예제 #1
def construct_excuse_tweet():
    # Creates a sentence for the bot to post, making an excuse for lateness.
    place = village.construct_village()
    excuse = choice(excuses)
    excuse_place = village.construct_village()
    text = "This service to " + place + " is delayed due to "
    text = text + excuse + " in the " + excuse_place + " area."
    return text
예제 #2
def construct_location_tweet():
    # Creates a sentence for the bot to post, about a location.
    place = village.construct_village()
    sentence = choice(location_sentences)

    chance = randint(0,20)
    if chance >=15 and not ("approaching" in sentence):
        time = randint(2,55)
        time = str(time)
        text = sentence + " " + place + ", in approximately " + time + " minutes."
        text = sentence + " " + place +"."
    return text
예제 #3
def construct_thanks_tweet():
    # Creates a sentence for the bot to post, thanking passengers.
    place = village.construct_village()
    sentence = choice(thanks_sentences)
    text = sentence + " " + place + "."
    return text