예제 #1
    def tokenparser(self, toklist, toktypes, indent):

	self.hostport = utils.stripquote(toklist[0])	# hostname:port
	self.username = utils.stripquote(toklist[1])	# username
	self.password = utils.stripquote(toklist[2])	# password
	self.actionList = self.parseAction(toklist[3:])

	if ':' in self.hostport:
	    (self.host, self.port) = string.split( self.hostport, ':' )
	    self.port = int(self.port)
	    self.host = self.hostport
	    self.port = 110

	# Set any FS-specific variables
	#  rule = rule
	self.Action.varDict['pop3timinghost'] = self.host
	self.Action.varDict['pop3timingport'] = self.port
	self.Action.varDict['pop3timingusername'] = self.username
	self.Action.varDict['pop3timingpassword'] = self.password

	# define the unique ID
	self.ID = '%s.POP3TIMING.%s.%d.%s' % (log.hostname,self.host,self.port,self.username)

	log.log( "<pop3.py>POP3TIMING.tokenparser(): ID '%s' host '%s' port %d username '%s'" % (self.ID, self.host, self.port, self.username), 8 )
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, toklist):
	apply( Directive.__init__, (self, toklist) )
	self.name = utils.stripquote(toklist[1])			# the daemon to check for
	self.daemon = utils.stripquote(toklist[1])		# the daemon to check for
	self.ruleDict = { 'NR' : self.NR,
		          'R'  : self.R,
			  'check' : self.check }
    def parseArgs(self, toklist):
        Return dictionary of directive arguments.

        toklist is a list of directive argument lines.
        Each line is a list of basic tokens.
        Argument lines must be of the form: <name>=<value>
          where <name> is a 'word' and <value> is something like a string,
          int, float, function call, etc.

        argdict = {}

        for argline in toklist:
            if len(argline) < 3 or argline[1] != '=':
                    "<directive>Directive.parseArgs(): invalid directive argument '%s'"
                    % (string.join(argline)), 1)
                raise ParseFailure("invalid directive argument '%s'" %

            if len(argline) > 3:
                argdict[argline[0]] = utils.stripquote(
                    string.join(argline[2:], ""))
                argdict[argline[0]] = utils.stripquote(argline[2])

        return argdict
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, toklist):
	apply( Directive.__init__, (self, toklist) )

	# Must be 5 tokens to make up: ['SP', 'proto', '/', 'port', ':']
	if len(toklist) < 5:
	    raise ParseError, "SP proto/port not specified correctly"
	if toklist[2] != '/':
	    raise ParseError, "SP proto/port not specified correctly"

	self.proto = utils.stripquote(toklist[1])	# the proto to check
	self.port_n = utils.stripquote(toklist[3])	# the port to check
예제 #5
    def tokenparser(self, toklist, toktypes, indent):
	toklist = toklist[:-1]		# lose CR
	toktypes = toktypes[:-1]	# lose CR

	for t in toklist:
	    if self.subject == None:
		self.subject = utils.stripquote(t)
	    elif self.message == None:
		self.message = utils.stripquote(t)
		# tokens left and subject/message already defined
		raise ParseFailure, "Parse error during MSG definition"
예제 #6
    def tokenparser(self, toklist, toktypes, indent):

        for argline in toklist:
            for t in argline:
                if self.subject == None:
                    self.subject = utils.stripquote(t)
                elif self.message == None:
                    self.message = utils.stripquote(t)
                    # tokens left and subject/message already defined
                    raise ParseFailure, "Parse error during MSG definition"

        log.log( "<definition>MSG.tokenparser(): MSG parsed, subject:'%s' message:'%s'" % (self.subject,self.message), 8 )
예제 #7
    def tokenparser(self, toklist, toktypes, indent):

	self.touchfile = utils.stripquote(toklist[0])	# test file touched by cronjob
	self.rule = utils.stripquote(toklist[1])	# the rule
	self.actionList = self.parseAction(toklist[2:])

	# Set any FS-specific variables
	#  rule = rule
	self.Action.varDict['rule'] = self.rule

	# define the unique ID
	self.ID = '%s.CRON.%s' % (log.hostname,self.rule)

	log.log( "<solaris.py>CRON.tokenparser(): ID '%s' rule '%s' action '%s'" % (self.ID, self.rule, self.actionList), 8 )
예제 #8
    def __init__(self, *arg):
	apply( Directive.__init__, (self,) + arg )
	self.regexp = 'COM[\t \n]+\([a-zA-Z0-9_$><=&\|.,:;%*^/!-]+\|"[a-zA-Z0-9_$><=&\|.,:;%*^/!{}()\' \t-]+"\|\'[a-zA-Z0-9_$><=&\|.,:;%*^/!{}()" \t-]+\'\)[\t \n]+\([a-zA-Z0-9_$><=&\|.,:;%*^!{}()-]+\|["\'][a-zA-Z0-9_$><=&\|.,:;%*^!{}()"\' \t-]+["\']\)[\t \n]+\(.*\)'
	fields = self.parseRaw()
	self.command = utils.stripquote(fields[0])	# the command
	self.rule = utils.stripquote(fields[1])	# the rule
	self.action = fields[2]			# the action
	#print "<COM> command: '%s' rule: '%s' action: '%s'" % (self.command, self.rule, self.action)

	# Set any PID-specific variables
	#  %com = the command
	#  %rule = the rule
	self.varDict['com'] = self.command
	self.varDict['rule'] = self.rule
예제 #9
    def tokenparser(self, toklist, toktypes, indent):

        for argline in toklist:
            for t in argline:
                if self.subject == None:
                    self.subject = utils.stripquote(t)
                elif self.message == None:
                    self.message = utils.stripquote(t)
                    # tokens left and subject/message already defined
                    raise ParseFailure, "Parse error during MSG definition"

