예제 #1
    def test_2d_iou(self):
        iou = evaluation.two_d_iou(self.gtbb_2d, self.test_cases_2d)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.gt_iou_2d, iou, 0, 0.01)

        gt_box = np.asarray([0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5])
        test_boxes = np.asarray([
            [-0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5],
            [-0.25, 0.0, 0.25, 0.5],
            [0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5],
            [0.25, 0.0, 0.75, 0.5],
            [0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5],
        exp_ious_2d = [0.0, 0.333, 1.0, 0.333, 0.0]
        ious_2d = evaluation.two_d_iou(gt_box, test_boxes)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(ious_2d, exp_ious_2d)
def draw_proposals_info(ax, x, y, proposal_scores, proposal_box_2d,
                        ground_truth, draw_score, draw_iou):

    label = ""

    # print('proposal_scores = ', proposal_scores)
    if draw_score:
        label += "sc:{:.2f}".format(proposal_scores)

    # print('proposal_box_2d = ', proposal_box_2d)
    # print('ground_truth = ', ground_truth)
    if draw_iou and len(ground_truth) > 0:
        if draw_score:
            label += ', '
        iou = evaluation.two_d_iou(proposal_box_2d, ground_truth)
        label += "iou:{:.3f}".format(max(iou))

        y + 150,
        path_effects=[patheffects.withStroke(linewidth=5, foreground='black')])
def draw_prediction_info(ax, x, y, pred_obj, pred_class_idx, pred_box_2d,
                         ground_truth, draw_score, draw_iou, gt_classes):

    label = ""

    if draw_score:
        label += "sc:{:.2f}".format(pred_obj.score)

    if draw_iou and len(ground_truth) > 0:
        if draw_score:
            label += ', '
        iou = evaluation.two_d_iou(pred_box_2d, ground_truth)
        label += "iou:{:.3f}".format(max(iou))

    box_cls = gt_classes[int(pred_class_idx)]

        y + 54,
        gt_classes[int(pred_class_idx)] + '\n' + label,
        path_effects=[patheffects.withStroke(linewidth=5, foreground='black')])
예제 #4
def generate_negative_2d_bb(obj_label, boxes2d, iou_threshold_min,
                            iou_threshold_max, samples):
    """Generates negative 2D bounding boxes.
    This is computed in a brute force fashion. For any given
    bounding box, we randomly shift the centroid and generate
    new bounding boxes and if it lies within the desired IoU
    threshold bound, we will keep it. Otherwise it is thrown
    out and this is repeated until number of valid samples is
    Keyword arguments:
        obj_label: single label for a detected 2D object
        boxes2d: a list of numpy array representing all
            bounding boxes in the image
        iou_threshold_min: determines the min variation
            between the original iou and the negative samples
        iou_threshold_max: determines the max variation
            between the original iou and the negative samples
        samples: number of negative samples per detected object
    Returns: a list of generated ObjectLabels

    x1 = obj_label.x1
    y1 = obj_label.y1
    x2 = obj_label.x2
    y2 = obj_label.y2

    diff_x = (x2 - x1) / 2
    diff_y = (y2 - y1) / 2

    current_samples = 0
    new_objects = []

    while current_samples < samples:
        # Keep trying to generate samples that
        # lie within reasonable bound
        new_xp = np.random.uniform(x1, x2, 1)
        new_yp = np.random.uniform(y1, y2, 1)

        new_x1 = float(new_xp - diff_x)
        new_x2 = float(new_xp + diff_x)
        new_y1 = float(new_yp - diff_y)
        new_y2 = float(new_yp + diff_y)

        new_obj = od.ObjectLabel()
        new_obj.x1 = new_x1
        new_obj.x2 = new_x2
        new_obj.y1 = new_y1
        new_obj.y2 = new_y2

        new_box = np.array([new_x1, new_y1, new_x2, new_y2])

