예제 #1
def loss_and_gradients(x, y, params):
    params: a list of the form [W, b, U, b_tag]

        loss,[gW, gb, gU, gb_tag]

    loss: scalar
    gW: matrix, gradients of W
    gb: vector, gradients of b
    gU: matrix, gradients of U
    gb_tag: vector, gradients of b_tag
    W, b, U, b_tag = params
    pred_vec = classifier_output(x, params)
    y_vec = np.zeros(len(pred_vec))
    y_vec[y] = 1
    gb_tag = pred_vec - y_vec
    sub = gb_tag.reshape(-1, 1)
    h = get_hidden(x, W, b)
    gU = (h * sub).T
    dh_dz1 = U.T * ut.tanh_derivative(np.dot(x, W) + b)
    gb = np.dot(sub.T, dh_dz1)[0]
    gW = np.dot(sub.T, dh_dz1).T.dot(x.reshape(-1, 1).T).T
    loss = 0
    if pred_vec[y] > 0:
        loss = -np.log(pred_vec[y])
    return loss, [gW, gb, gU, gb_tag]
예제 #2
def loss_and_gradients(x, y, params):
    params: a list as created by create_classifier(...)

        loss,[gW1, gb1, gW2, gb2, ...]

    loss: scalar
    gW1: matrix, gradients of W1
    gb1: vector, gradients of b1
    gW2: matrix, gradients of W2
    gb2: vector, gradients of b2

    (of course, if we request a linear classifier (ie, params is of length 2),
    you should not have gW2 and gb2.)
    pred_vec, mem = classifier_output(x, params)
    h = mem
    y_vec = np.zeros(len(pred_vec))
    y_vec[y] = 1
    weights = []
    bias = h[::-1]
    for i in range(len(params) - 2, -1, -2):
    gradients = []
    num_weights = len(weights)
    index = 0
    sub = (pred_vec - y_vec).reshape(-1, 1)
    for i in range(num_weights):
        if i != index:
            sub = sub.T.dot(
                (weights[index]).T * ut.tanh_derivative(bias[index])).T
            index += 1
        gb = sub
        gW = np.dot(sub, bias[index].reshape(-1, 1).T)
        gW = gW.T
    gradients = gradients[::-1]
    loss = 0
    if pred_vec[y] > 0:
        loss = -np.log(pred_vec[y])
    return loss, gradients
예제 #3
def BackPropagationLearner(dataset,
    """[Figure 18.23] The back-propagation algorithm for multilayer networks"""
    # Initialise weights
    for layer in net:
        for node in layer:
            node.weights = random_weights(min_value=-0.5,

    examples = dataset.examples
    As of now dataset.target gives an int instead of list,
    Changing dataset class will have effect on all the learners.
    Will be taken care of later.
    o_nodes = net[-1]
    i_nodes = net[0]
    o_units = len(o_nodes)
    idx_t = dataset.target
    idx_i = dataset.inputs
    n_layers = len(net)

    inputs, targets = init_examples(examples, idx_i, idx_t, o_units)

    for epoch in range(epochs):
        # Iterate over each example
        for e in range(len(examples)):
            i_val = inputs[e]
            t_val = targets[e]

            # Activate input layer
            for v, n in zip(i_val, i_nodes):
                n.value = v

            # Forward pass
            for layer in net[1:]:
                for node in layer:
                    inc = [n.value for n in node.inputs]
                    in_val = dotproduct(inc, node.weights)
                    node.value = node.activation(in_val)

            # Initialize delta
            delta = [[] for _ in range(n_layers)]

            # Compute outer layer delta

            # Error for the MSE cost function
            err = [t_val[i] - o_nodes[i].value for i in range(o_units)]

            # The activation function used is relu or sigmoid function
            if node.activation == sigmoid:
                delta[-1] = [
                    sigmoid_derivative(o_nodes[i].value) * err[i]
                    for i in range(o_units)
            elif node.activation == relu:
                delta[-1] = [
                    relu_derivative(o_nodes[i].value) * err[i]
                    for i in range(o_units)
            elif node.activation == tanh:
                delta[-1] = [
                    tanh_derivative(o_nodes[i].value) * err[i]
                    for i in range(o_units)
            elif node.activation == elu:
                delta[-1] = [
                    elu_derivative(o_nodes[i].value) * err[i]
                    for i in range(o_units)
                delta[-1] = [
                    leaky_relu_derivative(o_nodes[i].value) * err[i]
                    for i in range(o_units)

            # Backward pass
            h_layers = n_layers - 2
            for i in range(h_layers, 0, -1):
                layer = net[i]
                h_units = len(layer)
                nx_layer = net[i + 1]

                # weights from each ith layer node to each i + 1th layer node
                w = [[node.weights[k] for node in nx_layer]
                     for k in range(h_units)]

                if activation == sigmoid:
                    delta[i] = [
                        sigmoid_derivative(layer[j].value) *
                        dotproduct(w[j], delta[i + 1]) for j in range(h_units)
                elif activation == relu:
                    delta[i] = [
                        relu_derivative(layer[j].value) *
                        dotproduct(w[j], delta[i + 1]) for j in range(h_units)
                elif activation == tanh:
                    delta[i] = [
                        tanh_derivative(layer[j].value) *
                        dotproduct(w[j], delta[i + 1]) for j in range(h_units)
                elif activation == elu:
                    delta[i] = [
                        elu_derivative(layer[j].value) *
                        dotproduct(w[j], delta[i + 1]) for j in range(h_units)
                    delta[i] = [
                        leaky_relu_derivative(layer[j].value) *
                        dotproduct(w[j], delta[i + 1]) for j in range(h_units)