            "<definition>MSG.tokenparser(): MSG parsed, subject:'%s' message:'%s'"
            % (self.subject, self.message), 8)
예제 #10
    def __init__(self, list, typelist):
        apply(ConfigOption.__init__, (self, list, typelist))

        self.workdir = None

        # if we don't have 3 elements ['WORKDIR', '=', <str> ]
        # then raise an error
        if len(list) != 3:
            raise ParseFailure, "WORKDIR definition has %d tokens when expecting only 3" % len(
        if list[1] != '=':
            raise ParseFailure, "WORKDIR statement invalid"
        workdir = utils.stripquote(list[2])

        if os.path.isdir(workdir):
            self.workdir = workdir
                            0700)  # create all dirs - access by user only
            except OSError, err:
                    "<config>WORKDIR: cannot create '%s', %s" % (workdir, err),
예제 #11
    def tokenparser(self, toklist, toktypes, indent):
	"""Parse tokenized input."""

	# Expect first token to be rule
	if toklist[0] in self.ruleDict.keys():
	    # - either one of self.ruleDict
	    self.rule = self.ruleDict[toklist[0]]	# Set the rule
	elif toktypes[0] == 'STRING':
	    # - or a string containing a special check
	    self.rule = self.ruleDict['check']
	    self.checkstring = utils.stripquote(toklist[0])
	    raise ParseFailure, "PROC found unexpected rule '%s'" % toklist[0]

	self.actionList = self.parseAction(toklist[1:])

	# Set any PROC-specific variables
	#  %procp = the process name
	self.Action.varDict['procp'] = self.daemon
	#  %procpid = pid of process (ie: if found running for R rule)
	self.Action.varDict['procpid'] = '[pid not yet defined]'

	# define the unique ID
	self.ID = '%s.PROC.%s.%s' % (log.hostname,self.name,toklist[0])

	log.log( "<Directive>PROC, ID '%s' daemon '%s' rule '%s' action '%s'" % (self.ID, self.daemon, self.rule, self.actionList), 8 )
예제 #12
    def elvindb(self, table, data=None):
	"""Send information to remote database listener via Elvin.
	Data to insert in db can be specified in the data argument as
	'col1=data1, col2=data2, col3=data3' or if data is None it will
	use self.storedict

	log.log( "<action.py>action.elvindb( table='%s' data='%s' )"%(table,data), 8 )

	if eddieElvin.UseElvin == 0:
	    log.log( "<action.py>action.elvindb(), Elvin is not available - skipping.", 8 )
	    return 0

	    e = eddieElvin.elvindb()
	except eddieElvin.ElvinError:
	    log.log( "<action.py>action.elvindb(), Error, eddieElvin.elvindb() could not connect", 2 )

	#print "created elvindb() connection to elvin"

	if data == None:
	    # if nothing passed in data storedict will be used
	    retval = e.send(table, self.storedict)
	    data = parseVars( data, self.varDict )	# substitute variables
	    datas = string.split(data, ',')		# separate key/val pairs
	    storedict = {}
	    for d in datas:
		(key,val) = string.split(d, '=')	# separate key & value
		key = string.strip(key)			# strip spaces

		val = utils.stripquote(val)		# strip spaces then quotes
		# try to convert val to float or int if possible
		    val = float(val)
		except ValueError:
			val = int(val)
		    except ValueError:

		storedict[key] = val

	    #print "storedict:",storedict

	    retval = e.send(table, storedict)

	# kill elvin connection (I hope?!)
	#e._destroy()			# close connection
	#del e

	# Alert if return value != 0
	if retval != 0:
	    log.log( "<action.py>action.elvindb('%s', dict), Alert, return value for e.send() is %d" % (table,retval), 3 )
	    log.log( "<action.py>action.elvindb('%s', dict): store ok" % (table), 7 )
예제 #13
    def __init__( self, list, typelist ):
        apply( ConfigOption.__init__, (self,list, typelist) )

        # if we don't have 3 elements ['ELVINSCOPE', '=', <str>] then raise an error
        if len(list) != 3:
            raise ParseFailure, "ELVINSCOPE definition has %d tokens when expecting 3" % len(list)

        # ok, value is 3rd list element
        eddieElvin4.ELVINSCOPE = utils.stripquote(list[2])                # set the config option
        log.log( "<config>ELVINSCOPE(): elvin scope set to '%s'." % (eddieElvin4.ELVINSCOPE), 8 )
예제 #14
    def __init__( self, list, typelist ):
        apply( ConfigOption.__init__, (self,list, typelist) )

        # if we don't have 3 elements ['EMAIL_REPLYTO', '=', <string>] then raise an error
        if len(list) != 3:
            raise ParseFailure, "EMAIL_REPLYTO definition has %d tokens when expecting 3" % len(list)

        utils.EMAIL_REPLYTO = utils.stripquote(list[2])        # set for sendmail function to use

        log.log( "<config>EMAIL_REPLYTO: email From: set to '%s'" % (utils.EMAIL_REPLYTO), 8 )
예제 #15
    def __init__( self, list, typelist ):
        apply( ConfigOption.__init__, (self,list, typelist) )

        # if we don't have 3 elements ['LOGFILE', '=', <val>] then raise an error
        if len(list) != 3:
            raise ParseFailure, "LOGFILE definition has %d tokens when expecting 3" % len(list)