        # calculate the IoU
        iou = evaluation.two_d_iou(new_box, boxes2d)

        if iou_threshold_min < max(iou) < iou_threshold_max:
            # keep the new object label
            current_samples += 1

    return new_objects
예제 #5
def draw_prediction_info(ax, x, y, pred_obj, pred_class_idx, pred_box,
                         ground_truth, draw_score, draw_iou, gt_classes,

    label = ""

    if draw_score:
        label += "{:.2f}".format(pred_obj.score)

    if draw_iou and len(ground_truth) > 0:
        if draw_score:
            label += ', '
        if iou_3d:
            iou = evaluation.three_d_iou(pred_box, ground_truth)
            if len(iou.shape) == 0:
                iou = np.array([iou])
            iou = evaluation.two_d_iou(pred_box, ground_truth)
        label += "{:.3f}".format(max(iou))

    box_cls = gt_classes[int(pred_class_idx)]

        y - 4,
        gt_classes[int(pred_class_idx)] + '\n' + label,
        path_effects=[patheffects.withStroke(linewidth=2, foreground='black')])
예제 #6
    def _calculate_anchors_info(self, all_anchor_boxes_3d, empty_anchor_filter,
        """Calculates the list of anchor information in the format:
            N x 8 [max_gt_2d_iou, max_gt_3d_iou, (6 x offsets), class_index]
                max_gt_out - highest 3D iou with any ground truth box
                offsets - encoded offsets [dx, dy, dz, d_dimx, d_dimy, d_dimz]
                class_index - the anchor's class as an index
                    (e.g. 0 or 1, for "Background" or "Car")

            all_anchor_boxes_3d: list of anchors in box_3d format
                N x [x, y, z, l, w, h, ry]
            empty_anchor_filter: boolean mask of which anchors are non empty
            gt_labels: list of Object Label data format containing ground truth
                labels to generate positives/negatives from.

            list of anchor info
        # Check for ground truth objects
        if len(gt_labels) == 0:
            raise Warning("No valid ground truth label to generate anchors.")

        kitti_utils = self._dataset.kitti_utils

        # Filter empty anchors
        anchor_indices = np.where(empty_anchor_filter)[0]
        anchor_boxes_3d = all_anchor_boxes_3d[empty_anchor_filter]

        # Convert anchor_boxes_3d to anchor format
        anchors = box_3d_encoder.box_3d_to_anchor(anchor_boxes_3d)

        # Convert gt to boxes_3d -> anchors -> iou format
        gt_boxes_3d = np.asarray([
            for gt_obj in gt_labels
        gt_anchors = box_3d_encoder.box_3d_to_anchor(gt_boxes_3d,

        rpn_iou_type = self.mini_batch_utils.rpn_iou_type
        if rpn_iou_type == '2d':
            # Convert anchors to 2d iou format
            anchors_for_2d_iou, _ = np.asarray(

            gt_boxes_for_2d_iou, _ = anchor_projector.project_to_bev(
                gt_anchors, kitti_utils.bev_extents)

        elif rpn_iou_type == '3d':
            # Convert anchors to 3d iou format for calculation
            anchors_for_3d_iou = box_3d_encoder.box_3d_to_3d_iou_format(

            gt_boxes_for_3d_iou = \
            raise ValueError('Invalid rpn_iou_type {}', rpn_iou_type)

        # Initialize sample and offset lists
        num_anchors = len(anchor_boxes_3d)
        all_info = np.zeros((num_anchors, self.mini_batch_utils.col_length))

        # Update anchor indices
        all_info[:, self.mini_batch_utils.col_anchor_indices] = anchor_indices

        # For each of the labels, generate samples
        for gt_idx in range(len(gt_labels)):

            gt_obj = gt_labels[gt_idx]
            gt_box_3d = gt_boxes_3d[gt_idx]

            # Get 2D or 3D IoU for every anchor
            if self.mini_batch_utils.rpn_iou_type == '2d':
                gt_box_for_2d_iou = gt_boxes_for_2d_iou[gt_idx]
                ious = evaluation.two_d_iou(gt_box_for_2d_iou,
            elif self.mini_batch_utils.rpn_iou_type == '3d':
                gt_box_for_3d_iou = gt_boxes_for_3d_iou[gt_idx]
                ious = evaluation.three_d_iou(gt_box_for_3d_iou,

