def convert_timelike(value): if value in (None, ''): return None elif is_datetime_like(value, conservative=True): return as_datetime64(value) elif is_timedelta_like(value, conservative=True): return as_timedelta64(value) else: return value
def _main(): """This _main is a faux unit-test of cotr It makes 3d plots using both Viscid and Mayavi """ plot_mpl = True plot_mvi = True crd_system = 'gse' dtfmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" t = "2010-06-23T00:00:00.0" print("Dipole Moment at {0},".format(format_datetime(t, dtfmt))) print(" - mhd:", get_dipole_moment(t, crd_system='gse', strength=1.0)) print(" - gse:", get_dipole_moment(t, crd_system='mhd', strength=1.0)) if plot_mpl: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.dates as mdates try: from viscid.plot import mpl except ImportError: pass times = linspace_datetime64("2010-01-01T00:00:00.0", "2010-06-21T00:00:00.0", n=(365//2*24)) # times = linspace_datetime64("1952-01-01T00:00:00.0", # "1956-01-01T00:00:00.0", n=(4*365*24*2)) t_dt = as_datetime(times).tolist() m_gse = np.empty((len(times), 3), dtype='f8') m_sm = np.empty((len(times), 3), dtype='f8') psi = np.empty((len(times), ), dtype='f8') mu = np.empty((len(times), ), dtype='f8') message_cadence = len(times) // 20 for i, t in enumerate(times): if i % message_cadence == 0: print("Getting moment for: {0} {1} ({2:.0f}% complete)" "".format(i, t, 100 * i / len(times))) c = Cotr(t) m_gse[i, :] = c.get_dipole_moment(crd_system='gse', strength=1) m_sm[i, :] = c.get_dipole_moment(crd_system='sm', strength=1) mu[i], psi[i] = c.get_dipole_angles() dip_angle = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(np.sum(m_gse * m_sm, axis=1))) i_smallest_diptilt = np.argmin(np.abs(mu)) i_largest_diptilt = np.argmax(np.abs(mu)) i_smallest_dipangle = np.argmin(np.abs(dip_angle)) i_largest_dipangle = np.argmax(np.abs(dip_angle)) print() print("Dipole info between {0} and {1}," "".format(format_datetime(times[0], dtfmt), format_datetime(times[-1], dtfmt))) print(" - Smallest dipole tilt angle: {1:.03g} deg @ {0}" "".format(format_datetime(times[i_smallest_diptilt], dtfmt), mu[i_smallest_diptilt])) print(" - Largest dipole tilt angle: {1:.03g} deg @ {0}" "".format(format_datetime(times[i_largest_diptilt], dtfmt), mu[i_largest_diptilt])) print(" - Smallest angle between dip and GSE-Z: {1:.03g} deg @ {0}" "".format(format_datetime(times[i_smallest_dipangle], dtfmt), dip_angle[i_smallest_dipangle])) print(" - Largest angle between dip and GSE-Z: {1:.03g} deg @ {0}" "".format(format_datetime(times[i_largest_dipangle], dtfmt), dip_angle[i_largest_dipangle])) plt.clf() ax0 = plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(t_dt, psi, label='GSM Angle') plt.plot(t_dt, mu, label='DIP Tilt Angle') plt.gca().get_xaxis().set_visible(False) plt.legend(loc=0) plt.subplot(212, sharex=ax0) plt.plot(t_dt, dip_angle, label='Angle between dip and GSE-Z') # plt.ylim(11.62, 11.73) # to see knee on 1954-12-14 @ 17:05 dateFmt = mdates.DateFormatter(dtfmt) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(dateFmt) plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() plt.legend(loc=0) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.98, top=0.97) # m = m_gse # plt.clf() # plt.subplot(311) # plt.plot(times, m[:, 0], label='M$_{0}$') # plt.subplot(312) # plt.plot(times, m[:, 1], label='M$_{1}$') # plt.subplot(313) # plt.plot(times, m[:, 2], label='M$_{2}$') # if plot_mvi: import os import viscid from viscid.plot import mvi mvi.figure(size=(768, 768), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0), bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), offscreen=True) def _plot_time_range(times, figname): for i, t in enumerate(times): mvi.clf() cotr = Cotr(t) mvi.plot_blue_marble(r=1.0, rotate=t, crd_system=crd_system, nphi=256, ntheta=128, res=4, lines=True) mvi.plot_earth_3d(radius=1.005, crd_system=crd_system, night_only=True, opacity=0.5) mag_north = cotr.transform('sm', crd_system, [0, 0, 1.0]) mvi.mlab.points3d(*mag_north, scale_factor=0.05, mode='sphere', color=(0.992, 0.455, 0.0), resolution=32) mvi.orientation_axes(line_width=4.0) mvi.mlab.text(0.325, 0.95, viscid.format_datetime(t)) mvi.view(azimuth=0.0, elevation=90.0, distance=5.0, focalpoint=[0, 0, 0]) mvi.savefig("{0}_eq_{1:06d}.png".format(figname, i)) mvi.view(azimuth=0.0, elevation=0.0, distance=5.0, focalpoint=[0, 0, 0]) mvi.savefig("{0}_pole_{1:06d}.png".format(figname, i)) path = os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop/day/{0}/".format(crd_system)) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) print() print("Writing 3D images in:", path) # summer solstice (earth-sun line @ tropic of cancer) print() print("Making a movie for the June solstice") solstice_times = linspace_datetime64("2010-06-21T00:00:00.0", "2010-06-22T00:00:00.0", n=49) _plot_time_range(solstice_times, path + "solstice") pfx = path + "solstice_eq" viscid.vutil.make_animation(pfx + '.mp4', pfx, framerate=23.976, yes=1) pfx = path + "solstice_pole" viscid.vutil.make_animation(pfx + '.mp4', pfx, framerate=23.976, yes=1) # autumnal equinox (earth-sun line @ equator) print() print("Making a movie for the September equinox") equinox_times = linspace_datetime64("2010-09-23T00:00:00.0", "2010-09-24T00:00:00.0", n=49) _plot_time_range(equinox_times, path + "equinox") pfx = path + "equinox_eq" viscid.vutil.make_animation(pfx + '.mp4', pfx, framerate=23.976, yes=1) pfx = path + "equinox_pole" viscid.vutil.make_animation(pfx + '.mp4', pfx, framerate=23.976, yes=1) # Watching the magnetic pole move year-by-year print() print("Making a movie to show magnetic pole motion") years = range(1950, 2016, 1) times = [as_datetime64("{0:04d}-06-21".format(y)) for y in years] _plot_time_range(times, path + "year") pfx = path + "year_eq" viscid.vutil.make_animation(pfx + '.mp4', pfx, yes=1, framerate=8) pfx = path + "year_pole" viscid.vutil.make_animation(pfx + '.mp4', pfx, yes=1, framerate=8)
def __init__(self, time='1967-01-01', dip_tilt=None, dip_gsm=None, rdim=3, notilt1967=True): """Construct Cotr instance Args: time (datetime-like): A specific date and time for the transformations (sets earth's geographic and dipole orientations) rdim (int): Dimensionality of rotation matrices dip_tilt (float): if given, override the dipole tilt angle (mu in degrees, positive points north pole sunward) dip_gsm (float): if given, override the dipole gse->gsm angle (psi in degrees, positive points north pole duskward) notilt1967 (bool): if True, then all transforms (except <->mhd transforms) are set to the identity. This is the special OpenGGCM no-dipole-tilt-time. """ self._emat_cache = dict() self._xform_cache = dict() # exact UT time of interest time = as_datetime64(time) self.time = time # dimension of rotation matrices (3 or 4), use 4 to support # translations self.rdim = rdim # modified julian date is days from 00:00UT on 17 Nov 1858 mjd0 = as_datetime64('1858-11-17T00:00:00.0') mjd_td = as_timedelta(time.astype(mjd0.dtype) - mjd0) self.mjd = mjd_td.total_seconds() // (24 * 3600) # ut is hours from midnight dt = as_datetime(time) day = as_datetime64("{0:04d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d}" "".format(dt.year, dt.month, secs = as_timedelta(time - day.astype(time.dtype)).total_seconds() self.ut = secs / 3600.0 # julian centuries (36525 days) since 1 Jan 2000 (epoch 2000) self.t0 = (self.mjd - 51544.5) / 36525.0 # interpolated IGRF g10, g11, h11 = _igrf_interpolate(self.time, notilt1967=notilt1967) self.g10 = g10 self.g11 = g11 self.h11 = h11 self._disable_mag_crds = dip_tilt is not None or dip_gsm is not None years = datetime64_as_years(time) notilt = notilt1967 and np.abs(years - 1967.0) < 0.0006 if self._disable_mag_crds or notilt: dip_tilt = 0.0 if dip_tilt is None else dip_tilt dip_gsm = 0.0 if dip_gsm is None else dip_gsm self._cached_sun_ecliptic_longitude = None self._cached_q_g = None self._cached_q_e = None self._cached_dip_geolon_rad = None self._cached_dip_geolat_rad = None self._cached_dip_tilt = dip_tilt self._cached_dip_gsm = dip_gsm # hack the cache to set all geocentric transforms to the identity # except GSE -> MHD if notilt: eye = np.eye(self.rdim) # matrices 3, 4, and 6 are missing so that gse, gsm, sm, mhd # transformations still do something (from dip_tilt and dip_gsm) for i in (1, 2, 5): self._emat_cache[-i] = eye self._emat_cache[i] = eye
def _main(): """This _main is a faux unit-test of cotr It makes 3d plots using both Viscid and Mayavi """ plot_mpl = True plot_vlab = True crd_system = 'gse' dtfmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" t = "2010-06-23T00:00:00.0" print("Dipole Moment at {0},".format(format_datetime(t, dtfmt))) print(" - mhd:", get_dipole_moment(t, crd_system='gse', strength=1.0)) print(" - gse:", get_dipole_moment(t, crd_system='mhd', strength=1.0)) if plot_mpl: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.dates as mdates try: from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt except ImportError: pass times = linspace_datetime64("2010-01-01T00:00:00.0", "2010-06-21T00:00:00.0", n=(365 // 2 * 24)) # times = linspace_datetime64("1952-01-01T00:00:00.0", # "1956-01-01T00:00:00.0", n=(4*365*24*2)) t_dt = as_datetime(times).tolist() m_gse = np.empty((len(times), 3), dtype='f8') m_sm = np.empty((len(times), 3), dtype='f8') psi = np.empty((len(times), ), dtype='f8') mu = np.empty((len(times), ), dtype='f8') message_cadence = len(times) // 20 for i, t in enumerate(times): if i % message_cadence == 0: print("Getting moment for: {0} {1} ({2:.0f}% complete)" "".format(i, t, 100 * i / len(times))) c = Cotr(t) m_gse[i, :] = c.get_dipole_moment(crd_system='gse', strength=1) m_sm[i, :] = c.get_dipole_moment(crd_system='sm', strength=1) mu[i], psi[i] = c.get_dipole_angles() dip_angle = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(np.sum(m_gse * m_sm, axis=1))) i_smallest_diptilt = np.argmin(np.abs(mu)) i_largest_diptilt = np.argmax(np.abs(mu)) i_smallest_dipangle = np.argmin(np.abs(dip_angle)) i_largest_dipangle = np.argmax(np.abs(dip_angle)) print() print("Dipole info between {0} and {1}," "".format(format_datetime(times[0], dtfmt), format_datetime(times[-1], dtfmt))) print(" - Smallest dipole tilt angle: {1:.03g} deg @ {0}" "".format(format_datetime(times[i_smallest_diptilt], dtfmt), mu[i_smallest_diptilt])) print(" - Largest dipole tilt angle: {1:.03g} deg @ {0}" "".format(format_datetime(times[i_largest_diptilt], dtfmt), mu[i_largest_diptilt])) print(" - Smallest angle between dip and GSE-Z: {1:.03g} deg @ {0}" "".format(format_datetime(times[i_smallest_dipangle], dtfmt), dip_angle[i_smallest_dipangle])) print(" - Largest angle between dip and GSE-Z: {1:.03g} deg @ {0}" "".format(format_datetime(times[i_largest_dipangle], dtfmt), dip_angle[i_largest_dipangle])) plt.clf() ax0 = plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(t_dt, psi, label='GSM Angle') plt.plot(t_dt, mu, label='DIP Tilt Angle') plt.gca().get_xaxis().set_visible(False) plt.legend(loc=0) plt.subplot(212, sharex=ax0) plt.plot(t_dt, dip_angle, label='Angle between dip and GSE-Z') # plt.ylim(11.62, 11.73) # to see knee on 1954-12-14 @ 17:05 dateFmt = mdates.DateFormatter(dtfmt) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(dateFmt) plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() plt.legend(loc=0) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.98, top=0.97) # m = m_gse # plt.clf() # plt.subplot(311) # plt.plot(times, m[:, 0], label='M$_{0}$') # plt.subplot(312) # plt.plot(times, m[:, 1], label='M$_{1}$') # plt.subplot(313) # plt.plot(times, m[:, 2], label='M$_{2}$') # if plot_vlab: import os import viscid from viscid.plot import vlab vlab.figure(size=(768, 768), fgcolor=(0, 0, 0), bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), offscreen=True) def _plot_time_range(times, figname): for i, t in enumerate(times): vlab.clf() cotr = Cotr(t) vlab.plot_blue_marble(r=1.0, rotate=t, crd_system=crd_system, nphi=256, ntheta=128, res=4, lines=True) vlab.plot_earth_3d(radius=1.005, crd_system=crd_system, night_only=True, opacity=0.5) mag_north = cotr.transform('sm', crd_system, [0, 0, 1.0]) vlab.mlab.points3d(*mag_north, scale_factor=0.05, mode='sphere', color=(0.992, 0.455, 0.0), resolution=32) vlab.orientation_axes(line_width=4.0) vlab.mlab.text(0.325, 0.95, viscid.format_datetime(t)) vlab.view(azimuth=0.0, elevation=90.0, distance=5.0, focalpoint=[0, 0, 0]) vlab.savefig("{0}_eq_{1:06d}.png".format(figname, i)) vlab.view(azimuth=0.0, elevation=0.0, distance=5.0, focalpoint=[0, 0, 0]) vlab.savefig("{0}_pole_{1:06d}.png".format(figname, i)) path = os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop/day/{0}/".format(crd_system)) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) print() print("Writing 3D images in:", path) # summer solstice (earth-sun line @ tropic of cancer) print() print("Making a movie for the June solstice") solstice_times = linspace_datetime64("2010-06-21T00:00:00.0", "2010-06-22T00:00:00.0", n=49) _plot_time_range(solstice_times, path + "solstice") pfx = path + "solstice_eq" viscid.make_animation(pfx + '.mp4', pfx, framerate=23.976, yes=1) pfx = path + "solstice_pole" viscid.make_animation(pfx + '.mp4', pfx, framerate=23.976, yes=1) # autumnal equinox (earth-sun line @ equator) print() print("Making a movie for the September equinox") equinox_times = linspace_datetime64("2010-09-23T00:00:00.0", "2010-09-24T00:00:00.0", n=49) _plot_time_range(equinox_times, path + "equinox") pfx = path + "equinox_eq" viscid.make_animation(pfx + '.mp4', pfx, framerate=23.976, yes=1) pfx = path + "equinox_pole" viscid.make_animation(pfx + '.mp4', pfx, framerate=23.976, yes=1) # Watching the magnetic pole move year-by-year print() print("Making a movie to show magnetic pole motion") years = range(1950, 2016, 1) times = [as_datetime64("{0:04d}-06-21".format(y)) for y in years] _plot_time_range(times, path + "year") pfx = path + "year_eq" viscid.make_animation(pfx + '.mp4', pfx, yes=1, framerate=8) pfx = path + "year_pole" viscid.make_animation(pfx + '.mp4', pfx, yes=1, framerate=8)
def __init__(self, time='1967-01-01', dip_tilt=None, dip_gsm=None, rdim=3, notilt1967=True): """Construct Cotr instance Args: time (datetime-like): A specific date and time for the transformations (sets earth's geographic and dipole orientations) rdim (int): Dimensionality of rotation matrices dip_tilt (float): if given, override the dipole tilt angle (mu in degrees, positive points north pole sunward) dip_gsm (float): if given, override the dipole gse->gsm angle (psi in degrees, positive points north pole duskward) notilt1967 (bool): if True, then all transforms (except <->mhd transforms) are set to the identity if time is Jan 1 1967. This is the special OpenGGCM no-dipole-tilt-time. """ self._emat_cache = dict() self._xform_cache = dict() # exact UT time of interest time = as_datetime64(time) self.time = time # dimension of rotation matrices (3 or 4), use 4 to support # translations self.rdim = rdim # modified julian date is days from 00:00UT on 17 Nov 1858 mjd0 = as_datetime64('1858-11-17T00:00:00.0') mjd_td = as_timedelta(time.astype(mjd0.dtype) - mjd0) self.mjd = mjd_td.total_seconds() // (24 * 3600) # ut is hours from midnight dt = as_datetime(time) day = as_datetime64("{0:04d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d}" "".format(dt.year, dt.month, secs = as_timedelta(time - day.astype(time.dtype)).total_seconds() self.ut = secs / 3600.0 # julian centuries (36525 days) since 1 Jan 2000 (epoch 2000) self.t0 = (self.mjd - 51544.5) / 36525.0 # interpolated IGRF g10, g11, h11 = _igrf_interpolate(self.time, notilt1967=notilt1967) self.g10 = g10 self.g11 = g11 self.h11 = h11 self._disable_mag_crds = dip_tilt is not None or dip_gsm is not None years = datetime64_as_years(time) notilt = notilt1967 and np.abs(years - 1967.0) < 0.0006 # do i really want the self._disable_mag_crds part of this? what # if i want dip_gsm set by the time, and dip_tilt set by hand... # would anyone ever want that? is it really more natural to say that # if you specify dip_tilt or dip_gsm then both ignore the time? if self._disable_mag_crds or notilt: dip_tilt = 0.0 if dip_tilt is None else dip_tilt dip_gsm = 0.0 if dip_gsm is None else dip_gsm self._cached_sun_ecliptic_longitude = None self._cached_q_g = None self._cached_q_e = None self._cached_dip_geolon_rad = None self._cached_dip_geolat_rad = None self._cached_dip_tilt = dip_tilt self._cached_dip_gsm = dip_gsm # hack the cache to set all geocentric transforms to the identity # except GSE -> MHD if notilt: eye = np.eye(self.rdim) # matrices 3, 4, and 6 are missing so that gse, gsm, sm, mhd # transformations still do something (from dip_tilt and dip_gsm) for i in (1, 2, 5): self._emat_cache[-i] = eye self._emat_cache[i] = eye
def standardize_value(sel, bool_argwhere=False): """Turn a value element to fundamental type or array Returns: One of the following:: - None - np.newaxis - Ellipsis - bool - int - complex (slice by value) - numpy.datetime64 - numpy.timedelta64 - ndarray - numpy.integer - numpy.bool\_ - numpy.timedelta64 - numpy.datetime64 - numpy.complex """ if isinstance(sel, (np.datetime64, np.timedelta64)): pass elif isinstance(sel, (int, np.integer)): pass elif isinstance(sel, (complex, np.complex, np.complexfloating)): assert sel.real == 0.0 elif isinstance(sel, (float, np.floating)): _warn_deprecated_float(sel) sel = 1j * sel elif isinstance(sel, (list, np.ndarray)): assert len(sel.shape) == 1 assert isinstance( sel[0], (int, bool, np.integer, np.complex, np.complexfloating, np.bool_)) if bool_argwhere and isinstance(sel[0], (bool, np.bool_)): sel = np.argwhere(sel).reshape(-1) elif sel in (np.newaxis, None, True, False, Ellipsis): pass elif isinstance(sel, string_types): sel = sel.strip().lower() if sel in ('newaxis', 'numpy.newaxis', 'np.newaxis'): sel = np.newaxis elif sel in ('none', ''): sel = None elif sel == 'true': sel = True elif sel == 'false': sel = False elif sel in ('...', 'ellipsis'): sel = Ellipsis elif sel[0] == '[' and sel[-1] == ']': sel = sel[1:-1].replace(',', ' ') if 'true' in sel or 'false' in sel: sel = sel.lower() sel = sel.replace('true', '1') sel = sel.replace('false', '0') _orig_sel = sel sel = np.fromstring(sel, dtype='i', sep=' ') if bool_argwhere: sel = np.argwhere(sel).reshape(-1) else: sel = sel.astype(np.bool_) if sel.shape == (): raise ValueError( "bool array as string did not parse: [{0}]" "".format(_orig_sel)) else: sel = sel.replace('f', 'j') n_js = sel.count('j') if n_js > 0: _orig_sel = sel sel = np.array(sel.split()).astype(np.complex) assert np.allclose(sel.real, 0.0) sel = sel.imag if sel.shape == (): raise ValueError( "float array as string did not parse: " "[{0}]".format(_orig_sel)) if n_js != len(sel): _warn_deprecated_float(_orig_sel) sel = 1j * sel elif all(_is_time_str(s) for s in sel.split()): try: sel = as_timedelta64( [s.lstrip('ut') for s in