        # ok, value is 3rd list element
        log.logfile = utils.stripquote(list[2])                        # set the config option
        log.log( "<config>LOGFILE(): logfile set to '%s'." % (log.logfile), 8 )
예제 #16
    def __init__( self, list, typelist ):
        apply( ConfigOption.__init__, (self,list, typelist) )

        # if we don't have 3 elements ['SPREADPORT', '=', <int>] then
        # raise an error
        if len(list) != 3:
            raise ParseFailure, "SPREADPORT definition has %d tokens when expecting 3" % len(list)
        # ok, value is 3rd list element
        eddieSpread.SPREADPORT = int(utils.stripquote(list[2]))                # set the config option
        log.log( "<config>SPREADPORT(): Spread port set to '%s'." % (eddieSpread.SPREADPORT), 8 )
예제 #17
    def __init__(self, list, typelist):
        apply(ConfigOption.__init__, (self, list, typelist))

        # if we don't have 3 elements ['LOGFILE', '=', <val>] then raise an error
        if len(list) != 3:
            raise ParseFailure, "LOGFILE definition has %d tokens when expecting 3" % len(

        # ok, value is 3rd list element
        log.logfile = utils.stripquote(list[2])  # set the config option
        log.log("<config>LOGFILE(): logfile set to '%s'." % (log.logfile), 8)
예제 #18
    def __init__( self, list, typelist ):
        apply( ConfigOption.__init__, (self,list, typelist) )

        # if we don't have 3 elements ['SENDMAIL', '=', <string>] then raise an error
        if len(list) != 3:
            raise ParseFailure, "SENDMAIL definition has %d tokens when expecting 3" % len(list)

        utils.SENDMAIL = utils.stripquote(list[2])        # set for sendmail function to use
        utils.SENDMAIL_FUNCTION="sendmail_bin"                # set sendmail binary as default method

        log.log( "<config>SENDMAIL: set to '%s'" % (utils.SENDMAIL), 8 )
예제 #19
    def __init__( self, list, typelist ):
        apply( ConfigOption.__init__, (self,list, typelist) )

        # if we don't have 3 elements ['ADMIN', '=', <str>] then
        # raise an error
        if len(list) != 3:
            raise ParseFailure, "ADMIN definition has %d tokens when expecting 3" % len(list)

        # ok, value is 3rd list element
        log.adminemail = utils.stripquote(list[2])                # set the config option
        log.log( "<config>ADMIN(): admin set to '%s'." % (log.adminemail), 8 )
예제 #20
    def __init__(self, toklist):
	apply( Directive.__init__, (self, toklist) )

	# Expect only 3 tokens: ( 'PORT', <host>, ':' )
	if len(toklist) > 3:
	    raise ParseFailure, "Too many tokens for PORT directive"

	self.host = utils.stripquote(toklist[1])	# the host
	self.port = None
	self.sendstr = None
	self.expect = None
예제 #21
    def __init__(self, list, typelist):
        apply(ConfigOption.__init__, (self, list, typelist))

        # if we don't have 3 elements ['ADMIN', '=', <str>] then
        # raise an error
        if len(list) != 3:
            raise ParseFailure, "ADMIN definition has %d tokens when expecting 3" % len(

        # ok, value is 3rd list element
        log.adminemail = utils.stripquote(list[2])  # set the config option
        log.log("<config>ADMIN(): admin set to '%s'." % (log.adminemail), 8)
예제 #22
파일: ipf.py 프로젝트: hexdump42/eddie-tool
    def tokenparser(self, toklist, toktypes, indent):

	self.rule = utils.stripquote(toklist[0])	# the rule
	self.actionList = self.parseAction(toklist[1:])

	# Set any FS-specific variables
	#  rule = rule
	self.Action.varDict['rule'] = self.rule

	# define the unique ID
	self.ID = '%s.IPF.%s' % (log.hostname,self.rule)

	log.log( "<ipf.py>IPF.tokenparser(): ID '%s' rule '%s' action '%s'" % (self.ID, self.rule, self.actionList), 8 )
예제 #23
    def __init__(self, list, typelist):
        apply(ConfigOption.__init__, (self, list, typelist))

        # if we don't have 3 elements ['SENDMAIL', '=', <string>] then raise an error
        if len(list) != 3:
            raise ParseFailure, "SENDMAIL definition has %d tokens when expecting 3" % len(

        utils.SENDMAIL = utils.stripquote(
            list[2])  # set for sendmail function to use
        utils.SENDMAIL_FUNCTION = "sendmail_bin"  # set sendmail binary as default method

        log.log("<config>SENDMAIL: set to '%s'" % (utils.SENDMAIL), 8)
예제 #24
    def __init__(self, list, typelist):
        apply(ConfigOption.__init__, (self, list, typelist))

        # if we don't have 3 elements ['ELVINSCOPE', '=', <str>] then raise an error
        if len(list) != 3:
            raise ParseFailure, "ELVINSCOPE definition has %d tokens when expecting 3" % len(

        # ok, value is 3rd list element
        eddieElvin4.ELVINSCOPE = utils.stripquote(
            list[2])  # set the config option
            "<config>ELVINSCOPE(): elvin scope set to '%s'." %
            (eddieElvin4.ELVINSCOPE), 8)
예제 #25
    def __init__(self, list, typelist):
        apply(ConfigOption.__init__, (self, list, typelist))

        # if we don't have 3 elements ['EMAIL_REPLYTO', '=', <string>] then raise an error
        if len(list) != 3:
            raise ParseFailure, "EMAIL_REPLYTO definition has %d tokens when expecting 3" % len(

        utils.EMAIL_REPLYTO = utils.stripquote(
            list[2])  # set for sendmail function to use