            # Only update indices with a higher iou than before
            update_indices = np.greater(
                ious, all_info[:, self.mini_batch_utils.col_ious])

            # Get ious to update
            ious_to_update = ious[update_indices]

            # Calculate offsets, use 3D iou to get highest iou
            anchors_to_update = anchors[update_indices]
            gt_anchor = box_3d_encoder.box_3d_to_anchor(gt_box_3d,
            offsets = anchor_encoder.anchor_to_offset(anchors_to_update,

            # Convert gt type to index
            class_idx = kitti_utils.class_str_to_index(gt_obj.type)

            # Update anchors info (indices already updated)
            # [index, iou, (offsets), class_index]
                     self.mini_batch_utils.col_ious] = ious_to_update

            all_info[update_indices, self.mini_batch_utils.col_offsets_lo:self.
                     mini_batch_utils.col_offsets_hi] = offsets
                     self.mini_batch_utils.col_class_idx] = class_idx

        return all_info
예제 #7
def calculate_negative_2d_bb(obj_label,
    """Generates negative 2D bounding boxes.

    This is computed in a semi-brute force fashion.
    For any given bounding box, we first try to calculate
    the desired shift based on the selected IoU. If this
    failes, we just randomly shift the centroid and generate
    new bounding boxes. If it lies within the desired IoU
    threshold bound, we will keep it. Otherwise it is thrown
    out and this is repeated until number of valid samples is

    Keyword arguments:
        obj_label: single label for a detected 2D object
        boxes2d: a list of numpy array representing all
                 bounding boxes in the image
        iou_threshold_min: determines the min variation
            between the original iou and the negative samples
        iou_threshold_max: determines the max variation
            between the original iou and the negative samples
        samples: number of negative samples per detected object
        rand_sampl: Flag to switch between calculation vs pure
                    random sampling. For speed testing purposes.

        new_objects: a list of randomly generated ObjectLabels
        failed_cases: int number of cases it failed to calculate
                 and opted in for random sampling.

    x1 = obj_label.x1
    y1 = obj_label.y1
    x2 = obj_label.x2
    y2 = obj_label.y2

    width = x2 - x1
    length = y2 - y1

    half_w = width / 2
    half_l = length / 2

    miscalc = False
    current_samples = 0
    new_objects = []

    failed_cases = 0

    while current_samples < samples:
        # Keep trying to generate samples that
        # lie within reasonable bound

        if not miscalc and not rand_sampl:
            # we will try to to this by calculating
            # the shift along l or w given the desired
            # IoU and fixing either w or l shift.
            # this is sub-optimal since it does not
            # guarantee to achive the actual desired
            # IoU since we keep one variable fixed!

            # First let's try to generate bounding box
            # by randomly selecting a desirable IoU
            possible_ious = np.linspace(iou_threshold_min, iou_threshold_max,
            # pick one randomly
            rand_iou = random.choice(possible_ious)

            # assuming l and w here are equal, given IoU
            # by fixing either delta_w or delta_l we can
            # calculate the other. This way we *guess*
            # the generated box will satify the IoU bound
            # constraint

            l_fixed = random.choice([True, False])
            if l_fixed:
                # Lets keep delta_l fixed
                # It just needs to keep it within 0 - l
                delta_l = random.uniform(0, length / 2)
                l_shift = length - delta_l
                w_shift = (rand_iou * length * width) / (l_shift)
                delta_w = width - w_shift
                # keep delta_w fixed
                delta_w = random.uniform(0, width / 2)
                w_shift = length - delta_w
                l_shift = (rand_iou * length * width) / (w_shift)
                delta_l = length - l_shift

