예제 #1
    def list_filesets(self, devices=None, filesetnames=None, update=False):
        """Get all the filesets for one or more specific devices

        @type devices: list of devices (if string: 1 device; if None: all found devices)
        @type filesetnames: report only on specific filesets (if string: 1 filesetname)

            set self.gpfslocalfilesets is dict with
                key = filesystemName value is dict with
                    key = id value is dict
                        key = remaining header entries and corresponding values

        if not update and self.gpfslocalfilesets:
            return self.gpfslocalfilesets

        opts = []

        if devices is None:
            # get all devices from all filesystems
            if self.gpfslocalfilesystems is None:

            devices = self.gpfslocalfilesystems.keys()
            if isinstance(devices, str):
                devices = [devices]

        if filesetnames is not None:
            if isinstance(filesetnames, str):
                filesetnames = [filesetnames]

            filesetnamestxt = ','.join(filesetnames)

        self.log.debug("Looking up filesets for devices %s" % (devices))

        listm = Monoid([], lambda xs, ys: xs + ys)
        info = MonoidDict(listm)
        for device in devices:
            opts_ = copy.deepcopy(opts)
            opts_.insert(1, device)
            res = self._executeY('mmlsfileset', opts_)
            # for v3.5 filesystemName:filesetName:id:rootInode:status:path:parentId:created:inodes:dataInKB:comment:filesetMode:afmTarget:afmState:afmMode:afmFileLookupRefreshInterval:afmFileOpenRefreshInterval:afmDirLookupRefreshInterval:afmDirOpenRefreshInterval:afmAsyncDelay:reserved:afmExpirationTimeout:afmRPO:afmLastPSnapId:inodeSpace:isInodeSpaceOwner:maxInodes:allocInodes:inodeSpaceMask:afmShowHomeSnapshots:afmNumReadThreads:afmNumReadGWs:afmReadBufferSize:afmWriteBufferSize:afmReadSparseThreshold:afmParallelReadChunkSize:afmParallelReadThreshold:snapId:
            self.log.debug("list_filesets res keys = %s " % (res.keys()))
            for (key, value) in res.items():
                info[key] = value

        datakeys = info.keys()

        fss = nub(info.get('filesystemName', []))
        res = dict([(fs, {}) for fs in fss])  # build structure

        for idx, (fs, qid) in enumerate(zip(info['filesystemName'], info['id'])):
            details = dict([(k, info[k][idx]) for k in datakeys])
            res[fs][qid] = details

        self.gpfslocalfilesets = res
        return res
예제 #2
    def _assemble_fields(self, fields, out):
        """Assemble executeY output fields """

        # do we have multiple field counts?
        field_counts = [i for (i, _) in fields]
        if len(nub(field_counts)) > 1:
            maximum_field_count = max(field_counts)
            description_field_count = field_counts[0]
            for (field_count, line) in fields[1:]:
                if field_count == description_field_count:
                elif field_count < description_field_count:
                        "Description length %s greater then %s. Adding whitespace. (names %s, row %s)",
                        maximum_field_count, field_count, fields[0][6:],
                    line.extend([''] * (maximum_field_count - field_count))
                    # try to fix the line
                        "Line has too many fields (%d > %d), trying to fix %s",
                        field_count, description_field_count, line)
                    fixed_lines = self.fixup_executeY_line(
                        line, description_field_count)
                    i = fields.index((field_count, line))
                    fields[i:i + 1] = map(lambda fs: (len(fs), fs),

        # assemble result
        listm = Monoid([], lambda xs, ys: xs + ys
                       )  # not exactly the fastest mappend for lists ...
        res = MonoidDict(listm)
            for index, name in enumerate(fields[0][1][6:]):
                if name != '':
                    for (_, line) in fields[1:]:
                        res[name] = [line[6 + index]]
        except IndexError:
                "Failed to regroup data %s (from output %s)" % (fields, out))

        return res
예제 #3
def process_vos(options, vo_ids, storage_name, client, datestamp, host_institute=GENT):
    """Process the virtual organisations.