            "<config>EMAIL_REPLYTO: email From: set to '%s'" %
            (utils.EMAIL_REPLYTO), 8)
예제 #26
    def tokenparser(self, toklist, toktypes, indent):
	toklist = toklist[:-1]		# lose CR
	toktypes = toktypes[:-1]	# lose CR

	while len(toklist) > 0:
	    if self.port == None:
		    self.port = int(utils.stripquote(toklist[0]))
		except ValueError:
		    raise ParseFailure, "Port should be integer, found '%s'" % toklist[0]
    		toklist = toklist[1:]
	    elif self.sendstr == None:
		self.sendstr = utils.stripquote(toklist[0])
    		toklist = toklist[1:]
	    elif self.expect == None:
		self.expect = utils.stripquote(toklist[0])
    		toklist = toklist[1:]
		self.actionList = self.actionList + self.parseAction(toklist)
    		toklist = []

	# Set any PORT-specific variables
	#  %porthost = the host
	#  %portport = the port
	#  %portsend = the send string
	#  %portexpect = the expect string
	#  %portrecv = the string received from port connection (at check time)
	self.Action.varDict['porthost'] = self.host
	self.Action.varDict['portport'] = self.port
	self.Action.varDict['portsend'] = self.sendstr
	self.Action.varDict['portexpect'] = self.expect
	self.Action.varDict['portrecv'] = ''

	# define the unique ID
	self.ID = '%s.PORT.%s.%s' % (log.hostname,self.host,self.port)

	log.log( "<Directive>PORT, ID '%s' host '%s' port '%d' sendstr '%s' expect '%s'" % (self.ID, self.host, self.port, self.sendstr, self.expect), 8 )
예제 #27
    def __init__(self, *arg):
	apply( Directive.__init__, (self,) + arg )
	#self.regexp = 'FS[\t \n]+\([a-zA-Z0-9_/\.-]+\)[\t \n]+\([a-zA-Z0-9_><=&\|%^!-]+|[\"\'][a-zA-Z0-9_><=&\|%^!\t -]+[\"\']\)[\t \n]+\(.*\)'
	self.regexp = 'FS[\t \n]+\([a-zA-Z0-9_/\.-]+\)[\t \n]+\([a-zA-Z0-9_$><=&\|%^()!-]+\|["\'][a-zA-Z0-9_$><=&\|%^()! \t-]+["\']\)[\t \n]+\(.*\)'
	fields = self.parseRaw()
	self.filesystem = fields[0]		# the filesystyem to check
	self.rule = utils.stripquote(fields[1])	# the rules
	self.action = fields[2]			# the action
	log.log( "<FS> filesystem: '%s' rule: '%s' action: '%s'" % (self.filesystem, self.rule, self.action), 8 )

	# Set any FS-specific variables
	#  fsf = filesystem
	#  fsrule = rule
	self.varDict['fsf'] = self.filesystem
	self.varDict['fsrule'] = self.rule
예제 #28
    def tokenparser(self, toklist, toktypes, indent):

	self.rule = utils.stripquote(toklist[0])	# the rule
	self.actionList = self.parseAction(toklist[1:])

	# Set any FS-specific variables
	#  fsf = filesystem
	#  fsrule = rule
	self.Action.varDict['fsf'] = self.filesystem
	self.Action.varDict['fsrule'] = self.rule

	# define the unique ID
	self.ID = '%s.FS.%s.%s' % (log.hostname,self.filesystem,self.rule)

	log.log( "<Directive>FS, ID '%s' filesystem '%s' rule '%s' action '%s'" % (self.ID, self.filesystem, self.rule, self.actionList), 8 )
예제 #29
    def __init__(self, list, typelist):
        apply(ConfigOption.__init__, (self, list, typelist))

        # if we don't have 3 elements ['SPREADPORT', '=', <int>] then
        # raise an error
        if len(list) != 3:
            raise ParseFailure, "SPREADPORT definition has %d tokens when expecting 3" % len(

        # ok, value is 3rd list element
        eddieSpread.SPREADPORT = int(utils.stripquote(
            list[2]))  # set the config option
            "<config>SPREADPORT(): Spread port set to '%s'." %
            (eddieSpread.SPREADPORT), 8)
예제 #30
    def parseArgs( self, toklist ):
        Return dictionary of directive arguments.

        toklist is a list of directive argument lines.
        Each line is a list of basic tokens.
        Argument lines must be of the form: <name>=<value>
          where <name> is a 'word' and <value> is something like a string,
          int, float, function call, etc.

        argdict = {}

        for argline in toklist:
            if len(argline) < 3 or argline[1] != '=':
                log.log( "<directive>Directive.parseArgs(): invalid directive argument '%s'" % (string.join(argline)), 1)
                raise ParseFailure, "invalid directive argument '%s'" %(string.join(argline))

            if len(argline) > 3:
                argdict[argline[0]] = utils.stripquote(string.join(argline[2:],""))
                argdict[argline[0]] = utils.stripquote(argline[2])

        return argdict
예제 #31
    def __init__( self, list, typelist ):
        apply( ConfigOption.__init__, (self,list, typelist) )