            # now just shift the l and w
            new_xp = x1 + delta_w
            new_yp = y1 + delta_l
            # that didn't work in the previous iteration
            # try generating random points
            new_xp = np.random.uniform(x1, x2, 1)
            new_yp = np.random.uniform(y1, y2, 1)
            # give it another chance in the next iteration
            miscalc = False

        new_obj, new_box = _construct_new_2d_object(new_xp, half_w, new_yp,

        # calculate the IoU
        iou = evaluation.two_d_iou(new_box, boxes2d)
        # check if it generated the desired IoU
        if iou_threshold_min < max(iou) < iou_threshold_max:
            # keep the new object label
            current_samples += 1
            failed_cases += 1
            miscalc = True

    return new_objects, failed_cases
    def _calculate_img_anchors_info(self, all_anchor_boxes_3d,
                                    empty_anchor_filter, gt_labels,
                                    stereo_calib_p2, image_size):
        """Calculates the list of anchor information in the format:
            N x 6 [max_gt_img_iou, (4 x offsets), class_index]
                max_gt_img_out - highest img iou with any ground truth box
                offsets - encoded offsets [dx, dy, d_dimx, d_dimy]
                class_index - the anchor's class as an index
                    (e.g. 0 or 1, for "Background" or "Car")

            all_anchor_boxes_3d: list of anchors in box_3d format
                N x [x, y, z, l, w, h, ry]
            empty_anchor_filter: boolean mask of which anchors are non empty
            gt_labels: list of Object Label data format containing ground truth
                labels to generate positives/negatives from.
            image_size: [h, w]

            list of anchor info
        # Check for ground truth objects
        if len(gt_labels) == 0:
            raise Warning("No valid ground truth label to generate anchors.")

        kitti_utils = self._dataset.kitti_utils

        # Filter empty anchors
        anchor_indices = np.where(empty_anchor_filter)[0]
        anchor_boxes_3d = all_anchor_boxes_3d[empty_anchor_filter]

        # Convert anchor_boxes_3d to anchor format [x,y,z,dx,dy,dz]
        anchors = box_3d_encoder.box_3d_to_anchor(anchor_boxes_3d)

        ## benz, project anchor_boxes_3d into image plane instead of using anchors, TODO remove out_of_bounding points
        ## img_boxes: [x1, y1, x2, y2]
        # img_boxes_anchors, img_boxes_anchors_norm  = anchor_projector.project_to_image_space(anchors, stereo_calib_p2, image_size)
        img_boxes_anchors, img_boxes_anchors_norm = anchor_projector.project_3d_box_to_image_space(
            anchor_boxes_3d, stereo_calib_p2, image_size)  ## project 3d_boxes

        # Convert gt to boxes_3d -> anchors -> iou format
        #gt_boxes_3d = np.asarray(
        #    [box_3d_encoder.object_label_to_box_3d(gt_obj)
        #     for gt_obj in gt_labels])
        ## benz, gt_boxes_3d [x1,y1,x2,y2]
        gt_boxes_2d = np.asarray([
            for gt_obj in gt_labels

        #gt_anchors = box_3d_encoder.box_3d_to_anchor(gt_boxes_3d,
        #                                             ortho_rotate=True)

        rpn_iou_type = self.mini_batch_utils.rpn_iou_type
        #if rpn_iou_type == '2d':
        #    # Convert anchors to 2d iou format
        #    #anchors_for_2d_iou, _ = np.asarray(anchor_projector.project_to_bev(
        #    #    anchors, kitti_utils.bev_extents))

        #    gt_boxes_for_2d_iou, _ = anchor_projector.project_to_bev(
        #        gt_anchors, kitti_utils.bev_extents)

        #elif rpn_iou_type == '3d':
        #    # Convert anchors to 3d iou format for calculation
        #    anchors_for_3d_iou = box_3d_encoder.box_3d_to_3d_iou_format(
        #        anchor_boxes_3d)

        #    gt_boxes_for_3d_iou = \
        #        box_3d_encoder.box_3d_to_3d_iou_format(gt_boxes_3d)
        #    raise ValueError('Invalid rpn_iou_type {}', rpn_iou_type)

