예제 #1
파일: boobank.py 프로젝트: laurentb/weboob
    def do_budgea(self, line):
        budgea USERNAME PASSWORD

        Export your bank accounts and transactions to Budgea.

        Budgea is an online web and mobile application to manage your bank
        accounts. To avoid giving your credentials to this service, you can use
        this command.

        username, password = self.parse_command_args(line, 2, 2)

        client = APIBrowser(baseurl='https://budgea.biapi.pro/2.0/',
                            logger=getLogger('apibrowser', self.logger))
        client.TIMEOUT = 60
            r = client.request('auth/token', data={'username': username, 'password': password, 'application': 'weboob'})
        except BrowserHTTPError as r:
            error = r.response.json()
            print('Error: {}'.format(error.get('message', error['code'])), file=self.stderr)
            return 1

        client.session.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer %s' % r['token']

        accounts = {}
        for account in client.request('users/me/accounts')['accounts']:
            if account['id_connection'] is None:
                accounts[account['number']] = account

        for account in self.do('iter_accounts'):
            if account.id not in accounts:
                r = client.request('users/me/accounts', data={'name':    account.label,
                                                              'balance': account.balance,
                                                              'number':  account.id,
                account_id = r['id']
                account_id = accounts[account.id]['id']

            transactions = []
            for tr in self.do('iter_history', account, backends=account.backend):
                transactions.append({'original_wording': tr.raw,
                                     'simplified_wording': tr.label,
                                     'value': tr.amount,
                                     'date': tr.date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
            r = client.request('users/me/accounts/%s/transactions' % account_id,
                               data={'transactions': transactions})
            client.request('users/me/accounts/%s' % account_id, data={'balance': account.balance})
            print('- %s (%s%s): %s new transactions' % (account.label, account.balance, account.currency_text, len(r)))
예제 #2
    def do_budgea(self, line):
        budgea USERNAME PASSWORD

        Export your bank accounts and transactions to Budgea.

        Budgea is an online web and mobile application to manage your bank
        accounts. To avoid giving your credentials to this service, you can use
        this command.

        username, password = self.parse_command_args(line, 2, 2)

        client = APIBrowser(baseurl='https://budgea.biapi.pro/2.0/')
            r = client.request('auth/token', data={'username': username, 'password': password, 'application': 'weboob'})
        except BrowserHTTPError as r:
            error = r.response.json()
            print('Error: %s' % (error['message'] or error['code']), file=self.stderr)
            return 1

        client.session.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer %s' % r['token']

        accounts = {}
        for account in client.request('users/me/accounts')['accounts']:
            if account['id_connection'] is None:
                accounts[account['number']] = account

        for account in self.do('iter_accounts'):
            if account.id not in accounts:
                r = client.request('users/me/accounts', data={'name':    account.label,
                                                              'balance': account.balance,
                                                              'number':  account.id,
                account_id = r['id']
                account_id = accounts[account.id]['id']

            transactions = []
            for tr in self.do('iter_history', account, backends=account.backend):
                transactions.append({'original_wording': tr.raw,
                                     'simplified_wording': tr.label,
                                     'value': tr.amount,
                                     'date': tr.date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
            r = client.request('users/me/accounts/%s/transactions' % account_id,
                               data={'transactions': transactions})
            client.request('users/me/accounts/%s' % account_id, data={'balance': account.balance})
            print('- %s (%s%s): %s new transactions' % (account.label, account.balance, account.currency_text, len(r)))