        # if we don't have at least 3 elements ['SMTP_SERVERS', '=', <str>, [',', <str>, ...] ]
        # then raise an error
        if len(list) < 3:
            raise ParseFailure, "SMTP_SERVERS definition has %d tokens when expecting at least 3" % len(list)

        servers = utils.stripquote(servers)
        servlist = string.split(servers, ',')
        utils.SENDMAIL_FUNCTION="sendmail_smtp"                # set smtp as default method

        log.log( "<config>SMTP_SERVERS: set to %s" % (", ".join(servlist)), 8 )
예제 #32
    def tokenparser(self, toklist, toktypes, indent):

        for argline in toklist:

            if argline[0] in ('Level', 'level', 'LEVEL'):
                #                # Level must be a number.
                #                if types[1] != 'NUMBER':
                #                    raise ParseFailure, 'N: Level definition expects a number, received a %s' % argline[1]
                if argline[2] != ':':
                    raise ParseFailure

                level = argline[1]
                self.addLevel(argline[1])  # Create level
                self.configLevel = argline[1]

            elif argline[0] in self.defs.keys():
                # One of the defined assignments

                if argline[1] != '=':
                    raise ParseFailure, 'Expecting "=" after "%s", got "%s' % (
                        argline[0], argline[1])

                # assume number followed by letter at the moment...
                #value = string.join(argline[2:3], "")
                value = utils.stripquote(argline[2])
                if self.defs[argline[0]] == 'TIME':
                    # Convert time to seconds if required
                    value = utils.val2secs(value)

                assignment = 'self.%s=%d' % (argline[0], value)
                exec assignment

                # Must be a notification command (or list of commands)
                notiflist = self.getNotifList(argline)
                if len(notiflist) == 0:
                    raise ParseFailure, "Notification list is empty"
                    if self.configLevel == -1:
                        # Error if no levels defined yet
                        raise ParseFailure, "No notification levels have been defined yet"
                    self.addNotif(self.configLevel, indent, notiflist)

        # Need reference to M objects
        self.MDict = self.parent.MDict

        # Finished parsing tokens
        log.log("<definition>N.tokenparser(): '%s'" % (self), 8)
예제 #33
    def __init__( self, list, typelist ):
        apply( ConfigOption.__init__, (self,list, typelist) )

        # if we don't have at least 4 elements ['CLASS', '=', <str>, [',', <str>, ...] ]
        # then raise an error
        if len(list) < 3:
            raise ParseFailure, "INTERPRETERS definition has %d tokens when expecting 3" % len(list)

        self.name = list[1]
        hosts = list[3:]                        # pull hosts out
        hosts = string.join(hosts, '')                # join all arguments
        hosts = utils.stripquote(hosts)        # in case the arguments are in quotes (optional)
        self.hosts = string.split(hosts, ',')        # finally, split into list of hosts

        log.log( "<config>CLASS(): class created %s:%s." % (self.name,self.hosts), 8 )
예제 #34
    def __init__( self, list, typelist ):
        apply( ConfigOption.__init__, (self,list, typelist) )

        # if we don't have 3 elements ['INTERPRETERS', '=', <str>] then raise an error
        if len(list) != 3:
            raise ParseFailure, "INTERPRETERS definition has %d tokens when expecting 3" % len(list)

        value = utils.stripquote(list[2])
        # chris 2004-12-03: this is a terrible way to set interpreters
        #        TODO re-write this to interface with proc properly
            proc.interpreters = string.split(value, ',')
        except NameError:
            log.log( "<config>INTERPRETERS(): interpreters ignored - no proc module.", 5 )
            log.log( "<config>INTERPRETERS(): interpreters defined as '%s'." % (proc.interpreters), 8 )
예제 #35
    def __init__(self, list, typelist):
        apply(ConfigOption.__init__, (self, list, typelist))

        # if we don't have at least 3 elements ['SMTP_SERVERS', '=', <str>, [',', <str>, ...] ]
        # then raise an error
        if len(list) < 3:
            raise ParseFailure, "SMTP_SERVERS definition has %d tokens when expecting at least 3" % len(

        servers = ",".join(list[2:])
        servers = utils.stripquote(servers)
        servlist = string.split(servers, ',')
        utils.SMTP_SERVERS = servlist
        utils.SENDMAIL_FUNCTION = "sendmail_smtp"  # set smtp as default method

        log.log("<config>SMTP_SERVERS: set to %s" % (", ".join(servlist)), 8)
예제 #36
    def __init__(self, toklist):
	apply( Directive.__init__, (self, toklist) )

	# Must be 3 tokens to make up: ['SP', 'ifname', ':']
	if len(toklist) != 3:
	    raise ParseError, "IF parse error, expected 3 tokens, found %d" % (len(toklist))
	if toklist[2] != ':':
	    raise ParseError, "IF parse error, no colon"

	self.name = utils.stripquote(toklist[1])		# the interface name
	self.rule = None
	self.checkstring = ''

        self.ruleDict = { 'NE' : self.NE,
			  'EX' : self.EX,
			  'check' : self.check }
예제 #37
    def __init__( self, list ):
	apply( ConfigOption.__init__, (self,list) )

	# if the last token isn't a carriage-return then we don't have the
	# whole line yet...
	if list[-1] != '\012':
	    raise ParseNotcomplete

	# if we don't have 4 elements ['ELVINHOST', '=', <str>, '012'] then
	# raise an error
	if len(list) != 4:
	    raise ParseFailure, "ELVINHOST definition has %d tokens when expecting 4" % len(list)

	# ok, value is 3rd list element
	eddieElvin.ELVINHOST = utils.stripquote(list[2])		# set the config option
	log.log( "<Config>ELVINHOST(), elvin host set to '%s'." % (eddieElvin.ELVINHOST), 6 )
예제 #38
    def __init__( self, list ):
	apply( ConfigOption.__init__, (self,list) )

	# if the last token isn't a carriage-return then we don't have the
	# whole line yet...
	if list[-1] != '\012':
	    raise ParseNotcomplete