        # Initialize sample and offset lists
        num_anchors = len(anchor_boxes_3d)
        all_info = np.zeros((num_anchors, self.mini_batch_utils.col_length))

        # Update anchor indices
        all_info[:, self.mini_batch_utils.col_anchor_indices] = anchor_indices

        # For each of the labels, generate samples
        for gt_idx in range(len(gt_labels)):

            gt_obj = gt_labels[gt_idx]
            gt_box_2d = gt_boxes_2d[gt_idx]

            # gt_box_for_2d_iou = gt_boxes_for_2d_iou[gt_idx]
            ious = evaluation.two_d_iou(gt_box_2d, img_boxes_anchors)

            # Only update indices with a higher iou than before
            update_indices = np.greater(
                ious, all_info[:, self.mini_batch_utils.col_ious])

            # Get ious to update
            ious_to_update = ious[update_indices]

            # Calculate offsets, use 3D iou to get highest iou
            anchors_to_update = img_boxes_anchors[update_indices]
            #gt_anchor = box_3d_encoder.box_3d_to_anchor(gt_box_2d,
            #                                            ortho_rotate=True)
            offsets = anchor_encoder.np_2d_box_to_offset(
                anchors_to_update, gt_box_2d)

            # Convert gt type to index
            class_idx = kitti_utils.class_str_to_index(gt_obj.type)

            # Update anchors info (indices already updated)
            # [index, iou, (offsets), class_index]
                     self.mini_batch_utils.col_ious] = ious_to_update

            all_info[update_indices, self.mini_batch_utils.col_offsets_lo:self.
                     mini_batch_utils.col_offsets_hi] = offsets
                     self.mini_batch_utils.col_class_idx] = class_idx

        return all_info, img_boxes_anchors, img_boxes_anchors_norm
    def _calculate_anchors_info(self, all_anchor_boxes_bev,
                                empty_anchor_filter, gt_labels):
        """Calculates the list of anchor information in the format:
            N x 8 [max_gt_2d_iou_r, max_gt_2d_iou_h, (6 x offsets), class_index]
                max_gt_out - highest 2D iou with any ground truth box, using [anchor_r vs gt_r] or [anchor_h vs gt_h]
                offsets - encoded offsets [dx, dy, d_dimx, d_dimy, d_angle, angle_face_class_index, (-180,0) or (0,180)]
                class_index - the anchor's class as an index
                    (e.g. 0 or 1, for "Background" or "Car")

            all_anchor_boxes_3d: list of anchors in box_3d format
                N x [xc, yc, w, h, angle]
            empty_anchor_filter: boolean mask of which anchors are non empty
            gt_labels: list of Object Label data format containing ground truth
                labels to generate positives/negatives from.

            list of anchor info
        # Check for ground truth objects
        if len(gt_labels) == 0:
            raise Warning("No valid ground truth label to generate anchors.")

        kitti_utils = self._dataset.kitti_utils

        # Filter empty anchors
        anchor_indices = np.where(empty_anchor_filter)[0]
        anchors = all_anchor_boxes_bev[empty_anchor_filter]

