예제 #1
 def save_data_for_prediction(self, pred, act_time_in_h, ambient_temp, G):
     # Martin's code
     qHeat = self.V_2 * utils.rho_fluid_water(self.t24, self.p_atm, 1) * (self.t25 - self.t24)
     qDHW = self.V_1 * utils.rho_fluid_water(self.t22, self.p_atm, 1) * (self.t21 - self.t22)
     q_write = pred.run_to_save_data(act_time_in_h+2, qHeat + qDHW, ambient_temp)
     G.write('{:10.5f} {:10.5f} {:10.5f}\n'.format(act_time_in_h, qHeat + qDHW, ambient_temp))
예제 #2
 def control_internal_2(self, chp, kessel, actual_time, m4, H):
     # controls - turn all off when the tank is fully loaded
     #if(str(type(self.t2))!="<class 'float'>"):
         #print('actual_time = {}; t2 = {}; t3 = {}'.format(actual_time, self.t2, self.t3))
     if((self.t2 > 45.0) or (self.t3 > 60.0)):
         if(chp.get_status() == 1):
             wyn = chp.turn_off(actual_time)
             self.t26 = wyn[2]
             self.t27 = wyn[1]
             m3 = wyn[3]
             self.V_3 = m3 / utils.rho_fluid_water(self.t26, self.p_atm, 1) # in m3/s = kg/s / kg/m3
         if(kessel.get_status() == 1):
             wyn = kessel.turn_off(actual_time)
             self.t28 = wyn[2]
             self.t29 = wyn[1]
             m4 = wyn[3]
             self.V_4 = m4 / utils.rho_fluid_water(self.t28, self.p_atm, 1) # in m3/s = kg/s / kg/m3
         #print('t2>45||t3>60, turn OFF, chp = {}, kessel = {}'.format(chp.get_status(),kessel.get_status()))
     # controls - turn the gas heater off when the tank is more than half loaded
     if(self.t7 > 45.0):
         if(kessel.get_status() == 1):
             wyn = kessel.turn_off(actual_time)
             self.t28 = wyn[2]
             self.t29 = wyn[1]
             m4 = wyn[3]
             self.V_4 = m4 / utils.rho_fluid_water(self.t28, self.p_atm, 1) # in m3/s = kg/s / kg/m3
         #print('t7>45, turn OFF,  chp = {}, kessel = {}'.format(chp.get_status(),kessel.get_status()))
     # ..............................................................
     # storage tank
    #tank.calc_dhw_heat_exchange(time_step_in_s, t_in_dw , t_out_dw, mstr_dhw)
     # controls - turn the chp unit and heater if the temperature of domestic hot water is too low
     if self.t21 < 45.0:
         if chp.get_status():
             wyn = kessel.turn_on(actual_time)
             if (wyn[0] == False):
                 H.write('Could not turn gas boiler on at time = {}. Time left to the next turn on = {} s. t21 < 45\n'.format(actual_time,wyn[4].seconds))
                 #print('Could not turn gas boiler on at time = {}. Time left to the next turn on = {} s. t21 < 45'.format(actual_time,wyn[4].seconds))
             self.t28 = wyn[2]
             self.t29 = wyn[1]
             m4 = wyn[3]
             self.V_4 = m4 / utils.rho_fluid_water(self.t29, self.p_atm, 1) # in m3/s = kg/s / kg/m3
             wyn = chp.turn_on(actual_time)
             self.t26 = wyn[2]
             self.t27 = wyn[1]
             m3 = wyn[3]
             if (wyn[0] == False):
                 H.write('Could not turn CHP on at time = {}. Time left to the next turn on = {} s. t21 < 45\n'.format(actual_time,wyn[4].seconds))
                 #print('Could not turn CHP on at time = {}. Time left to the next turn on = {} s. t21 < 45'.format(actual_time,wyn[4].seconds))
             self.V_3 = m3 / utils.rho_fluid_water(self.t26, self.p_atm, 1) # in m3/s = kg/s / kg/m3
         #print('t21<45, turn ON, chp = {}, kessel = {}'.format(chp.get_status(),kessel.get_status()))
     elif self.t21 > 85.0:
         print('alarm dhw too hot t = {}'.format(self.t21))
 def rhocalc(self, temp):
     """ returns the density in kg/m3 """
         patm = 0.1 * 1.01325  # in MPa
         return utils.rho_fluid_water(temp, patm, 1)