	# if we don't have 4 elements ['INTERPRETERS', '=', <str>, '012'] then
	# raise an error
	if len(list) != 4:
	    raise ParseFailure, "INTERPRETERS definition has %d tokens when expecting 4" % len(list)

	value = utils.stripquote(list[2])
	proc.interpreters = string.split(value, ',')
	log.log( "<Config>INTERPRETERS(), interpreters defined as '%s'." % (proc.interpreters), 6 )
예제 #39
    def __init__( self, list ):
	apply( ConfigOption.__init__, (self,list) )

	# if the last token isn't a carriage-return then we don't have the
	# whole line yet...
	if list[-1] != '\012':
	    raise ParseNotcomplete

	# if we don't have 4 elements ['ADMIN', '=', <str>, '012'] then
	# raise an error
	if len(list) != 4:
	    raise ParseFailure, "ADMIN definition has %d tokens when expecting 4" % len(list)

	# ok, value is 3rd list element
	log.adminemail = utils.stripquote(list[2])		# set the config option
	log.log( "<Config>ADMIN(), admin set to '%s'." % (log.adminemail), 6 )
예제 #40
    def tokenparser(self, toklist, toktypes, indent):

        for argline in toklist:

            if argline[0] in ('Level', 'level', 'LEVEL'):
#                # Level must be a number.
#                if types[1] != 'NUMBER':
#                    raise ParseFailure, 'N: Level definition expects a number, received a %s' % argline[1]
                if argline[2] != ':':
                    raise ParseFailure

                level = argline[1]
                self.addLevel(argline[1])        # Create level
                self.configLevel = argline[1]

            elif argline[0] in self.defs.keys():
                # One of the defined assignments

                if argline[1] != '=':
                    raise ParseFailure, 'Expecting "=" after "%s", got "%s' % (argline[0], argline[1])

                # assume number followed by letter at the moment...
                #value = string.join(argline[2:3], "")
                value = utils.stripquote(argline[2])
                if self.defs[argline[0]] == 'TIME':
                    # Convert time to seconds if required
                    value = utils.val2secs(value)

                assignment = 'self.%s=%d' % (argline[0],value)
                exec assignment

                # Must be a notification command (or list of commands)
                notiflist = self.getNotifList( argline )
                if len(notiflist) == 0:
                    raise ParseFailure, "Notification list is empty"
                    if self.configLevel == -1:
                        # Error if no levels defined yet
                        raise ParseFailure, "No notification levels have been defined yet"

        # Need reference to M objects
        self.MDict = self.parent.MDict

        # Finished parsing tokens
        log.log( "<definition>N.tokenparser(): '%s'" % (self), 8 )
예제 #41
    def tokenparser(self, toklist, toktypes, indent):
	"""Parse rest of rule (after ':')."""

	# Expect first token to be rule (a string)
        if toktypes[0] != 'STRING':
	    raise ParseError, "SYS parse error, rule is not string."

	self.rulestring = utils.stripquote(toklist[0])

	self.actionList = self.parseAction(toklist[1:])

	self.Action.varDict['sysrule'] = self.rulestring

	# define the unique ID
	self.ID = '%s.SYS.%s' % (log.hostname,self.rulestring)

	log.log( "<Directive>SYS, ID '%s' rule '%s' action '%s'" % (self.ID, self.rulestring, self.actionList), 8 )
예제 #42
    def __init__(self, list, typelist):
        apply(ConfigOption.__init__, (self, list, typelist))

        # if we don't have 3 elements ['INTERPRETERS', '=', <str>] then raise an error
        if len(list) != 3:
            raise ParseFailure, "INTERPRETERS definition has %d tokens when expecting 3" % len(

        value = utils.stripquote(list[2])
        interpreters = string.split(value, ',')

        # The interpreters list is stored in the proc module for the current system
        procobj = directive.data_modules.import_module('proc')
        procobj.interpreters = interpreters

            "<config>INTERPRETERS(): interpreters defined as '%s'." %
            (procobj.interpreters), 8)
예제 #43
    def elvindb(self, table, data=None):
        """Send information to remote database listener via Elvin.
           Data to insert in db can be specified in the data argument as
           'col1=data1, col2=data2, col3=data3' or if data is None it will
           use self.storedict

        log.log( "<action>action.elvindb( table='%s' data='%s' )"%(table,data), 6 )

        if eddieElvin4.UseElvin == 0:
            log.log( "<action>action.elvindb(): Elvin is not available - skipping.", 5 )
            return 0

        if data == None:
            # if nothing passed in data storedict will be used
            #retval = e.send(table, self.storedict)
            retval = elvin.elvindb(table, self.storedict)
            data = utils.parseVars( data, self.varDict )        # substitute variables
            datas = string.split(data, ',')                # separate key/val pairs
            storedict = {}
            for d in datas:
                (key,val) = string.split(d, '=')        # separate key & value
                key = string.strip(key)                        # strip spaces

                val = utils.stripquote(val)                # strip spaces then quotes
                # try to convert val to float or int if possible
                    val = float(val)
                except ValueError:
                        val = int(val)
                    except ValueError:

                storedict[key] = val

            retval = elvin.elvindb(table, storedict)

        # Alert if return value != 0
        if retval != 0:
            log.log( "<action>action.elvindb('%s', dict): Alert, return value for e.send() is %d" % (table,retval), 5 )
            log.log( "<action>action.elvindb('%s', dict): completed" % (table), 6 )
예제 #44
    def __init__(self, list, typelist):
        apply(ConfigOption.__init__, (self, list, typelist))