    - make the fileset per VO
    - set the quota for the complete fileset
    - set the quota on a per-user basis for all VO members

    listm = Monoid([], lambda xs, ys: xs + ys)
    ok_vos = MonoidDict(copy.deepcopy(listm))
    error_vos = MonoidDict(copy.deepcopy(listm))

    for vo_id in sorted(vo_ids):

        vo = VscTier2AccountpageVo(vo_id, rest_client=client, host_institute=host_institute)
        vo.dry_run = options.dry_run

            if storage_name in [VSC_HOME]:

            if storage_name in [VSC_DATA] and vo_id not in DEFAULT_VOS_ALL:

            if storage_name in [VSC_DATA_SHARED] and vo_id not in DEFAULT_VOS_ALL and vo.data_sharing:

            if vo_id == INSTITUTE_VOS_BY_INSTITUTE[host_institute][host_institute]:
                logging.info("Not deploying default VO %s members", vo_id)

            if storage_name in VSC_PRODUCTION_SCRATCH[host_institute]:

            if vo_id in DEFAULT_VOS_ALL and storage_name in (VSC_HOME, VSC_DATA):
                logging.info("Not deploying default VO %s members on %s", vo_id, storage_name)

            modified_member_list = client.vo[vo.vo_id].member.modified[datestamp].get()
            factory = lambda vid: VscTier2AccountpageUser(vid,
            modified_members = [factory(a["vsc_id"]) for a in modified_member_list[1]]

            for member in modified_members:
                    member.dry_run = options.dry_run
                    if storage_name in [VSC_DATA]:
                        vo.set_member_data_quota(member)  # half of the VO quota

                    if storage_name in VSC_PRODUCTION_SCRATCH[host_institute]:
                        vo.set_member_scratch_quota(storage_name, member)  # half of the VO quota
                        vo.create_member_scratch_dir(storage_name, member)

                    ok_vos[vo.vo_id] = [member.account.vsc_id]
                except Exception:
                    logging.exception("Failure at setting up the member %s of VO %s on %s",
                                      member.account.vsc_id, vo.vo_id, storage_name)
                    error_vos[vo.vo_id] = [member.account.vsc_id]
        except Exception:
            logging.exception("Something went wrong setting up the VO %s on the storage %s", vo.vo_id, storage_name)
            error_vos[vo.vo_id] = vo.members

    return (ok_vos, error_vos)
예제 #4
    def list_quota(self, devices=None):
        """get quota info for all filesystems for all USR,GRP,FILESET
            set self.gpfslocalquota to
                dict: key = deviceName, value is
                    dict with key quotaType (USR | GRP | FILESET) value is dict with
                        key = id, value dict with
                            key = remaining header entries and corresponding values as a NamedTuple

        - GPFS 3.5 has the following fields in the output lines of mmrepquota (colon separated)
            - filesystemName
            - quotaType
            - id
            - name
            - blockUsage
            - blockQuota
            - blockLimit
            - blockInDoubt
            - blockGrace
            - filesUsage
            - filesQuota
            - filesLimit
            - filesInDoubt
            - filesGrace
            - remarks
            - quota
            - defQuota
            - fid
            - filesetname

        - GPFS 3.5 also is able to list multiple e.g., USR lines in different filesets.
        if devices is None:
            devices = self.list_filesystems().keys()
        elif isinstance(devices, str):
            devices = [devices]

        listm = Monoid([], lambda xs, ys: xs + ys)  # not exactly the fastest mappend for lists ...
        info = MonoidDict(listm)
        for device in devices:
            res = self._executeY('mmrepquota', ['-n', device], prefix=True)
            for (key, value) in res.items():
                info[key] = value

        datakeys = info.keys()

        fss = nub(info.get('filesystemName', []))
        self.log.debug("Found the following filesystem names: %s" % (fss))

        quotatypes = nub(info.get('quotaType', []))
        quotatypesstruct = dict([(qt, MonoidDict(Monoid([], lambda xs, ys: xs + ys))) for qt in quotatypes])

        res = dict([(fs, copy.deepcopy(quotatypesstruct)) for fs in fss])  # build structure

        for idx, (fs, qt, qid) in enumerate(zip(info['filesystemName'], info['quotaType'], info['id'])):
            details = dict([(k, info[k][idx]) for k in datakeys])
            if qt == 'FILESET':
                # GPFS fileset quota have empty filesetName field
                details['filesetname'] = details['name']
            res[fs][qt][qid] = [GpfsQuota(**details)]

        self.gpfslocalquotas = res
        return res
예제 #5
    def list_filesets(self, devices=None, filesetnames=None, update=False):
        Get all the filesets for one or more specific devices