         return self.rho
예제 #4
def get_heat_consumption_from_crate(cursor, start_time, horizont_in_h, pred, time_step_in_s):
    # gets data from crate db
    # calculates from it the heat flows needed by Martin's function 
    # and passes them as result 
    q_th_dhw = 0.0
    q_th_hk = 0.0
    t_a_avg = 0.0
    n_avg = 0
    p_in_MPa = utils.get_pressure_in_MPa()
    calc_opt = utils.get_calc_option()
    cursor.execute("SELECT time_index,t30_ambientairtemperature,t21_domestichotwater,t22_domesticcoldwater,v01_colddrinkingwater,t25_supply_heatingcircuit,t24_return_heatingcircuit,v02_heatingcircuit FROM mtopeniot.etrvk")
    result = cursor.fetchone()
    while result != None:
        timestamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(result[0]*0.001))
        actual_time = start_time
        if((timestamp >= start_time) and (timestamp < (start_time + timedelta(hours=horizont_in_h)))):
            # ambient ar temperature
            t30_ambientairtemperature = result[1]
            # heat consumption for domestic hot water - get the data
            t21_domestichotwater = result[2]
            t22_domesticcoldwater = result[3]
            v01_colddrinkingwater = result[4]
            cp_dhw = utils.cp_fluid_water(0.5 * (t22_domesticcoldwater + t21_domestichotwater), p_in_MPa, calc_opt)
            rho_dhw = utils.rho_fluid_water(t22_domesticcoldwater, p_in_MPa, 1)
            # kg/m3 * m3/s * J/kg/K * K * s = J
            q_dhw = rho_dhw * v01_colddrinkingwater * cp_dhw * (t21_domestichotwater - t22_domesticcoldwater) * time_step_in_s
            # heat consumption for heating system - get the data
            t25_supply_heatingcircuit = result[5]
            t24_return_heatingcircuit = result[6]
            v02_heatingcircuit = result[7]
            cp_hk = utils.cp_fluid_water(0.5 * (t24_return_heatingcircuit + t25_supply_heatingcircuit), p_in_MPa, calc_opt)
            rho_hk = utils.rho_fluid_water(t24_return_heatingcircuit, p_in_MPa, 1)
            # kg/m3 * m3/s * J/kg/K * K * s = J
            q_hk = rho_hk * v02_heatingcircuit * cp_hk * (t25_supply_heatingcircuit - t24_return_heatingcircuit) * time_step_in_s
            # aggregate the data in the needed resolution
            t_act = actual_time.hour                           # t_act - actual time in hours
            q_act = (q_dhw + q_hk)/time_step_in_s              # q_act - actual heat load of the system in W 
            t_e_act = t30_ambientairtemperature                # t_e_act - ambient air temperature in grad Celcius
            # add aggregated data to the data structure for predict_thermal.py
예제 #5
 def get_volume_flow_at_output(self):
     return self.get_mass_flow() / utils.rho_fluid_water(
         self.output_temperature, self.p_atm, 1)  # in m3/s
예제 #6
    def one_iteration_step(self, tsm, tank, chp, kessel, cvalve, heizkurve, t_a, el_heat_status, actual_time, H):
        """ one iteration step of the whole RVK system """
        #print('\n chp = {}; kessel = {}; t2 = {}; t3 = {}'.format(chp.get_status(), kessel.get_status(), self.t2, self.t3))
        # combined heat and power unit - link outputs
        wyn = chp.get_chp()
        #self.t27 = wyn[1]   # tin in °C        = self.t1 = wyn[t1]
        self.t26 = wyn[2]   # tout in °C       = chp.get_out_temp = wyn[2]
        m3 = wyn[3]         # mstr in kg/s 
        self.V_3 = m3 / utils.rho_fluid_water(self.t26, self.p_atm, 1)                     # volume flow incoming to chp from tank
        V_chp = chp.get_volume_flow_at_output()  # volume flow outoming from chp into tank
        # combined heat and power unit - link inputs
        chp.set_inp_temp(self.t27)               # temperature incoming from tank to chp

