def process_ms(msname, outfn):
    station_map = utils.get_station_map(msname)
    station_names = sorted(station_map.keys())
    stations2 = sorted(map(station_map.get, station_names))
    ref_station_name = '1' # ANTENNA table has ID, Name and 'Station' fields'; here we want the last of these
    ref_station2 = station_map[ref_station_name]
    ref_s_ind2 = stations2.index(ref_station2)
    swid, pol_id, polind, = (0, 0, 0)

    for timeq in timeqs:
        delays, phases, rates, sigs = [], [], [], []
        for pol_id in [0,3]:
            dels, phs, rs, sig = fringer.fit_fringe_lm(msname, stations2, ref_s_ind2,
                                                       swid, polind, pol_id, timeq, solint=300)
        outf = file(outfn, 'w')
        print >>outf, "#\n#{}\n#".format(timeq)
        utils.print_res(station_map, stations2, phases, delays, rates, sigs=sigs, outf=outf)
예제 #2
import glob, lsqrs, ffd, fringer, utils

msname = 'N08C1_4C39.25.MS'
# Better:

date = '2008-03-10'
times = [('17:06:01.0', '17:09:00.0')]
mysolint = 300  # seconds
myrefant = '1'  # string for 1-based refant number, 1 = EF

timeqs = ffd.mktimeqs(date, times)

station_map = utils.get_station_map(msname)
station_names = sorted(station_map.keys())
# stations2 = sorted(map(station_map.get, station_names))
# station 8 missing; 3 misses a bunch of stuff.
stations2 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10]

ref_station_name = myrefant  # '1' is Effelsberg
ref_station2 = station_map[ref_station_name]
ref_s_ind2 = stations2.index(ref_station2)
swid, polind, = (0, 0)

#stations2 = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10]
stations2 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10]

for timeq, swid in itertools.product(timeqs, range(4)):
    timeq2 = ffd.actual_timerangeq(msname, timeq)
예제 #3
import numpy as np, scipy, itertools
import glob, lsqrs, ffd, fringer, utils

msname = '/scratch/small/N14C3/NME_challenge/N14C3_scan2_2.MS'

timeqs = ['SCAN_NUMBER=2']

station_map = utils.get_station_map(msname)
station_names =  [t[1] for t in sorted([(i,n) for (n, i) in station_map.items()])]
# stations2 = sorted(map(station_map.get, station_names))
stations2 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11]
n_stations = len(stations2)

# ref_station_name = '1' # Effelsberg
ref_station_name = 'EF' 
ref_station = station_map[ref_station_name]

polind = 0
solint = 600
threshold = 0.0

all_delays = []
all_phases = []
all_rates = []
for timeq, swid in itertools.product(timeqs, range(8)):
    timeq2 = ffd.actual_timerangeq(msname, timeq)
    delays, phases, rates, sigs = [], [], [], []
    for pol_id in [0,3]:
        anffd = ffd.FFData.make_FFD(msname, stations2, swid, polind, pol_id, timeq2,
예제 #4
def fit_multiband_fringe(msname, scan_number, ctname):
    timeqs = ["SCAN_NUMBER={}".format(scan_number)]
    station_map = utils.get_station_map(msname)
    stations2 = sorted(ffd.actual_stations(msname, timeqs[0]).keys())
    ism = utils.invert_map(station_map)
    station_names = [ism[s] for s in stations2]

    ref_station_name = 'EF' 
    ref_station2 = station_map[ref_station_name]
    ref_s_ind2 = stations2.index(ref_station2)
    polind = 0
    swids = range(8)
    reffreqs = utils.get_min_freqs(msname)
    minfreq = utils.get_min_freqs(msname)[0]

    make_table.make_table(msname, ctname)

    shape = (2, len(stations2))
    delays = np.zeros(shape, np.float)
    phases = np.zeros(shape, np.float)
    rates = np.zeros(shape, np.float)
    sigs = []

    rowcount = 0
    for timeq in timeqs[:1]:
        timeq2 = ffd.actual_timerangeq(msname, timeq)
        for pol_id in [0,1]:
  "Getting data")
            anffd = ffd.FFData.make_FFD_multiband(msname, stations2, polind, pol_id, timeq2,
                                                datacol="CORRECTED_DATA", solint=500)
  "Fitting fringes")
            dels, phs, rs, sig = fringer.fit_fringe_ffd(anffd, ref_station2, stations2)
            delays[pol_id, :] = dels
            phases[pol_id, :] = phs
            rates[pol_id, :] = rs

        obsid, field, scan = [ffd.distinct_thing(msname, timeq, col)
                              for col in ['OBSERVATION_ID', 'FIELD_ID', 'SCAN_NUMBER']]
        darr = -delays*1e9
        pharr = -phases # radians!
        rarr = -rates
        for i,s in enumerate(stations2):
            antenna = s
            assert (anffd.get_station_index(s) == i)
            time = anffd.get_ref_time()
            # time = anffd.times[0]
            interval = anffd.get_interval()
            midfreqs = utils.get_mid_freqs(msname)
            for swid in swids:
                # Df = (reffreqs[swid]-minfreq)
                Df = (midfreqs[swid]-minfreq)
                phase_offsets =  utils.turns_to_radians(Df * darr/1e9 +
                                                      interval/2 * rarr)

                ph = pharr + phase_offsets

                param = np.zeros(shape=(6,1), dtype='float32')
                param[:, 0] = [ph[0, i], darr[0, i], rates[0,i], 
                               ph[1, i], darr[1, i], rates[1,i] ]
                make_table.add_row(ctname, rowcount, time, interval, antenna, 
                                  field, scan, obsid, swid, param)
                rowcount += 1