        @type devices: list of devices (if string: 1 device; if None: all found devices)
        @type filesetnames: report only on specific filesets (if string: 1 filesetname)

            set self.gpfslocalfilesets is dict with
                key = filesystemName value is dict with
                    key = id value is dict
                        key = remaining header entries and corresponding values

        if not update and self.gpfslocalfilesets:
            return self.gpfslocalfilesets

        opts = []

        if devices is None:
            # get all devices from all filesystems
            if self.gpfslocalfilesystems is None:

            devices = self.gpfslocalfilesystems.keys()
            if isinstance(devices, str):
                devices = [devices]

        if filesetnames is not None:
            if isinstance(filesetnames, str):
                filesetnames = [filesetnames]

            filesetnamestxt = ','.join(filesetnames)

        self.log.debug("Looking up filesets for devices %s", devices)

        listm = Monoid([], lambda xs, ys: xs + ys)
        info = MonoidDict(listm)
        for device in devices:
            opts_ = copy.deepcopy(opts)
            opts_.insert(1, device)
            res = self._executeY('mmlsfileset', opts_)
            # for v3.5
            # filesystemName:filesetName:id:rootInode:status:path:parentId:created:inodes:dataInKB:comment:
            # filesetMode:afmTarget:afmState:afmMode:afmFileLookupRefreshInterval:afmFileOpenRefreshInterval:
            # afmDirLookupRefreshInterval:afmDirOpenRefreshInterval:afmAsyncDelay:reserved:afmExpirationTimeout:afmRPO:
            # afmLastPSnapId:inodeSpace:isInodeSpaceOwner:maxInodes:allocInodes:inodeSpaceMask:afmShowHomeSnapshots:
            # afmNumReadThreads:afmNumReadGWs:afmReadBufferSize:afmWriteBufferSize:afmReadSparseThreshold:
            # afmParallelReadChunkSize:afmParallelReadThreshold:snapId:
            self.log.debug("list_filesets res keys = %s ", res.keys())
            for (key, value) in res.items():
                info[key] = value

        datakeys = list(info.keys())

        fss = nub(info.get('filesystemName', []))
        res = dict([(fs, {}) for fs in fss])  # build structure

        for idx, (fs, qid) in enumerate(zip(info['filesystemName'],
            details = dict([(k, info[k][idx]) for k in datakeys])
            res[fs][qid] = details

        self.gpfslocalfilesets = res
        return res
예제 #6
    def list_quota(self, devices=None):
        """get quota info for all filesystems for all USR,GRP,FILESET
            set self.gpfslocalquota to
                dict: key = deviceName, value is
                    dict with key quotaType (USR | GRP | FILESET) value is dict with
                        key = id, value dict with
                            key = remaining header entries and corresponding values as a NamedTuple

        - GPFS 3.5 has the following fields in the output lines of mmrepquota (colon separated)
            - filesystemName
            - quotaType
            - id
            - name
            - blockUsage
            - blockQuota
            - blockLimit
            - blockInDoubt
            - blockGrace
            - filesUsage
            - filesQuota
            - filesLimit
            - filesInDoubt
            - filesGrace
            - remarks
            - quota
            - defQuota
            - fid
            - filesetname

        - GPFS 3.5 also is able to list multiple e.g., USR lines in different filesets.
        if devices is None:
            devices = self.list_filesystems().keys()
        elif isinstance(devices, str):
            devices = [devices]

        listm = Monoid([], lambda xs, ys: xs + ys
                       )  # not exactly the fastest mappend for lists ...
        info = MonoidDict(listm)
        for device in devices:
            res = self._executeY('mmrepquota', ['-n', device], prefix=True)
            for (key, value) in res.items():
                info[key] = value

        datakeys = list(info.keys())

        fss = nub(info.get('filesystemName', []))
        self.log.debug("Found the following filesystem names: %s", fss)

        quotatypes = nub(info.get('quotaType', []))
        quotatypesstruct = dict([(qt,
                                                    lambda xs, ys: xs + ys)))
                                 for qt in quotatypes])

        res = dict([(fs, copy.deepcopy(quotatypesstruct))
                    for fs in fss])  # build structure

        for idx, (fs, qt, qid) in enumerate(
                zip(info['filesystemName'], info['quotaType'], info['id'])):
            details = dict([(k, info[k][idx]) for k in datakeys])
            if qt == 'FILESET':
                # GPFS fileset quota have empty filesetName field
                details['filesetname'] = details['name']
            res[fs][qt][qid] = [GpfsQuota(**details)]

        self.gpfslocalquotas = res
        return res