        # ..............................................................

        # gas boiler - link outputs
        wyn = kessel.get_kessel()
        #self.t29 = wyn[1]    # tin in °C - incoming into gas heater
        self.t28 = wyn[2]    # tout in °C - outcoming from gas heater
        m4 = wyn[3]          # mstr in kg/s - incoming into gas heater
        self.V_4 = kessel.get_volume_flow_at_input()
        V_kessel = kessel.get_volume_flow_at_output()
        # gas boiler - link inputs

        # ..............................................................
        # at first no delay - just linking chp and heater
        # delay due to the seuence of commands ie equal to the Timestep length
        self.t27 = self.t1
        self.t29 = self.t1
        # ..............................................................

        # heating circuit
        self.t23 = self.t20  # no delay assumed
        #print('t20 = {}; t23 = {}'.format(self.t20, self.t23))
        self.t25 = heizkurve.get_supply_temperature(t_a)
        self.t24 = heizkurve.get_return_temperature(t_a)

        (m23, m25, m4) = self.control_internal_1(heizkurve, kessel, chp, cvalve, t_a, actual_time, m4, H)

        m_bypass = m25 - m23
        rho23 = utils.rho_fluid_water(self.t23, self.p_atm, 1)
        V_23 = m23 / rho23   # in m3/s = kg/s / kg/m3
        #print('V_23 = {}; m23 = {}; rho23 = {}; t23 = {}'.format(V_23,m23, rho23, self.t23))
        m24 = m23
        rho24 = utils.rho_fluid_water(self.t24, self.p_atm, 1)
        V_24 = m24 / rho24
        # demand for domestic hot water
        m22 = self.V_1 * utils.rho_fluid_water(self.t22, self.p_atm, 1) # in kg/s = m3/s * kg/m3
        m22 = 0.01  # kg/s
        # ..............................................................

        t_ambient = 15.0
        # storage tank - calculation
        tank.calculate_storage_tank_obj(tsm,  # time step manager
                                   self.t23,  # hk_inp_temp
                                       V_23,  # hk_inp_volfl_m3s
                                   self.t24,  # hk_out_temp
                                   self.t27,  # chp_inp_temp
                                   self.t26,  # chp_out_temp
                                   self.V_3,  # chp_inp_volfl_m3s
                                   self.t29,  # gb_inp_temp
                                   self.t28,  # gp_out_temp
                                   self.V_4,  # gb_inp_volfl_m3s
                                   self.t22,  # dhw_inp_temp
                                   self.t21,  # dhw_out_temp
                                   self.V_1,  # dhw_inp_volfl_m3s
                             el_heat_status,  # el_heat_status
                                actual_time,  # time in the timestamp format
                                  t_ambient)  # ambient temperature of the tank - defines heat losses to the outside
        self.t21 = tank.get_temp_dhw()
        #self.t27 = 
        #self.t29 = 
        #self.t23 = 
        # storage tank - linking
        [self.t1, self.t2, self.t3, self.t4, self.t5, self.t6, self.t7, self.t8, self.t9, self.t10, self.t11, self.t12, self.t13, self.t14, self.t15, self.t16, self.t17, self.t18, self.t19, self.t20] = tank.output_temperatures()

        # ..............................................................

        self.control_internal_2(chp, kessel, actual_time, m4, H)
        # ..............................................................
        heizwert_in_MJ_per_kg = 50.0   # kg/m3 N   ~CH4
        gas_density = 0.79   # kg/m3 N             ~Erdgas
        Z_boiler = kessel.get_gas_mstr(heizwert_in_MJ_per_kg) / gas_density
        self.Z_2 = chp.get_gas_mstr(heizwert_in_MJ_per_kg) / gas_density
        self.Z_1 = self.Z_2 + Z_boiler
        self.Wh1 = -1.0 * chp.get_el_prod()
        self.Wh2 = tank.get_el_heater_consumption()
        self.Wh3 = self.Wh1 + self.Wh2
예제 #7
    def control_internal_1(self, heizkurve, kessel, chp, cvalve, t_a, actual_time, m4, H):
        if(t_a<=15.0):                # heating period