sel.split()]) except ValueError: sel = as_datetime64( [s.lstrip('ut') for s in sel.split()]) elif 'e' in sel or 'E' in sel: _warn_deprecated_float(sel) sel = np.fromstring(sel, dtype=np.float, sep=' ') else: sel = np.fromstring(sel, dtype=np.integer, sep=' ') elif _is_time_str(sel): try: sel = as_timedelta64(sel.lstrip('ut')) except ValueError: sel = as_datetime64(sel.lstrip('ut')) else: try: sel = int(sel) except ValueError: try: if 'j' in sel or 'f' in sel: sel = sel.replace('f', 'j') sel = complex(sel) else: sel = float(sel) _warn_deprecated_float(sel) sel = 1j * sel except ValueError: raise ValueError("Unexpected std type '{0}'".format(sel)) elif is_timedelta_like(sel, conservative=True): sel = as_timedelta64(sel) elif is_datetime_like(sel, conservative=True): sel = as_datetime64(sel) else: raise ValueError("Unexpected std type '{0}' ({1})" "".format(sel, type(sel))) return sel
def standardize_value(sel, bool_argwhere=False): """Turn a value element to fundamental type or array Returns: One of the following:: - None - np.newaxis - Ellipsis - bool - int - complex (slice by value) - numpy.datetime64 - numpy.timedelta64 - ndarray - numpy.integer - numpy.bool\_ - numpy.timedelta64 - numpy.datetime64 - numpy.complex """ if isinstance(sel, (np.datetime64, np.timedelta64)): pass elif isinstance(sel, (int, np.integer)): pass elif isinstance(sel, (complex, np.complex, np.complexfloating)): assert sel.real == 0.0 elif isinstance(sel, (float, np.floating)): _warn_deprecated_float(sel) sel = 1j * sel elif isinstance(sel, (list, np.ndarray)): assert len(sel.shape) == 1 assert isinstance(sel[0], (int, bool, np.integer, np.complex, np.complexfloating, np.bool_)) if bool_argwhere and isinstance(sel[0], (bool, np.bool_)): sel = np.argwhere(sel).reshape(-1) elif sel in (np.newaxis, None, True, False, Ellipsis): pass elif isinstance(sel, string_types): sel = sel.strip().lower() if sel in ('newaxis', 'numpy.newaxis', 'np.newaxis'): sel = np.newaxis elif sel in ('none', ''): sel = None elif sel == 'true': sel = True elif sel == 'false': sel = False elif sel in ('...', 'ellipsis'): sel = Ellipsis elif sel[0] == '[' and sel[-1] == ']': sel = sel[1:-1].replace(',', ' ') if 'true' in sel or 'false' in sel: sel = sel.lower() sel = sel.replace('true', '1') sel = sel.replace('false', '0') _orig_sel = sel sel = np.fromstring(sel, dtype='i', sep=' ') if bool_argwhere: sel = np.argwhere(sel).reshape(-1) else: sel = sel.astype(np.bool_) if sel.shape == (): raise ValueError("bool array as string did not parse: [{0}]" "".format(_orig_sel)) else: sel = sel.replace('f', 'j') n_js = sel.count('j') if n_js > 0: _orig_sel = sel sel = np.array(sel.split()).astype(np.complex) assert np.allclose(sel.real, 0.0) sel = sel.imag if sel.shape == (): raise ValueError("float array as string did not parse: " "[{0}]".format(_orig_sel)) if n_js != len(sel): _warn_deprecated_float(_orig_sel) sel = 1j * sel elif all(_is_time_str(s) for s in sel.split()): try: sel = as_timedelta64([s.lstrip('ut') for s in sel.split()]) except ValueError: sel = as_datetime64([s.lstrip('ut') for s in sel.split()]) else: sel = np.fromstring(sel, dtype=np.integer, sep=' ') elif _is_time_str(sel): try: sel = as_timedelta64(sel.lstrip('ut')) except ValueError: sel = as_datetime64(sel.lstrip('ut')) else: try: sel = int(sel) except ValueError: try: if 'j' in sel or 'f' in sel: sel = sel.replace('f', 'j') sel = complex(sel) else: sel = float(sel) _warn_deprecated_float(sel) sel = 1j * sel except ValueError: raise ValueError("Unexpected std type '{0}'".format(sel)) elif is_timedelta_like(sel, conservative=True): sel = as_timedelta64(sel) elif is_datetime_like(sel, conservative=True): sel = as_datetime64(sel) else: raise ValueError("Unexpected std type '{0}' ({1})" "".format(sel, type(sel))) return sel