            #  Update weights
            for i in range(1, n_layers):
                layer = net[i]
                inc = [node.value for node in net[i - 1]]
                units = len(layer)
                for j in range(units):
                    layer[j].weights = vector_add(
                        scalar_vector_product(learning_rate * delta[i][j],

    return net
예제 #4
def BackPropagationLearner(dataset, net, learning_rate, epochs, activation=sigmoid, momentum=False, beta=0.903):
    """[Figure 18.23] The back-propagation algorithm for multilayer networks"""
    # Initialise weights
    for layer in net:
        for node in layer:
            node.weights = random_weights(min_value=-0.5, max_value=0.5,

    examples = dataset.examples
    As of now dataset.target gives an int instead of list,
    Changing dataset class will have effect on all the learners.
    Will be taken care of later.
    o_nodes = net[-1]
    i_nodes = net[0]
    o_units = len(o_nodes)
    idx_t = dataset.target
    idx_i = dataset.inputs
    n_layers = len(net)

    inputs, targets = init_examples(examples, idx_i, idx_t, o_units)

    for epoch in range(epochs):
        # Iterate over each example
        for e in range(len(examples)):
            i_val = inputs[e]
            t_val = targets[e]

            # Activate input layer
            for v, n in zip(i_val, i_nodes):
                n.value = v

            # Finding the values of the nodes through forward propogation
            for layer in net[1:]:
                for node in layer:
                    inc = [n.value for n in node.inputs]
                    in_val = dotproduct(inc, node.weights)
                    node.value = node.activation(in_val)

            # Initialize delta which stores the values of the gradients for each activation units
            delta = [[] for _ in range(n_layers)]
            #initializing the velocity_gradient
            if momentum == True:
                v_dw = [[0 for i in range(len(_))] for _ in net]

            # Compute outer layer delta

            # Error for the MSE cost function
            err = [t_val[i] - o_nodes[i].value for i in range(o_units)]

            # The activation function used is relu or sigmoid function
            # First backward fast 
            if node.activation == sigmoid:
                delta[-1] = [sigmoid_derivative(o_nodes[i].value) * err[i] for i in range(o_units)]
            elif node.activation == relu:
                delta[-1] = [relu_derivative(o_nodes[i].value) * err[i] for i in range(o_units)]
            elif node.activation == tanh:
                delta[-1] = [tanh_derivative(o_nodes[i].value) * err[i] for i in range(o_units)]
            elif node.activation == elu:
                delta[-1] = [elu_derivative(o_nodes[i].value) * err[i] for i in range(o_units)]
                delta[-1] = [leaky_relu_derivative(o_nodes[i].value) * err[i] for i in range(o_units)]

            # Propogating backward and finding gradients of nodes for each hidden layer
            h_layers = n_layers - 2
            for i in range(h_layers, 0, -1):
                layer = net[i]
                h_units = len(layer)
                nx_layer = net[i+1]

                # weights from each ith layer node to each i + 1th layer node
                w = [[node.weights[k] for node in nx_layer] for k in range(h_units)]

                if activation == sigmoid:
                    delta[i] = [sigmoid_derivative(layer[j].value) * dotproduct(w[j], delta[i+1])
                            for j in range(h_units)]
                elif activation == relu:
                    delta[i] = [relu_derivative(layer[j].value) * dotproduct(w[j], delta[i+1])
                            for j in range(h_units)]
                elif activation == tanh:
                    delta[i] = [tanh_derivative(layer[j].value) * dotproduct(w[j], delta[i+1])
                            for j in range(h_units)]
                elif activation == elu:
                    delta[i] = [elu_derivative(layer[j].value) * dotproduct(w[j], delta[i+1])
                            for j in range(h_units)]
                    delta[i] = [leaky_relu_derivative(layer[j].value) * dotproduct(w[j], delta[i+1])
                            for j in range(h_units)]

            #optimization with velocity gradient
            t_ = epoch + 1

            if momentum == True:
                if epoch == 0:

                    for i in range(len(delta)):
                        for j in range(len(delta[i])):
                            v_dw[i][j] = ((1-beta)*delta[i][j])/(1-beta**(t_+1))

                    for i in range(len(delta)):
                        for j in range(len(delta[i])):
                            v_dw[i][j] = (beta*v_dw[i][j]+(1-beta)*delta[i][j])/(1-beta**(t_+1))

            #  Update weights with normal gradient descent
            if momentum == False:
                for i in range(1, n_layers):
                    layer = net[i]
                    inc = [node.value for node in net[i-1]]
                    units = len(layer)
                    for j in range(units):
                        layer[j].weights = vector_add(layer[j].weights,
                                                    learning_rate * delta[i][j], 
            # Update weights with velocity gradient optimizer in gradient descent
                for i in range(1, n_layers):
                    layer = net[i]
                    inc = [node.value for node in net[i-1]]
                    units = len(layer)
                    for j in range(units):
                        layer[j].weights = vector_add(layer[j].weights,
                                                    learning_rate * v_dw[i][j], 

    return net