        self.V_2 = heizkurve.get_volume_flow()
        # ..............................................................
        # mass flow 
        m25 = utils.rho_fluid_water(self.t24, self.p_atm, 1) * self.V_2  # mass flow in heating circuit in kg/s
        #print('time = {}; type t23 = {}; type t25 = {}'.format(actual_time, type(self.t23), type(self.t25)))
        if(t_a<=15.0):                # heating period
            #self.t25 = heizkurve.get2_supply_temperature(t_a)
            if self.t23 < self.t25:  # temp in storage is too low to heat the building´                self.too_cold = 1
                self.t24 = max(self.t24 - (self.t25 - self.t23),self.t22)   # return temperature from the heating system
                self.t25 = self.t23                           # supply temperature to the heating system is too low
                if chp.get_status() == 1 and self.t15 < self.t25:  # storage is almost empty even though the chp is already running
                    wyn = kessel.turn_on(actual_time)  # turn the gas boiler on
                    if (wyn[0] == False):
                        H.write('Could not turn gas boiler on at time = {}. Time left to the next turn on = {} s. t23 < t25\n'.format(actual_time,wyn[4].seconds))
                        #print('Could not turn gas boiler on at time = {}. Time left to the next turn on = {} s. t23 < t25'.format(actual_time,wyn[4].seconds))
                    #print('t28 = {}; wyn[2] = {}'.format(self.t28,wyn[2]))
                    self.t28 = wyn[2]
                    #self.t29 = wyn[1]
                    m4 = wyn[3]
                    if(wyn[0] == False):
                        print('ERROR 2 at time = {}'.format(actual_time))
                    self.V_4 = m4 / utils.rho_fluid_water(self.t29, self.p_atm, 1) # in m3/s = kg/s / kg/m3
                    wyn = chp.turn_on(actual_time)  # turn the chp unit on
                    if (wyn[0] == False):
                        H.write('Could not turn CHP unit on at time = {}. Time left to the next turn on = {} s. t23 < t25\n'.format(actual_time,wyn[4].seconds))
                        #print('Could not turn CHP unit on at time = {}. Time left to the next turn on = {} s. t23 < t25'.format(actual_time,wyn[4].seconds))
                    #print('TOO COLD, chp is off, t26 = {}; wyn[2] = {}; stat chp = {}; stat boiler = {}'.format(self.t26,wyn[2],chp.get_status(),kessel.get_status()))
                    self.t26 = wyn[2]
                    #self.t27 = wyn[1]
                    chp.set_inp_temp(self.t27)               # temperature incoming from tank to chp
                    m3 = wyn[3]
                    if (wyn[0] == False):
                        print('ERROR 1 at time = {}'.format(actual_time))
                    self.V_3 = m3 / utils.rho_fluid_water(self.t26, self.p_atm, 1) # in m3/s = kg/s / kg/m3
                #print('t23<t25, turn ON, chp = {}, kessel = {}'.format(chp.get_status(),kessel.get_status()))
                m23 = m25
                self.too_cold = 0
                cp25 = utils.cp_fluid_water(self.t25, self.p_atm, 1)
                cp24 = utils.cp_fluid_water(self.t24, self.p_atm, 1)
                cp23 = utils.cp_fluid_water(self.t23, self.p_atm, 1)
            #        m23 + m_bypass = m25  ==> m_bypass = m25 - m23
            #        t23 * cp23 * m23 + t24 * cp24 * m_bypass = t25 * cp25 * m25
            #        t23 * cp23 * m23 + t24 * cp24 * (m25 - m23) = t25 * cp25 * m25
            #        m23 * (t23 * cp23 - t24 * cp24) = m25 * (t25 * cp25 - t24 * cp24)
                m23 = m25 * (self.t25 * cp25 - self.t24 * cp24) / (self.t23 * cp23 - self.t24 * cp24)

            #        m_bypass = m25 * (1.0 - cvalve.get_hub)   # mass flow in bypass in kg/s
                    cvalve.set_hub(m23 / m25)
        #        t25 = (t23 * cp23 + m_bypass * cp24) / (m25 * cp24)
        else:             # no heating needed 
            self.too_cold = 0
            m23 = 0.0
            m25 = 0.0
            self.V_2 = 0.0
        return (m23, m25, m4)
예제 #8
 def get_volume_flow_at_output(self):
     return self.mass_flow / utils.rho_fluid_water(self.get_out_temp(), self.p_atm, 1)  # in m3/s
 def calc_volume_flow(self):
     self.volume_flow = self.get_design_mass_flow() / utils.rho_fluid_water(
         self.get_avg_hk_temperature(self.design_ambient_temp), self.p_atm,
         1)  # m3/s = kg/s / kg/m3