        # if we don't have at least 4 elements ['CLASS', '=', <str>, [',', <str>, ...] ]
        # then raise an error
        if len(list) < 3:
            raise ParseFailure, "INTERPRETERS definition has %d tokens when expecting 3" % len(

        self.name = list[1]
        hosts = list[3:]  # pull hosts out
        hosts = string.join(hosts, '')  # join all arguments
        hosts = utils.stripquote(
            hosts)  # in case the arguments are in quotes (optional)
        self.hosts = string.split(hosts,
                                  ',')  # finally, split into list of hosts

            "<config>CLASS(): class created %s:%s." % (self.name, self.hosts),
예제 #45
    def __init__(self, list, toktypes):
        apply(Definition.__init__, (self, list, toktypes))

        # if we don't have 4 elements ['ALIAS', <str>, '=', <value>] then
        # raise an error
        if len(list) != 4:
            raise ParseFailure, "ALIAS definition has %d tokens when expecting 4" % len(

        # OK, grab values
        self.name = list[1]  # the name of this ALIAS
        self.value = list[3]  # the value assigned to it
        # convert value to int, float or string without quotes, if necessary.
        if toktypes[3] == 'NUMBER':
            if string.find(self.value, '.') == -1:
                self.value = int(self.value)  # integer
                self.value = float(self.value)  # float
        elif toktypes[3] == 'STRING':
            self.value = utils.stripquote(
                self.value)  # the text that is assigned to it
            "<definition>ALIAS: ALIAS created: %s=%s" %
            (self.name, self.value), 8)
예제 #46
    def __init__(self, toklist):
        # Check toklist for valid tokens
        if len(toklist) < 2:  # need at least 2 tokens
            raise ParseFailure, "Directive expected at least 2 tokens, found %d" % len(
        if len(toklist) > 3:  # no more than 3 tokens
            raise ParseFailure, "Directive expected no more than 3 tokens, found %d" % len(
        if toklist[-1] != ':':  # last token should be a ':'
            raise ParseFailure, "Directive expected ':' but didn't find one"

        self.ID = None  # No ID by default
        if len(toklist) == 3:
            self.ID = utils.stripquote(toklist[1])  # grab ID if given

        self.basetype = 'Directive'  # the object can know its own basetype
        self.type = toklist[0]  # the directive type of this instance

        self.request_collector()  # request data collector reference

        self.hastokenparser = 1  # tell parser this object has a separate tokenparser()

        self.Action = action.action()  # create new action instance
        self.defaultVarDict = {
        }  # dictionary of variables used by action strings

        self.args = Args()  # Container for arguments
        #self.args.actionList = []        # each directive will have a list of actions
        #self.args.act2okList = []        # a list of actions for failed state changing to ok
        #self.args.actelseList = []        # a list of actions for state remaining ok

        # Set up informational variables - these are common to all Directives
        #  %(hostname)s = hostname
        #  %(h)s = hostname                (shorthand for '%(hostname)s')
        self.defaultVarDict['hostname'] = log.hostname
        self.defaultVarDict['h'] = log.hostname

        # Create initial variable dictionary
        self.Action.varDict = {}

        # Set default output displayed on console connections
        self.console_output = '%(state)s'

        # List of directives this directive is dependent on
        self.actiondependson = []  # action dependencies
        self.checkdependson = []  # check dependencies

        # directives keep state information about themselves
        self.state = State(self)

        self.requeueTime = None  # specific requeue time can be specified

        self.args.numchecks = 1  # perform only 1 check at a time by default
        self.args.checkwait = 0  # time to wait in between multiple checks
        self.args.template = None  # no template by default
        self.args.disabled = False  # default "disabled" state to not disabled
        self.current_actionperiod = 0  # reset the current actionperiod
        self.lastactiontime = 0  # time previous actions were called

        self.history_size = 0  # keep no history by default
        self.history = None  # keep historical data for checks, if required

        self.excludehosts = [
        ]  # chris 2002-12-24: hosts to exclude from directive execution
        self.actionmaxcalls = None  # chris 2002-12-24: can set limit on number of action calls
        self.performedactions = 0  # chris 2003-10-03: clear actions called flag
class State:
    """Keep state of tokenization as config is being parsed."""
    def __init__(self, Config):
        self.groupStack = utils.Stack()  # Stack to store groups on temporarily
        self.direcStack = utils.Stack()  # Stack to store direcs on temporarily
        self.Config = Config

        self.indent = 0  # Indentation level
        self.direc = None  # current directive


    # Reset state
    def reset(self):
        self.toklist = []  # clear token list
        self.toktypes = []  # clear token types list
        self.direcmode = 0  # whether currently parsing directive arguments
        self.direcindent = 0  # indent level of directive definition
        self.direcargs = []  # current directive arguments
        self.directypes = []  # current directive arguments (types)
        self.notfirstdirecline = 0  # first directive line marker

    def tokeneater(self, ttype, token, (srow, scol), (erow, ecol), line):
        """Eddie's token eater!
           Parses the tokens given to it (from tokenize.tokenize()) and uses them
           to create the configuration information."""