        # Convert anchor_boxes_3d to anchor format
        #anchors = box_bev_encoder.box_bev_to_anchor(anchor_boxes_bev)

        # Convert gt to boxes_3d -> anchors -> iou format
        gt_boxes_3d = np.asarray([
            for gt_obj in gt_labels
        gt_anchors_norm, _ = box_3d_projector.project_to_bev_box(
            gt_boxes_3d, self._area_extents[[0, 2]])
        #bev_image_size = kitti_utils.area_extents / kitti_utils.voxel_size
        bev_map_h, bev_map_w = self._bev_shape
        #(N, 5) , (5, ) coorespondence element multiplification
        gt_anchors = np.multiply(
            np.array([bev_map_w, bev_map_h, bev_map_w, bev_map_h, 1]))
        iou_type = self.mini_batch_utils.retinanet_iou_type
        if iou_type == '2d_rotate':
            # Convert anchors to 2d iou format
            anchors_for_2d_iou_r = anchors
            gt_boxes_for_2d_iou_r = gt_anchors
        elif iou_type == '2d':
            # Convert anchors to 3d iou format for calculation
            anchors_for_2d_iou_h = box_bev_encoder.box_bev_to_iou_h_format(
            anchors_for_2d_iou_h = anchors_for_2d_iou_h.astype(np.int32)
            gt_boxes_for_2d_iou_h = box_bev_encoder.box_bev_to_iou_h_format(
            gt_boxes_for_2d_iou_h = gt_boxes_for_2d_iou_h.astype(np.int32)
            raise ValueError('Invalid retinanet iou_type {}', iou_type)
        # Initialize sample and offset lists
        num_anchors = len(anchors)
        all_info = np.zeros((num_anchors, self.mini_batch_utils.col_length))
        # Update anchor indices
        all_info[:, self.mini_batch_utils.col_anchor_indices] = anchor_indices

        # For each of the labels, generate samples
        for gt_idx in range(len(gt_labels)):

            gt_obj = gt_labels[gt_idx]
            gt_box_3d = box_3d_encoder.object_label_to_box_3d(gt_obj)

            # Get 2D or 3D IoU for every anchor
            if self.mini_batch_utils.retinanet_iou_type == '2d':
                gt_box_for_2d_iou_h = gt_boxes_for_2d_iou_h[gt_idx]
                ious = evaluation.two_d_iou(gt_box_for_2d_iou_h,
            elif self.mini_batch_utils.retinanet_iou_type == '2d_rotate':
                gt_box_for_2d_iou_r = gt_boxes_for_2d_iou_r[gt_idx]
                ious = evaluation.two_d_rotate_iou(gt_box_for_2d_iou_r,

            # Only update indices with a higher iou than before
            update_indices = np.greater(
                ious, all_info[:, self.mini_batch_utils.col_ious])

            # Get ious to update
            ious_to_update = ious[update_indices]

            # Calculate offsets, use 3D iou to get highest iou
            anchors_to_update = anchors[update_indices]
            facing_obj_head = gt_obj.ry >= 0  #camera facing object's head.
            gt_anchor = gt_anchors[gt_idx]
            #turns (-pi, pi) to (-pi, 0) for gt_anchor's angle
            if facing_obj_head:
                gt_anchor[-1] -= np.pi
            offsets_boxes = anchor_bev_encoder.anchor_to_offset(
                anchors_to_update, gt_anchor)
            gt_anchor_pred = anchor_bev_encoder.offset_to_anchor(
                anchors_to_update, offsets_boxes)
            #y axis 3d value
            n_anchor = offsets_boxes.shape[0]
            anchor_h = anchor_bev_encoder.get_default_anchor_h(n_anchor, 'np')
            gt_h = [gt_obj.t[1], gt_obj.h]
            offsets_h = anchor_bev_encoder.anchor_to_offset_h(anchor_h, gt_h)
            gt_anchors_angle = np.zeros_like(offsets_boxes[:, 0],
                                             dtype=np.int) + gt_obj.ry
            offsets_angle_cls = orientation_encoder.orientation_to_angle_cls(
            offsets = np.hstack(
                [offsets_boxes, offsets_h, offsets_angle_cls[:, np.newaxis]])
            # Convert gt type to index
            class_idx = kitti_utils.class_str_to_index(gt_obj.type)
            # Update anchors info (indices already updated)
            # [index, iou, (offsets), class_index]
                     self.mini_batch_utils.col_ious] = ious_to_update
            all_info[update_indices, self.mini_batch_utils.col_offsets_lo:self.
                     mini_batch_utils.col_offsets_hi] = offsets
                     self.mini_batch_utils.col_class_idx] = class_idx
            debug = False  #True
            if debug:
                print(f'gt obj:{gt_box_3d}, gt anchor bev: {gt_anchor}')
                print(f'anchors_to_update: {anchors_to_update[:1]}')
                print(f'update at all_info: \n{all_info[update_indices][:1]}')

        return all_info