0, False, train_set_size, large_err_thresh, 0, [], True)
    if mdl == 1:
        return opt_config

    after_firstSol_solve_time = time.time()

    if opt_config == None:
        return opt_config

    before_firstSol_check_time = time.time()
    error, is_error_se_trgt, error_class = utils.check_solution(benchmark, 
            opt_config, trgt_error_ratio, benchmarks_home, binary_map,
            large_err_thresh, benchmark_nVar, max_nbit, min_nbit, input_set_idx)

    after_firstSol_time = time.time()
    after_firstSol_check_time = after_firstSol_time

    errPred, classPred = get_pred_class(opt_config, regr, classr)

    if debug:
        print(" First Solution (found in {0:.3f}s): {1}; error {2} < "
                "error_target {3}? {4}".format(
                    after_firstSol_time - before_firstSol_time, 
            opt_config, error, trgt_error_ratio, is_error_se_trgt))
        print("\tTime to find sol {0:.3f}, time to check sol {1:.3f}".format(
            after_firstSol_solve_time - before_firstSol_solve_time,
            after_firstSol_check_time - before_firstSol_check_time))

    if is_error_se_trgt:
        if debug:
            print(" Solution found satisfies actual program run")
        return opt_config, 1

    if debug:
        print(" Actual error (log) {0:.5f}, predicted error (log) {1:.3f}, "
                "desired error (log) {2:.3f}; actual class {3}, predicted "
                "class {4}".format(-np.log(error), errPred, 
                    -np.log(trgt_error_ratio), error_class, classPred))
        print(" Solution found _does not_ satisfy actual program run")
        print(" Refine model and search for new solution")

    prev_sol_stats = {}
    prev_sol_stats['config'] = opt_config
    prev_sol_stats['delta_config'] = 0
    prev_sol_stats['error'] = 0
    prev_sol_stats['error_class'] = 0
    prev_sol_stats['delta_error'] = 0
    prev_sol_stats['error_log'] = 0
    prev_sol_stats['delta_error_log'] = 0
    prev_sol_stats['error_pred'] = 0
    prev_sol_stats['error_pred_log'] = 0
    prev_sol_stats['delta_error_pred'] = 0
    prev_sol_stats['delta_error_pred_log'] = 0
    prev_sol_stats['error_capped'] = 0
    prev_sol_stats['cost'] = sum(opt_config)
    sol_stats = compute_sol_stats(opt_config, opt_config, prev_sol_stats, error,
            errPred, error_class, acc, mae, r2, ev, 
            after_firstSol_time - before_firstSol_time + initial_train_time, 
            True, True, large_err_thresh)
    prev_sol_stats = sol_stats
    prev_config = opt_config
    prev_bit_sum = sol_stats['cost']

    before_refineSol_time = time.time()
    n_iter = 1
    n_small_error = 0
    n_large_error = 0
    # we retrain the model until a certain number of iterations is performed and
    # until the error is smaller than the desider one
    while not is_error_se_trgt and n_iter < max_refine_iterations:
        print(">>>>>>> Iteration {} <<<<<<<<".format(n_iter))
        before_iterRefSol_time = time.time()
        before_refineSol_solve_time = time.time()

        if debug:
            print("\t Infer new examples")
        new_examples = infer_new_examples(benchmark, sol_stats)
        if debug:
            print("\t Refine ML model")

        # again, we need to assure that the regr NN can predict the target
        # error (err < target --> out NN > log(target))
        iter_refine_net = 0
        max_pred_err = -1
        (regr_ref, mae, rmse, r2, ev, underest_ratio, classr_ref, acc,
                max_pred_err, new_df) = refine_ML(benchmark, regr,
                        classr, initial_df, new_examples, classr_needed)
        if debug:
            print("\tmax_pred_err {0:.3f} (trgt err ratio log exp: {1:.3f}) - "
                    ' #iter needed: {2}) '.format(max_pred_err, 
                        trgt_error_ratio_log_exp, iter_refine_net))

            print("\t - # Examples used for training regr so far: {}".format(
            print("\t - # Examples used for training clf so far: {}".format(
            print("\t - Refined stats: regr MAE {0:.3f}, R2 {1:.3f}, EV "
                    "{2:.3f} -- Classr Acc {3:.3f}".format(mae, r2, ev, acc))

        # the refinement can happen even if the previous solution is already
        # fine (we may want to improve it). If the previous solution was
        # infeasible we also want it to be deleted from the solution pool
        if not is_error_se_trgt:
            # if the error predictor is not very robust, we may end up with many 
            # 'small' error; after a while we increase the target
            if n_small_error != 0 and ((n_small_error % 10) == 0):
                error_increase = 1
                trgt_error_ratio_log_exp += error_increase
                if debug:
                    print("\t\t Increase error ({})".format(error_increase))

        # after every N iterations, we increase the minimum number of bits of a
        # solution
        if n_iter % increase_freq == 0 and n_iter > increase_freq_begin:
            increase_tot_nbits = True
            increase_tot_nbits = False

        wrong_config = opt_config
        if debug:
            print("\t----- Search solution with opt model -----")
        opt_config, mdl_ref, bit_sum = solve_opt_model(benchmark, None, 
                trgt_error_ratio_log_exp, regr, mae, rmse, underest_ratio, 
                classr, acc, prev_bit_sum, increase_tot_nbits, 
                train_set_size, large_err_thresh, n_iter, wrong_config, 
        prev_bit_sum = bit_sum

        after_refineSol_solve_time = time.time()
        before_refineSol_check_time = time.time()
        error, is_error_se_trgt, error_class = utils.check_solution(benchmark, 
            opt_config, trgt_error_ratio, benchmarks_home, binary_map,
            large_err_thresh, benchmark_nVar, max_nbit, min_nbit, input_set_idx)
        after_refineSol_check_time = time.time()

        errPred, classPred = get_pred_class(opt_config, regr, classr)
        if debug:
            print("\t Refined solution at iter {0}: {1}; error {2} < "
                    "error_target {3}? {4}".format(n_iter, opt_config, 
                        error, trgt_error_ratio, is_error_se_trgt))
            print("\t Actual error (log) {0:.3f}, predicted error (log) {1:.3f},"
                    " desired error (log) {2:.3f}; actual class {3}, predicted "
                    "class {4}".format(-np.log(error), errPred, 
                        -np.log(trgt_error_ratio), error_class, classPred))

            if not is_error_se_trgt:
                if error_class == 0:
                    error_delta = errPred - (-np.log(error))
                    print("\t--> Small Error - error delta (log) {0:.3f}".format(
                    n_small_error += 1
                    print("\t--> Large Error")
                    n_large_error += 1
            print("Time to find refined sol {0:.3f}, time to check sol "
                    after_refineSol_solve_time - before_refineSol_solve_time,
                    after_refineSol_check_time - before_refineSol_check_time))

        after_iterRefSol_time = time.time()
        sol_stats = compute_sol_stats(opt_config, prev_config, prev_sol_stats,
                error, errPred, error_class, acc, mae, r2, ev,
                after_iterRefSol_time - before_iterRefSol_time, True, False,
        prev_sol_stats = sol_stats
        prev_config = opt_config

        mdl = mdl_ref

        # update DF with new examples (for next iteration)
        initial_df = new_df

        n_iter += 1

    after_refineSol_time = time.time()
    if debug:
        print(" Refined Sol found in {0:.3f}s and after {1} iterations".format(
            after_refineSol_time - before_refineSol_time, n_iter))
        print("----- Found solution {} -----".format(opt_config))

    return opt_config, n_iter