            #print " "
            #print "direcmode:",self.direcmode
            #print "direcindent:",self.direcindent
            #print "indent:",self.indent
            #print "notfirstdirecline:",self.notfirstdirecline

            # The type of token
            toktype = tokenize.tok_name[ttype]

            #print "%d,%d-%d,%d:\t%s\t%s" % \
            #    (srow, scol, erow, ecol, toktype, repr(token))

            # Don't care about single CRs (empty lines) so skip over them
            if token == '\012' and len(self.toklist) == 0:

            # Handle indentation/dedentations...
            if toktype == "INDENT":
                self.indent = self.indent + 1
                if self.direcmode == 0:  # if not waiting for directive args:
                    self.direcStack.push(self.direc)  # keep track of direc's
                    self.reset()  # reset state

            if toktype == "DEDENT":
                self.indent = self.indent - 1
                if self.indent < 0:  # this should not happen...
                    raise config.ParseFailure, "Indentation error."
                if self.direcmode == 0:  # if not waiting for directive args:
                    self.prevdirec = self.direcStack.pop(
                    )  # Restore previous direc
                    if self.prevdirec.type == 'Config':
                        self.Config = self.groupStack.pop()
                    self.direc = self.prevdirec
                    self.reset()  # reset state

                elif self.indent <= self.direcindent:  # got all directive arguments
                    # Now allow the directive to parse the tokens
                        self.direc.Config = self.Config
                        self.direc.tokenparser(self.direcargs, self.directypes,
                    except TemplateDirective:
                            "<parseConfig>tokeneater(), directive is a Template, args: %s"
                            % (dir(self.direc.args)), 8)

                    if self.indent < self.direcindent:  # back to previous directive level
                        self.prevdirec = self.direcStack.pop()
                        self.direc = self.prevdirec

                    self.reset()  # reset state


            if toktype == "ERRORTOKEN":
                # Raise a ParseFailure for ERRORTOKEN
                raise config.ParseFailure, "Illegal characters in config."

            if toktype == "NAME":
                # Assign 'None' values properly
                if token == "None":
                    token = None

                # Substitute ALIAS variables if possible
                elif self.Config.aliasDict.has_key(token):
                    aval = self.Config.aliasDict[token]

                    # replace token with value and fix toklist
                    if type(aval) == type("string"):
                        aval = '"%s"' % (aval)
                        "<parseConfig>tokeneater(), ALIAS substituted %s for %s"
                        % (aval, token), 8)
                    token = aval

            if toktype != "COMMENT" and token != "\012":
                # If token not a comment, newline, indent or dedent then add to our list of
                # tokens.

            # DEBUG
            #print "toklist:",self.toklist

            if self.direcmode > 0 and token == '\012':
                #self.direcargs = self.direcargs + self.toklist
                #self.directypes = self.directypes + self.toktypes
                self.toklist = []  # clear token list
                self.toktypes = []  # clear token types list
                self.notfirstdirecline = 1  # passed first directive line

            # If waiting for directive arguments, and indent level is same as directive
            # indent level, and this not first directive line, directive must be ready
            # for creation...
            if self.direcmode > 0 and self.indent == self.direcindent and self.notfirstdirecline == 1:
                    self.direc.Config = self.Config
                    self.direc.tokenparser(self.direcargs, self.directypes,
                except TemplateDirective:
                        "<parseConfig>tokeneater(), directive is a Template, args: %s"
                        % (dir(self.direc.args)), 8)

                savetoklist = self.toklist  # save token list - not parsed yet
                savetoktypes = self.toktypes  # save token types
                self.reset()  # reset state
                self.toklist = savetoklist  # restore token list
                self.toktypes = savetoktypes  # restore token types

            # Only continue if the last token is a ':' or CR
            if len(self.toklist) < 1 or (self.direcmode > 0 and token != '\012'
                                         ) or (self.direcmode == 0
                                               and token != ':'
                                               and token != '\012'):

            # If the only token is a CR, throw it away and continue

#            if len(self.toklist) == 1 and self.toklist[0] == '\012':
#                self.reset()
#                return

# See if we can do anything with the current list of tokens.

            if self.toklist[0] == 'INCLUDE':
                # recursively read the INCLUDEd file
                file = utils.stripquote(self.toklist[1])
                    "<parseConfig>tokeneater(), reading INCLUDEd file '%s'" %
                    file, 8)

                newstate = State(self.Config)
                newstate.filename = file

                # Start parsing the INCLUDEd file.
                if file[0] == '/':
                    readFile(file, newstate)
                    readFile(os.path.join(self.dir, file), newstate)

                # Reset state and token lists
                self.reset()  # reset state

            elif self.toklist[0] in ('group', 'Group', 'GROUP'):
                # Create new rule group
                newgrp = self.Config.newgroup(self.toklist, self.toktypes,
                self.reset()  # reset state
                self.direc = newgrp
                self.Config = newgrp

            elif config.keywords.has_key(self.toklist[0]):
                # Create a new object (not a Directive)
                direc = config.keywords[self.toklist[0]](self.toklist,
                self.direc = direc

                if direc == None:
                    raise ParseFailure, "Object creation failed."

                # tell object who its parent is
                self.prevdirec = self.direcStack.top()
                self.direc.parent = self.prevdirec

                self.reset()  # reset state

                    if direc.hastokenparser:
                        # some objects must wait for more multi-line arguments
                        self.direcmode = 1
                        self.direcindent = self.indent

                # 'give' object to parent
                self.prevdirec = self.direcStack.top()
                self.direc.scanperiod = config.scanperiod  # set default scanperiod


            elif config.directives.has_key(self.toklist[0]):
                # Create new directive
                direc = config.directives[self.toklist[0]](self.toklist)
                self.direc = direc

                if direc == None:
                    raise ParseFailure, "Directive creation failed."

                # tell directive who its parent is
                self.prevdirec = self.direcStack.top()
                self.direc.parent = self.prevdirec

                self.reset()  # reset state

                    if direc.hastokenparser:
                        # some objects must wait for more multi-line arguments
                        self.direcmode = 1
                        self.direcindent = self.indent

                # 'give' object to parent
                self.prevdirec = self.direcStack.top()
                self.direc.scanperiod = config.scanperiod  # set default scanperiod


                raise config.ParseFailure("Syntax error")
                self.reset()  # reset state

        except config.ParseFailure, msg:
            parseFailure(msg, (srow, scol), (erow, ecol), line, self.filename)